Escape (1)

In my first round, I was busy running away from goblins.

Thinking about it, after accidentally entering the safe zone, I rested a little and escaped the campus alone.

“Come on, here it is.”

Ignoring Jonghyun, who was talking to me, I looked around.

Following Jonghyun’s guidance, we arrived at the auditorium where people were gathered.

The entrance was closed and the ladder to the second floor was lowered so we entered through there.

“I see a lot of injured people.”

I nodded at Jisoo’s murmur.

“Probably most of them were attacked in the first wave.”

Honestly, I am really surprised.

Rescuing the wounded in that dire situation, and gathering them in the auditorium like this.

‘There are very few people who can do this.’

Unless you were in a position to lead people to a certain extent, no matter how urgent the situation was, you couldn’t lead people to this extent.

“The Student Council president.”

As I muttered like that, Jonghyun, who was standing next to me, widened his eyes.


“The person who told you and that girl to go scouting.”

As I pointed behind me and spoke, the woman following us flinched.

Her face was very pale, probably because of Jisoo soaking her whole body in goblin blood.

“How did you….”

“There’s a way to know it all.”

It was a natural reaction for Jonghyun, who doesn’t know much about observers yet.

Just by looking at it, there was a place where several observers were gathered in the present auditorium.

A man with a neat appearance was giving instructions to people.

Student Council President Yoon Hyun-kyun.

‘He’s the perfect guy to be the god’s ‘Avatar.’

Good appearance, excellent abilities.

He even has leadership skills, so he was in a position to be treated as a ‘rare avatar’ from the gods’ point of view.

Since I’ve never heard of him after the first quest, and I didn’t help anybody in my previous round, he probably died to a group of goblins led by the Hobgoblin.

‘It looks like he has a pretty cautious personality.’

His god should have told him that he would die if he did not leave the school grounds.

But the fact that he’s still holding out here means that he doesn’t know anything about it yet.

In other words, he hasn’t become an avatar yet.

‘It’s normal to select an avatar at the end of the tutorial, but if it’s a guy of his caliber, there should already be gods who have already sent a request.’

Still, the fact that he hasn’t become an avatar yet means that he is suspicious of all of these ‘requests’.

“The first graders right there!”

At that moment, Yoon Hyun-Kyun, who saw us standing quietly, shouted at us.

He waved his hand toward Jonghyun and the girl standing in front of me.


Hyun-Kyun frowned when he found me standing behind Jong-hyun and Ji-soo soaked in green blood.

“Han Ji-soo? Did something happen?”

Hyun-Kyun seemed to know Ji-soo.

But Jisoo just clicked her tongue briefly at Hyunkyun’s question.

“Rather than talking to me now, wouldn’t it be better to listen to his report first?”

“Oh, right.”

Hyun-Kyun, who was looking at Jisoo, realized that Jisoo had no wounds and coughed a little.

“Yeah, Mr. Jonghyun and Mr. Hye-sun seem to be all right too. How was the situation outside? You didn’t go anywhere dangerous, did you?”

“Oh, yes.”

Jonghyun nodded tremblingly at the Student Council President’s question.

And the woman next to Jonghyun, Hye-sun, also flinched.

“Are there no signs of the police coming outside?”

“Oh, yes. There was none.”

Jonghyun said so and looked at me. I nodded as his eyes were asking if it was okay to tell Hyun-Kyun about our encounter with the goblin.

“I just ran into green monsters along the way.”

“What? Then how…….”

Those monsters are full of madness and rush to attack people.

Hyun-Kyun looked at Jonghyun with a mixture of confusion and relief that he had returned unharmed.

“We received some help…….”

Perhaps it was difficult to explain this, so Jonghyun slowly looked at me.

Of course, at that, Hyungkyun looked confused.


Hyunkyun wasn’t the only one who reacted to Jonghyun’s words.

The gazes of the observers following him also turned to me at once.

‘I didn’t plan to stand out that much until at least the first main quest was over, but I guess it can’t be helped.’

“Did you fight those monsters? Your name is…….?”

“Kim Se-Han.”

“Oh, then I’ll call you Mr. Sehan. How can Mr. Sehan fight those monsters?”

I shrugged at his question.

“There is nothing that cannot be fought. Their height is lesser than that of an adult male, and their strength is similar to a young adult.”

“But they have weapons. Wouldn’t you have a harder time fighting them?”

I glanced at Jisoo.

Jisoo lifted a goblin’s rusty sword that was properly fixed to her waist.


Hyun-Kyun was freaked out by the appearance of a green blood-stained sword.

“How did it happen…….”

“it just somehow did.”


Of course, the other party was confused at the nonsense I was talking about.

But if I had to explain it in detail, they’d just get more confused.

It was best to skip over the details.

“Anyway, I think it’s better to get out of here as soon as possible.”

“Get out of this place?”

Hyun-Kyun’s eyes widened at my sudden declaration.

