Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 861 The shocked Red Immortal Lord and others

He plans to transform Xianyuan Cave through gourds.

Although Juxian Tower can also produce pure immortal power, it requires a large amount of black immortal soil and fairyland core. Moreover, by using the Immortal Gathering Tower, the semi-pure immortal power contained in the Immortal Fate Cave in front of you will be wasted.

In comparison, the gourd can directly absorb this semi-pure fairy power and convert it into pure fairy power.

As for the time required for transformation, just throw it into the Time Speed ​​Palace, wait outside and it will be done!

Soon, the gourd absorbed all the semi-pure immortal power in the entire Immortal Fate Cave.

This made Zhang Yun realize how spacious the internal space of the gourd is now.

It looks like I can take out the gourds and use them more in the future!

Now it only takes three months for the gourd to transform this semi-pure immortal power. Under the thousand-fold flow rate of the Time Flow Palace, it only takes more than two hours in the outside world.

Soon the gourd completed this wave of transformations.

It's just that after the pure gold immortal power was released, the amount of immortal power was less than half compared to before.

This was expected by Zhang Yun.

Although the amount is small, the purity of this immortal power now reaches 100%, which is qualitatively different from the previous semi-pure immortal power.

For those monks who successfully compete for immortality in the future, it will greatly increase their possibility of setting foot in the immortal realm!

Zhang Yun thought for a while and stored all this pure immortal power in the 50,000-meter area inside Xianyuan Cave.

Then open the second Immortal Fate Cave next to it, and transfer almost one-tenth of the semi-pure fairy power directly to the area in front of this Immortal Fate Cave.

In this way, every time the Immortal Fate Cave is opened, only the semi-pure immortal power filled in the front will be lost.

The pure immortal power inside is perfectly preserved.

After a little calculation, Zhang Yun reserved three Immortal Fate Cave and transformed the other Immortal Fate Cave one by one.

Just when he finished transforming the second Immortal Fate Cave, the immortals from each cave also arrived one after another with a group of people.

Man Cang Qiong, Yin Nu, Huo Lao Yao and others from the first sect of Immortal Dao also arrived.

Zhang Yun glanced at them and pointed at Man Cangqiong and a half-immortal from the Red Immortal Lord's Cave: "Hongqu Half-immortal, you go inside these two renovated Immortal Cave and try it out!"

Hearing this, both Man Cangqiong and Hongqu Half Immortal looked happy.

For them, who are only half-immortals, the benefits of entering the Immortal Fate Cave are self-evident.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Man Cangqiong and Hongqu Half Immortal expressed their gratitude and couldn't wait to enter the Immortal Cave.

The other arriving half-immortals, Tribulation Thunder Realms and Peak Mahayana Stages all looked at Zhang Yun eagerly.

As soon as Zhang Yun raised his hand, a golden color suddenly covered an open space in the valley, "Those who want to enter the Xianyuan Cave, come to this area..."

Upon hearing these words, many demi-immortals, Tribulation Thunder realms and Mahayana peaks present immediately rushed into the open space where colored gold was gathered.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"...

But as soon as they entered, they all screamed and fell to the ground. Some of the weaker ones, who were at the peak of their Mahayana stage, had their skin cracked and bloody holes appeared from the pressure.

Zhang Yun said calmly: "The pressure in this area will continue in the future. Anyone who can persist in it until our sect has transformed the entire Xianyuan Cave will be given a chance to enter the Xianyuan Cave!"

Hearing this, many demi-immortals, Tribulation Thunder Realms and Mahayana peaks looked stern and sat up with gritted teeth.

Zhang Yun glanced at Silver Girl, Death Lord, Huo Laoyao and others among them, and did not give them special treatment just because they were members of the first sect of the Immortal Dao.

From now on, he will treat everyone equally regardless of whether they are the first sect of the Immortal Dao or the monks in the various caves of the original Thousand Immortal Cave.

