Chapter 151

After entering the code, Hajin Kang checked the recipe for the potion.

It was never a recipe I made at random. It was clear that this was also a potion recipe with excellent performance.

Otherwise, the United States would be cheating on the Guardians, and there was no way they could do it that way.

Perhaps this recipe is a downgraded version of the original recipe.

The reason Kang Ha-jin asked to see the recipe in advance was that he wanted to check if it was something he could not solve.

“For now, the disease treatment potion is unavoidable. We have no choice but to make and sell it.”

Hajin Kang was also the owner of excellent knowledge in this field.

Although he couldn’t make potions themselves, he knew a lot of core knowledge about them.

So, he checked to see if he could restore the original recipe by combining his knowledge.

In fact, after his return, this was the first time I encountered a proper potion recipe.

However, he was very unfamiliar with the recipe because he had no interest in the disease treatment potion before he returned.

There was no room for Kang Ha-jin to touch this.

Kang Ha-jin next checked the recipe for the wound healing potion. From now on it was real.

A potion was not something that could be made by simply mixing a few ingredients.

There are several methods of preparation, but none of them are simple.

Early potions were made by refining magic-based materials from dungeons.

Then, the essence of modern chemistry gradually permeated and it became possible to extract even better performance.

However, the core of it has always been magic-based alchemy.

That is why Kang Ha-jin provides the core of the magic potion manufacturing and can receive royalties from the A-Market.

Hajin Kang already had knowledge of the last potion released just before his return.

Of course he didn’t know all the potion recipes, but he did know the core.

Before the return, Ha-jin Kang was a warrior who was an excellent buffer and healer, but he was also a researcher who was always thirsty for new knowledge.

Also, Kang Ha-jin’s status at the time allowed him to access all such knowledge almost unconditionally.

Of course, there were some knowledge that were not disclosed at all, but there was no way to request data because even Ha-jin Kang did not know about its existence in the first place.

After all, after returning, he only noticed something strange in the process of recalling the past, but he still did not know what information or knowledge Jason was hiding.

Anyway, Hajin Kang knew the core knowledge of the newly developed potion with superior performance almost immediately before the return.

It was a potion in the form of a double development of the potion originally intended to be handed over in the US this time.

He had that much knowledge, so he could pinpoint the problem with this potion recipe.

Again, this potion was halved.

“I think I was joking.”

At Ha-jin Kang’s words, A-yeon Jeong’s expression darkened.

“Really? I can’t believe it. Even the U.S. government was involved, but it was handled in this way…”

“It is quite possible. It’s definitely a potion with improved performance.”


Jeong A-yeon looked at Kang Ha-jin with an incomprehensible expression.

“Perhaps the DM has an upgraded potion.”

“Then, isn’t that more of a problem? If there is a better potion, who would buy a potion with poor performance?”

Sales are possible. You should hit the price. But only then you get too little for the effort you put in.

“We will have to start researching potions ourselves.”

“Yes? Aren’t there just one or two things you need to do that?”

Most potions are researched by pharmaceutical companies. It’s probably the field where they can best utilize the research infrastructure they have.

But once it was related to the dungeon, things didn’t necessarily work out in common sense.

Hajin Kang has the ability to break that common sense.

Anyway, I couldn’t use this recipe right away.

The copyright was meaningless in this state. Rather, it was better to draw a potion of the next stage based on this.

It will take some time, though.

“But where did you get this?”

Ha-jin Kang put her tablet in the room and grinned.

This recipe itself may not be usable, but the recipe contains a lot of information.

And the rest, except for the core, was information that Ha-jin Kang did not originally have.

The key information was not needed in the first place.

So, not starting from zero, but starting from the state where the foundation work was completed.

You will probably be able to create new potions much faster than Jung A-yeon or DM thinks.

‘There are some good talents Myung In-hyuk found.’

Among those talents, there were those who were involved in potions. They were not the ones who led the research, but they were the researchers who were very helpful as an assistant to the research.

Aren’t they the perfect fit for the current situation?

