Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 101: extreme contrast

Chapter 101 Extreme Contrast

 So white, just looking at it, it seems like you can smell the fragrance emanating from the rice noodles.

 Most importantly, the price is right!

Himou swallowed his saliva and felt a little moved, but before he could speak, two people were already squatting in front of the sack placed by Si Ningning.

A dark-faced man with a short hair and a face full of signs of wear and tear, a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt and an old Chinese tunic suit.

 The two extremes were squeezed together to form a sharp contrast. At this moment, they all looked at Si Ningning, "Little brother, how do you sell this rice/noodle?"

After saying that, they couldn't wait for Si Ningning to reply. The two looked at each other. The black-faced man smiled innocently and said nothing. The man in the Chinese tunic suit frowned, and then looked at Si Ningning with a smile. "How many are there? The price is right, I want both."

“Rice costs fifty cents per catty, egg noodles cost three taels per bundle, and two cents per bundle.”

 The price of rice is quite reasonable on the black market. The man in Chinese tunic suit did not hesitate and asked Si Ningning to weigh the rice in the bag, and he took it.

Si Ningning didn’t have a scale, but there was a Hericium scale there. He borrowed a Hericium scale to weigh it. The rice in the bag totaled four kilograms and two taels, which was calculated to be two yuan and a dime.

The man in the Chinese tunic suit took out a dozen cents from the pocket of his jacket, and while counting the money, he chatted with Si Ningning, "Little brother, this bag also accounts for the weight, why don't you just wipe out the two taels? I'll give you two taels directly. It’s a good deal, do you think it’s okay?”

"Uncle, don't talk to me about these three melons and two dates." Si Ningning shook his head, his outlined Qingjun face was cold and calm, "I don't need to tell you the quality of this rice, you will know it at a glance."

 The rice is indeed good rice, and the price reduction is just out of habit, just to put it bluntly.

Being rejected by Si Ningning, the man in Chinese tunic suit was not angry. He turned his eyes to one side cheerfully, as if he had made up his mind. He took out another two cents and handed it to Si Ningning carefully, saying: "Little brother, that side, that side Give me a bundle of noodles too.”

The man in the Chinese tunic suit didn't look like a man who was short of money. Si Ningning could clearly tell that he wanted those egg noodles, but he might still think the price was a bit high, so he couldn't make the move and hesitated. A bundle of early adopters.

Si Ningning said "Okay" and picked up a bundle of egg noodles neatly. The middle-aged man quickly opened the rice bag and brought it over. Si Ningning hesitated for a moment and finally put the noodles into the rice bag.

Originally, he didn't plan to give the rice bag away, but the man in front of him didn't seem to have anything to carry it with. Si Ningning had no choice but to say, "Uncle, if you meet me next time, remember to return the rice bag to me."

The man in the Chinese tunic suit was stunned for a moment. When he saw that the rice bag in his hand was made of cotton, he felt relieved and said, "Okay, I'm not greedy for you. I'll return it to you next time I meet you. If there are any good things, remember to give them to your uncle." Cheaper!”


Watching the man go away and disappear into the crowd, the monkey hissed, staring at Si Ningning with a toothache, "The pocket needs a foot of cloth, right? Such good cloth, there are several hairs... If he cheats you, What if I don’t come again?”

“How many of the people who come to sell things on the black market are teeth-beaters?” Si Ningning said calmly.

Those who sell things take desperate risks, and those who buy things do the same. If they are caught, the consequences will be the same.

 Those who have money but no tickets, cannot buy things through formal channels, and come to the black market at all risks are forced by the needs of life.

 This kind of person will come once and then come a second time. It is only a matter of time that you encounter him.

Si Ningning ignored the monkey head and took things from the basket to fill the gap in rice. She looked up at the dark-faced man squatting in front of the stall and asked, "Uncle, what do you want?"


 It’s still the fourth update today~

 Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. Did everyone’s pockets get filled with red envelopes yesterday?

 (End of this chapter)

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