Chapter 131

It was a unique monument.

Once the remains were underground.

It was not that there was nothing on the ground, but there was a huge building on the ground, and there were ruins under it.

The building on the ground was a very low and wide building, but it looked like a flat floor when viewed from above because it was made by attaching very wide rocks side by side.

There were several entrances, but the Awoken of the Ruins Excavation Team were guarding only there.

It was a site that was fairly easy to defend.

However, the key is what happens if a monster climbs up on that wide rock that covers the ruins and runs rampant, but Ha-jin Kang didn’t think it would collapse so easily.

There was something peculiar power flowing throughout the ruins.

Its power tightly connected the wide rocks, and it seemed that the stickiness could not be easily broken.

A smile crept over Ha-jin Kang’s lips.

It seemed that he had come to the right place.

I saw monsters wandering around, and those monsters constantly rushed at the Awakeners guarding the entrance.

The faces of the awakened fighting monsters were full of fatigue.

It looked like it had almost reached its limit. If you spend more time here, you will all die in the end.

Kang Ha-jin first decided on an entrance. It was the place where the fight with the most monster was fierce.

Several powerful monsters were attacking, and the Awoken who were blocking them were falling one by one.

It was almost on the verge of breaking through.

Hajin Kang quickly approached it. And hit the monsters.


[Lightning] hit the monster’s head, and one of them died instantly.

Hajin Kang dug into the place where the dead monster was.

Suddenly, Kang Ha-jin was holding a long sword.

Sugar Gag!

In an instant, the monsters around Kang Ha-jin were split, cut, and collapsed.

Awakened people guarding the entrance watched the scene with amazement.

But their surprise didn’t end there.

Hajin Kang wrote [Healing Bomb].


With the intense light, the wounds of the Awoken who were guarding it disappeared in an instant.

Everyone stared blankly at Kang Ha-jin.

“D, are you from the Defenders?”

Radio was available, so I had been informed that the Defenders would send a rescue team.

He knew that the Defenders had already arrived and were fighting to enter the ruins.

They thought that Ha-jin Kang was an advance squad sent by the Defenders.

“I’m from the Guardians.”

“Guardians? Not the Defenders?”

“The Defenders are still fighting monsters to get in here. Over there and over there.”

Awakened people who looked at the place where Ha-jin Kang was pointing with their finger without knowing it, looked at Ha-jin Kang and asked again.

“Then did the Guardians agree to help us?”

“I just came in on my own. The Guardians haven’t received any requests or permission yet.”

The faces of the Awoken were hardened.

It seemed that the Canadian government was not doing its best despite the circumstances.

“Once you come in…”

Hajin Kang shook his head at the words of the Awakened.

“I’m going to clean things up first. Do you think it would all go through there?”

Kang Ha-jin said so and ran to the other entrance.

The awakened people looked blankly at Kang Ha-jin’s fading away, and then came to their senses.

Other monsters were approaching.

But now it will be different. Because there are no wounds on his body and the crisis has passed.

Their eyes suddenly widened as they watched the monster approach.

Hajin Kang’s buff came in.

It was only then that a rumor about the Guardian’s Master came to mind.

A rumor mixed with humor that those who received his buff will have no choice but to become his slaves.

The rumors were true.

* * *

After cleaning up the surroundings once, Ha-jin Kang entered the ruins.

The awakened people who received Hajin Kang’s buff were resting after easily dealing with the monsters that attacked them.

One of them guided Ha-jin Kang inward.

An expedition team gathered at the center of the ruins

The total of the Awoken who guarded each entrance was about 30 people.

And there were about 30 people inside. It was exactly 32 people.

Among them, 25 were Awoken, and 7 were ordinary people.

Among them, a middle-aged man who appears to be in charge found Ha-jin Kang and approached him.

“Jimmy, who is this person?”

A man named Jimmy answered quickly.

“He is the Master of the Guardians who came to help us.”

“Master of the Guardians? The legendary buffer?”

A middle-aged man reached out his hand and asked for a handshake.

“My name is Renat. He leads the Awakening Team of the Ruins Expedition.”

Hajin Kang took Renat’s hand.

“This is Hajin Kang. As you know, he is the Master of the Guardians. I’m here for personal business.”

Renat made a strange expression.

“Personal business? Can you guess what it is?”

Hajin Kang smiled and pointed her finger at the floor.

“I have some interest here.”

“here? Are you talking about these ruins?”

“Yes. The rescue team was in charge of the Defenders, so it’s a secret that I’m here.”

Kang Ha-jin said so and grinned. It was kind of a mischievous smile.

As the conversation continued in such a good atmosphere, everyone approached one by one as if the tension had eased a bit.

One of them said cautiously.

“Hey… did you say you’re the Guardian’s Master?”


“I heard that you have a healing skill, is that right?”

Kang Ha-jin then looked at the people inside. He was an awake, sleeping layman and there was no one without injuries.

“Everyone is hurt.”

Hajin Kang immediately used a healing bomb.


A healing bomb exploded in the center of the people, and everyone’s wounds were thoroughly healed.

Now that the proficiency is almost full, the radius of the healing bomb has been widened and the effect has improved tremendously.

Everyone looked at Ha-jin Kang with surprised eyes.

That wasn’t all they were surprised at.

“I thought all the supplies were running out, so I prepared some.”

Hajin Kang poured fresh fruit, canned food, and bread from the subspace.

Everyone opened their mouths.

All of the supplies including food ran out, so I wondered what to do now.

To them, Hajin Kang was the savior itself.

“There is still a lot left, so eat as much as you can. I’ll take a look around the ruins.”

Everyone picked up fresh fruit one by one. And ate it with a happy expression.

Ha-jin Kang didn’t care whether he looked around the ruins or not.

