Difference in Class (1)

Joo-won was currently in a terrible mood.

Because he has not been able to kill the boss at the top for the past week.

‘Kill? Bullshit! That’s not something a human can kill.’

‘How the hell are we supposed to kill that monster?”


The monster that occupied the top of the Romé Tower.

An arrogant being, with its eyes closed and a huge body that stayed lying on the ground, not even caring to pay attention to them.

When it opens its eyes, a bright light comes out, and anything exposed to the light turns into a stone.

Often called petrification.

The problem isn’t just the eyes. With hard scales that are impervious to attacks, and the amount of force exerted from its huge body instilled a sense of despair in Joo-Won.

It’s to the point where he thinks he can’t win.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, by now they must be fighting the monsters in the basement.”

Maybe that’s why he was convinced by the words of this unknown man.

Joo Won’s group had already suffered a lot of damage for a week, so they couldn’t challenge the Basilisk on the roof in haste.

On the other hand, it was very easy to attack the idiots that were said to be fighting underground.

“The monster on the roof is bait. And the real boss is underground.”

Joo-won nodded blankly at Dong-Kwon’s words.

‘Then it makes sense that we can’t kill the monster on the roof.’

‘Haven’t I already experienced how bad this game is in the first quest?’

There was a high possibility that a simple trap was installed using the psychology of humans.

In particular, the Basilisk was so strong that it reinforced Dong Kwon’s opinion.

The opinions of the others were roughly the same. At first, they thought it was a trap, but it was quickly buried.

“Hyung, it must be because of this reason that they gladly gave away the monsters on the roof.” (T/N: I’m changing the way the criminals call Joo Won from ‘captain’ to ‘ Hyung’)

“Yeah, that’s right. This is probably why they gladly handed over the monsters on the roof.”

Joo Won clenched his teeth.

This was all due to his own arrogance. Whether it was those snowflakes or the monsters on the roof, he thought he could easily handle them.

Buy it wasn’t that simple.

The monster on the roof was too strong, and the snowflakes tricked them and went down to the basement to kill the real boss.

‘I’ll f*cking kill them.’

Joo Won made his steps even faster.

Dong-Kwon, who was following him, inwardly smiled.

‘Yes, fight hard, idiots.’

Things were going smoothly.

“It’s all thanks to you. If you hadn’t told us, we’d still be fooled by those rotten bastards.”

“No. Rather, thank you for trusting me and guiding me to your Hyung.”

The man who was quietly walking next to Dong-Kwon thanked Dong-Kwon.

He was originally a man who guarded the room where Dong-Kwon was staying.

Thanks to this guy guiding him Joo Won without any doubt, things went smoothly.

“Thanks for listening to me there.”

“I was just taking responsibility because I asked for your opinion.”

The man smiled as he said that, but he didn’t look very good because he had such an ugly face.

‘What are you laughing for? Idiot.’

That’s why it’s hard when you have a stupid head.

It was fortunate for Dong-Kwon.

“There it is.”

Joo Won raised his hand and pointed to the stairs going down to the basement.

“Idiots, no one’s guarding the entrance.”

“They didn’t think we’d be here?”

There was laughter all around.


Joo Won’s eyes lit up red.

“Search the perimeter. Look if there’s anyone hiding around here.”

“I’ve been looking for it for a while, but it doesn’t seem to be anybody here, Hyung.”


To hear that there is no one guarding the entrance to the stairs, Joo Won felt a strange feeling.

‘I don’t think he was that stupid.’

‘Even if they thought we wouldn’t notice, they should have at least prepared for it.’

Joo Won was not the only one who felt strange here.

‘Why is there no one here?’

Dong-Kwon also thought that at least a few people were waiting at the entrance.

But there’s no one.

“Hyung, there is no need to worry. If we come, they’ll all die anyway, so what’s the use of a sentry? Rather, it is clear that they all went down to kill the boss a little faster.”

