Chapter 182

“The Rift of the Sahara”

Hajin Kang observed the huge barracks from afar.

For once, a harsh feeling touched my senses. In fact, it got a little darker all the way here.

So he noticed that there was something there.

I thought that something might be a crack.

The reason I’m not sure is because the feeling was different than in Antarctica.

In Antarctica, Hajin Kang clearly confirmed the cracks himself.

At that time, he clearly remembered the power of the system that wet his entire body.

However, the feeling that fills this area now is a little different from back then.

it’s similar However, if it was just the same, it was not a crack, but a hole of erosion in Japan.

It’s not a crack either, but it feels like a crack.

‘Come to think of it, this feeling is more like a hole of erosion.’

Of course, it was also different from the hole of erosion. It’s just a little resemblance.

Anyway, to exude a feeling similar to those two, doesn’t it mean that they are similar to those two?

And what else could that be other than cracks?

‘These guys over there must be Awoken from the Defenders, right?’

Even in Antarctica, the Awakeners of the Defenders were pouring hard magic into the rift, refined through the Neusnemid basic magic operation method.

If so, wouldn’t the Awakened people here do similar things?

‘Isn’t there supposed to be more than this?’

The Awakeners of the Defenders, who were doing the same thing in Antarctica, told me. Originally, there were much more.

However, after Ash’s visit, the number drastically decreased.

Since the rifts were expanded through Ash, they seemed to have decided that it would be okay to reduce the number.

Hajin Kang waited for night to come.

Rather than approaching it blindly, it was necessary to take a sneak peek.

I was planning to think about the next number after checking if there was a real crack there.

Ha-jin Kang hid himself through [Concealment] and continued to monitor the place.

The Awoken over there were living a really monotonous life.

It seemed that the Awokens went inside and poured their magical energy into the rift repeatedly in several turns.

The Awoken from the great barracks were sobbing from exhaustion.

On the other hand, the Awakeneds who take turns entering with them were relatively quick. But it was a rotten look.

It was natural. Perhaps all you do is pour out your magical energy, but if you think about doing it every day, how mentally and physically painful and tiring would it be.

As I watched, it suddenly became night.

Even when night fell, the lives of the awakened people around the huge barracks had not changed at all.

When the time comes, they take turns entering the huge barracks, and the rest of the life is repeated by stretching around and recovering as much stamina as possible.

Hajin Kang approached the barracks in the darkness of the night.

The inside of the barracks was full of bright lights, but he was not afraid to be found even if he sneaked in.

The barracks were huge too, and the Awoken were either in a huge pit in the middle of the barracks or lying on the cots that lined the edge of the barracks.

Of course, he went in with [Concealment] on, but he didn’t have to do that, but if he went in carefully, he wouldn’t be found out.

Of course, you have to avoid the gaze of the Awoken guarding the entrance to the barracks.

Hajin Kang quickly approached the pit in the center.

And he checked inside.

Again, there was a huge crack. The Awoken were pouring out their magical energy around the rift.

I could feel the rift that had absorbed the Awoken’s magical powers become more unstable.

However, it was possible for Kang Ha-jin, who has a deep and sensitive sense of the system, to feel it.

They will probably feel that the cracks are more stable.

So the Defenders must be able to use them.

‘By the way, you don’t use Neusnemid’s magic trick,’

Come to think of it, there was no need to use it here. No, rather, it would be much more effective for the Awoken on Earth to send their magic power to the rift.

Anyway, Ha-jin Kang, who was watching the crack there, suddenly felt something tickling his senses.

It wasn’t difficult for him to find the cause. It was a feeling that came from the system.

It felt like it was coming from the battlefield that was newly incorporated this time.

Ha-jin Kang became the manager of that showdown, and seeing this crack as to why he created the showdown, he could naturally understand.

He was a device for closing this rift using three confrontation systems.

But Hajin Kang felt it. He said that it would be impossible to stop this rift with just three showdowns.

It’s impossible to prevent it, but it’s still better than not using it. We will be able to stop supplying magical energy to this rift any more.

But right now, you can’t start a fight.

If that happens, the awakened people over there will all at once squeeze their magic to the limit and grow the rift again.

It would be nice to be able to embrace them as in Antarctica, but the situation is a little different now than in Antarctica.

The Awoken of Antarctica discovered that the magic refining method they had learned was actually making the cracks bigger.

However, the awakened people here did not learn how to use Neusnemid’s basic magic.

So, if I had to tell them about it, the seeds wouldn’t work.

It will be impossible to persuade unless you bring all the Awoken from Antarctica and face them.

No, even if you do, there is no guarantee that persuasion is possible. You might think that the Awakenings of Antarctica have betrayed you.

Kang Ha-jin continued to watch him calmly.

Unlike in Antarctica, there were family members here.

‘Are you really going to be able to sever the contract with those family members?’

I’ve done it before, but I’m not sure. It’s hard because you try and it doesn’t work.

I couldn’t confirm the information of the family, so I had no choice but to sense how strong they were.

Ha-jin Kang looked at each of the awakened people, his family, and the soldiers who are ordinary people, but are actually dangerous to be general.

They measured how strong they were through their strength and weapons.

Hajin Kang nodded his head.

‘It’s worth a try.’

It would have been much easier if Baekho was together, but they seemed to be able to solve them alone.

Although there were quite a few strong Awakeners, the level was stagnant because they had not been hunting for a while and just mechanically extracting magic power over and over again.