“Anyway, you worked hard. It has been of great help in many ways. Now let’s finish this job well.”

Ha-jin Kang passed like that, and your Jeong-ah-yeon had no choice but to nod her head.

“Yeah. What is right in front of you is more urgent. Okay. Good job, we.”

A smile appeared on Jeong A-yeon’s lips again.

* * *

On the fourth day after the Guardians arrived in Hawaii, the unexpected happened.

A huge dungeon appeared.

It was a huge dungeon with a diameter of about 100 meters.

Kang Ha-jin saw that and made a puzzled expression.

‘A really huge dungeon has appeared. This is something that has definitely changed.’

Something happened that didn’t happen before the return.

This was different from changing the location of the dungeon where Jason and his crew appeared in the old LA.

At that time, what was going to happen anyway was twisted, and this was because something that didn’t exist.

Besides, the feeling of the dungeon was very strange.

“Why are you doing this? Aren’t you coming in?”

As I was watching the dungeon, Hwang Soo-young, who approached me, asked with a puzzled expression.

“I wasn’t feeling well, so I was thinking.”

“Yes? Do you feel bad?”

Hwang Soo-young’s expression became serious.

She was a person who believed in Kang Ha-jin’s feelings very much. It was natural for her to see what Kang Ha-jin had shown her during that time.

All of the things she did, saying that Ha-jin Kang was a sense, were right, how could she possibly ignore it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“What’s wrong with how?”

Hajin Kang shook her head.

“I don’t know that. Anyway, I’m not feeling well, so please be careful Hwang Soo-young.”

Hwang Soo-young nodded her head with her firm expression on her face.

“I see. I will do that.”

Hajin Kang took a deep breath and calmed her mind.

“Come on, let’s go.”

At Ha-jin Kang’s words, the Guardians moved first.

Then the Dungeon Breakers followed, and finally the Defenders entered the dungeon.

After Kang Ha-jin confirmed that they were all in, she entered the dungeon alongside Hwang Soo-young.

And the 200 Awakened Awokens brought in by Jeong A-yeon began to closely monitor the surroundings of the dungeon.

It was a measure to block variables as much as possible.

Thus, the Hawaii giant dungeon attack began.

* * *

Ha-jin Kang, who entered the dungeon, could understand why he felt ominous.

The magic full of the dungeon was very different from the existing dungeon.

His magic itself was ominous.

This ominous magical power had an effect outside the dungeon. So it feels ominous.

The whole world was filled with the smell of blood.

Hajin Kang had experienced similar dungeons.

Not this lifetime, of course, but before the return.

‘It’s not the right time.’

If it was the dungeon Kang Ha-jin thought, this was a dungeon that should come out much later.

“Be vigilant about your surroundings.”

Everyone nodded at Ha-jin Kang’s instructions and looked around with a nervous expression.

Ha-jin Kang, who took out the drone from subspace, first launched it.

Although it was a little precarious because it was a piece of equipment that operated based on magic, it floated in the air.

Ha-jin Kang controlled the drone and looked around the inside of the dungeon.

A three-dimensional screen appeared in front of Hajin Kang. All the Awoken were watching it.

Like a huge dungeon, the size of the dungeon was huge.

However, it was not that huge compared to other giant dungeons.

It was wider than the average new type dungeon, but it was about twice as short.

‘If it’s a new type dungeon with a diameter of 100 meters, it’s usually at least ten times bigger…’

It seemed that the dungeon he had experienced before returning was correct.

“But there aren’t too many monsters. There are a few big ones, but…”

When I counted the large monsters I could see, there were only 13.

But that was all. The little monsters were nowhere to be seen.

“Is it possible that he is hiding somewhere?”

“It could be.”

“I want to see if there are any caves, holes in the ground, or odd spots on the screen.”

The Awoken each shared their opinions.

After all, it was absurd to say that this is a huge dungeon and that there are only monsters like this.

That was their common sense.

But Kang Ha-jin was well aware that this could happen.

He was also well aware that such a situation was much more dangerous than a lot of monsters.

