There seemed to be a connection with him, Zhang Yunzheng was thinking, when he received a message from the man in the iron mask.

By the time we reach the Ten Thousand Immortals Star, the communication restrictions have obviously disappeared.

Zhang Yun did not answer the question immediately, but changed with the substitute clone in the Kujin Immortal Palace. After entering the Kujin Immortal Palace...

Then it opened.

"Congratulations to senior for advancing!"

As soon as it was opened, the congratulations of the man in the iron mask could be heard.

Zhang Yun said: "Put a soundproof barrier around you!"

The man in the iron mask was startled when he heard this, but he immediately followed the instructions and said: "Senior, I have arranged it!"


Zhang Yun nodded and said: "Now there is a little trouble, I am being targeted!"

"Um...Senior, what do you mean?"

The man in the iron mask wasn't sure.

Zhang Yun replied calmly: "You can understand the organizer of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference as the Immortal Lord who sits in the Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy!"


There was an obvious gasp from the man in the iron mask on the opposite side, followed by a moment of hesitation: "Senior, what are you..."

"I can't help it, your senior and I are so outstanding that I always arouse some jealousy!"


The man in the iron mask grinned.

Does this mean that all immortals are jealous?

This senior is so good at blowing!

Cursing in his heart, the iron-masked man asked with some uncertainty on his face: "Senior, can you still come to Bailian Volcano?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you..."

Zhang Yun said: "I have cultivated a clone method that can replace me. Next, I will let this clone replace me, and then I will leave in disguise and go to Bailian Volcano to join you!"

"Okay, senior!"

"You go to Bailian Volcano and wait for me first. I will contact you when I arrive!"

"I understand, senior!"

The man in the iron mask nodded.

hang up.

Zhang Yun directly activated his feathering talent, and his whole person suddenly turned into a white feather.

Then, in the state of feathers, he appeared in the clothes of the substitute clone who took his place.

Controlling the substitute clone, he walked to Qi Xianjun and patted him on the shoulder. He looked at the other party and Xingyuan Xianjun and others and said: "Don't waste one hour left. Take advantage of this time to go around Wanxian Star." Let’s go shopping!”

"Yes, Lord!"

Qi Xianjun and others nodded, with a little excitement on their faces.

The most attractive thing about the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, apart from the quota for the Supreme Relics, is the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference venue, which is the various rare and rare treasures that exist in the Ten Thousand Immortals Star in front of you.

It was the first time for Qi Xianjun and others to come here, and they couldn't wait to search everywhere.

As soon as Zhang Yun spoke, he naturally did not hesitate and immediately moved away.

Su Die, Huang Qian and Qingjian Zun were also a little moved.

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "Su Damei, Qian'er, Yang Xu, you can go too!"

Huang Qian and Qingjian Zun nodded to him and couldn't wait to leave.

Su Die, on the other hand, couldn't help but stare at him, a trace of suspicion flashing across her beautiful eyes.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Yun quickly hugged Su Die and kissed her on the cheek.

"What are you doing?"

Su Die blushed.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "Okay, go shopping if you want to, don't worry about your husband!"

"Who cares about you anymore!"

Su Die rolled her eyes at him, broke away from his arms and flew away.

Zhang Yun smiled slightly and flew away in another direction.

But this was just a substitute clone. The feathers transformed from his body had already been placed on Qi Xianjun's body just as he patted his shoulder.

He knew very well that Star Eater Immortal stared at him with respect.

Although the feathering is very good, the Immortal Lord may not be able to detect it with his eyesight. Only with the help of Qi Xianjun and others who do not receive much attention can they escape better.

The situation was just as he expected.

After Qi Xianjun moved away from his substitute clone, the feeling of being watched that had been lingering on him obviously disappeared.

Zhang Yun also took advantage of this opportunity to break away from Qi Xianjun.

During the whole process, Qi Xianjun was completely unaware of it.

This is the power of the talent of feathering.

The original Purple Feather Immortal was just an immortal, and his concealment effect had already escaped the attention of the Red Light Immortal, the Blue Immortal, and others.

Although Zhang Yun is currently only an immortal, his immortal soul has already surpassed this level.

The effect of the feathering talent is based on the strength of the immortal soul.

Now his immortal soul is comparable to that of an immortal master. Even if an immortal master is in front of him, it will be difficult to detect him in the feathered state.

After breaking away from Qi Xianjun, Zhang Yun quickly left in a feathered posture.

While skimming, while searching along the way.

Soon, a middle-aged immortal king was found fishing in a mountain stream.

After Zhang Yun first confirmed the feeling of being noticed around him, he quietly approached the middle-aged Immortal Lord.

The middle-aged immortal king was gathering his breath, hiding behind a huge rock on the bank of the mountain stream, staring closely at the several anchovy fish swimming in the Xianli River in front of him, waiting for an opportunity to move.

When several phoenix-tailed fairy fish came close to a certain range, the middle-aged fairy king's fairy power would burst out.


But at this moment, Zhang Yunhua's feathers, carrying a hint of soul-stirring immortal power, also directly hit the opponent.

The middle-aged Immortal Lord's immortal body suddenly shook, and his immortal soul was knocked out of his body.


Before he could react, a pair of eyes immediately froze his soul.

Zhang Yun quickly restrained the other party and took him into the Kujin Immortal Palace. At the same time, he copied and molded the other party's appearance and appeared in the mountain stream.

The entire process is completed in just a split second.

It was so fast that it didn't even react to a few angelfish in the fairy river next to it.

When they reacted and wanted to run away quickly, Zhang Yun had approached them instantly and directly wrapped and bound several phoenix tail fairy fish with fairy power.

He pulled them out of the fairy river.

He took some fairy river water and put it into a special crystal cabinet, put several phoenix tail fairy fish in it, and put it away.

This phoenix tail fairy fish is a rare top-grade fairy food ingredient, which tastes very delicious and contains pure fairy power. Eating one will be of great benefit to the fairy king.

Zhang Yun used his fairy sense to scan the existence of the creature.

But after thinking about it, he turned around and left.

It is very troublesome to capture the creatures in this fairy river.

Because this fairy river is condensed by natural fairy power, it cannot be shaken with a little fairy power, but if a large amount of fairy power is used, it will cause the fairy power in the entire fairy river to riot.

There is a high probability that it will cause the fairy river to explode.

The result is that all the creatures in the fairy river will be blown into slag.

Therefore, if you want to capture creatures such as phoenix tail fairy fish that live in the fairy river, you can only be a patient hunter and choose a position on the river bank to hide your breath and crouch.

When a creature from the river gets close enough to be captured instantly, use a small amount of immortal power to quickly capture it.

Although Zhang Yun was a little greedy, he didn't have the mind to do so at the moment.

But before leaving, he also sent the coordinates to Su Die.

He disguised himself as a middle-aged immortal king and headed towards the Bailian Volcano.

Before coming, he had already found out the approximate location of the Bailian Volcano.

While flying, he also used the magic life clone to interrogate the middle-aged immortal king who had just been captured in the Kujin Immortal Palace.

He soon learned the identity of the middle-aged immortal king.

He came from the Liuku Star System and was named Baiku Immortal King. He was a relatively rare immortal king who practiced the Kuxian power.

Zhang Yun secretly memorized it.

Next, he would show himself as the other party, so he needed to know these basic information.

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