For a moment, everyone was shocked!

Everyone was shocked, angry and scared!

We were chatting just now, but in an instant, everyone was gone.

The one who died was the one with the strongest cultivation among their group.

What’s even scarier is.

They couldn’t even find the murderer.

For this mission, they knew it would be a little tricky.

After all, all those who came to hunt Bai Ling were gone.

But overall, they are somewhat confident.

Because the person leading the team this time was the Seventh Elder.

Not to mention his powerful cultivation, the treasure in his hand can even exert terrifying power.

With such a luxurious lineup, they don’t even know how they can lose?

However, no one expected it.

The team’s highest combat strength is gone without even seeing the enemy.

It’s called a neat one.


Chi Yu was furious and his eyes were red.

His heart is bleeding!

Thinking of my grandfather’s earnest teachings to me before.

How can one’s heartache be clear!

Everyone understands Chi Yu’s mood.

After all, the relationship between the grandfather and grandson is well-known in the entire North Devil’s Cave.

If it were them, they might be even more sad than Chi Yu.

After all, what they lost was just a strong leader, but what the other party lost was a grandfather!

But now is obviously not the time to grieve.

“Chi Yu, now is not the time to grieve. The enemy is stronger than we imagined.”

“Now the top priority is to run away quickly!”

One of the middle-aged men looked solemn and guarded.

Chifeng’s death disrupted their deployment.

It even made them lose the courage to fight.

Vaguely, they seemed to have transformed from hunters into prey.

At this time, how to escape has become their top priority!

The middle-aged man’s name is Wan Tiancheng!

Comes from the red devil lineage.

Although they regard Chifeng as their respecter during this trip, there is no direct relationship between the two parties.

He just couldn’t bear that Chi Yu, a genius, should perish here.

Then Wan Tiancheng opened his mouth.

Chi Yu quickly adjusted his condition.

“Uncle Wan, there’s no need to say any more!”

He had a righteous look on his face.

“Grandpa’s revenge must be avenged!”

Seeing this, Wan Tiancheng had no doubt that Chi Yu was determined to take revenge.

He was about to persuade him again immediately.

But I heard Chi Yu continue: “It’s just that my strength is low now, what can I do?”

“When I go back to seclusion for a thousand years, I will come back to avenge my grandfather!”

As he spoke, his whole body rose into the sky.

The speed of escaping is so fast!

Wan Tiancheng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he found that he didn’t know what to say.

Others also looked constipated.

Although they knew that Chi Yu’s move was the best choice, they felt that it was a little strange!

Isn’t this a bit too strong to accept the tragic death of a loved one?

Of course, Chi Yu’s escape also sent a signal to them.

Even his own grandson ignored his grandfather’s body.

When they escape, they don’t have any psychological burden.

And just then.

Chi Yu, who had already escaped hundreds of feet, was clearly rushing forward with his whole body, but his head was falling back.

The scene is extremely impactful.

Obviously, the scarecrow hiding in the dark took action again and cut off his head directly.

The whole process can be said to be completed in a flash of lightning.

It was so fast that no one could see clearly what was behind it.

And this scene also greatly stimulated their nerves.

If we say that the sudden death of the Seventh Elder, who was in the second realm of the Three Yins, it was due to a sneak attack.

Now, the other party is attacking and killing them in full view of them!

But even so, they didn’t even see clearly how the other party took action.

“What kind of monster is this?”

Some people were shocked and their faces were blue with fear.

At this time, they finally understood why no matter how many people were sent to the Northern Devil’s Cave, the group was destroyed.

Just the other party’s mysterious and mysterious methods.

I didn’t even see clearly what they were doing.

How to fight this?

“Run away!”

A scream of terror.

Everyone dispersed and fled.

However, the figure of the scarecrow shuttles through the void like a ghost.

Just a few breaths.

The heads of the people who scattered and fled were cut off by him one by one.

The whole thing looks pretty silky smooth.

There is no such thing as a fight scene where you hit me with one move and I will return the same with you.

This is completely a one-sided killing!


The world couldn’t help but become silent.

Apart from the scarecrow, there was no living thing left at the scene.

Under the heavy rain, the scarecrow harvested the souls slowly and touched the corpses to seize treasures!

When everything is over, his eyes

Youyou looked in another direction.

There will be another slaughterhouse!

This time, North Devil’s Cave sent a total of four teams.

Each team is equipped with an extremely strong lineup.

Surrounded from all sides, their main aim is to kill with one strike, leaving Bai Ling no chance of survival.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night!

The scarecrow’s figure moves around, harvesting lives one after another.

In his hands, it doesn’t matter whether you are Tianxuan or Sanyin.

No matter whether it is the first level, the second level or even the third level, no one can escape his scythe.

Every time he swings his sickle, a life will be taken away.

Killing people, seducing souls, touching corpses and grabbing treasures, all in one go.

Shockingly skilled.

The rain is still falling, but the bones of the people sent by Four Meridians have been buried in the mountains forever.

The Scarecrow’s sinister face kept turning.

With his dim eyes, he scanned the situation for dozens of miles around, until he finally found that there were no enemies tonight.

Then he carried the sickle and paced in the rain, twisting and turning. At the same time, he did not forget to find the storage bag and count the harvest tonight.

He casually grabbed a storage bag.

Pull out the contents inside.

King-level magic weapon!

Without even looking at it, he threw it away towards the sky!

The king-level medicine is lost!

The realm-breaking pill is useless, lost!

Just like that, after he lost countless things, the appearance of an item made his eyes instantly brighten.

It was a yellow-orange-orange, golden gold coin.

As the gold coins came in, the Scarecrow put them to his mouth and blew lightly.


Listening to the soft sound of the gold coins, the scarecrow unconsciously grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

Then he put the gold coins into another storage bag.

In this storage bag, all gold coins are stored.

It looks golden, like a small golden mountain.

This is indeed one of his personal collections!

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