Chapter 890 Thoughts The cat Lingling and others nearby were frightened and hurriedly saluted: "Greetings to the Lord!"

"Don't pay attention to me, you continue to do your business!"

Zhang Yun waved his hand and handed a disciple talisman to Xu Ming.

When Xu Ming saw this, he immediately reacted and found that the original apprentice talisman on his body had disappeared, and understood that the master was teleported to him through this object.

"Ming'er, take these too!"

Zhang Yun thought of something and handed a space artifact to Xu Ming.

What is inside is the part that was previously purchased in the Liancheng Star Treasures Area of ​​the White Lotus Galaxy, and is suitable for Xu Ming.

Xu Ming looked at it with a calm expression, and accepted the things without being pretentious.

"Thank you, master!"

"How many times have I told you not to say thank you to my master!"

Zhang Yun patted Xu Ming on the shoulder, "Okay, I'm leaving now!"

After saying that, he disappeared in a flash.

Xu Ming couldn't even catch a trace of the remaining breath and couldn't help but take a deep breath. The master is getting more and more unfathomable! He has to work hard to catch up with his master! Let’s go to Shutiandi! "

Xu Ming spoke immediately and led Mao Lingling and others in one direction. As for Zhang Yun, he had already flown directly out of the planet called Tree Root Star.

Zhang Yun waved his hand and summoned the twelve Split Insect Immortal Lords and ordered them to divide into twelve directions and rush to the twelve entrances and exits of the Qianyun Galaxy.

After doing this, Zhang Yuncai used the Supreme Immortal Qi Token to contact Hong Xianjun.


After receiving his message, Hong Xianjun looked wrong.

Isn't the Overlord on his way to the Fangxian Galaxy right now? How did you get in touch? The distance between the dry cloud galaxy and there is quite far.

"This sect is in Qianyun Galaxy!"

Zhang Yun's words made Hong Xianjun suddenly understand, but he soon became convinced.

In the Qianyun Galaxy, how did the Overlord come back? It's only been two days since the preliminaries of the Fangxian Conference ended! "Something happened!"

Zhang Yun didn't explain much, and said: "Immediately contact the immortal kings guarding the twelve entrances and exits of the galaxy: ask them to activate the highest alert.

In addition, our sect also sent twelve Zerg warriors over so that they don’t have to panic when they see it! "

"Okay...Okay, Lord!!"

The amount of information brought by these words made Hong Xianjun a little confused, but he immediately responded, "Let's talk about the specific meeting, our sect will arrive at Black Saturn soon!"

After saying the last words, Zhang Yun put away the token.

He brought the Great Emperor out of the animal farm and said directly: "Great Emperor, move the space back to Black Saturn!"


The Great Emperor nodded, and a large amount of space fairy power suddenly emerged from his body.

The Great Space Shift was greatly restricted after reaching the galaxy universe.

Like the little mink, it can no longer be used here.

The Great Emperor only reawakened this ability after breaking through into the fairyland.

As long as there are coordinates and it can be cast within a certain distance.

This distance is about one-tenth of the Thousand Clouds Galaxy.

In short, it can span one-tenth of the area of ​​the Thousand Clouds Galaxy in one go.

By moving it ten times, you can span the entire Thousand Clouds Galaxy from the southernmost to the northernmost part of the Thousand Clouds Galaxy.

With a flash in front of my eyes.

Zhang Yun followed the Great Emperor to another planet.

The Great Emperor continues the Great Movement.

After several times in a row, they arrived outside Black Saturn.

Flying into Black Saturn.

Soon return to the core cave complex.

"I've seen the Lord!"

Hong Xianjun and others had been waiting here for a long time, and they quickly saluted when they saw him.

Zhang Yun waved his hand and looked at Hongxianjun: "Has the notice been passed on?"

Red Immortal Lord nodded: "All twelve entrances and exits have been notified by my subordinates!"