Right now, happiness in front of them was much more important to them.

* * *

Hajin Kang carefully looked around the inside of the ruins.

As he had heard, he saw unusual patterns throughout the ruins.

It wasn’t text. It was more about decoration than writing.

To Ha-jin Kang, it looked like a pattern engraved to draw out the power of the system.

There were several patterns.

A pattern the size of a human head was engraved in the middle of the wall, or a pattern the size of a fist on the ceiling was engraved into a large pattern.

‘Is there any erosion going on?’

No matter how much I looked around, there was nothing. Perhaps the museum was a special space.

The British Museum and the Louvre were respectively a magic workshop and a magic workshop.

If so, what are you doing here?

Hajin Kang put the patterns in his eyes one by one. It was because I thought that maybe if I remembered those patterns, there would be a place where I could use them.

She took out her smartphone and took pictures of the patterns one by one and recorded them.

After registering this place on the management list, I thought I should study it step by step.

As I was taking pictures like that, Renat approached me.

“What are you doing?”

When Ha-jin Kang turned to Renat, her expression was so bright that it could not be compared with before.

It was because she ate fresh fruits, bread, and sandwiches brought by Ha-jin Kang.

“I was taking some patterns with pictures,” she said.

“Other than that, there are some patterns that have been erased, and I will send you a picture of them.”

“Are there any patterns that have been erased?”

“Yes. The entrance was originally blocked, but there was a large pattern engraved on it. I was surprised that it collapsed when I touched it. Well, thanks to that, I was able to get in very easily.”

Renat brought his camera and showed him the pictures he had taken.

Clearly, the pattern carved on the door was larger and more complex than any other pattern here.

Renat manipulated the camera and sent the photo to Hajin Kang’s email.

“You seem to be interested in the ruins, so check it out later. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at any time and I will do my best to answer them to the best of my knowledge.”

Renat was very kind to Kang Ha-jin.

She was partly because of the food Ha-jin Kang brought, and partly because she talked with the Awakened while eating it.

Had it not been for Hajin Kang, she had already been told that the monsters would have entered through the entrance.

It was natural to be kind, as it was like a lifesaver. Anyone with normal common sense.

“Did you say Kang Ha-jin? Entering the monster-infested Rocky Mountains just to see the ruins, it seems like you don’t really like ruins in general.”

About half of Renat’s favor was due to what he just said.

“It would be nice to have an opportunity to have a serious conversation about the ruins or artifacts later.”

Hajin Kang’s eyes lit up at Renat’s words.

Isn’t it like a way to find the remnants of the past more easily?

“I wish I could have that kind of time in the future. I recently went to the British Museum and the Louvre, and I really liked them.”

“Five! I’ve only heard rumors that they have a lot of relics these days, but I’m really looking forward to seeing them in person.”

Hajin Kang laid some ground rice.

For example, things like saying that I might be able to go to the Louvre again because I have a deep relationship with the French government.

As soon as Renat heard about it, he loved it so much that he jumped. He looked at it and thought he was just like a child.

As it turned out, he was looking around the ruins with Renat’s guidance.

Lenat enthusiastically explained his thoughts on this site, using all the knowledge he knew.

Hajin Kang nodded eagerly and listened to his explanation.(Read more @

It was of great help to Ha-jin Kang, who was trying to find the center of this ruin.

“This is the most important place in the ruins, in my opinion. In fact, when looking at other patterns and structures, this is also the center of attention.”

I arrived at the center of the ruins simply by following Renat’s explanation.

There was no need to open the senses and do anything.

In doing so, I naturally gained a lot of knowledge and information that would be helpful when checking out other ruins.

“Then I will take a closer look at this center.”

Renat gestured as if he could do anything.

He showed his will not to disturb him as much as he did when he visited the ruins.

Renat stepped back slowly and quietly.

Hajin Kang stood at the center of the ruins and opened up all his sharpened senses.

He was still one of the remnants of the past.

Hajin Kang connected the remnants of the past to the present system by arranging the information pouring in through the senses into images one by one.

* * *

The leader of the Defenders’ rescue team was an awakened person named Steven.

He was not a supporter of the Defenders, but of William’s family.

All members of the family included in this rescue team were sent by William.

In fact, Jennifer’s family was not suitable for this job, and Jason’s family had many other things to do.

All that’s left is the clan of William and Spencer, but Spencer has only created one clan.

It was because it was too difficult to find a suitable fit for the family.

Compared to the others, Spencer was really picky. Since he belonged to all three, the fit had to be somewhat similar to the conditions of all three.

“Doesn’t the monster’s attack seem a bit loose?”

The Awoken next to Steven blew up a swarming monster and asked.

It really was.

That gigantic monster, apparently commanding the monsters, suddenly began to come and go.

From that point on, the connection between the monsters was not the same as before. The formation was no longer dense, and the attacks of monsters without linkages were not as threatening as before.

“It looks like we can get inside.”

But Steven’s expression darkened when he said that.

Because getting in is another matter, getting out of here with the people in there was another matter.

Besides, there were seven ordinary people there.

The monsters were more numerous, violent and stronger than expected.

what to do though First of all, you have to go according to plan.

“Come on, go ahead. I’m going to break through the slack, so everyone be alert!”

As Steven said so, he threw his secret skill wind bomb forward.

Bubbling bubbly!

A great wind clung to one point and then spread out, blowing away the monsters as they were.

They rushed through the gap that had been created.

It was possible because the number of monsters was significantly reduced.

If I had done this before, the monsters in the back would have filled the void.

Anyway, taking advantage of the looseness of the monsters, the Defenders’ rescue team succeeded in entering the ruins.

It wasn’t just Steven’s side, but the other side’s rescue team too.

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