Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 924 Top-level Immortal Weapon, Universal Immortal Sword!

Zhang Yun immediately looked at the light group of the Almighty Immortal Sword next to him.

I saw an astonishing wave of instrument rhyme sweeping up from the light clusters, carrying multiple energies to form a bright beam of light, directly breaking through the volcano and reaching the sky.

The whole sky was shaken, filled with colorful clouds and fairy light.

All over the mountain range, many immortals were alarmed.

"What an astonishing rhyme fluctuation of the fairy treasure!"

"What kind of immortal treasure is this tempered? It caused such a commotion?"

"There have been several waves of immortal treasures appearing before, but they are not even a few tenths of the ones in front of me. I'm afraid this is not a top-notch immortal treasure!"

After thinking for a moment, many immortals showed strange eyes and approached towards the volcano where the light beam rose.

Inside the volcano.

Zhang Yun's immortal body could not help but tremble at this moment, and various energies such as supreme immortal energy, return immortal energy, and space immortal power were permeating the surface of his body.

Under the pillar of light in front of the sky, the omnipotent fairy sword shining with a variety of energy brilliance complements each other.

As the brilliance gradually faded away, the originally pure white Universal Immortal Sword now had lines of different colors on its body.

Each of those lines obviously corresponded to a kind of energy he had invested previously.

Zhang Yun took a deep breath, stepped forward with a little excitement, and reached out to touch the hilt of the sword.

At this moment, Zhang Yun's whole immortal soul was shaken, and he felt a large stream of information pouring into his mind along the sword.

【Universal Immortal Sword】

Level: Top Immortal Weapon

Status: Fully unblocked

Weapon Spirit: Pure Immortal Sword Spirit (transformed from the Pure Immortal Spirit Fusion Sword, with pure consciousness, and will gradually grow in wisdom as it comes into contact with the host)

Equipment spirit status: Recognized owner (host)

Instrument skills:

Carrying - The sword body can carry all kinds of energy in the world. Every energy released through this sword will explode ten times more powerfully.

Fusion - The energy absorbed into the sword body can be fused with each other to produce different energy effects.

Ten Heavenly Heavens - The sword body is equipped with a fusion skill, which can fuse any ten kinds of energy to form a sword and burst out with the most powerful power!

Energy sword pattern - you can put energy into this sword for fusion, and each energy fused will form a corresponding sword pattern.

Transformation of sword patterns - each corresponding sword pattern can transform the all-powerful fairy sword into a top-level fairy sword with corresponding attributes in a short period of time.

Looking at the information that appeared in his mind, Zhang Yun grasped the hilt of the sword.

At this moment, all the energy in his body boiled, as if it had been activated by the almighty sword.

"Sword pattern transformation..."

Zhang Yun thought for a moment and activated the gray-gold sword pattern on the sword corresponding to the withered immortal power.


The sword wind stirred, and the almighty sword in his hand was filled with a layer of gray-gold light, exuding an aura that seemed to wither everything around it.

At this moment, the dead immortal power in Zhang Yun's body completely overwhelmed other energy and became active, spreading out from his body surface.

Gu Hao, who had already withdrawn from the practice of the Fire Immortal Artifact, didn't react before he felt that his skin was being eroded and began to wrinkle.

His face changed drastically, and he quickly burst into flames to stop himself from being eroded by the withered aura.

Looking at the sword in Zhang Yun's hand, his eyes were filled with fear.

Just emitting aura can actually bring him this feeling. If this fully explodes...

He swallowed.

He had heard his uncle Gu Jing talk about it more than once, that the ancestor of Gu Yushan had forged an astonishing immortal sword, which was even more amazing than the Nine Qi Immortal Sword.

Before that, he had always been skeptical.

After all, the power of the Nine Qi Immortal Sword has exceeded ordinary people's imagination of fairy swords. Is there any sword stronger than the Nine Qi Immortal Sword?

But now looking at this one in Zhang Yun’s hand...


Gu Hao was suddenly stunned.

I saw that the sword in Zhang Yun's hand, which was originally withered and full of aura, suddenly became crystal clear at this moment. But what followed was an aura that shook the immortal soul.

"not good!!"

Gu Hao's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly felt as if his immortal soul had been hit by a giant beast, and his soul body was almost knocked out of his body.

Before he could think about it, he suddenly felt an aura that seemed to be able to destroy everything coming towards him.

The almighty sword in Zhang Yun's hand suddenly turned into a black color of destruction in this second.


Seeing that Zhang Yun was about to change again, Gu Hao couldn't help but scream.


Zhang Yun paused and looked at him doubtfully.

"Don't change your sword form yet, my disciple will soon be unable to block the aura emitted by your sword!"

Seeing the flames around Gu Hao struggling to withstand the aura of destruction, Zhang Yun finally reacted and quickly changed the universal sword in his hand back to its original state.

But holding the almighty sword at this moment, Zhang Yun felt a little excited.

There is a feeling that with a sword in hand, everything in the world can be cut!

Suddenly sensing something, Zhang Yun squinted and looked out of the volcano.

Gu Hao also sensed the situation outside the volcano, "Master, it seems that they were attracted by the upgrade of the Universal Immortal Sword. I can control the sword energy to drive them away!"

Saying this, he will control the stone platform next to him.

"Need not…"

Zhang Yun waved his hand to stop him and said with a smile: "It's time for me to try my sword!"

Gu Hao nodded when he heard this, and immediately ran to hide behind the barrier of Bailian Immortal Fire Sword Qi outside the cave nearby.

The look of fear of being affected made Zhang Yun laugh. At the same time, he glanced in the direction outside the volcano and said, "Leave the surrounding area within three seconds. You are not welcome to come near me!"

A faint sound came from inside the volcano.

Dozens of immortals who had gathered outside the volcano from all directions frowned when they heard this, but no one left.

Instead, they stared at the volcano thoughtfully.

With the noise just now, there is a high probability that the beings in the volcano have tempered a top-level immortal treasure.

Now they are so anxious to let them leave, maybe they were injured during the tempering process...

"Three, two..."

At this time, the countdown sound came from the volcano.

The calm tone made some immortals feel uneasy for some reason, and they retreated a distance after consideration.

Seeing that they were frightened by the countdown.

The remaining twenty or so immortals who did not retreat all looked disdainful and stared at the volcano at the same time.

They wanted to see what the other party could do when the countdown ended in three seconds?


At this time, the countdown ended.


The volcano became quiet, without any movement.

Seeing this, the twenty or so immortals who did not retreat all sneered.

It was indeed a bluff!

The guy in the volcano is probably...


Before they could finish their thoughts, a gray-gold sword light suddenly flashed from the inside of the volcano.

The sword light was very fast!

It was so fast that before the sneers on the faces of more than 20 immortals could fade away, it had already slashed in front of them at close range.

The pupils of more than 20 immortals shrank slightly.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

They did not dare to hesitate at all, and their immortal powers burst out together.


In front of this gray-gold sword light, the immortal powers they burst out, along with the world in front of them, became dim in just an instant.

Then, an endless withered breath swallowed them head-on.

"No - Ah Ah Ah!!"

The sword light passed, screams arose, and all the lives withered.

When some immortals who had retreated a distance earlier looked back, they saw that there were only the dried corpses on the ground.


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