The other party was none other than the middle-aged man in Chinese robes who showed him a batch of pebbles during the day.

"Why are you here?"

Zhang Yun frowned.

"Fellow Taoist, I'm just passing by!"

The middle-aged man in Hua Pao explained quickly, "I was just walking on the beach to enjoy the sea breeze. But as I was walking, I found that my fellow Taoist and the previous people were fighting here, so I hid out of fear... …”

"Then why did you run away just now?" Zhang Yun asked.

"Aren't you afraid that fellow Taoists will misunderstand you?"

The middle-aged man in Hua Pao smiled bitterly: "In addition, my fellow Taoist was directly hit by the sword energy wave just now, and I was a little scared!"


Zhang Yun looked at each other with a half-smile.

[Middle-aged in Chinese robes]

Realm: Peak of Golden Elixir Stage

Physique: Top grade water spirit root body

Physical Talent: Water Beast Taming - Naturally close to water-attributed spiritual beasts, in order to conquer and control water-attributed spiritual beasts. The number of spiritual beasts currently controlled: three, including a golden elixir stage peak beast king.

Kung Fu and combat skills practiced: Water Control Technique, River Finger...

Weaknesses: Weak physique, not good at close combat.

A cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core stage was walking on the beach in the middle of the night, and happened to come to the place where he fought with several men in black?

If Zhang Yun believed it, he would be a fool.

Seeing his unbelieving look, the middle-aged man in Hua Pao suddenly said aggrievedly, "Fellow Taoist, I'm really just passing by..."

As he spoke, he suddenly raised two fingers: "I can swear with my Taoist heart that I and the previous ones in black are definitely not in the same group!!"

Zhang Yun was surprised to see him making this oath.

Is it really a misunderstanding?

Thinking about it, it seems to be true. The other party has no grievances against him. If he insists on telling him, it may be because he helped the other party see the batch of pebbles and the other party wants to kill people and silence them. But just for this, a Nascent Soul Stage was dispatched?

Somewhat unreasonable!

But this only shows that the other party is not the same group as the previous people.

Looking at the middle-aged man in Chinese robes in front of him, Zhang Yun still didn't believe that he would walk to this beach for no reason.

Then he said calmly, "I want to know your identity!"


The middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe hesitated.

Zhang Yun directly raised the Yuntian Sword.

The middle-aged man in Hua Pao was startled and said quickly: "Jade Tower! I am the director of Yushi Tower, Deng Yuxuan!"

"Jade Stone Tower?"

"We are a force with the nature of a chamber of commerce, operating in the area near the Blue Sea, with the main business of purchasing and selling pebbles..."

Deng Yuxuan explained: "The batch of pebbles that I showed fellow Taoists before is the batch of pebbles that we are planning to purchase recently!"

Zhang Yun frowned slightly. He had never heard of Jade Stone Tower and could not verify whether what the other party said was true or false.

After thinking for a while, he spoke: "No matter what the reason is for you here, since I have discovered it, you have an ulterior motive..."

"I do not……"

Deng Yuxuan wanted to refute.

Zhang Yun glared at him directly, "I said you have it, you have it!"

Deng Yuxuan: "..."

"I don't care what your specific purpose is. Since you've been discovered by me, just keep a share of the money to buy your life!"

Zhang Yun looked at him calmly: "How many spiritual stones do you think your life is worth?"


Deng Yuxuan opened his mouth.

"It seems like you don't know anymore. In that case..."

Zhang Yun directly raised his sword.

Deng Yuxuan's face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted quickly: "One hundred thousand! I will pay one hundred thousand spiritual stones to buy my life!!"

"Too little!"

Zhang Yun glanced at him and said calmly: "One price, three hundred thousand spiritual stones!"

"Three...three hundred thousand??"

Deng Yuxuan's eyes widened, but when he saw Zhang Yun raising his sword and about to cut it down, he quickly agreed: "I will pay! I will pay 300,000!!"

