Chapter 75

Kang Ha-jin was testing some skills in his personal training room with his shadow Yongin out.

Before handing over to Myung In-hyeok, make sure you have the data ready, so it will be easier for Myung-in-hyeok to use later.

Myung In-hyuk can do it, but Myung In-hyeok is busy with other things right now, so it was more efficient for Kang Ha-jin to handle such a simple matter.

Anyway, for the time being, there are not enough dungeons, so hunting is difficult.

If the dungeon raid starts soon, I will be able to run properly from then on, so I had to take a break until then and raise my condition to the best.

When the shadow Yongin just hid in the shadow, I felt a strange feeling.

It felt like the magic curtain around Kang Ha-jin’s personal training room was breaking through.

When she was practicing alone, she didn’t know what would happen if someone broke in, so she took care of it.

Using a magic stone, a magical shield is wrapped around the training room, and the magical power is pulled out like a thread, followed by strong Ha-jin’s senses.

That way, when there was a problem with the magical membrane, Ha-jin Kang could immediately notice.

That’s exactly what she felt right now.

Someone has entered the training room. And I could barely guess who it was.

‘Finally, the owner of the alter ego has arrived.’

Judging from the fact that he had come this far, it seemed that the link with the clone had not been broken yet.

It was great just like that.

Even though the clone was evolved into a completely different being through the egg of the dragon, if the link to the clone skill was not broken, how would it be broken?

Anyway, once you know you’re inside, it’s not difficult to deal with as long as you know what you’re aiming for.

Besides, he didn’t even know his skills.

Hajin Kang’s senses scanned the shadows in the training room.

I just checked the shadow dragon’s skill and figured out how to distinguish it when hiding in the shadows.

Most people probably don’t know, but no, even Kang Ha-jin is really hard to notice if you don’t know in advance and prepare for it, but you can see the difference if you know it in advance and make a decision and look for it like now.

Hajin Kang found the shadow and then figured out the path.

And the moment the shadow popped out, it moved in time.


Choi Young-jin looked at Kang Ha-jin with her eyes mixed with her astonishment and pain. His neck was caught and hung in the air.

“Uh, how…!”

Hajin Kang chuckled.

“Nice to meet you. Did you come to find an alter ego?”

Choi Young-jin did not answer. Instead, he tried to use his skills to get out of this situation.

Of course, Hajin Kang couldn’t let it go.


In this case, the most useful electric shock was poured into Choi Young-jin’s body.

“Shut up!”

The skill that Choi Young-jin was trying to use was released due to the shock. But she didn’t lose her mind.

This is because Ha-jin Kang properly adjusted her.

‘First, check the information first.’

He skipped everything else and focused on his skills.

[Align (A), Trace (A), Fairy Tale (A), Hand of Shadow (A), Hide Shadow (A), Watch (A), Move Shadow (A), Explode Shadow (A)]

It was really great. It won’t be easy to find someone with so many skills.

‘Is the shadow explosion the only thing to watch out for here?’

It is a skill that puts magic into the shadow and explodes it, but only the shadow connected to the shadow could be exploded.

The greater the distance, the more magical power is used and the power of the explosion is lowered.

It was a good skill to use at times like this. Because his own shadow and Kang Ha-jin’s shadow overlap.

Choi Young-jin immediately used her skills. No, I was going to write it. But I couldn’t.



A light electric shock passed through the body, canceling the skill.

Choi Young-jin really went crazy. How do you know, if you just try to use the skill, lightning strikes at the right time.

“Aren’t you going to give up soon?”

Choi Young-jin did not respond. He wasn’t afraid to die. But the fact that he could not get revenge was very painful.

“And that clone, don’t you think it’s a little strange? Does that still look like your alter ego?”

“It’s my body. It looks different, but it’s definitely my alter ego.”

“Then you move.”

“How do you move the body?”

“Do your eyes see that as a corpse?”

“okay. that’s a corpse A corpse that I can destroy with just my hand.”

Choi Young-jin said so and provoked.

“Why? Do you think I can’t? Shall I make a bet?”

Instead of answering those words, Kang Ha-jin said something else.

“Look, it looks like your clone is stronger than you. Aren’t you giving yourself too much power?”

Choi Young-jin laughed.

“It doesn’t matter if I give power to the clone or not?”

Hajin Kang shrugged his shoulders.

“If you don’t want to talk, then stop. Is it the best way to send you here?”

Choi Young-jin smiled at the corner of her lips.

“Do you think I’ll tell you who sent it?”

Choi Young-jin said so and prepared her clone skills.

It was the last hand he could try.

Making a clone to surprise Kang Ha-jin, slipping out of the gap and absorbing the clone standing there stupidly.

Then he’ll get out of here hiding in the shadows without looking back.

I was too unprepared. And it was Pane who moved quickly at the thought of having to absorb the corpse.

Besides, I never thought that Ha-jin Kang would be with the body.

‘It will be different next time.’

Choi Young-jin made the clone very carefully in case Ha-jin Kang notices again and cancels her skill.

At the same time, he continued to provoke to distract Ha-jin Kang.

“Next time, I’ll make sure to feed you once.”

At Choi Young-jin’s words, Kang Ha-jin smiled brightly.

And at that moment, she succeeded in using her skill. positioning is over. Now, an alter ego will appear after Hajin Kang.

Choi Young-jin maintained her rating as much as possible so that Ha-jin Kang did not notice. If it shakes, it’s over.

In an instant, the body appeared. And as soon as he came out, he attacked Ha-jin Kang’s back.


Curl rumble!

