Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 940: Helper of the Void Black Wolf King

A black crystal ball like a glass ball floated above her head at some point.

At the same time, a young man with long black hair and an elegant temperament appeared less than ten meters above her head to control the black crystal ball.

Buzz! !

Seeing that the master was in danger, the dark red flowers that formed the seat under the Star-Eating Immortal Master suddenly glowed.

"I advise you to stop, otherwise you will be penetrated and die!"

But at this moment, a middle-aged man holding a silver gun suddenly appeared next to the root of the dark red flower.

Holding a gun in his right hand and a wine bottle in his left hand, he raised his head and took a big gulp into his mouth.


The middle-aged man looked at ease and looked at the Star-Eating Immortal above the dark red flowers.

"It's you!"

Seeing this person, Star Devourer Immortal Lord's pupils shrank: "You are actually the lackey of the Black Hole Galaxy!?"

"Stooge? That sounds awful!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "I just found a place to go!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the injured Black Wolf King of the Void and said with a smile: "Wolf King, this is a good seduction!"

"TNND, if you don't show up, I will die!!"

The Black Wolf King of the Void, covered in blood, cursed and chattered.

He was cursing, but a wave of blood energy suddenly appeared on his body, causing the blood holes on his body to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wolf King, you haven't given us what you promised, and we are not willing to let you die!"

The elegant black-haired young man who controlled the black crystal ball above the head of the Star-Eating Immortal smiled lightly.

Listening to the conversation between the three of them, Star Devourer Immortal Lord's face darkened.

She wondered why this black wolf dared to openly provoke her when he knew he was no match for her.

Everything that happened before was obviously a disguise to lure her here.

The elegant black-haired young man above his head and the strong middle-aged man holding a gun below had obviously been ambushing here early in the morning.

As an immortal, it is impossible for someone to be so close to her under normal circumstances without being noticed by her.

But there is a kind of energy that can make these two people in front of them do it.

Black hole magic!

As the symbol of the black hole galaxy, the black hole fairy power of the black hole galaxy is not only a top fairy power, but also a terrifying energy that makes many immortals fearful.

In the galaxy universe, ordinary people only know that the black hole galaxy is a top force with immortals.

But only strong people like them know that the power contained in the black hole galaxy is far beyond what ordinary top forces can compare with.

But the black hole galaxy is mysterious, and even as an immortal, the Star-Eating Immortal has limited understanding of them.

I only know that the Black Wolf King of the Void is a member of the Black Hole Galaxy.

And the two people appearing now are obviously the same!

She didn't recognize the elegant black-haired young man, but felt a huge threat from him.

As for the middle-aged man holding a gun and drinking wine, he was an immortal cultivator who had fought with her before and escaped unscathed.

Qiankun Immortal Lord!

But it wasn't until this moment that the Star-Eating Immortal Master knew that the other party was not a casual cultivator, but had joined the Black Hole Galaxy.

Looking at the black crystal ball above the head and the silver gun at the base of the flower below...

The Star Devouring Immortal took a deep breath and said, "How are you guys doing?"

Hearing this, the elegant black-haired young man and the Immortal Lord Qiankun all looked at the Black Wolf King in the void.

Although they currently control the Star-Eating Immortal Lord, it is not easy to kill him.

As an Immortal Lord, the Star-Eating Immortal Lord is not so easy to kill.

If they really push the opponent hard, even if they can kill the opponent in the end, they will still have to pay a heavy price.

The reason why we are just holding back the vital points of the Star-Eating Immortal Lord now is to prepare to discuss the conditions.

The Void Black Wolf King also knows this.

Although he wished he could bite the Star-Eating Immortal Lord to death, he still suppressed his anger for the time being and said coldly: "Witch, I have only two requests. First...

Return the eyeballs and fairy palace that you stole to me! "

"Eyeball? Asgard?"

Star-Eating Immortal Lord frowned.

She had heard the Black Wolf King of the Void roar before, and now that she heard this condition, she said calmly: "I don't know what you are referring to, but I have never stolen anything from you!"

The Black Wolf King of the Void became angry when he heard this: "Star-eating witch, do you still want to quibble?"

"Everything I said is true!"

Star-Eating Immortal Lord said with a cold expression: "Don't force this unwarranted charge on my head!"

"you wanna die!!"

The Black Wolf King of the Void was furious, his immortal power burst out, and he shouted angrily: "Ru, Qiankun, kill this witch!!"

"Calm down, Wolf King!"

Seeing its emotional outburst, the elegant black-haired young man spoke quickly.

The simple words, but with a kind of magic power, actually forcibly suppressed the furious emotions of the Void Black Wolf King.

The Star-Eating Immortal Lord narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

Just listen to the elegant black-haired young man continue: "Wolf King, there may be some misunderstanding here..."


Hearing this, the Void Black Wolf King's suppressed emotions rose up again, and he roared angrily: "I saw with my own eyes that two of my things were stolen into the Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy.

In today's Ten Thousand Immortals Galaxy, besides this temptress, who else has this ability! ? "

Hearing this, the elegant black-haired young man and the Qiankun Immortal looked at the Star-Eating Immortal.

"If I have never done this, then I have never done it!"

Star-Eating Immortal Lord snorted coldly: "Little Wolf, if you want to pin this unfounded crime on me, you have found the wrong person!"

"not good!"

Hearing the change in her tone, the expressions of the elegant black-haired young man and the Immortal Master Qiankun changed, and they hurriedly attacked each other's vital points.


The black crystal ball of the elegant black-haired young man was the first to erupt, bursting out with a large burst of destructive light, sweeping towards the head of the Star-Eating Immortal Lord.

But the original head of the Star-Eating Immortal Lord turned into a dark red flower at this moment, turning into a dark red light that directly collided with the light of destruction.

Boom buzz——! !

The fluctuation shook the void, and the elegant black-haired young man was so shocked that he flew back.

at the same time.

Qiankun Immortal Lord directly pierced the root of the huge dark red flower with a spear, and its inner core was directly pierced by the shot. The dark red flower fell down with a cry.

But this did not affect the Star-Eating Immortal Lord.

At this moment, the Star Devouring Immortal Lord has already left his original place.

Like a dark red ghost, it instantly arrived above the head of the Black Wolf King in the void.

That slender white finger, with a dark red light filled with the aura of death, pointed directly at the Black Wolf King in the void.


The Void Black Wolf King was shocked and quickly opened its pure black pupil: "Swallow the black pupil!"

Endless black light swept out from between the pupils, like a big black mouth, swallowing up the extinct dark red light in one mouthful.

Just at the same time.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! …

Around the Black Wolf King in the void, many dark red flowers blooming with light appeared at the same time.

"not good!!"

The face of the Void Black Wolf King changed greatly.

It was too late to make a move, and several Devouring Flowers turned into several dark red rays of light filled with the power of annihilation, sweeping across its huge body in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the entire body of the Black Wolf King of the Void was eroded to pieces, and the wolf bones were vaguely visible.

"Damn it!"

The black-haired and elegant young man and the Qiankun Immortal Lord's expressions darkened when they saw this, and they quickly wanted to step forward to help.

But at this time, several huge dark red flowers suddenly appeared in the void around them, stopping them directly.

"Do you really think I am defenseless!?"

Star Devouring Immortal Lord snorted coldly, and directly covered the Void Black Wolf King with a palm.

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