Zhang Yun then put away his sword with satisfaction, tapped the opponent's body, unlocked part of the opponent's spiritual energy, and then stretched out his hand.

Deng Yuxuan's mouth twitched and he took out two storage rings.

Zhang Yun took it, glanced at it, looked at the other party and said, "There doesn't seem to be three hundred thousand here, right?"

"I don't have so many spiritual stones with me..."

Deng Yuxuan said, taking out another storage ring: "The rest, use the treasures inside to offset it!"

Zhang Yun took it and glanced at it, nodded with satisfaction, and couldn't help but glance at the other party. He can easily take out 300,000 spiritual stones, and the other party probably has more good things on him!

But he didn't take action.

After all, he is not a robber, and he is also an honest person.

He immediately stretched out his hand to unlock the other party's body, and suddenly...


Seeing Zhang Yun suddenly showing pain, Deng Yuxuan looked confused: "What's wrong with you?"

"Oops, the spiritual energy is a bit overused!"

Zhang Yun tried his best to squeeze out a trace of paleness on his face and look weak: "I don't have enough spiritual energy to help you unblock it!"


Deng Yuxuan couldn't help but have black lines in his head after hearing this.

You are a liar!

It was fine one second, but this second you're telling me that I don't have enough spiritual energy?

"How can you regain your spiritual energy?"

After taking a breath, Deng Yuxuan asked.


Zhang Yun covered his chest: "You may need some big tonic to recover!"


The corner of Deng Yuxuan's mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth and took out another storage ring: "Can you look at the tonic inside?"

Zhang Yun took it and checked it. There were several high-grade elixirs inside. He shook his head directly: "Not enough! I need to absorb at least hundreds of this elixir before I can recover!"


Holding back the urge to twitch desperately, Deng Yuxuan took out another storage ring: "I really only have so much on me!"

Zhang Yun checked the results and found more than a dozen high-grade elixirs, two bottles of elixirs and a valuable piece of spiritual jade.

"Although I can't fully recover, I can recover a little bit, which is barely enough!"

With that said, Zhang Yun took the storage ring and turned around as if he were eating. He looked like he had eaten something and then turned around.

The paleness on his face disappeared immediately, and he looked at Deng Yuxuan with a smile again: "Thanks to you, I have recovered a lot!"


Deng Yuxuan really wanted to kill someone, but he still managed to squeeze out a smile: "Please help me unblock it, fellow Taoist!"


Zhang Yun said, and immediately unlocked the other party's body and said: "You are free!"

Deng Yuxuan felt that the spiritual energy in his body was flowing smoothly, and without saying a word, he turned around and turned into a stream of light to escape.

"Why are you running so fast? We can chat. It's such a beautiful night and we're on the beach..."

Zhang Yun couldn't help but speak from afar.

Deng Yuxuan suddenly ran faster.

Who the hell wants to chat with you! !

Seeing the other party's back gradually receding, the smile on Zhang Yun's face faded and his eyes narrowed into a slit.

If you say there is nothing wrong with this person, he doesn't believe it!

But rather than killing him directly, he wanted to know the other party's purpose.

Feeling the breath disappearing away, Zhang Yun's mouth curved.

At the same time, he looked at the several storage rings in his hands and couldn't help but click his tongue.

He just mentioned three hundred thousand spirit stones, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually give it to him. Then he took out this batch of elixirs, which were worth at least nearly 100,000 spiritual stones.

He took out nearly 400,000 spirit stones at once...

These people from the Chamber of Commerce are so rich!

It just so happens that I can help him, who is running out of spiritual stones now!

Zhang Yun went directly back to the courtyard area without staying at the beach.

"Are you okay?"

As soon as I came back, I heard a message from the leader of Lingxian Sect.

Zhang Yun was startled.

I only heard the other party continue to explain through the voice transmission: "I was just confused by someone using a special item. When I found out, I found that your breath was gone. I just saw you back now!"

Zhang Yun was stunned.

