Chapter 126

Ha-jin Kang tried to use the newly acquired chaotic attribute in various ways.

In fact, the chaotic attribute opening that occurred when the ability of the moon pendant was extorted only opened the possibility, but did not actually acquire the attribute.

But this time, he saved Samuel and Jexter’s subordinates, and this time it was perfectly established as an attribute.

In the seeds of chaos they harbored, the pure energy of chaos was sleeping, and they were pulled out.

It was an achievement that was achieved only with the understanding of the attributes naturally acquired through long use of Ha-jin Kang’s senses and attribute assignments engraved on the body through [Super Sense], and the possibility of chaotic attributes.

The seeds of chaos they harbored turned into seeds of innocence as the power of chaos disappeared.

[Seed of Purity][Source of various possibilities. It gives the ability to germinate at the same time.]

Originally, he had to transform into one of many different types of monsters, which turned into abilities.

It was as if he had acquired one of the abilities the monster would possess.

The 20 awakened people, including Samuel, swore obedience the moment they were saved by Ha-jin Kang.

They decided to pay the price for their sins by following Ha-jin Kang’s orders.

Now, those 20 awakened people were lined up in an orderly manner in front of Ha-jin Kang, with their eyes flashing.

‘What’s the deal with paying the price for your sins and obeying my orders?’

Ha-jin Kang had that thought, but he didn’t dare say it out loud.

Anyway, there were 20 people who were quite talented. Moreover, they are the ones who swore to obey Kang Ha-jin.

It wasn’t a false promise. It was an oath that came from the depths of my heart, and it was an oath recorded in the system.

They could never disobey Kang Ha-jin.

‘It seems like a side effect of living in the family of Jexter.’

But Jexter did not show such a reaction.

He was much more independent than them. Maybe it’s because Ha-jin Kang’s power was involved when it was incorporated into this system from another dimension system.

Because they changed the system with their own power.

“Give me an order.”

Ha-jin Kang brushed off his thoughts at those words and looked at them one by one.

The level was quite high, and the corresponding ability was not bad.

But compared to the Guardians, it was inferior.

In addition, their skills were specialized in infiltration, disturbance, and assassination rather than combat.

Isn’t there one person in the Guardian who can use these people very well?

“I’ll take you to someone who can use you better than me.”

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Ha-jin Kang. Kang Ha-jin was startled by the young eagerness in their eyes.

“We want to work for the Master. Please do not forsake us.”

Hajin Kang shook her head quickly.

“It’s not about throwing it away, it’s about making it work for me better. Everything he does is for me. So, follow the instructions carefully.”

Then their eyes dimmed.

After a while, Myung In-hyuk appeared there.

And they followed Myung In-hyuk with a very satisfied expression. Everyone knew how great he was because he had already experienced Myung In-hyuk.

After taking care of them, Hajin Kang went to see Jexter.

Now, just deal with Jexter and this job will be over.

‘I wish I could find his friends too.’

Now that we’ve found a way to weaken Jason’s power, he should put it to good use.

* * *

After Ha-jin Kang saved Samuel and the crew, Jexter found quite a bit of stability.

However, he had no intention of entrusting his body to Ha-jin Kang.

He decided that if he was with Ha-jin Kang, he would rather be a big problem.

He gave Ha-jin Kang all the information about the two friends he was with and left.

While he intends to get revenge on Jason in any way he can.

The look in Jexter’s eyes as he spoke those words was so complicated that it was difficult to put it into words.

Hajin Kang had no choice but to let him go.

He had a foreboding feeling that he would never see Sexter again.

* * *

The current situation in Mexico is a mess.

The Awoken split into two factions and started a fierce war.

One was the Awoken who bound the monsters to the city in this disaster.

And the other was the Awakeneds centered on the existing Awakened Association.

Naturally, the latter held more power.

However, the number was much higher than the former.

The Awakenings of Mexico were dominated by a minority of the powers of the association.

That is why a number of awakened people who felt a sense of relative deprivation came together as a result of this incident.

Although there were many, it was not easy to deal with the incumbents.

In fact, the situation in Mexico could have ended much sooner.

There were so many Awakeneds that it would have been difficult for the Association to stop them if they had played in the early stages.

However, there were those who helped the association during that important time.

It was the Defenders.

The Defenders felt a huge threat to the growth of the Guardians.

Currently, the countries most actively supporting the Guardians are France, the Philippines, and Russia.

Also, most of the countries that received the Guardian’s help in this disaster were in favor.

Under that circumstance, they judged that the burden on the Defenders would be too great if they actively participate in the Guardians even to Mexico.

So he brought the situation in Mexico into chaos.

He secretly supported the association and prevented the awakenings of Mexico from uniting.

Starting with Mexico, the Defenders counterattack began.

In countries that were favorable to the Guardian, he secretly created public opinion against the Guardian.

At the same time, he preached the need for a new organization, not the Guardian.

When the Defenders appeared, it was the basis for maximizing the effect.

