Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 863 If ​​you don’t know me, drive me away!

"You really know how to choose your time!"

Su Die curled her lips when she saw him: "Every time I finish cooking, you come in!"

Zhang Yun chuckled, immediately took the dishes and chopsticks from the side, put on his napkin and sat at the dining table.

The look of him waiting to eat made Su Die laugh for a while, and he immediately put the casserole down.

The steaming aroma hit his nostrils, and Zhang Yun couldn't wait to start eating.

"Although I won't die from choking, I should pay attention to my image at least!"

Su Die said angrily: "I haven't even had time to introduce you yet!"

“No introduction is needed, it’s an absolutely top-notch fairy meal!”

Zhang Yun kept eating and raised his left hand to give Su Die a thumbs up.

Su Die was amused, but she still spoke: "This pot of meat is made from the remaining animal finger meat, as well as the vibrant petal fragments and root fragments from before.

Not to mention, these pieces are very good condiments for fairy meals, adding fragrance and taste. If you have a way later, you can get more. The previous ones are only enough for two more uses at most! "


Zhang Yun nodded while eating: "But maybe this thing will be delivered to your door after a while!"

"Delivery to door?"

Su Die was startled.

Zhang Yun didn't explain much.

He knew very well that the life-devouring core was planted in the Thousand Cave Secret Realm by a being above or above the Immortal Lord. It was destroyed and the seal was broken together. The Immortal Lord who was devouring his life core must have sensed it.

The other party might come looking for you.

When the time comes, take down the opponent and search carefully to see if there are any life-devouring cores left.

As for the opponent's strength, Zhang Yun is not worried.

No matter how strong he is, can he still be an immortal?

He didn't quite believe it.

The more he understands the galaxy universe, the more he understands how small the Thousand Clouds Galaxy he is in is.

In such a small galaxy, not to mention the Immortal Lord, even the slightly stronger Immortal Lord is not willing to patronize it.

Shaking his head slightly, Zhang Yun continued to taste the food.

Noticing Su Die sitting next to him and staring at him, Zhang Yun said with a smile: "Beauty Su, although your husband is handsome, don't keep staring, come and eat together!"


Su Die rolled her eyes at him and took out the bowls and chopsticks.

The endless virtual space adjacent to the Thousand Clouds Galaxy and the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy is a deserted star that must be passed through.

A figure like golden lightning flew over quickly.

"Flow barrier!"

Just when the figure was about to approach the desolate star, a huge barrier for the flow of immortal power suddenly appeared in the void around the desolate star.

The figure like golden lightning quickly braked and flew backwards.

He avoided the waterfall-like flow of fairy power pouring down from the barrier.

The figure squinted and looked at the Qianyun Galaxy Immortal Lord flying up from Huangxing next to him: "Cangliu Immortal Lord!"

"Jin Xianjun?"

Cangliu Immortal Lord looked surprised when he saw the figure in front of him clearly.

But he quickly regained his composure and asked indifferently: "Jin Xianjun, this is already within the territory of our Qianyun Galaxy. What do you want to do without trespassing like this?"

Lord Jinxian came to his senses and handed over his hand: "Sorry, I was negligent and forgot to inform your galaxy before coming here. The main reason for coming this time is to find someone from my Red Sea!"


Immortal Lord Cangliu raised his eyebrows: "Who are you looking for, Lord Immortal Jin?"

"It's not convenient to tell Immortal Cangliu..."

Jin Xianjun cupped his fists and said, "I hope Xianjun will do it for your convenience!"

"It won't work!"

Immortal Lord Cangliu refused directly: "Now in Qianyun Galaxy, strangers from outside are prohibited from entering."


Jin Xianjun was puzzled.

In his impression, Qianyun Galaxy is a relatively free galaxy.

To some loose immortals, alien galaxy immortals have always held a welcoming attitude. Because many of them came to buy Black Immortal Soil.

Regarding the adjacent Red Sea, although some defense forces have been organized, there is no immortal king guarding it on weekdays.

Not to mention that the Immortal Lord was currently guarding the place, the defensive force had also been deployed so close to the desolate star. He remembered that this was not the case in the past.

"I don't care about that anymore, Jin Xianjun!"

Cangliu Immortal Lord said calmly: "In short, Qianyun Galaxy will not receive foreign immortals in the future!"

Hearing this, Jin Xianjun couldn't help but ask: "Did I, the Red Sea Immortal, come here before?"



Jinxianjun was surprised, but he quickly thought of something: "Cangliuxianjun, I am referring to almost a month ago!"

"Then I don't know!"

Immortal Lord Cangliu said: "I started guarding this place more than half a month ago!"

"The person I am looking for has most likely already entered the Qianyun Galaxy!"

Upon hearing this, Jinxianjun immediately said: "Cangliuxianjun, please do it for your convenience. I am just looking for someone!"

"Jinxianjun, I have already said..."

Immortal Lord Cangliu said calmly: "Qianyun Galaxy will not receive foreign immortals in the future!"

Jin Xianjun said calmly: "What if I must enter?"


Upon hearing this, Cangliu Immortal Lord immediately snapped his fingers.

In the desolate star below, ten huge cannon muzzles were all aimed at Jin Xianjun.

"Black Immortal Earth Immortal Power Cannon? Are you Qianyun Galaxy crazy?"

Jin Xianjun's expression changed, "The immortal power cannon is actually placed here?"

Cangliu Immortal Lord ignored him, and the energy of the ten muzzles below began to accumulate.


Jin Xianjun spoke quickly, took out a recording stone and opened it: "I am here just to find this person..."

Immortal Lord Cangliu didn't pay much attention at first, but when he saw the figure of Shengxue in white robes released from the recording stone, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Have you seen Cangliu Immortal Lord?"

Seeing his reaction, Jin Xianjun hurriedly asked.


Immortal Lord Cangliu waved his hand and returned directly to the interior of Desolate Star.

Jin Xianjun frowned, but looked at the ten immortal power cannons still aimed at him, and still did not dare to move more.

Within the Thousand Immortals Star.

Zhang Yun, who was full of wine and food, was strolling around with Su Die on his arm.


Hearing the ringing in his ears, he took out the Supreme Immortal Energy Token and opened it.

"Golden Immortal Lord of the Red Sea?"

Listening to the message from Immortal Lord Cangliu on the other side, Zhang Yun replied without thinking: "I don't know you, so drive away. If there is an Immortal Lord on the other side of the Red Sea looking for me in the future, just drive away!"

"Yes, Lord!"

Immortal Lord Cangliu replied.

After putting away the token, he immediately ordered: "Fire a cannon and blast him away!"

boom--! !

As soon as he finished speaking, a beam of immortal power cannon shot out of the sky and shot directly at the Golden Immortal Lord flying in the void.


The waiting Jin Xianjun's expression changed and he quickly dodged away.

At the same time, he glared at the desolate star below.

But before he could make a sound, Cangliu Immortal Lord's shout had already sounded: "Jin Immortal Lord, get out of here immediately. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

With that said, ten immortal power cannons on the desert star were aimed at Jin Xianjun at the same time.


Jin Xianjun was a little annoyed.

You were just talking nicely, but now you're suddenly firing on people. What does that mean?

But looking at the ten-mouth immortal power cannon and the Cangliu Immortal Lord among them, he thought about it and finally did not take action, turned and left.

Seeing this, Cangliu Immortal Lord said to the subordinates controlling the Immortal Power Cannon: "If you see the Red Sea Immortal Lord approaching from now on, just fire!"

"Yes, sir!"

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