The fact that there were few monsters in the huge dungeon meant that those monsters were incredibly strong.

It means that only 13 monsters shared their limited resources, so how powerful they are.

Of course, it’s still difficult to break through the passage, so it’s better than the situation that happened in the second half.

“No matter how you look at it, that monster seems to be everything.”

Everyone’s faces brightened. However, Hwang Soo-young, who had been watching Ha-jin Kang from the moment she came in, couldn’t do that.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

In response to her Hwang Soo-young’s question, her Kang Ha-jin looked at her and said:

“If you make fun of those monsters, you’re in trouble.”

“Hey, who makes fun of monsters? Everyone will do well, so don’t worry too much.”

Hajin Kang shook her head.

“It’s not like that. Originally, a dungeon of this size should have at least 10,000 different types of monsters. If you match the assortment well, you can even have 15 thousand.”

Ha-jin Kang looked around at the awakened people who had become quiet as if they were dead and continued.

“Those 13 monsters can be thought of as condensed fifteen thousand monsters.”

Hwang Soo-young said with a tired expression.

“So… that one monster gathered the power of a thousand other monsters?”


Then everyone got serious.

Of a thousand tiny monsters and one with the power of a thousand, which one is more difficult to deal with?

It depends on the situation, but in the case of a monster, it is much more difficult to deal with a single animal with concentrated power.

The fact that the power is condensed also means that it is difficult to get a scratch with any attack power.

It also meant that he was agile enough to hit an attack, yet had strong attack power.(Read more @

Perhaps if those monsters attack, they will die just by passing it.

Besides, I don’t know what skills he has. It is highly likely that he possessed a lot of skills.

They may also have bizarre or difficult skills to deal with.

Anyway, those monsters were by no means easy opponents.

“The good news is that everyone is far away.”

At Hwang Soo-young’s words, Kang Ha-jin shook her head.

“No one knows what will happen. So don’t rush.”

At those words, Hwang Soo-young’s face turned pale.

“Is it possible that several guys can run at the same time?”

“You have to keep all possibilities open.”

At Ha-jin Kang’s words, the atmosphere in the crowd became very heavy.

One Awoken from the Defenders raised his hand carefully.


When Ha-jin Kang looked at him, he spoke up.

“If it’s such a dangerous dungeon, how about going out again and bringing in more people?”

Hajin Kang shook his head.

“Attacking such a powerful entity, increasing the number of people will only increase the damage. It would be better to kill it with a small group of people.”

The expressions of the Defenders Awakened darkened.

Hajin Kang looked at them and continued.

“So, you have to plan thoroughly and fight. We will safely hunt all those monsters.”

At Ha-jin Kang’s words, everyone swallowed dry saliva.

Anyway, seeing Ha-jin Kang made me feel at ease. And I felt like I could win.

Ha-jin Kang glanced around at the awakened people who were looking at him.

‘The variable is… Defenders.’

All Guardians and Dungeon Breakers were Hajin Kang’s combat soldiers. So it was easy to control them.

But the Defenders are different.

Perhaps when an unexpected situation arises, they may not be able to deal with it properly.

“For now, everyone, please wait here. I’ll go and take a look. You must never move from this place.”

Everyone nodded at Kang Ha-jin’s instructions. And he couldn’t hide his anxious expression.

Kang Ha-jin first opened a cover-up centering around that place.

He drew his slender power to create a pattern, which took only five minutes to perfectly draw the intricate pattern.

The more you do it, the more your proficiency increases, and the faster you go.

‘too slow.’

Hajin Kang was still thinking about whether there was a way to make this happen faster.

“What are you doing?”

Kang Ha-jin answered Hwang Soo-young’s question indifferently.

“You are using a skill that conceals this area. If you don’t move here, no one will find you. Human or monster.”

At those words, everyone looked at Ha-jin Kang with surprised eyes. He had no idea he had such a skill.

Ha-jin Kang confirmed that the field of concealment was working perfectly, and left the place, receiving everyone’s wonderful gaze.

Now it was time to look at the monsters.

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