Chapter 162 Guidance

Si Ningning had no choice but to give up and put half a pot of water into the pot. He placed the basin in the pot and covered the pot with a lid. It was estimated that it would be able to preserve the food a little bit.

After finishing these tasks, Si Ningning wiped and swept everywhere. After finishing all the work, it was almost time. Hegu and Sanao didn't come. They probably remembered what she said yesterday and wouldn't come out so early.

Without waiting, Si Ningning stuffed a few fruit candies bought from the supply and marketing cooperative into a bamboo basket, put on a straw hat, and went directly to the team carrying a military kettle and an elephant trunk pot.

 As usual, we go to collect rice bran first, and then go to the pig pen to clean and feed the pigs.

At first I thought Hegu and the others hadn't gone out yet, but as soon as they turned into the alley, Si Ningning saw two little ones squatting next to the pig pen.

“Didn’t I say that yesterday? Why are you here so early?” Si Ningning walked over and put the straw hat and teapot on the stone pillar aside. She stuffed a candy into each of them.

Si Ningning was busy feeding the pigs and asked, "How long have you been here?"

"Actually, we have just arrived, are you right? Sanmiao." Hegu handed the candy to Sanmiao and followed Si Ningning.

Sanae took the candy over there and hesitated for a moment before nodding, "Yeah...yes. Sister educated youth, we have only been here not long ago."

Si Ningning smiled after hearing this and said, "Okay... you guys play around for a while, I'll clean up the place and then go deliver water to the educated youth in the fields. We'll go back to the educated youth point together later."

Sanae nodded obediently, while Hegu wandered around like a headless fly, "Si Ningning, didn't you say you wanted me to help you with your work?"

Hegu promised Si Ningning that he would help her with work.

On the other hand, he remembered what his elder brother Horan said: Don't cause trouble to others, "good things" are all mutual, and you can't take anything for granted.

Si Ningning thought that it would be a good idea to exercise He Gu, so she did not refuse. She raised her chin towards the bucket on the side of the pig pen and said, "Then, see if Xiaocui is at home? If she is at home, just carry the bucket." Go over and get a bucket of water, I'll come over and bring it later."


He Gu should simply turn around and run towards the other end of the alley.

Sanae followed closely behind, "Second brother, wait for me, I'll go too!"

After half an hour or forty minutes of working on the pig pen, Si Ningning walked on the field ridge wearing a straw hat and an elephant trunk pot in her hand, followed by Hegu and Sanmiao.

Uncles and aunts working along the road saw it and joked: "Si Zhiqing, you are so popular that you are now the king of children?"

Si Ningning responded with a smile: "I am useless at work, so I am just a child. Auntie, please stop teasing me, otherwise I should be too embarrassed to go out."

Sister-in-law on Tuesday was also working nearby. Hearing these words, he straightened up and said, "Hey Si Zhiqing, what my sisters-in-law said is not to say anything wrong with you."

After saying that, Sister-in-law on Tuesday picked up the sweat towel around her neck and wiped the sweat. She turned around and said to the members working nearby: "You don't know, right? The educated youths in this department are very capable. They not only tell stories to the children, but also teach them." She can read! Our Cuicui can write her own name.”

 “Ouch! Is it true?” Someone immediately exclaimed.

Although people in this era are conservative in thinking, most people still believe that reading and literacy is the only way out.

Upon hearing that Si Ningning was teaching children how to read, a sister-in-law asked, "Si Zhiqing, my Ermao is also obedient. Let him follow you tomorrow, can you teach him too?"

 “And my furry egg!”

 “My family, my family’s, my family’s sledgehammer!”

Si Ningning’s mouth twitched, but she didn’t expect this to happen.

Because his aunt and sisters-in-law were too enthusiastic, Si Ningning relaxed his tone and said politely: "Okay, I usually work in the pig pen, so I can have some free time in the morning. If the children are interested, aunt will let the children go to the pig pen." Come find me over there, it happens to be cool there too.”

 All the sisters-in-law nodded in agreement, "If you want it, if you want it, Si Zhiqing can just say this."

 Rural people have a simple mind and have only one concept of word recognition. If they don’t recognize a word, they really don’t know it.

 But as long as you can recognize a word, you know the word, which is very different from those crawling in the ground.

Si Ningning nodded and took Hegu and Sanmiao to the place where the educated youth were working.

This time, by chance, Mo Bei and the others have already cut the grain from the end of the field to the head of this large paddy field. They will be able to finish cutting this field this afternoon.

When Si Ningning came over, the three of them each came over with a teapot and a kettle.

Mo Beijun filled the kettle with water and put one hand on his sore lower back. He stood on the field ridge and took a sip of water with his neck raised. He seemed a little puzzled. He lowered his head and stared at the kettle. , and then looked at Si Ningning, who was still pouring water for Li Lingyuan and the others, "Isn't the water ice cold today?"

Si Ningning paused for a moment and looked up to see Mo Bei's angular face covered with beads of sweat. She considered her explanation: "I'm a little busy today, so I didn't use the well water..."

Today was the same as before. After passing by the threshing floor and pouring water for the uncles and aunts on the team, Si Ningning planned to go to the pig pen and use the surrounding trees to cover the space. However, he did not expect that He Gu and San Miao would be waiting there. Over there at the pig pen...

Looking at Li Lingyuan and the others, who were just like Mo Bei, looking sweaty and embarrassed, Si Ningning said, "I'll take a shower in advance this afternoon."

Mo Bei was not questioning Si Ningning, nor was he blaming him, he just asked him casually.

Hearing Si Ningning's answer, Mo Bei nodded. The tall man stood up straight and took two more sips of water in silence.

