Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 865 The giant beast with no love left in life

After passing through a not-so-long passage, the spacecraft entered the endless void.

On the hull deck.

Qi Xianjun reported next to Zhang Yun: "Master, our destination is the White Lotus Galaxy. There are five Immortal Lords in the White Lotus Galaxy.

The strongest among them, the White Lotus Immortal Master, is an old Immortal Master who is infinitely close to the top Immortal Master, and he is also the master of the White Lotus Galaxy..."

Zhang Yun nodded slightly as he listened.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is a grand event with a long cycle. Registration does not mean you can go directly to the conference venue.

If you want to go to the venue, you need to pass the preliminaries and reach the top 10,000 in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference.

The venue for the preliminaries is the strongest galaxy in each major star field.

The galaxy universe is extremely huge, and many galaxies are divided into star fields based on the areas where they are located.

The star field where the Qianyun Galaxy is located is called the Lotus Star Field.

There are dozens of galaxies in the Lotus Star Domain. The Thousand Clouds Galaxy, as well as the neighboring Red and Blue Sea Galaxy and the Chaos God Galaxy, all belong to one of them.

In the Lotus Star Territory, the most powerful galaxy is the White Lotus Galaxy.

Even in the entire galaxy universe, the White Lotus Galaxy ranks high.

The venue for the preliminaries of the Lotus Star Region of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference was naturally chosen to be in the White Lotus Galaxy.

"Master, the whole journey is expected to take one and a half months. If there are no accidents, we may arrive a few days earlier. If we encounter some strong turbulence, it will not exceed fifty days at the latest!"

Listening to Qi Xianjun's information report, Zhang Yun nodded.

There are still about two months until the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is held. We set out at this time specifically because it was quite a long journey from the Qianyun Galaxy to the White Lotus Galaxy.

Zhang Yun said: "Each two Immortal Lords take a turn. Anyone who didn't take a turn should go and have a rest!"

Many immortal kings present nodded and left one after another.

Only the Giant Spear Immortal Lord and the Riding Immortal Lord were left.

The Giant Spear Immortal controls the movement of the spacecraft, while the Riding Immortal controls the route and is alert at all times.

The endless void of the galaxy and universe is filled with many uncertainties.

Especially after leaving the galaxy.

Previously, Zhang Yun went from the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy to the Thousand Clouds Galaxy. Because the two galaxies were adjacent, the entire process was actually within the scope of the galaxy.

But at this moment, after coming out of the Qianyun Galaxy, the endless void in which it is located has broken away from the scope of the galaxy.

Many things can happen here.

The most typical ones are space turbulence, void beasts, galaxy bandits, etc.

Needless to say, the first two, the Galaxy Bandits, are a group of forces jointly organized by Loose Immortals and Bounty Immortals.

Specializes in plundering starships in the endless void.

After countless years of development, the galaxy bandits have formed a force that cannot be underestimated, and there are even immortal masters among them.

You may encounter them in the endless voids of galaxies and universes that are out of the scope of galaxies.

Zhang Yun is not worried about this.

But don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. If there is a sudden attack by galaxy bandits and the starship is destroyed without warning, it will be in trouble.

Therefore, every two immortals take turns, one is driving and the other is always vigilant.

Beside the railing of the spaceship, Zhang Yun found Qingjian Zun who was looking at the endless void: "Yang Xu, do you want to enter the Time Speed ​​Palace?"

Qingjian Zun said: "Master, I want to feel the endless void of the galaxy and universe here!"


Zhang Yun patted him on the shoulder and said nothing more.

He took Su Die and Huang Qian into the Kujin Immortal Palace.

"Okay, I'm going to teach Xiaoqian how to cook spiritual meals!"

As soon as they came in, Su Die and Huang Qian put on aprons and walked into the kitchen, waving to him outside: "You can get out!"

Zhang Yun shrugged and had no choice but to enter the Time Speed ​​Palace alone.

Now that Huangqian has reached the 66th transformation of the Divine Phoenix Thousand Transformations, she needs to use the special immortal Phoenix essence to think about the next step.

This was the thing that Elder Xiu had left to go to the Ancient Divine Phoenix Clan to get.

In addition, Huang Qian's visit to the Ten Thousand Immortals Convention was not only to receive a request from the Divine Phoenix Ancient Clan, but also to join the elder Xiu at the venue.

Of course, if an accident occurs, Zhang Yun also plans to use this Ten Thousand Immortals Conference to help Huang Qian and other disciples obtain some necessary resources.

Some resources cannot be found in Qianyun Galaxy, but they may be found outside.

Arriving at the Temporal Speed ​​Palace, Zhang Yun came to a large training room, well, to be precise, it was a training room that had been turned into a warehouse.

I saw that the warehouse was filled with all kinds of shiny things, as well as the fairy-grabbing cloth floating in it.

Zhang Yun has not forgotten about Luo Xianbu.

After the flow speed of the Time Flow Speed ​​Palace reached a thousand times, the refresh time of the Immortal Plundering Cloth became extremely fast.

During this period of time, Zhang Yun had plundered nearly a hundred times.

The objects of plunder are all the previous giant beasts.

That's right, he has collected nearly a hundred pieces of this giant beast. All the shiny things in the warehouse in front of me are from giant beasts.

Don’t tell me, this behemoth’s net worth is really amazing!

Zhang Yun always thought that the opponent might not have anything good in him, but when he used the Immortal Plundering Cloth to plunder him, the things he plundered were not bad.

As for why not plunder other immortals.

Because I can't stand it.

Compared to the giant beasts, the things of other immortals are simply as big as heaven and earth.

Everything about the giant beasts is much stronger than those of the immortals.

And besides giant beasts, he has no better target to plunder for the time being.


Keep looting!

Zhang Yun took out a small portion of the beast's meat and activated the Immortal Plundering Cloth that had been refreshed several times again.

Far away, there is a huge cave inside a blue planet.

The giant beast lay limply on its empty lair like a puddle of mud.

It's going crazy!

Since the Holy Light Immortal Crystal and three other big treasures were taken away, it realized that its nest was unsafe and immediately changed its nest.

As a result, after changing its nest, its big babies were still disappearing.

Three pieces disappear every short period of time.

For this reason, it continues to change its nest.

One place changed, and another place changed.

But it didn't stop this situation from continuing!

In less than two months...

Looking at the empty lair in front of him, the giant beast had a look of despair on his face.

It's already a bit hopeless!

At this time, it suddenly felt empty under its body.

The only two little treasures left under her were now missing.

"Roar ah ah ——!!"

The giant beast couldn't hold it any longer.

What the heck, even grabbing the last few treasures, that’s too much! !

"Ahhhh——!! Bastard, get out of here!!"

The giant beast roared hysterically: "What about the Immortal Lord? This beast is going to fight with me——!!"

But when the roar fell, there was silence all around.

This made the beast a little crazy.

It was obvious that the other party was following it, but it tried every means and could not find any trace of the other party's breath.

No matter how much it roared and cursed, the other party seemed as if they didn't hear it.


At this moment, his body staggered, and he saw that the last piece of the little treasure beneath him disappeared at this moment.

The giant beast's immortal consciousness swept across the lair, looking at everything empty, completely despairing.

Destroy it!

Destroy everything! !

It lay limp on the ground, not wanting to move again.

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