A man said to Joo Won, who was standing with a frown. He’s the one who just had a conversation with Dong-Kwon.

“That’s right, Hyung. Let’s go!”

“When I think of the ones who died fighting the real boss for nothing, I feel like I’m boiling.”

At the man’s words, the movements of others also boiled over.

Then he couldn’t back down.

‘Yeah, it certainly could be.’

If Joo Won comes here, there is nothing they can do to stop Joo Won and his group anyway.

If so, there is one way to overcome this situation. So they wanted to kill the boss monster as quickly as possible.

Joo Won quickly organized his thoughts and nodded.

He goes into the basement’s entrance.

“Okay, let’s go. We’re going to kill them all!”

“Ooh oooooh!”

They cheered loudly at Joo Won’s call and rushed down the stairs.

Dong-Kwon also got stuck in the group and had no choice but to go down.

‘It certainly seems like a plausible opinion.’

Dong-Kwon glanced at the man next to him.

I thought he was just stupid, but he’s thinking a little bit?


A strange feeling of anxiety lingered in his chest ever since. The observer behind him was calm, so it seemed that his own followers did not see the situation as a crisis.

However, he was terribly anxious.


Joo Won, who came down the dimly lit underground stairs, looked around and frowned.

‘It’s dark. He said we should bring a flashlight.’

Coming in a hurry, they didn’t bring a flashlight.

Still, this darkness was no problem for Joo Won, a god’s avatar.

After all, the monsters were all killed by the group of Hyun-Kyun who came down first, so all they had to do was walk.

“Hyung, isn’t that…?”

“…It seems so.”

At the entrance of the stairs going down to the second basement floor, there were two people standing there.

Joo Won thought it was a sentry this time, and as he approached, he heard a familiar voice.

“It was later than I thought. I thought you would come sooner.”


When He opened my eyes narrowly, he saw a face he had met once.

The guy who leisurely blocked his own chain scythe.

After hearing from Dong-Kwon, his name was Kim Se-Han.

“I’m sorry, but it’s forbidden to go down anymore from here onwards. If you go back quietly now, I’ll pretend I didn’t see you.”

Joo-won’s expression frowned at the smiling Se-Han’s words, and a faint laugh flowed from the surroundings.

“Isn’t he crazy?”

“What? No entry? Do you want us to follow your orders now?”

Their reaction was understandable.

Although quite a few people died while attacking the monster on the roof, the group led by Joo Won was well over 30.

Sehan talked calmly in front of them.

“You’re so readable, Dong-Kwon.”

“…Are you for real?”

Sehan was not at all surprised to see Dong-Kwon who clearly betrayed him.

Dong-Kwon’s lips twitched at Se-Han’s sneer.

“I don’t where you got this much confidence from, but you’ll die soon.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen. I was waiting for you here in the first place.”


“Lee Min-ah.”

The man standing next to Dong-Kwon flinched at Se-Han’s soft voice.

Then, light streamed from the man, and his body shrunk at once.


“Hey, what is this!”

People were shocked by the sudden situation.

Because the ugly man who had been beside Dong-Kwon’s side just before has turned into a girl who looks like a high school student.

“Haa~ making me do all the work. Do you know how much I suffered?”

As soon as Lee Min-ah returned to her original form, she quickly returned to Se-Han’s side.

Of course, there was no one to stop her.

Because it was difficult for them to keep up with the current situation.

“I’m sorry, but this is what I wanted. I planned to deal with everything in one go.”

“… What are you talking about.”

“You, these guys.”

Sehan raised his finger upwards and said.

“And the guy on the roof.”(T/N: The fake boss.)

Dong-Kwon realized that what had been unraveling was actually wrong.

He was able to easily be guided to Joo Won, and public opinion strangely favored him.

“Is it because of that girl?”

“Yeah. I did you a favor.”

They knew in advance of his betrayal.

It was a bad situation, but Dong-Kwon laughed.

“So what? You think you can kill all of us here?”