Kang Ha-jin, who suddenly grabbed the clone’s neck, killed the clone with a powerful lightning strike.

Choi Young-jin did not even see Kang Ha-jin’s movements.

He was so startled that he opened his mouth.

He was so amazed that he could move like that while holding himself.

“Now, can you make another clone?”

Choi Young-jin’s eyes fluttered in extreme fear. Because a really terrifying thought just popped into my head.

“Wait, did you deliberately let me make an alter ego?”

“Didn’t you know that when you use shadow-related skills, your body becomes flabby?”

Choi Young-jin was at a loss for words. And he was desperate.

“Just kill me.”

Judging by the looks, he didn’t even have the energy to make more clones.

Ha-jin Kang decided to be content with getting one more clone.

The newly obtained clone will be very useful.

* * *

“Fuck, what the hell is going on here!”

Thirty awakened people came from the black market who said that they used to sharpen their swords, but no one used their power properly.

First of all, the spears made of water pouring from all directions were very intimidating.

If you are paying attention to it, a sharp wind that you don’t even know when it flew past hurt your body.

And when I tried to move, something popped off the ground or the floor went off, shaking my balance.

In the midst of fighting, there was no way to fight.

The problem wasn’t just that.

Once the Guardians’ Awakeneds were so strong, there was little chance that they would win even without such interference.

But with such a threatening disturbance mixed in, I couldn’t even do anything at all.

They were in a hurry to stop the Guardian’s attack. I couldn’t even dare to get out of the situation.

As I was getting more and more nervous, I was in a hurry, and as I was in a hurry, mistakes kept popping up.

And every time I made that mistake, the wounds on my body increased one by one.

As the wounds increased, his stamina quickly fell, and his stamina was not enough, so he drew his magic power and consumed it rapidly.

It was truly a total mess.

“Maximum, you bastard.”

In the end, the final resentment fell on Choi Dae-gil, who sent them here.

And he started to fall one by one.

It took less than two hours for them all to lie on the floor.

‘Still, it lasted a long time.’

Compared to the strength of the Guardians, it was quite enduring. Of course, it was because the Guardians controlled their power to capture them rather than kill them.

Thus, Choi Young-jin’s self-immolation commotion was ended.

* * *

Ha-jin Kang interrogated the 30 captured Awakeners and extracted the information they wanted.

Again, they were the ones who sent the longest.

And they were the people who took charge of the messy work of the black market.

Hajin Kang secured their testimony through video. I don’t know if I’ll ever use it for Choi Dae-gil in the future, so I prepared it first.

Then they broke their magic circuit and handed it over to the Awakening Management Office.

Considering the possibility that the Awakening Management Office would not handle it properly, the magic circuit was broken.

They probably won’t be able to live as Awoken again unless something special happens.

Now all that was left was to return the attack that had been received.

But that didn’t happen right away.

As if waiting, the dungeon raid had begun.

* * *

The first start was in the downtown area of ​​Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do.

Black spheres fell from the sky.

It was a new type dungeon.

It was a completely different dungeon creation than before.

Next was Jongno, a bit far from Ilsan.

Again, a black new type dungeon fell from the sky.(Read more @

Next was Gangnam, followed by Suwon.

Like that, the new type dungeon came down as if someone passed by and threw it one by one.

Thus, a total of 25 dungeons were created in Korea.

There was a riot.

First, the Awakening Management Agency moved quickly.

Even so, he distributed each guild and Awakened properly at a fairly fast pace, even if he did it once.

However, there was an incident where such distribution itself became meaningless.

It was created as if a normal dungeon was spreading around the new type dungeon.

It seemed that one new type dungeon attracted about 30 regular dungeons. Of course, the distance between the dungeon and the dungeon was quite far.

It was almost as if the whole of Korea was covered with dungeons. The distribution was very uniform.

The Awakening Management Office declared an emergency and asked all Awoken to close the dungeon.

It wasn’t normal.

If these dungeons exploded, the whole of Korea would be covered with monsters.

Even the military and police forces moved.

In case the dungeon explodes, the surveillance was strengthened so that immediate action could be taken, and patrols were started by mobilizing insufficient manpower.

All of this was happening only in Korea.

The other countries were still no different from usual.

However, when something like this happened in Korea, everyone was alert and started preparing for the unexpected.

In addition, the Korean Awakened Person Administration decided that it would be difficult for Korea to handle this matter alone, so it asked foreign countries for help.

The problem was that other countries were delaying the dispatch of Awakeneds to Korea every second because they did not know when such a situation might arise.

Therefore, for now, we had no choice but to solve it only with the awakened people inside Korea.

Due to the situation, all guilds and awakeners in Korea were much more active than usual.

They first started organizing the dungeons near each guild headquarters.

The Guardians were unparalleled.

I moved faster than anyone else because I had been preparing for this to happen.

Once the dungeons that occurred near the Guardians headquarters were organized in an instant.

And the new type dungeon that appeared in Jongno yielded to the Dungeon Breaker.

The new type dungeon in charge of Dungeon Breaker was about 2 meters in diameter with a black sphere at the entrance.

It was similar to the dungeon that appeared before. So the size will be the same.

Anyway, the Guardians, who gave up on the new type dungeons, started attacking the regular dungeons.

When other guilds and Awakeners focused on the New Type dungeon, the Guardians moved with the determination to wipe out the rest.

Of course, this was an instruction given by Hajin Kang.

At first, everyone tilted their heads, but they quickly made up their minds and moved.

To them, the instructions of Ha-jin Kang, the guild master, were nothing but laws.

When the Guardians took such an unusual step, Ha-jin Kang moved separately from them.

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