The next morning!

As Bai Ling wakes up from the cave.

Outside the cave is a blanket of silver.

Another peaceful and peaceful day!

Bai Ling stretched and glanced at the scarecrow lying motionless on the ground.

There was a strange peace in my heart.

The journey along the way was much smoother than she had imagined.

Originally, she thought that this journey would be accompanied by a bloody storm and a narrow escape from death.

But until now, she has never encountered a decent chase.

How lucky!

“Morning, Scarecrow!”

“It’s time for us to hit the road!”

Bai Ling greeted the scarecrow as usual.

After a brief tidying up, he took the scarecrow out of the cave.

But when she just came out of the cave, there was an ox and a horse standing at the entrance of the cave!

Aren’t they the Earth Bull Demon and Azure Dragon Horse!

Their tall bodies make them look very intimidating.

Bai Ling’s heart tightened and her whole body tensed up!

Make defensive actions subconsciously.

After all, her spirit was always in a state of tension along the way.

Be prepared for attacks by the masters from the North Demon Cave at any time.

However, after waiting for a while, neither the cow nor the horse made any move.

On the contrary, after seeing her, the Earth Bull Demon and Azure Dragon Horse’s eyes were filled with joy, and they knelt down directly towards her to show their submission!

It’s not that they don’t want to talk.

Rather, they felt the Scarecrow’s will secretly.

Don’t say what you shouldn’t say, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.

It is their job to be a good mount with peace of mind!

What kind of existence does a scarecrow have?

In their eyes, that was an unimaginable master.

Even an existence that can rival God.

How could the Earth Bull Demon and Azure Dragon Horse dare to violate their will?


They stood at the door very early in the morning, waiting to be ridden.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ling was also a little confused.

Recently, she just felt that she was very lucky.

Not only can you pick up some treasures at random.

Now, a strange beast actually came to surrender!

She gave the scarecrow a pleased look.

“Is this the person you hired to take care of me?”

The scarecrow has no words.

He stiffly raised his hand and pointed at Lao Niu, gesturing for Bai Ling to sit on it.

This action made Bai Ling happy.

“Sure enough, you were the one who found it!”

Although she and Scarecrow have been together for a long time, they have not had much interaction.

Most of the time, Bai Ling was talking and Scarecrow was listening.

This was the first time the Scarecrow responded to her.

This made Bai Ling feel happy.

Sometimes, people’s happiness is so simple.

One word, one action, one silent communication can make people happy for a long time.

If Bai Ling had never suffered the tragedy of annihilating her family, she would have been a happy and optimistic girl.

It’s a pity that the hatred she carries is too deep and too heavy.

The suffering of life made her look sad all day long.

Only when she sees the scarecrow and thinks of the figure who helped her for free can she feel at ease in the midst of the blood feud.

Only at this time can she temporarily let go of the shackles of hatred and enjoy a brief but precious moment of warmth.

Now that she knew that the Scarecrow had found these two mounts, Bai Ling simply lowered her guard and got on the horse openly.

The scarecrow followed suit and got on top of the cow.

“Set off!”

Bai Ling pointed to the way forward and gave an order. The Earth Bull Demon and Azure Ryoma trotted forward.

It was said that they were running at a trot, but their speed was not slow at all, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were running at lightning speed.

After all, these two are three Yang experts.

If comfort and stability were not considered, they would be able to reach their destination in just a few days.

But now, he was traveling at only one-tenth of the speed.

Even so, it also made Bai Ling very excited.

One-tenth of the way they were traveling was much faster than if they were traveling at full strength.

Not only that, the whole process was extremely smooth, with no bumps at all.

This made her curious about where the Scarecrow got his mount.

He was so obedient and well-behaved.

The speed is still fast!

However, although the Scarecrow can interact with her, he does not communicate with her.

She tried to talk to the horse beneath her, but all she got was two neighing sounds.

Bai Ling had no choice but to suppress her doubts for the time being.

Anyway, she knows that the scarecrow will not harm her!

In addition, the top priority now is to obtain the True Demon inheritance.

Bai Ling’s gaze seemed to be looking through the sky to the far north!

Compared to Bai Ling’s doubts, the Earth Bull Demon and Azure Ryoma’s doubts were no less doubtful than hers.

To say that they are the second envoys of the Green Demon, they have a deep understanding of the entire Northern Demon Cave.

In their view, even the strongest person in the North Demon Cave may not have rice.

Scary straw man.

No, the two sides are not comparable at all.

They firmly believe that the scarecrow is otherworldly and does not resemble any mortal creature at all.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that such an existence is taboo for reincarnation.

They couldn’t figure out why the scarecrow kept following Bai Ling.

It looks like a little follower.

There is something absurd about this weird thing.

Let them puzzle over what kind of relationship between the two parties is!

But no matter what, there was one thing they were extremely sure of.

That’s Bai Ling, and it’s no longer what it used to be.

Even if it hasn’t grown up yet, the scarecrow behind him is not something that the North Devil’s Cave can provoke.

If Bai Ling really comes back one day, will Bei Mo Cave be able to get it?

From this point of view, it seems like a good choice for them to surrender now.

At least, they can avoid the consequences of liquidation.

After all, they knew very well the relationship between the White Demon lineage and the other lines in the Northern Demon Cave.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a blood feud that will never end.

Thinking of this, the Second Envoy of the Green Demon couldn’t help but feel happy.

I’m glad that I didn’t take action against the White Demon Pulse back then.

Fortunately, they surrendered quickly.

Sure enough, sometimes choice is often greater than effort.

They only felt that surrendering to the scarecrow was the most correct choice they had ever made.

For a time, the ox and the horse worked harder and harder.

It’s not that they have no character!

Stay alive, don’t shiver!

Here, Bai Ling continues on her way.

On the other side, the North Demon Cave was not very peaceful.

As Chi Fang, the leader of the Red Demon, sent people to invite the other leaders of the Six Meridians to gather together, ripples spread across the entire North Demon Cave.

After all, the leaders of the Seven Meridians are aloof and aloof, and they work independently. They may not be able to gather together once every few years.

The leaders of the Seven Meridians had just gathered together before, and now, less than a day apart, they gathered again!

Such frequent gatherings make people think about it and make them talk a lot.

“Could it be because of that stinky girl Bai Ling again?”

Some people frowned and said in disbelief.

In recent times, Bai Ling has definitely been the subject of heated discussion in the entire Northern Demon Palace.

She is very talented and has great potential.

He also has a sworn feud with Bei Moku.

Bai Ling’s successful escape previously made people unable to eat and sleep well.

This is an existence that is fully capable of subverting the North Demon Cave in the future.

Such a huge hidden danger has made some people fearful for a long time.

However, not long ago, the news that he appeared again in the Northern Territory caused the entire Northern Demon Cave to boil.

In the eyes of everyone, this is God giving them an opportunity to eliminate hidden dangers.

It was just that at that time, the Northern Demon Cave was pursuing Bai Ling with great fanfare, and the news could be said to have spread throughout the entire Northern Territory.

The results of it?

Bad news of failure time and time again came from the North Demon Cave.

Until now, the person has not been killed, but the North Devil’s Cave has almost become a laughing matter in the eyes of others and a source of conversation.

This made many disciples in Bei Mo Cave see this and feel anxious in their hearts.

They couldn’t figure out why a person who had not yet grown up in the Tianxuan realm could escape capture time and time again.

Now that the leader of the Red Devil once again called on the leaders of the Seven Meridians to go there in a short period of time, they instinctively felt that this was not a good thing.

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