Zhang Yun understood what he meant.

But he still had some questions: "Hao'er, what did you mean by "receiving"?"

"Master, your universal sword was created by Gu Yushan during the three hundred years when Gu Yushan took my uncle away.

But because of the inherent conditions of the sword, Gu Yushan wanted to find the most suitable sword holder, so he separated from my uncle.

But before they separated, Gu Yushan told my uncle one thing..."

Gu Hao explained: "That is to leave the core of your universal sword inside the volcano in front of me, and let my uncle take care of it.

As long as the sword holder comes, my uncle can sense it with the mark left behind and receive it!"

Zhang Yun suddenly realized.

The senior Gu Yushan who forged the universal sword said that he was asked to come to Bailian Volcano to unseal it with Bailian Fire, but in fact he was asked to come here to find the ancient mirror.

If he only got Bailian Fire, it would obviously not be possible to completely unseal the universal sword!

"Master, this man is called Gu Hei, the grandson of the ancient ancestor Gu Zhen who forged the Nine Qi Sword..."

Gu Hao pointed to the black-haired old man next to him and said, "He was one of the people who forced my uncle to death!"

Zhang Yun said, "Hao'er, I'll leave him to you!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Gu Hao said gratefully, and gave some details in detail.

When Gu Jing entrusted Gu Hao, he told him that if he was caught, he would leave information that would mislead Gu Zhen and others.

Gu Hao could take advantage of this period to come to Bailian Volcano as soon as possible to take away the sword embryo and the core of the universal fairy sword left here.

But at that time, although Gu Hao and other people of the same lineage were released from captivity because of Gu Jing's appearance, they were also under long-term surveillance.

In order to get rid of surveillance, Gu Hao made some plans in advance, and finally came to the White Lotus Galaxy through channels to get rid of it completely.

Afterwards, he participated in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference in the name of a contestant in the White Lotus Galaxy.

After that, he auctioned the Black Nether Fairy Sword to find a helper and found Zhang Yun.

Of course, in order to prevent his helper from getting into trouble, Gu Hao also kept a hand.


Hearing this, Zhang Yun looked at Gu Hao with some curiosity.

Gu Hao smiled and rushed directly into the Hundred Refinements Immortal Fire Sword Qi Barrier in front.

The next second, the sword qi restrictions in the surrounding caves emerged together, and the qi locked Zhang Yun.

"Master, this is what I kept!"

Gu Hao's voice came from the sword qi barrier in front at the same time.

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows: "With this little sword qi, are you sure you can defend me?"

"Master, your strength is beyond my expectation. In fact, when I saw you kill the Split Insect Immortal Lord, I was ready to come here.

I came in to gain control when you were not prepared, and used these sword qi to hold you back, and then took the things and ran away..."

Gu Hao said: "Master, the universal fairy sword in your hand is also a key, you can come in directly!"

Zhang Yun nodded and walked to the sword qi barrier.

The universal fairy sword in his hand glowed slightly, and sure enough, the energy on the sword qi barrier in front of him dispersed autonomously, leaving only a layer of unobstructed fire wall.

Step directly into it.

Entering the sword barrier, which is also the deepest part of the volcano, there is no molten flame as imagined, but only a small cave illuminated by the fire.

The furnishings in the cave are only a stone platform and two closed black gold stone cabinets, and a formation pattern carved on the ground next to it.

The universal fairy sword in Zhang Yun's hand is frantically pulling him to approach one of the stone cabinets.

"Master, this stone platform is a control console. Use this sword handle to control the various sword energies left in this cave!"

Gu Hao is standing next to the stone platform, and the sword handle in his hand touches the stone platform, and the two are connected and glowing.

Zhang Yun looked at the formation pattern on the ground next to him: "Is this a teleportation array?"

"Yes, Master!"

Gu Hao took out a silver-white crystal stone: "This is a teleportation array with this fairy stone as the energy core!"

[Fairy Stone]

Introduction: The fairy stone of heaven and earth, condensed with the boundary wall energy of the fairy power interface, can release amazing energy and quickly teleport a distance.

Zhang Yun glanced at it and asked, "Where can this be teleported to?"

"A barren star outside the Wanxian Galaxy!"

Gu Hao replied, "This is what the ancestor of Gu Yushan left behind when he entered this place during the Wanxian Conference a thousand years ago.

It was also through this fairyland stone teleportation array that the ancestor of Gu Yushan and Uncle Gu Jing were able to enter and exit this place freely afterwards!"

Zhang Yun suddenly realized.

He was actually wondering about this just now.

After all, according to Gu Hao, Gu Yushan and Gu Jing should have entered and exited this place many times.

But this is Wanxian Star, and it is not open to the public except for the Wanxian Conference.

This special teleportation method can explain it.

"The ancestor of Gu Yushan hid things here because he saw the specialness of Wanxian Star!"

Gu Hao also added.

Zhang Yun nodded, and was also a little confused: "Why didn't you come here directly before, Hao'er?"

"Master, in order to get rid of surveillance, I had already fled to the White Lotus Galaxy, and simply came here to participate in the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference..."

Gu Hao explained: "In addition, during the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, there was an Immortal Lord in charge, and I didn't dare to try it recklessly.

Because my uncle told me at the time that if it was during the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, it would be difficult to use this thing to teleport, and there would be a risk of being discovered.

I didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference would be held at this time..."

He was a little helpless at the end.

Zhang Yun shrugged.

It’s really hard to say that this kind of thing happens by chance.


Zhang Yun came to the stone cabinet pulled by the omnipotent sword in his hand.

Gu Hao saw this and looked at him: "Master, do you want to upgrade the Universal Immortal Sword here?"


Zhang Yun nodded and said: "There are many people around who are refining immortal treasures, so the upgrade is not conspicuous!"

"Then Master, I will protect you!"

Gu Hao said and turned the hilt of the sword directly.

The peripheral sword energy suddenly gathered in front of the barrier of Hundred Refined Immortal Fire Sword Energy, blocking the light, making the cave outside that had just been illuminated become dim and pitch black again.

Zhang Yun saw this and opened the stone cabinet without any ink marks.

Buzz—! !

The moment the stone cabinet was opened, a ray of light shone out from it.

Zhang Yun immediately flipped his hand and pulled part of the top-level Hundred-Refined Immortal Fire from the barrier of Hundred-Refined Immortal Fire Sword Qi behind to touch the body of the Universal Immortal Sword.


A remnant soul emerged from it, screaming miserably while wrapped in flames.


Zhang Yun murmured when he saw this, waved his hand, and quickly burned the remaining soul.

In order to upgrade the Universal Immortal Sword, this unconscious remaining Mahayana period weapon spirit must be destroyed.

As soon as the weapon spirit dispersed, Zhang Yun took out a palm-sized soul that looked like a dwarf.

This is a pure fairy spirit raised by nature. It is a new weapon spirit that Zhang Yun prepared early to upgrade the universal fairy sword.

Directly integrate it into the body of the Universal Immortal Sword, and then touch it with a diamond-shaped gem-shaped core floating out of the stone cabinet.

The next second...

Boom - buzz buzz! !

A dazzling light suddenly swept from between the two.

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