Also, no one had any particularly dangerous skills.

‘The number is a bit large, but…’

The problem was that there were a lot of people, and depending on how you fight, you can make it less of a threat.

Hajin Kang had no intention of fighting them head-on.

All we have to do is stop them from working on the rift again.

And because Ha-jin Kang had the book of Raphasid, which was no less than an all-around cheat.

Hajin Kang looked around the barracks.

It was a barracks wider than any other playground, and all the awakened people lying on the extra bed at the edge were asleep.

And the Awoken inside the pit were pouring magic power into the crack.

Ha-jin Kang approached the awakened people who had fallen asleep.

Then he lifted them into the bed and quietly carried them out.

There were countless large and small barracks around the gigantic barracks, so just moving them around in one of them barely made a difference.

Of course it will be a problem when you wake up later.

Hajin Kang hurried as much as possible.

After he sent out all the Awoken who were inside the huge barracks, he drew Rapha Sid’s pattern.

Not knowing anything else, it was difficult for the sound that was happening inside this room to leak out.

For once, I was planning to stun all the Awoken here.

They are saying that they will save the earth in their own way, but it is a bit disappointing to just kill them, so they decided to keep them alive.

Ha-jin Kang, who blocked the sound, jumped into the pit.

No one found Ha-jin Kang who wrote [Concealment].

Ha-jin Kang was stunned in turn, starting with the awakened in his square.

He stunned him by hitting it with a powerful electric shock, but he was able to handle it very neatly than I thought.

He carried the Awakened out of the barracks at once.

Then he came back and spread various patterns, including concealment and distortion, to the rift, so that the rift’s effects did not reach the Earth as much as possible.

He then activates three confrontation systems simultaneously.


The crack let out a soft cry.

The universe inside the rift boils and oscillates as if it were about to explode.

But it only seemed that way, and in reality, the crack was rapidly recovering its stability.

Perhaps due to this measure, the huge dungeon may shrink again.

But that can’t be the end.

Because Marvas can’t leave this state alone.

They will probably create another rift, or do something to this rift.

‘And the Defenders can help with that.’

They were the ones who had teamed up with Marbas even before they returned. It was so natural to hold hands again this time.

It’s just the timing that matters.

After Kang Ha-jin got out of the pit, he filled it up.

There was a lot of sand around, so it wasn’t very difficult to refill the pit.

When you’re done with that, it’s too easy to find the crack again later.

Hajin Kang decided to destroy this place.

* * *

The rift in the Sahara was managed by Lenol, William’s clan.

He was the general manager here.

He managed all schedules and controlled all Awoken and PMC mercenaries.

When Lenol woke up in the morning, he had a strange feeling.

I can’t pinpoint what it is, but it felt like the atmosphere was different from usual.


Lenol tilted his head and got up from bed and walked out of the barracks.

When he went out, he saw the sight of the Awakened gathering everywhere and shouting.

It was clear that something had happened.

“What’s up?”

Lenol asked so, but he didn’t need to hear an answer.

Because the huge barracks that covered the cracks had disappeared.

“What is this? Who the hell did something like this!”

Lenol screamed and ran to the barracks.

And he just stopped.

The pit that had been cracked had disappeared. Someone filled the pit.

very sassy.

“Sigh. What kind of madman…!”

He was irritable and angry, but not anxious or anxious. It’s just that things have increased.

Dig the hole again.

But then, one of the Awoken shouted, pointing a finger to one side.(Read more @

“A sandstorm is coming!”

Lenol exclaimed in frustration.

“Don’t be swayed by just a sandstorm!”

Of course, sandstorms in the desert were terrifying. But not for the people here.

“Once everyone enters the barracks! I’ll clean it up and dig the pit again after it’s gone!”

Everyone tried to enter the barracks at Renol’s instructions. But one of the Awoken shouted in amazement.

“It’s not just a sandstorm! Thunderbolt is coming!”

Everyone was startled by those words and looked at the sand storm coming in from afar like a tidal wave.

It wasn’t really just a storm, but countless thunderbolts were coming together.

Everyone’s faces turned pale.

“Hey, get away for now! Run away!”

Lenol screamed like that and started running first, himself.

The Awoken used all their abilities to run away.

And the common people hurriedly got into their cars and left.

A base camp built to manage the rift has been abandoned.

But no one really thought they had abandoned this place. After the storm is over, we’ll just have to come back and clean up.

Everyone believed so.

* * *

Returning to where the sandstorm had swept through, Lenol couldn’t believe what he saw before him.

There was nothing left.

All he could see was an endless stretch of sand.

He frantically dug the neighborhood, but he couldn’t really find anything.

he was natural

Because Ha-jin Kang, who came with the sandstorm, put all the things there in the subspace.

The sandstorm engulfed in lightning was the work of Ha-jin Kang.

In fact, it wasn’t the sandstorm mixed with lightning, it was just Hajin Kang’s ability to spit out lightning to make it look like that.

It was to get them all removed from here and to buy time to install Raphasid’s pattern.

It was a semi-fraudulent operation, but it worked very well.

And now I was able to create this spectacle.

Now they will never find where the rift is.

The field of distortion and concealment that fills their surroundings will disturb all their senses.

Ha-jin Kang finally reconnected Lenol and the rest of William’s family here to this system and left Sahara.

The remaining Awoken had to be confused for a while by the sudden change of Renol.

William’s memory was erased at the same time he broke the contract of speed. As if nothing like that had ever happened.

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