
The Iron Masked Man swallowed his saliva when he saw Zhang Yun wipe out the soul of the old purple-robed immortal and put away the body and flew back.

An immortal who could reach the final stage did not even last for a second...


How powerful is the strength of this senior in front of him?

Looking at the shocked expression of the Iron Masked Man, Zhang Yun smiled secretly.

This is the effect he wants!

If you want to conquer the opponent, strength is indispensable!

This old purple-robed immortal came to the door, so naturally he had to show off in front of the Iron Masked Man!

"What are you doing there? Go on!"

After dividing the Bailian Fire on the hill, Zhang Yun looked at the Iron Masked Man who was still in a daze and spoke.

After the other party reacted, he handed over half of the Bailian Fire wrapped in immortal power.

The Iron Masked Man hurriedly took out a fiery red crystal cabinet and put the half of the Bailian Fire into it.

[Immortal Fire Crystal Cabinet]

Introduction: Immortal tool of the fairy level, which can be used to hold various fairy fires with extremely high temperatures.

Weapon Skills:

Fire Cabinet Throw - You can throw the fire crystal cabinet directly to the enemy. If it contains fairy fire, the power will explode multiple times. If it does not contain fairy fire, the fire crystal cabinet will release extremely high temperature and melt the enemy.


Using the fairy eye technique to glance at the crystal cabinet, Zhang Yun couldn't help but be amazed.

Is this the foundation of a half-step fairy-level weapon caster?

Any tool you take out to hold things is actually fairy-level!

"Senior, let's go!"

The iron masked man spoke at this time.


Zhang Yun nodded,

The two of them immediately continued to move forward to the depths of the mountains of Bailian Volcano.

Passing volcanoes along the way, the two of them also harvested two balls of yellow low-grade Bailian fire.

One of them was nearly 30 meters in size. Although it was low-grade, the value of such a large area would be several times higher.

Boom--! !

Just as the two of them crossed two more hills, they saw a surge of instrument rhyme rising to the sky between the distant mountains.

The whole sky was filled with dazzling rays of light.

The Iron Masked Man said, "Someone has refined a fairy treasure!"

Zhang Yun nodded.

The reason why Bailian Volcano attracts so many people is that in addition to obtaining Bailian Fire, some volcanoes in the mountain itself are also good places to refine treasures.

For example, some top-level holy weapons or pseudo-fairy weapons that have the potential to be fairy weapons but have not been fully stimulated have the opportunity to refine all their potential in this volcano and upgrade them to fairy weapons in one fell swoop.

Like Zhang Yun's universal fairy sword, it needs Bailian Fire to remove the internal seal, which is actually equivalent to using Bailian Fire to refine.

After helping the Iron Masked Man get the sword embryo, he is also going to refine and unseal the universal fairy sword here.

Without paying much attention to the movement in the distance, the two continued to go deeper.

Soon they came to the entrance of a dimly lit volcano.

The Iron Masked Man said, "Senior, this is it!"


Zhang Yun nodded and prepared to enter.

"Wait a moment, senior!"

The iron-masked man stopped him and took out a mirror, handing it to him: "This is the sword-qi mirror. There are many sword-qi left by the elders of the clan in the past inside the volcano. Senior, hold this mirror, and as long as there is sword-qi approaching, this mirror will emit a light warning!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Senior, I may not be able to reach the end of this volcano with my strength, so you should prepare this mirror first, just in case!"


Zhang Yun nodded.

The iron-masked man took out another white cloak and put it on himself.

[Fairy-qi Cloak]

Level: Fairy Weapon

Introduction: Special fairy-like protective gear, which can sense various airflow attacks in real time, especially sensitive to sword-qi, and issue warnings and defend.


Yes, another fairy-like weapon!

The foundation of a half-step fairy-level weaponsmith!

Zhang Yun sighed in his heart, and his feet were not idle either, and he had come to the entrance of the volcano.

The volcano in front of him is very different from other volcanoes in the Bailian Volcano Mountain Range.

The first is that it is difficult for fairy consciousness to penetrate.

Zhang Yun tried it as soon as he arrived. As soon as his immortal consciousness penetrated into the volcano, he was attacked by a sharp and scorching breath.

If you have to say it, it was like a bunch of flaming swords placed in an extremely hot place.

Every meter of penetration would make the immortal consciousness feel as if it was being tortured eight or ten times.

You know, the strength of his immortal soul is no less than that of an ordinary immortal master.

Even he is like this, which shows how unusual the inside of this volcano is.

Previously, Zhang Yun once speculated that the ancestor who put the sword embryo in the Bailian Volcano mentioned by the iron mask man might be the old man who cast the universal immortal sword.

Now he is a little uncertain.

After all, the volcano in front of him is not something that an ordinary existence can create. At least it must be a powerful immortal master.

Perhaps his previous speculation that the iron mask man was related to the Jiutian Sword Palace mentioned by the old man who cast the universal immortal sword might be wrong.

Shaking his head, Zhang Yun didn't think much about it.

He immediately entered the volcano.

As soon as he entered, he felt as if he had stepped into a furnace. The temperature of the surrounding air was enough to melt ordinary people instantly.

Looking up and looking forward, there was a dark darkness that didn't match the temperature.

At a glance, there was not even a trace of fire.

In addition, the immortal consciousness was blocked, and with Zhang Yun's vision, he could only see everything within a hundred meters around him in this darkness.

He tried to use the immortal eye technique, but failed to scan any information.

"Follow me!"

Instructed the Iron Masked Man behind him.

The Iron Masked Man nodded.


Zhang Yun then began to move forward, but he did not slow down, but flew directly into the depths.


This scared the Iron Masked Man, but he could only bite the bullet and keep up as he was about to be thrown off.

Buzz buzz buzz——!!

Less than two seconds after moving forward, the Sword Qi Mirror on Zhang Yun's body continuously emitted warning lights.

But when this light came on, the sword energy had already arrived.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!

Zhang Yun and the others were like a head diving into a swarm of bees, with countless sword energies attacking them from all directions at the same time.

The Iron Masked Man hurriedly lifted his immortal cloak.


But these sword energies did not fall on his cloak, and were forcibly wiped out in the surrounding void by a circle of black witch power filled with destructive aura.


Looking at this scene, the Iron Masked Man looked at Zhang Yun with surprise.

He remembered that the energy this senior was good at was the kind of powerful golden fairy energy and blood...

This destructive witch power now...

"Follow my steps!"

Zhang Yun said, and continued to move forward quickly.

The iron masked man hurried to catch up, staring at Zhang Yun in surprise while following.

He was getting more and more confused about this senior.

When they first met, Zhang Yun was able to kick the Blue Worm Immortal Lord of the Flying Worm Galaxy away with one kick; then on the spaceship to the Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy, he killed the Split Worm Immortal Lord in public, and now he showed this destructive witch power again...

According to this situation, doesn't it mean that Zhang Yun didn't use his full strength to defeat the Split Worm Immortal Lord at that time?


Thinking of this, he took a breath of cold air.

Too exaggerated!

This senior is simply unfathomable!

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