Others may not be able to feel the movement just now, but as someone who has transcended the Nascent Soul stage, there is no reason why the other party cannot feel it. It turned out that the perception was blocked. In other words, the men in black had arranged all this in advance.

He became more and more certain that this matter was related to Nanhai Sect.

After all, if you want to confuse the master of Lingxian Sect without knowing it, the people of Nanshan Sect don't have this ability yet. Only a local snake like Nanhai Sect could do it.


Zhang Yun immediately recounted what had just happened.

"Did you hurt that Nascent Soul stage?"

The leader of the Lingxian Sect interrupted him mid-hearing, with a somewhat shocked tone.

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Zhang Yun nodded and said: "But that guy just suffered a little injury to his Nascent Soul and vomited blood. I'm not sure how serious the injury is!"


The corner of the Lingxian Sect leader's mouth twitched as he sat in the courtyard.

Damn it, you, a guy who has just broken through the golden elixir stage, are you going to go to heaven? A Nascent Soul in the Nascent Soul stage was injected and he vomited blood?

However, thinking of the scene when Zhang Yun broke through the golden elixir, he remained silent for a moment.

Seeing that he remained silent, Zhang Yun continued to describe the subsequent situation, only concealing the process of blackmailing Deng Yuxuan.

After all, such a glorious deed must be kept as a secret for oneself to treasure!

"Jade Tower?"

When the leader of the Lingxian Sect heard this name, he asked, "How come you are involved with the people of Yushilou?"

Seeing that the sect master seemed to know Yushilou, Zhang Yun immediately told Deng Yuxuan what happened during the day.

After hearing this, the leader of the Lingxian Sect fell silent for a moment and said, "You must have been plotted!"


Zhang Yun was confused.

The head of the Lingxian Sect said: "This Jade Stone Tower is the property of the Jade Pirates Group. The Jade Pirates Group is the mortal enemy of the Nanhai Sect. You just refused the Nanhai Sect's invitation and went to the Jade Stone Restaurant. You said, What does the Nanhai Sect think?"

Zhang Yun's eyes focused.

He didn't understand the forces in the blue ocean area, and he really didn't expect such a thing. Thinking about it now, no wonder Deng Yuxuan was so happy when he was given 20,000 spiritual stones.

These 20,000 spirit stones are really not that easy to earn!

Because if the other party is the enemy of Nanhai Sect, then the purpose of the other party's doing this is also easy to understand. Provoke a conflict between their Lingxian Sect and Nanhai Sect!

After all, if he dies, the leader of the Lingxian Sect will definitely seek an explanation from the Nanhai Sect, even if it is for the sake of face!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yun felt the distant aura spreading across his face.

Fortunately, he saved a hand, otherwise it would be a big loss if Deng Yuxuan ran away like this!

"I understand this matter, and I will go to Nanhai Sect to ask for an explanation!"

The leader of Lingxian Sect suddenly said: "There is one more thing..."

Zhang Yun was confused.

"I have asked someone to investigate the matter between Meng Zhong and the Lin family. If you want to deal with Meng Zhong, I will not interfere too much. But there is only one request..."

The leader of the Lingxian Sect said: "We will resolve this issue after the sect competition!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun fell silent for a moment and nodded to the courtyard where the other party was, "I understand, Sect Master!"

After saying that, he returned to his yard.

"Master, are you okay?"

In the yard, Xu Ming and the three of them were pacing back and forth waiting for him. When they saw him coming back, they immediately greeted him with concern.


Zhang Yun waved his hand, "It's just a little thief, my teacher has already dealt with it!"

Xu Ming and the others were relieved when they heard this.

"Okay, let's all go back and rest!"

Zhang Yun said this and returned to his room.

Seeing this, Xu Ming and the other two went back to their houses respectively, but their fists under their sleeves and robes could not help but be clenched as they walked away.


Their strength is still too weak. If they have enough strength, they can help their master tonight.

Although Zhang Yun said it easily, after coming back after such a long time, they knew that Zhang Yun's solution must not be that simple!

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