Ah? "

The man in the iron mask, who was thinking about whether to attack or be attacked later with a bitter look on his face, was stunned when he heard this.

Then he looked at Zhang Yun with a look of astonishment: "Senior...Senior, you...you want to accept me as your disciple?"


Zhang Yun nodded and said with a smile: "The first time I met you, I actually fell in love with you. How about you, are you willing to be my apprentice?"


The man in the iron mask hesitated for a moment and said: "Senior, as long as you don't dislike it, I don't have any objection. It's just that my path of cultivation has been established, and it may be difficult to change..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yun waved his hand directly.

Various energies such as Supreme Immortal Qi, Destruction Witch Immortal Power, Withered Immortal Power, Space Immortal Power, Demonic Immortal Qi, Red Dragon Immortal Flame and other energies suddenly surrounded him, and he said with a smile: "Do you think I am a professional practitioner? "


Looking at all these energies, the man in the iron mask couldn't help but be speechless.

It turns out that destroying the power of the witch immortal is still not Zhang Yun’s full strength!

"Unless it's a mistake, I will never restrict which path my apprentice should practice!"

Zhang Yun smiled and said: "The biggest thing I pay attention to here is to do whatever you want. You can practice whatever you want, and I will only fertilize and water you on the path you want to practice!"

The man in the iron mask looked obviously moved.

"Gu Hao!"

Zhang Yun struck while the iron was hot and continued to ask: "Is this your name?"

"Yes, senior!"

Gu Hao nodded.

The black-haired old man had called his name just now, so it was not surprising that Zhang Yun could call him out now.

Zhang Yun took a deep breath and said with a sincere face: "Gu Hao, I can assure you. Wanting to accept you as my disciple is definitely not a whim of mine. Your potential is one of the best I have ever seen!"

Seeing his sincere look and words, Gu Hao couldn't help but pursed his lips. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly reached out and took off the mask on his face.

Under the mask, there is a young man's face with sharp edges, and there is a distinctive black mole between his eyebrows.

"Senior, since you are willing to accept me, then I, Gu Hao, have nothing to say!"

Gu Hao took a deep breath and directly performed a apprenticeship ceremony to him: "I, Gu Hao, would like to become my apprentice, senior!"


Zhang Yun immediately beamed, patted his shoulder and said: "From now on, you are my twelfth disciple, Zhang Yun!!"


Hearing this number, Gu Hao was stunned for a moment.

Zhang Yun said with a smile: "My master has accepted eleven disciples before you. Next, my master will take you to meet your senior brothers and sisters!"

"Okay, ex... no, master!"

Gu Hao nodded.

As he said this, he still felt a little disappointed. He thought he was Zhang Yun's only disciple...

But yes, it would be abnormal for a strong man like Zhang Yun to have only one disciple.

Zhang Yun said: "Okay, let's deal with the business first!"


Gu Hao nodded.

Zhang Yun took out the trembling Universal Immortal Sword, and Gu Hao also took out the trembling hilt.

The two of them looked at the barrier of Hundred Refined Immortal Fire Sword Qi in front that was pulling the sword and its hilt.

They looked at each other and moved forward together.

While moving forward, Gu Hao also said: "Master, the sword energy barrier in front of you is different from the previous one. Your sword and my hilt are both the keys to unlock it!"


Zhang Yun was startled.

Seeing his slightly confused look, Gu Hao couldn't help but said: "Master, can you tell me about your relationship with the ancestor of Guyushan?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yun immediately stopped hiding anything and told the detailed process of obtaining the Universal Immortal Sword and opening the image.

"I see!"

After hearing this, Gu Hao was stunned, looked at Zhang Yun and said with a smile: "Master, this video is actually just the ancestor of Gu Yushan guiding you to come to Bailian Volcano. Under normal circumstances, when you get here, there will be a guide to pick you up. people!"

"Pick up?"

Zhang Yun was startled and looked at Gu Hao: "The person you are talking about attracting people, couldn't be you Hao'er, right?"

"Master, it's not me!"

Gu Hao shook his head and said, "It's Uncle Gu Jing..."


Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows: "Is this the elder you have been mentioning before?"

Gu Hao nodded, feeling suddenly a little depressed: "If everything is normal, it should be Uncle Gu Jing who is here to meet you, Master..."

Zhang Yun realized something when he saw this, "Haoer, your uncle Gujing..."

"He has passed away..."

Gu Hao pursed his lips and said: "It was to save me and our clan that led to the death of Uncle Gu Jing..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and turned to look at the black-haired old man behind him, with anger filled with a bit of hatred in his eyes.

Zhang Yun asked: "He comes from Jiutian Sword Palace?"

Gu Hao looked at him slightly surprised when he heard this: "Master, you..."

"At the end of the image left by the senior Gu Yushan, he mentioned that he hoped that I could use the omnipotent sword he forged to cut down the Nine Qi Sword of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace!"

"Yes! Uncle Gu Jing told me at the time that senior Gu Yushan has indeed always had such an obsession!"

Gu Hao couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

Then he pondered for a moment: "Master, do you want to hear the story of Uncle Gu Jing?"


Zhang Yun nodded.

Even if Gu Hao didn't say anything, he was still ready to ask.

Gu Hao, Gu Jing, Gu Yushan...

Just by looking at their last names, you can tell that they belong to the same family.

If Zhang Yun guessed correctly, Gu Hao and others should have a close relationship with the Nine Heavens Sword Palace.

The truth was just as he thought.

From Gu Hao, he quickly learned the whole picture of the matter.

Jiutian Sword Palace is a semi-hidden force located in the top galaxy, the Divine Sword Galaxy.

Semi-hidden because the people inside them rarely leave their sphere of influence, but they have not completely cut off contact with the outside world.

However, the name they use to contact the outside world is not Jiutian Sword Palace, but Sword Casting Pavilion.

Outsiders also like to call them that.

Because they have cast countless immortal swords.

It can be said that half of the immortal swords in the Divine Sword Galaxy come from their Jiutian Sword Palace.

And Gu Hao, Gu Jing, Gu Yushan, and the black-haired old man are all from the Jiutian Sword Palace.

The story starts with Gu Yushan.

Gu Yushan is a genius caster in the Jiutian Sword Palace. He has shown an unparalleled talent for casting since he was a child.

In the Jiutian Sword Palace of that generation, no one can match him in casting.

But Gu Yushan is not welcome.

Because Gu Yushan is both a genius and a freak.

For generations, the Nine Heavens Sword Palace has forged immortal swords that can accommodate various sword qi, but the sword forged by Gu Yushan is different and does not use sword qi at all.

Instead, it integrates various energies and pursues the goal of integrating more energy into a sword.

In the eyes of many immortal-level weapon forgers in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, that is a side path.

But what makes many weapon forgers helpless is.

It may take others ten or eight years, or even decades to forge an immortal sword. But if Gu Yushan wants to forge an immortal sword, he can forge two or three swords a year.

And in addition to not using the sword qi, other qualities and other aspects are far superior to other weapon forgers!

This made Gu Yushan the biggest alternative in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace at that time...

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