Chapter 885 The Immortal Lord Attacks Just enough for a team of Immortal Lords! ! Zhang Yun smiled slightly.

Boom—! ! Just as he was thinking about it, there was a sudden shock all around.

Zhang Yun frowned slightly and immediately left Guan Fu Farming.

The anti-disturbance barrier arranged around the tent was forcibly destroyed at this moment, and even the tent was shaken to pieces.

But it's not just his tent, everyone on the spaceship deck has set up tents like this. He looked out of the spacecraft.

I saw a huge black creature, overwhelmingly clinging to the light shield of the spacecraft.

The huge earthquake just now was obviously the spacecraft being attacked by this creature.

Zhang Yun used the Immortal Eye Technique, but what he saw was a blank.

Immortal Lord-level creature! ! The pupils contracted slightly.


Before he could take action, he heard a powerful roar coming from the cabin.

The old man in plain robes from before flew out.

Feeling the intimidation, this giant creature left the spacecraft and fled into the distance, "Want to leave?"

The old man in plain robes snorted coldly, and then shot out a series of sharp spears that penetrated the void.

puff! puff! puff! ! ……. A direct hit on a huge creature.

The creature suddenly screamed in pain and sped away into the distance.

Upon seeing this, the old man in plain robes immediately chased him away, then quickly disappeared into the distance.

Everyone on the spaceship frowned slightly.

This is a bit of a chase! ! However, it is understandable considering that it is an Immortal Lord-level creature, probably a giant void beast.

After all, the Immortal Lord-level giant void beast, if nothing else, its flesh alone is extremely valuable! never mind! Everyone shook their heads and began to repair their tents.

Lord, let me fix it! "

Seeing that Zhang Yun was about to take action, the Giant Spear Immortal hurriedly stepped forward.

Zhang Yun nodded.

But he hasn't waited for the Giant Spear Immortal to step forward.

"!!" Suddenly sensing something, Zhang Yun's expression changed, and he quickly pushed the Giant Spear Immortal and others beside him to one side.

At the same time, he immediately folded his hands and circulated a large amount of supreme immortal energy to form a gold barrier.

Every time...dong-one! ! Almost at the same time, a huge tentacle directly exploded the shield on the spacecraft and hit Zhang Yun's condensed gold barrier hard.

The moment they hit each other, the barrier cracked.

The terrifying power carried by the tentacles caused Zhang Yun to fly backwards for dozens of meters. He rowed along the deck with his feet and retreated all the way to the front of the cabin door before he stabilized his body.

He looked with a cold face.

I saw a huge creature over a hundred years old, covered in a layer of white halo formed by special camouflage energy, making it difficult to see the appearance. It appeared outside the spacecraft. Its tentacles came from the opponent! Immortal Lord! The blank information under the Immortal Eye Technique made Zhang Yun's eyes slightly misty.


Seeing that the huge white-light creature outside the spaceship was unable to succeed, it immediately let out a roar, and the pressure of the Immortal Master swept away.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

Without enough time to move, the body was crushed and sank, and the people under Immortal Lord were even pressed to the ground on the spot.

Zhang Yun dodged and came to Huangban, Qingjianzun and others, blocking the pressure.

boom! At the same time, the tentacles of the huge white light creature hit him again, pointing directly at his location.

Zhang Yun sighed inwardly upon seeing this.

If the collision just now might have been a coincidence, then this collision in front of him was directly directed at him and the people around him, which made him sure.

This huge creature with white light was coming towards him, its face was cold.

Before the tentacles could hit him, Zhang Yun had already shot out a drop of Supreme Blood.

The supreme respect for blood meets the tentacles.

The blood that looked like it would be scattered in an instant, but the moment it touched the tentacles... boom——! ! Bringing up hundreds of millions of kilograms of colored gold and blood-colored power, the tentacles and the huge white-light creature flew out directly.

boom! A strong golden blood rose up from the spaceship like a pillar.

The supreme blood, the second-level exciting battle blood, the second-level crazy blood... The blessings of various bloods all exploded on Zhang Yun's body at this moment, causing his whole body to transform into a streak of golden lightning that shot through the air.

boom--! ! Under the shocked eyes of everyone on the spacecraft, they directly collided with the huge white light creature on the spacecraft.

The entire void was shaken! The huge body of the huge white light creature was directly blown away several thousand meters by one blow.

The white light surrounding it was immediately dispersed, revealing a giant Zerg that was a hundred meters long, black and white, and had a mouth that looked like it was made up of multiple sharp knives.

"The Immortal Master of the Split Insect!?"

Many immortals on the spaceship opened their mouths when they saw the appearance of this huge Zerg clearly.

Many people looked at the group of normal-level Zerg on the spaceship.

The expressions of these Zerg fell.

The Split Insect Fairy is coming, and they received the news just after arriving in the spacecraft.

Moreover, the location of Zhang Yun and other Shiyun Galaxies was also informed by a message to Immortal Master Split Insect, so that the other party could instantly wipe out the Qianyun Galaxy and his entire group with one blow.

But... look at the Split Insect Immortal Lord who was blown away at this moment. His face is both ugly and shocked. What is going on? Their Split Insect Immortal Master was blown away by a human with the second level of fairyland aura in Qianyun Galaxy? Others present also reacted, and they were all shocked.

Not only Jin Xianjun, Hongguang Xianjun and other people who were familiar with Zhang Yun, their eyes almost fell out at this moment.

This is the Immortal Lord! "Damn it!"

The Immortal Lord Splitting Insect, who had stabilized his figure in the endless void, saw that his disguise was shaken away, and his expression was extremely ugly.

At the same time, he was also shocked by Zhang Yun, who was filled with gold and blood not far away.

What kind of terrifying and strange power was that gold-colored blood just now? Whoosh! ! Before it could think too much, it saw ten drops of golden blood shooting towards it like ten beams of light.

Having just witnessed the power of blood, Immortal Master Split Insect did not dare to show any signs of neglect and hurriedly shuttled to avoid it.

boom! boom! boom! But when the ten drops of Supreme Blood were approaching, they turned into golden blood that filled the sky and swept away.


The Immortal Master of the Split Insect was startled, and he quickly used a large amount of black and white immortal power to block the golden blood in the sky.

However, the power transmitted from the blood still shook the body of the Split Insect Immortal Master slightly, and a trace of blood gushed out from the sharp knife-like mouth.

not good! ! "

Before he could take a breath, he suddenly sensed something, and the expression of the Immortal Lord Splitter suddenly changed.

I quickly wanted to retreat.


Zhang Yun's figure rushed out from the bloody sky like the scythe of death.

"Supreme blood-fighting posture!"

Zhang Yun's black hair turned into golden blood at this moment, and his hands and feet were covered with a layer of Supreme Blood.

The Supreme Immortal Body is fully activated! One punch struck down.

Peng——! ! The heavy blood attached to the fist exploded, directly blasting an area of ​​the Split Insect Immortal's body.

And this is just the beginning! One punch and one explosion! One kick and one blast! At this moment, Zhang Yun was like a human explosion machine, with every punch and kick carrying a terrifying power of explosion.

Turning the body of Bai Lai, the Splitting Insect Immortal Lord, into a toy, he lifted it up and down, and stepped on it back and forth.

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