“Well, what are you going to do now?”

Minah also asked Sehan with a curious face.

In fact, she doesn’t seem very nervous.

When Minah uses her transformation skill, she is not alone in removing her body. (T/N: I don’t really understand what this means.)

“What do you mean? We’re gonna kill them.”

“Haa… If things start to go wrong, I’m gonna leave okay?.”

“Do what you want.”

After talking to Minah, Sehan took his cell phone out of her pocket and checked the time.

‘Haa… I need to finish them off quickly.’

It’s gonna be a little hard to kill all of them quickly, but there was a little bit of time to spare.



Jisoo, who quietly watched the series of situations, opened her mouth.

“All I have to do is stop them from going down there. There is no need for two people.”

“… Can you do it alone?”


Seeing Jisoo’s dry answer, Sehan narrowed his eyes and looked around.

Right now, the people around here are confused by the sudden turn of events, but they will come to their senses and attack soon.

‘Hmm… Will she be okay?’

And Joo-Won is definitely strong.

He has almost the same stats as Jisoo, and he must have a powerful skill given to him by his ‘God’.


Sehan decided.

“Hey, we’re going up.”

“What? What are you talking about? Kak!”

Sehan grabbed Minah by the waist and lifted her up.

“Oh, don’t kill that guy.”

“That guy?”

“Park Dong-Kwon.”

“…I’ll try.”

Jisoo nodded her head with genuine displeasure.

“What, what? You bastard! Where are you going all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know what it is, but do you think we’ll let you go?!”

The people came to their senses at the sight of Sehan carrying Minah and moved.

Among them, Joo Won was the fastest to react.


In the dark, Joo Won’s chain scythe flew toward Sehan with a sharp squeaking sound.

I thought for a while whether I should raise my sword to block it or not, but it didn’t seem like there was any need to do that as it wasn’t even that fast.


Sehan, who instantly lowered his waist, spun Minah around and sped forward, approaching Joowon at once.

Seeing how Sehan arrive right in front of him instantly, Joo Won took a deep breath.

‘I can’t follow his movements at all?’

He himself is someone who was chosen.

He is an avatar of a god, not an ordinary player.

It is also the avatar of Hades.

He couldn’t read Sehan’s movements at all.

“I think Jisoo will do well on her own.”

Still, I’d love to help her out a little.


His right arm was holding Min-ah, so Se-Han pulled his left arm back wide and slammed Joo-won’s chest hard.



Joo Won reflexively raised his right arm to block it, but there was no way he could block Sehan’s fist.

Sehan’s current stat is F rank all counter-stop status.

Currently, no one can match Sehan’s abilities.

Boo Woong!


Joo Won’s massive body flew backward, knocking down his men who were standing behind him.

“Oh my god.”

At the absurd sight, Minah’s eyes widened.

‘I knew he had some skill, but I didn’t know that it was enough to blow Joo Won in one shot.’



Minah wasn’t the only one who was shocked.

Joo Won’s subordinates were stunned.


Joo Won, who is close to 2 meters tall, flew back like a ragdoll, it was unrealistic.

“Then I’ll leave it to you Jisoo. If it gets dangerous, just run away. And you don’t have to kill.”


Seeing Jisoo nod her head, Sehan felt strange.

It was because he felt something different from the usual Jisoo.

‘Am I seeing it wrong?’

Usually, Jisoo isn’t this cold-hearted, but she’s a little different now.

At that time, Jisoo clearly had fear in her eyes, but now…

Sehan shook his head.

‘Whatever. I’ll find out later anyway.’

Sehan thought it something had to do with the nature of Jisoo.


Jisoo urged him to move.

After all, he had to hurry up to the roof now. Hyun-Kyun must have crossed the 4th floor and entered the 5th floor by now.

If he doesn’t move quickly, it will be difficult to keep up with the time.



Sehan moved quickly, stomping on the men spread out on the floor.

Towards the monster on the roof.

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