As for Man Cangqiong and Hongqu Half Immortal, they are the ones with the strongest aura of immortal power among the half immortals present. The two of them were not far away from breaking through to the fairyland. Absorbing a wave of pure fairy power was expected to break through directly. He was willing to give them a chance!

Ignoring the outside, Zhang Yun entered the remaining Xianyuan Cave and continued the transformation.

He was busy in the next few days.

Finally, on the fifth day, the transformation of the twenty-fifth Xianyuan Cave was completed.

The semi-pure immortal power in the three reserved Immortal Fate Cave was also filled by him separately into the area in front of the twenty-five Immortal Fate Cave.

Zhang Yun also directly picked the fairyland cores of these three fairyland caves.

It is not a loss to lose three Immortal Fate Caves with semi-pure immortal power in exchange for twenty-five Immortal Fate Caves with pure immortal power.

After the transformation, only nine people remained within the coercive area of ​​the supreme immortal energy he created.

Only Yin Nu is left in the first sect of Immortal Dao.

The silver girl is the silver-haired woman who he took as his maid.

Among the other eight people, seven are from various caves in Qianxian Cave, and one is Shu Qingyu.

This half-immortal with dry immortal power from the Blue Sea of ​​the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy has been following him ever since he was ambushed by the Master of the Flower Sect of the Hundred Legends Immortal Sect and finally fell into his hands.

Now he has also been taken to the Qianyun Galaxy.

"You guys go in!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand and removed the Supreme Immortal Qi area, sending the nine Yin Nu women into the Nine Immortal Fate Cave.

Others present looked envious, but most of them were helpless.

They themselves failed to seize this opportunity!

Zhang Yun waved his hand and sealed the remaining fourteen Immortal Fate Cave directly.

Then he handed the Immortal Power Token to Hong Xianjun and ordered: "After the eleven people who entered the Immortal Cave come out, the Immortal Cave will be sealed. Then we will publicize it. When our sect returns from participating in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, , hold a competition for immortals!”

"Yes, Lord!"

The Red Immortal Lord took the Immortal Power Token and nodded.

Zhang Yun left immediately.

After watching him leave.

Some immortal monarchs and immortals nearby could not help but gather over: "Red Immortal Lord, look at what it has been transformed into!"

The faces were full of curiosity.

Zhang Yun has been tinkering inside various Xianyuan Caves in the past few days, and they don't know what is going on outside.

Red Immortal Lord was also a little curious and picked up the Immortal Power Token to check.

This fairy power token is specially made by their Qianyun Galaxy. It is connected to the fairyland core inside each fairy cave. The general situation inside the fairy cave can be obtained through the token.

"Why is there so much less immortal power?"

The immortal next to him looked at the information on the token and frowned slightly, but his eyes suddenly widened in the next second.

At the same time, the eyes widened were those of the Red Immortal Lord and several Immortal Lords who saw the token nearby.

"This...this is..."

They opened their mouths, their faces filled with shock.

"Red Immortal Lord, Yushu Star Lord...what happened?"

The immortal, who couldn't see the token around, asked out of curiosity.

"Pure immortal power!"

Red Immortal Lord swallowed his saliva and looked at the twenty-five Immortal Fate Cave in front of him with excitement: "Now the purity of the pure immortal power in these Immortal Fate Cave has reached 100% for more than 90%!!"

"What! One hundred percent?"

"I'll go, isn't that pure immortal power of absolute purity?"

"God! How did the Lord do this!?"

An uproar suddenly erupted among the immortals.

When many semi-immortals, Tribulation Thunder Realm and Mahayana peak masters heard this, they all couldn't help but beat their chests and feet.

Absolute purity?


What did they miss?

Thinking that they all gave up midway before and did not continue to persevere under the pressure of the Supreme Immortal Qi, they felt extremely regretful for a moment.

If I had known this, I would have persisted to the end even if I risked my life!

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