There was no way the Guardian could not understand such a series of situations.

Myung In-hyuk’s information network was extending beyond Korea to all over the world like a neural network.

He still wasn’t good enough to control the world’s intelligence, but it was enough to catch anomalies.

Myung In-hyuk immediately responded to the situation and reported the fact to Kang Ha-jin.

“So when do you think the Defenders will rise?”

“It will be difficult right now. It’s going to be difficult for them to get what they want unless there’s one big event that’s going to make a name for themselves.”

“It’s a case worth making a name for.”

In fact, the second disaster that occurred not long ago was perfect.

In fact, it was using it that the Guardians definitely made a name for themselves before their return.

Of course, this time, the current Guardian took the blame for that.

After the second disaster, there is a lull for a while. Even if the progress itself is faster than before the regression, it will be quiet for at least a month.

As Ha-jin Kang was quiet in thought, In-hyuk Myung made a cautious comment.

“There are ways to deliberately create such an event. I haven’t fully understood the Defenders yet, but I think it can be done casually.”

“Certainly… they’re not like that.”

In fact, there was one memory that came to mind.

It just happened after a lull for several months after the outbreak of the second catastrophe.

During those months, the Guardians were steadily driving public opinion in order to strengthen their popularity.

And as it waned a little, a big incident happened like a lie.

The reason Kang Ha-jin recalled that memory with a serious expression was that at the time, I thought it was just that, but looking back, there were many strange corners.

Perhaps if Myung-in-hyuk hadn’t just said that, he might have passed this time without thinking too much.

In fact, there is inevitably a dungeon blank period.

Even before the return, there was clearly a gap.

It was right after the dungeon raid, and it was right after each disaster.

The dungeon that appears on Earth is Marbas’s attack, but it would not be easy for Marvass to pour out such a huge amount of resources to cause a disaster.

So, it was a natural flow to go into a lull before or immediately after a big event.

The longer the hiatus, the better for the Guardians.

If you don’t constantly show how to solve the Earth’s crisis, the public will quickly forget how grateful you are to the Guardians.

And whenever I was worried like that, it happened like a lie.

Hajin Kang thought he was really lucky.

It was then.

“For some reason, I think I know where the incident is going to happen this time.”


Myung In-hyuk looked at Kang Ha-jin with surprised eyes.

“Focus on LA.”

“You mean LA? American?”

“okay. This time it’s America. It’s not going to happen in the middle of LA, it’s going to be a little farther away.”

I’m not sure if I’ll be working in the exact same place as before the return.

Various variables will be created depending on the circumstances at that time.

‘Originally, things would happen after a period of lull, but it’s different now than then.’

Perhaps the timing of the events will vary depending on the current situation of the Defenders.

And if this time it happened in a different place than Ha-jin Kang’s memory in the first place, one thing would be certain.

So it was necessary to check several things.(Read more @

Hajin Kang brought up a map of the United States on his tablet. And he enlarged the LA section.

His memories of that time were still vivid, so he was able to pinpoint the exact location.

“Investigate this area intensively.”

“It’s not too far from LA. If a monster appears in a place like this, it can be very threatening.”

“Not a monster.”

“Yes? Unless it’s a monster…”

“It’s a dungeon.”

“You mean the dungeon is open here?”

Hajin Kang shook his head.

“Nothing is certain yet. All I want is a bit of a dirty check.”

Myung In-hyuk’s eyes twinkled.

What he originally does is that stealth is life. However, to be active, this meant disinformation.

“Of course, the opponent must be the Defenders… Does that mean that the Master thinks the Defenders are the culprits of the dungeon?”

Hajin Kang shook her head quickly. That was too far-fetched conclusion.

“That’s not right. There are other beings who make dungeons.”

Myung In-hyuk looked at Kang Ha-jin with a strange gaze. It’s as if he knows for sure who makes the dungeon.

“We will talk about that later. Let’s focus on this one for now.”

“Yeah. Then, as instructed, we will take measures to ensure that disinformation flows to the Defenders.”

This has to be handled cleverly. If the other party notices even a little bit of disinformation, it could turn into something else altogether.

And Myung In-hyeok was a talented person who could handle such a task more reliably than anyone else.

He just has to trust him.

“When can I start?”

“Start right away. Don’t forget to report the situation.”

“Yeah. We will report on the status of the Defenders from time to time.”

“Have you already built an information network over there?”

“It’s still a hat. It’s just that I can get a glimpse of the movement.”

Hajin Kang wrapped his tongue around him. How long has it been since you’ve known about the Defenders that you’ve already prepared that much?

Every time I experience it, I am amazed. And I was convinced that securing Myung In-hyuk was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Including Kyung-Min Yoon.

As Myung In-hyuk went outside, Kang Ha-jin checked the map again.

Memories of that time came back one by one.

To be sure, knowing information about the future is a tremendous power.

Hajin Kang waited for the Defenders to move forward with a pounding heart.

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