Zhang Yun randomly found an empty volcano and entered.

After the beautiful woman in palace dress followed him in, he immediately set up a barrier to isolate the inside and outside of the volcano.

Seeing Zhang Yun's actions, the beautiful woman in palace dress frowned slightly.

She deliberately stood in front of the entrance of the volcano to keep a distance from Zhang Yun.

"Come here!"

Zhang Yun said.

Seeing that the beautiful woman in palace dress was unmoved.

He said calmly, "If I want to move you, it's useless no matter how far you are away!"

The beautiful woman in palace dress was silent for a while, but she still walked forward and said in a deep voice, "Sir, I believe that I have no grudges with you. You are so..."

Zhang Yun waved his hand to interrupt her and said, "I came to you just to ask you a few questions. If you answer truthfully, I won't embarrass you!"

Looking at Zhang Yun's sincere look, the beautiful woman in palace dress exhaled and said, "Sir, please speak!"

Zhang Yun went straight to the point: "Red and Blue Sea Galaxy Xiandao Continent, do you know?"

"Red and Blue Sea Galaxy Xiandao Continent?"

The beautiful woman in palace dress was startled, and quickly thought of something: "Sir, are you referring to the lower realm of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy?"

Zhang Yun nodded and asked, "Have you been there?"

The beautiful woman in palace dress shook her head.

Zhang Yun looked at the other party and saw that he was calm and frowned slightly.

Then he asked again: "Let me ask it in a different way. Have any of your Canglan clan members been there?"

Hearing him call out the Canglan Ancient Clan, the palace-dressed beautiful woman's face froze.

But suddenly she thought of something and said: "I remember now. Not long ago, the clan seemed to have extradited a group of clan members from the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy!"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows, "Where are those people?"

The palace-dressed beautiful woman glanced at Zhang Yun.

The other party could call out the Canglan Ancient Clan, obviously knowing their clan very well. Knowing that it was useless to hide it, she simply answered truthfully: "On the Canghai Island under my jurisdiction..."ap.x.

Zhang Yun asked: "Canghai Island? Which galaxy is it?"


The palace-dressed beautiful woman opened her mouth.

Didn't the other party know their clan? How come...

Thinking that the other party might have guessed her identity blindly through the previous battle, the palace-dressed beautiful woman couldn't help but twitch her mouth.

But since it was already said, she could only tell the truth: "Sir, our Canghai Island is located in the Yunhai Galaxy, which belongs to the Haixing Domain!"

"Haixing Domain, Yunhai Galaxy?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows. It was the first time he heard this name.

But it was not surprising.

The galaxy universe is so huge that it is difficult to recognize every star field.

"Have you seen this person?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Yun used energy to outline Tao Gulan's appearance.

The palace-dressed beautiful woman looked at him and looked a little confused. She shook her head and said, "I have no impression of this person!"

"No impression?"

Zhang Yun frowned and asked, "Are you sure that your clan has extradited a group of clansmen from the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy?"

The palace-dressed beautiful woman understood what he meant when she heard this, and hurriedly explained, "Sir, although I have no impression of this woman, she may be among the extradited clansmen.

Because I have been in seclusion before, and when I came out of seclusion, I happened to catch up with the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, so I haven't learned the details of the new clansmen..."

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows.

"I don't want to waste time talking to you..."

He exhaled and said directly: "This woman is mine. Please confirm it for me when you go back. If this woman is in your clan, let me know. If not, go and ask for her.

As long as you can't find her, the mark of your immortal soul will exist. If you find her, and I find that she is missing a hair, I will let you be buried with her!"


The beautiful woman in palace dress opened her mouth.

But Zhang Yun had already left, leaving only a special communication token.

The corner of the beautiful woman in palace dress twitched, but she still picked up the communication token and left.

Zhang Yun didn't care about the other party's reaction.

He was not sure whether Tao Gulan was in the other party's clan. But since the other party's clan had a connection with the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy, even if Tao Gulan was not in the other party's clan, he should be able to find some clues by investigating!

Ding Ding!! ap.x.

Not long after flying out of the volcano, the token on Zhang Yun's body rang.

The voting results were already released.

Zhang Yun glanced at the list of 155 people who voted.

As expected, the Xingyuan Immortal Lord and the Tonghua Immortal Lord of his Qianyun Galaxy were not on the list.

Other Immortal Lords of the Red and Blue Sea Galaxy and the Chaos God Galaxy were not on the list either.

Those who were voted out were basically Immortal Lords of some top galaxies.

Zhang Yun was not surprised.

Each top galaxy would definitely support its own leader.

Among them was the Fengjian Immortal Lord who had previously been cut in half by Qingjianzun with a sword.

Zhang Yun nodded slightly.

Although Fengjian Immortal Lord lost to Qingjianzun, who was a half-immortal, he was actually quite strong. If he met other Immortal Lords, he would have a high chance of winning.

Moreover, the battle between Qingjianzun and the opponent was indeed one of the most exciting duels in the second round.

Voting to advance was reasonable.

What also surprised Zhang Yun a little was that the beautiful woman in palace dress who had just been questioned by him was actually voted into the list of 155 people.

Good luck!

The list of 155 people was released, and the top 1,200 of this Ten Thousand Immortals Conference were officially confirmed.

The third round of the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference is coming soon.

This round is undoubtedly the most critical round of this conference.

Because it will directly determine the top 1,000, who will not only be included in the Immortal List, but also get a place in the Supreme Relics.

The rules of the third round are still the simplest 1v1 duel.

But unlike the second round, the winners of this round will directly advance to the top 1,000, and the losers will still have a chance.

The 600 losers will be matched again, and the winners will advance. The losers will not be eliminated again.

Instead, they will enter the final three-person melee.

In simple terms, it is a three-loss system. The first two games are 1v1 to determine the winner, and the third game is a three-person melee.

That is, three people are thrown into a battlefield secret realm at the same time, and no matter what method is used, the one who stands at the end will advance.

Three chances, win one and enter the top 1,000!

For the remaining 1,200 contestants, there are great opportunities.

In the first match, the matching method is still the same as the previous round. That is, the first place on the list will compete with the 1,200th place on the list, the second place will compete with the 1,199th place...

The ranking of the list after the second round of duels is determined by the time of winning the second round of duels.

For example, Zhang Yun's life-replacement clone still ranks first because he killed his opponent in seconds to advance. ap.x.

Zhang Yun, disguised as Bai Ku Xianjun, was delayed in planting the mark of the Soul Suppression Technique because he found out that the other party was from the Ancient Blue Clan in the previous duel with the palace-dressed beauty. Therefore, he was ranked 60th in the end.

The other 155 people who advanced through voting were ranked at the bottom.

Zhang Yun's opponent in this duel was one of them.

When he saw his opponent, he was stunned.

The other party was also stunned when he saw him.

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