Chapter 879 Zerg Immortal Lord Lotus Star, Live Broadcast Square.

"Still moving??"

Seeing that Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, which was originally at the 699th position, has now fallen to 3,000th place, the immortal masters and countless monks watching the live broadcast light curtain all looked at it with surprise.

Previously, eight Immortal Lords were eliminated at once and soon after reaching the 910th place, he quickly obtained 50 tokens and reached the 699th place.

Let everyone know that a super dark horse has appeared in their Lotus Star Territory.

But... after reaching 59 tokens, Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729 seemed to be suddenly disconnected while playing a game, and the data stopped moving.

What's going on? Was it just a flash in the pan? ? It shouldn’t be! This is the beginning of eliminating eight immortal kings! Could it be that the eight Immortal Lords who were just eliminated were some kind of special means that could only be used once or for a short period of time.

Time has passed, so no tokens have been added for most of the day: Looking at the ranking of Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, which continues to fall, the more everyone thinks about it, the more likely it is.

Even the immortal masters on the high platform couldn't help but have this idea at this moment.

After all, in a small galaxy that doesn't even have an Immortal Lord, it's a bit unbelievable that a strong man who can instantly eliminate eight Immortals suddenly appears.

But it would be understandable if it relied on some super powerful one-time special trump card method.

The two White Lotus Galaxy Immortal Lords sitting in the middle also look better. This at least shows that there is no problem in distinguishing the strength of their galaxy.

But one person's face became increasingly ugly.

Close to the Immortal Lord.

If Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729 really had that kind of strength, he would feel better.

This was just some kind of trump card used to wipe out all the immortal kings of their Hetian galaxy, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

""Shiyun Galaxy No. 1729, if you only have this ability, I will definitely make you look good when you come back!" The Fusion Immortal Master stared coldly at the light curtain, Qianyun Galaxy No. 1729, which had fallen to about 4,000 people.

On Planet No. 22, in a huge valley, a melee between the sky and the sky was going on.

Dozens of immortals gathered in it, and the collision of various immortal magic and magical powers caused the surrounding valleys to collapse and the heaven and earth to tremble.

"MLGB, I have never been so unlucky!"

Under a huge turtle shell in the valley, the Turtle Immortal was hiding in it and scolding Noisy: "Ghost Immortal, it must be because there is a bad ghost like you around!!"

"Get lost, you old turtle!"

The ghost immortal who was also under the turtle shell quit, "If you hadn't chosen this place to gather together, how could I have ended up in this situation?"

Turtle Immortal hummed: "Everything was fine here before you, the evil ghost, came here.

As soon as you came, many immortals from other galaxies came, and I even doubted whether you brought them! "

"Old turtle, don't stop spouting nonsense!!"

Squirt with a hammer, I am telling the truth! "

"Get lost!!"

Kamesennin and Onishennin glared at each other.

"Okay, okay, you two, now is not the time to argue!"

Immortal Xuan Yue, who was also under the turtle shell, hurriedly tried to dissuade him. Next to Immortal Xuan Yue, there was Fairy Feng and a male immortal in Taoist robes, who also tried to dissuade him: "Yes, you two, we must find a way to get out of trouble first, which is the top priority!"

"What can we do to get out of trouble? The immortals from these three galaxies are completely robbing us as prey!"

Turtle Immortal looked at the sky above the turtle shell.

Dozens of immortals, each with more than ten on one side, were divided into three camps and were fighting.

Xuan Yue Immortal looked at Feng Fairy aside, "Feng Fairy, can you contact the three immortal monarchs or other immortals?"

"Contact me already!"

Fairy Feng said helplessly: "The nearest Immortal Hong Ling is on Planet 18, and we won't be able to get there in a while!"

"This conference seems to have to end here!"

The ghost immortal looked gloomy.

Several other people also had gloomy expressions.

Although they are all immortals, facing these immortals from large galaxies, their individual strength is slightly inferior.

Not to mention that right now, these large galaxies are grouped together by more than ten people.

boom! boom! boom! At this moment, three terrifying auras suddenly arrived in the sky above the valley outside the turtle shell.

No, a fairy has arrived! "

Several people's expressions changed drastically.

The dozens of immortals who were fighting among the three parties outside also changed their expressions and immediately wanted to escape out of the valley.

But the three Immortal Lords had already descended from three directions, and their huge bodies blocked his escape route.

The Zerg Immortal Lord of the Flying Insect Galaxy! ! Look at the three-headed Zerg Immortal Lords who are about ten years old and come down. The faces of all the immortals present change.


Dozens of immortals in the three-party galaxy gritted their teeth and all unleashed their immortal power to forcefully rush out, but failed.

The Immortal of the Triangular Galaxy.

One side was invaded by countless black insects, screaming and their flesh and blood were eaten away. Even the immortal souls that escaped were eaten directly on the spot; the other side was covered by a large purple spider web. The spider web was tough and difficult to break, and contained fatal corrosion. The sexual toxin corroded more than a dozen immortals into dozens of pools of purple liquid in a matter of seconds; the last one was hit by countless white-blue lightnings and was electrocuted on the spot, turning them into charred bodies.

Spare your life! Three Zerg seniors." The spider webs and the broken immortal souls floating out of these charred houses were all begging to look at the three giant Zerg.

But what responded to them was the overwhelming black insects, which directly gnawed their immortal souls clean.

In the blink of an eye, the ten immortals who had previously clashed with each other to show their immortal power were all annihilated by their souls! Under the turtle shell.

The five people including Turtle Immortal and Feng Fairy all turned pale and their bodies trembled.

Danran was previously surrounded by ten immortals from the three star systems, but if they were willing to hand over their participation tokens, the other party might be willing to let them go.

But the three-headed insect immortal king in front of them... Before they could think more, they saw countless black insects covering the ground, heading towards the turtle shell where they were.

It’s over! The five people's faces turned pale.

Roar--! ! At this moment, a tiger roar suddenly came.

It's just that this tiger's roar, which seems to be quite powerful, is like a kitten's meow in the eyes of everyone present, without any threat at all.

But the eyes of the three-headed Zerg Immortal Lord were attracted.

"The peak spirit beast in the integration stage?"

Looking at the striped spirit tigers flying in the air outside the valley, their eyes showed friendship.

How come there are such weak spiritual beasts in this place? But soon, their eyes were attracted to Zhang Yun, who was lying on a recliner on the back of the tiger, leisurely drinking fairy juice and eating fruit pulp.

What the hell? This is the venue for the preliminaries of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference. Is this place so leisurely? Under the turtle shell.

Five people including Guixianren and Fengxianzi also had the same certificate.

Among them, Fairy Feng reacted the fastest and had beautiful eyes.

"Zhang...Zhang Yun??"

Turtle Immortal, Xuan Yue Immortal and other four people also quickly recognized Zhang Yun on the tiger's back, and their eyes were full of mistakes.

"Human, it's you!!"

At this time, an angry cry sounded in the field.

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