After thinking for a while, he asked.

“…… Why?”

“Because the captain of the monsters is dead.”

“The captain? Oh, I think I heard a notification about that earlier.”

“Yeah, so I think it’s best to get out of here now.”

Hyun-Kyun narrowed his eyes.

It must have been difficult to understand properly.

‘There are so many eyes that it is difficult to look around.’

I glanced up into the air.

There were several observers watching Hyun-Kyun.

“If you open the quest window, there will be a time limit.”

“A time limit?”

Hyun-Kyun opened the quest window immediately.

In the corner of the quest window, the time limit “1 day, 13 hours” was displayed.

“To think there was a time limit……”

“As you know, the current situation is far from reality. As if someone is making a game aimed at us.”

“And who the hell is that someone?”

“I don’t know that either. One thing is certain: they won’t be so kind to their players.”

There have already been several deaths.

Hyun-Kyun muttered with a firm face, perhaps understanding what I meant.

“That means you don’t know what’s going to happen if we don’t escape before the quest time limit.”

“In the worst-case scenario, they might try to kill us all. If the being who made the game suddenly released a huge amount of monsters, do you think we can survive?”


There is actually another reason we rush to get out.


Because it’s no fun.

‘The game of the gods.’

We are not the protagonists of this game.

it is god

The focus is on the enjoyment of god.

The Hobgoblin died, and the goblins who lost their leader dispersed.

It’s a great situation for players, but from the point of view of the gods watching the game, it’s a terribly boring situation.

Because there is no crisis.

Think of it as an RPG game without mobs. who would have fun playing it?

‘Since the Hobgoblin has just died, they won’t act immediately, but they will do something sooner or later.’

When the crisis disappears, the game loses its fun. So it was obvious that GM’s action would come in and do something.

“Then you have to hurry up and deal with the monsters, or lead everybody out of this place.”

“Yes, I think so, too.”

If the Hobgoblin was still alive, it would have been difficult to do anything since it would have attacked them systematically.

But not anymore. Since the boss is dead now, it would be easier to get out.

“Right, I thought we had to do something. Since no police or nearby paramedics are contacting us, we can’t wait for rescuers. But…… I’m worried about how to persuade people to escape because the people’s opinions are divided in half right now.”

Hyun-Kyun had a troubled face, but it seemed that he accepted my words positively.

I didn’t think he’d be convinced so easily.

‘Why did he die in my previous round if he was thinking of escaping too?’

He was thinking to a certain extent that they should get out of this place.

Such a person died in the previous round without doing anything?

‘Something’s up.’

According to my memory, I didn’t remember the people gathered in the auditorium counterattacking the goblins.

They were strictly defensive.

They held on and were killed by the Hobgoblin and his minions.

So, I thought that the person who is currently in charge of people might be fearful or strict.

A person with the idea that they should wait for rescue since this situation currently is an emergency.

But Hyun-Kyun doesn’t seem to be someone like that.

“What are you talking about now?”

A sharp voice was heard behind Hyun-Kyun.

“The president doesn’t agree with this man, does he? Waiting for rescue here is the best reward. You don’t have to go out of the auditorium and risk yourself.”

The man who spoke was a sharp-eyed man with tapered eyes.

“Dong Kwon. But it’s time to contact the police or paramedics. You know the reality has changed like a game right now, right?”

“So, are you going to gamble with people’s lives now?”

At the words of the man called Dong-Kwon, Hyun-Kyun stopped talking.

His ideas were purely theoretical.

Normally, It’s right to wait for the army or police rather than risk your life and go through monsters.

Well, that is if this is our “ordinary reality.”

But I couldn’t refute that.

Because I couldn’t help but be surprised the moment I saw the guy’s face.

This was a completely unexpected encounter.

‘Why is Park Dong-Kwon here?’

Park Dong-Kwon the bat.

There’s no way I don’t know this guy.

Because he’s the guy I’ve had friction with a few times in my previous round.

I didn’t think he went to the same college as me.

‘Anyway, I get why Hyun-Kyun died now.’

I pretended to be seeing him for the first time and asked.

“Who are you?”

“Park Dong-Kwon, Vice President of the Student Council.”

“Oh. I think I’ve heard of you.”

I wasn’t very interested in things like the student council of the school, so I had no idea who or what the members were like.

But I never thought that Park Dong-Kwon was in the same college as me and was even a member of the Student Council too.

“I heard what you said, why are you asking Hyun-Kyun to do something so ridiculous?”


“Yes. Are you crazy? Go outside and fight those monsters?”

Dong-Kwon’s lips were slightly slanted. As if he was laughing at me.

“You were lucky enough to kill a few of those monsters. But right now It’s best to wait for help from the military or the police.”

It was an opinion that an ordinary person who is unaware of the current circumstances would assert.

But I don’t think that’s what he is actually thinking.

‘Because, this guy…….’

Was a murderer who killed countless people in the previous round.

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