Zhang Yun nodded.

Seeing that Hong Xianjun and others looked puzzled, they immediately explained.

"The flying insect galaxy is going to attack us!?"

Hearing this, Hong Xianjun and others were shocked, and their faces couldn't help but turn slightly pale.

As one of the two galaxies in the Lotus Star Domain second only to the Nichiren Galaxy, even if they have not had much contact with the Feisheng Galaxy, they still know how strong it is.

In the Lotus Star Territory, the Flying Insect Galaxy is an undoubted behemoth. But looking at Zhang Yun's calm look, what came to mind, the Red Immortal Lord couldn't help but ask: "Master, the strong Zerg you mentioned before is... " Split Insect Immortal Lord, one of the Immortal Lords in the Flying Insect Galaxy. "

Zhang Yun said calmly: "On our way to the Fangxian Galaxy, our sect was attacked by the opponent, and we only found out about it after we killed the opponent.

Then he used some tricks to summon the twelve-headed Split Insect Immortal Lord! "

"Lord Split Insect Immortal? Ten...twelve heads?!?"

Hearing this, Hong Xianjun and others were shocked and opened their mouths.

Zhang Yun said calmly: "The Zerg are expected to arrive within a few days, and the Japanese sect will be stationed in the galaxy next.

Solve this problem before leaving! "

Hong Xianjun and others woke up and swallowed when they saw Zhang Yun's understatement. No wonder the master was so calm.

Twelve Immortal Lords! ! Thinking about it, they couldn't help but tremble. At the same time, they told Zhang Yun that he was attacked and then killed. Although he didn't tell the details of the process, they could all imagine how thrilling it was.

Zhang Yun can still fight back... The master's strength is definitely more amazing than they thought before: Hong Xianjun and others felt excited for a moment.

With such a master, the rise of their Thousand Clouds Galaxy is just around the corner! Zhang Yun didn't care about their thoughts. What he was thinking about at the moment was the future.

He is not worried about the Zerg now. What is more troublesome is the master of the Star Insect Immortal Lord.

The specific identity and strength of the other party are uncertain.

This kind of unknown is the most troublesome.

Immediately enter the Temporal Speed ​​Palace, extract the Immortal Soul of the Black Insect Immortal Lord that was previously captured, and then release the Immortal Soul of the Split Life Immortal Lord.

Let two immortal souls meet

But he couldn't find out the star system of the Star Insect Immortal Lord.

Then he asked why the old man in Supao cooperated with it.

As the leader of the Fangxian Conference, the old man in Supao is also one of the immortal masters of the Fangxian Galaxy.

The reason why they are related to the Flying Insect Galaxy is because the Star Insect Immortal Lord saved each other's life many years ago.

The old man in plain robe has always owed them favors from Fei Insect Galaxy.

This time, the Supao Old Man Association was specially arranged to serve as the guide for the preliminaries of the Lotus Star Region Fangxian Conference.

The Wanxian Tianhui was already in progress at that time.

If the old man in plain robes doesn't come, someone else will come.

If there were other guides, the Zerg would be at risk of being exposed... Hearing this, Zhang Yun suddenly had an idea.

Blatantly attacking the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference spacecraft is equivalent to attacking the top galaxies that founded the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference.

If the owner of the Star Insect Immortal Lord is the Immortal Lord, then this top galaxy may settle down and just close one eye.

But the premise is that the news does not spread.

If the news spreads widely in the galaxy universe... The top galaxies who founded the Fangxian Conference will also have to settle accounts with the Feiying Galaxy for the sake of face.

As for how to spread the news? Zhang Yun's mouth curved.

In order to make it easier for the Split Insect Immortal Lord to attack him, the old man in plain robes specifically prevented everyone from entering the cabin, but this time he left a large group of self-attackers! ! Book friend 62467387 Elephant I also have one today View A0? , I want to say a few words.. Monthly recommendation

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