Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 113: have a finger in the pie

Chapter 113: Nosy

Huo Lang originally didn't want to trouble Si Ningning again. He could hear Si Ningning's Beijing accent and inferred that Si Ningning was from Beijing and 80% of the candy he brought was bought from Beijing. Before that, he wrote I sent the candy wrapper to Beijing City along with the letter, thinking of asking someone to buy it.

 However, after communicating through letters several times, we couldn't find anything similar, so we came up with this article today.

“Well...I have to go back and sort it out to see what’s missing.”


 “Then it’s settled?”

 “Hmm.” Huo Lang nodded.

The final result of this matter was very much in line with Si Ningning's expectations. She couldn't help but put her fist to her lips and laughed softly, saying "That's great" in her heart.

The man has a handsome face and is tall and straight. In comparison, the girl next to him looks particularly cute.

I don’t know what she said. At this moment, the girl tilted her head and put her fist to her lips and smiled softly. Her fair face was naturally flushed. She looked at the man with a pair of round and black eyes, filling her heart with the man’s figure. Eyes full…

Mo Bei turned his head and glanced back absentmindedly, and what he saw was this scene.

I can't tell what I feel, it seems that there is an inexplicable feeling that affects my heart, and my mood is not smooth.

Mo Bei doesn't like this feeling very much.

He couldn't figure out why, so he mentally blamed Huo Lang as the cause.

 The unsatisfactory mood must be caused by the fact that the man knows all about him, but he knows nothing about that man.

 That must be the case for...

 “Boss, what are you looking at?”

 "Nothing." Mo Bei responded coldly, withdrew his gaze and continued walking forward.

Further ahead, Jiang Yue gently pushed Song Xiaoyun, who turned around and looked back from time to time, "What are you looking at?" As she spoke, Jiang Yue turned back and took a look. Walking behind them was a male educated youth, Song Shuhan. Walking side by side with Wu Yong, Mo Bei and Li Lingyuan were behind Song Shuhan and the others, and Si Ningning and the others were further behind. From this angle, there were two groups of people separated in the middle, and Si Ningning and the others could not be seen at all.

Jiang Yue was not stupid and guessed that Song Xiaoyun was not looking at Si Ningning. Her eyes wandered around the male educated youths and finally landed on Song Shuhan who was closer.

At that second, Jiang Yue seemed to understand something. She tightened her grip on Song Xiaoyun's hand and said in a nervous tone, "You're crazy!"

 “No, in short, it’s not what you think!” Song Xiaoyun looked frightened, and with a guilty conscience, she broke away from Jiang Yue’s hand and walked quickly in front.

Song Xiaoyun is indeed looking at the male educated youth, but she is not looking at Song Shuhan.

Jiang Yue followed him unwillingly, "I don't want to meddle in other people's business, but Xiaoyun, this is a violation of discipline and is not good for you. You..."

"Who will know if you don't tell me?" With her hand held by Jiang Yue, Song Xiaoyun suddenly stopped and yelled. There was a movement here, and the male and female educated youths walking in front and behind looked at her one after another.

Jiang Yue looked hurt and stunned.

The air was still for a moment, and only the chirping of birds and insects echoed in all directions.

Song Xiaoyun realized what she had just done, and a chill ran down her spine.

"I, Jiang Yue, I didn't mean that, I..." Song Xiaoyun felt guilty and nervous. She opened her mouth to explain something, but in the end she couldn't. She simply ended with "I'm just in a bad mood."

"It doesn't matter, I'm just meddling in my own business." Jiang Yue shook her head.


 It’s her meddling…


 The express delivery is coming one after another, which means that next year is coming to an end. Are the little cuties ready to start school/go to work?

 (End of this chapter)

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