Just when Li Lingyuan and the others were shouting at them to continue working in the fields, Mo Bei suddenly said, "It tastes equally good whether it's cold or not."

Si Ningning said "Ah" and didn't react.

Mo Bei had already averted his eyes and handed the half-drunk bottle of water to Si Ningning. He returned to his usual cool demeanor and said, "Fill it up."


The filling opening of the military kettle was small, and Si Ningning was worried that the water would spill, so when he was filling it, he lowered his head and looked very focused, completely unaware of the strange and flashing blush under Mo Bei's eyelids.

 After Mo Bei tightened the military kettle, he took a mouthful and said, "I didn't buy the meat, but I did buy the stick bones. Let's make stick bone soup at noon. Tell Li Lingyuan and the others to leave your ink after work and go home early!"

Si Ningning said "go home" so naturally. He had no idea that because of these words, a strange feeling flashed through Mo Bei's heart again.

 "Okay." Mo Bei responded.

As soon as he stepped into the field, he heard Si Ningning suggest: "If you like to drink ice, you can clean the kettle and give it to me after work in the afternoon, and I can fill it for you in the morning when you cook?"

 "...Okay." Mo Bei nodded in agreement.

 Leaving the male educated youth side, Si Ningning took Hegu and Sanmiao to the other direction of the production team.

While on the way, Si Ningning thought that the military kettle was very convenient for keeping warm in the winter and cool in the summer. When he got back, he must ask others if they wanted to buy one.

 She and Mo Bei use the same model. She is the only one who has it now. The price on the black market is 12 yuan each. Xu Shuhua and the others definitely cannot afford it. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be hers.

The military kettles currently on the market are also equipped with inner bladders, and the insulation effect may not be as good as hers, but it is still the same and more or less convenient.

 Thinking about it, we have arrived at the field where female educated youths work.

Si Ningning raised the brim of his hat and glanced around. He saw a few people working hard not far away. He stood on tiptoes and shouted in a loud voice: "Shuhua, Xiaoyun, come here for a drink of water!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Yue from the other side of the field took the lead in sticking her head out, and ran over at a trot, shouting as she ran, "I'll count the time, and you'll be here when the sun reaches the top of my head!"

Xu Shuhua followed behind and laughed out loud, "Slow down, turn around and let others see you. It's time to say that you are not active in work. You are active in something like drinking water to avoid laziness."

Jiang Yue frowned and retorted: "Take a proper rest in order to work better!"

After taking a sip of water, Jiang Yue asked the question that Mo Bei asked before: "Why isn't the water cold today?"

Si Ningning is still using the same rhetoric.

Jiang Yue said "Oh" and said: "It tastes good if it's cold, and it tastes good if it's not cold."

Si Ningning curved her lips and smiled, fully understanding what Jiang Yue meant.

The matter of the stick bones was mentioned again. Si Ningning asked the three of them to go home early at noon. Then, under the joyful cheers of the three girls, he took Hegu and Sanao back to the educated youth point.

At the well, Si Ningning filled the pool with water and asked Hegu and Sanae to wash their hands and faces to get rid of the heat. He also told them not to go near the well mouth, then turned around and went into the house to get things.

 At the end, he came out of the house, holding the pelvis in his arms and a basket of vegetables on his arm, and moved to the well in a difficult and awkward posture.

When Hegu saw it, he quickly got up and ran to Si Ningning, stretched out his hand and said, "Let me help you."

 “No, just these two steps.” Si Ningning declined politely.

It was a bit awkward to hold things in this position, but it was only a few steps away, and she could just take it. Pulling it off the ground would only cause more trouble.


Hegu responded with a wilting sound and followed back to the well.

The temperature in midsummer is so hot that it is difficult to get excited, and the trees around it seem to be filled with countless cicadas. The cicadas chirp "VVVV" constantly, making people feel sultry and at the same time, there is an inexplicable lingering feeling in their hearts. A burst of anger may completely erupt in any quarrel or unsmooth place.

The tub and the basket were placed on the stone platform beside the well. Si Ningning wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. He felt heavy in his heart. His back seemed to be carrying an invisible weight. He just longed to be cooler, and then in the cool breeze. Squint for a while.

 It roughly corresponds to that sentence:

Spring is sleepy, autumn is lackluster, summer takes a nap, and winter is March when I can’t wake up.

Si Ningning folded his hands with his index fingers intertwined, stretched his palms outward over his head, stretched his waist and moved the muscles of his shoulders and arms at the same time, cheering up again, "Put the water in the pool out."

Sanae took advantage of the situation and pulled out the rag blocking the drain.

 The water in the pool gurgled away, and a new bucket of water was brought up from the well.

Si Ningning raised her chin and signaled Sanae to block the water outlet of the sink again, then poured water into it, and took the first step to take out the cucumbers from the basket and wash them.

There were only three cucumbers in the basket. Si Ningning originally planned to get a plate of cold vegetables for lunch, but there were three of them. After washing them, she took one cucumber to each of them and simply divided them up on the spot.

"Eat and have fun." Si Ningning bent her eyes and smiled, "After you finish eating, start working again."

 As he spoke, he took the first bite of a green cucumber.

Not to mention, cucumbers have a crisp taste and plenty of water. Although they are not as sweet as other fruits and melons, after being soaked and washed in cold well water, the refreshing feeling rolls into the stomach with swallowing, which is another kind of comfort.

 A cucumber was eaten. During this period, a gentle breeze was blowing, and the heat gradually receded. In an instant, Si Ningning suddenly laughed and felt a little emotional.

She actually felt that in such a hot summer, sitting in the shade and eating such a green cucumber could bring a little bit of comfort and fun to the ordinary days.

The days are busy and dull, but they are peaceful~

 A quiet and peaceful life is sometimes a kind of life that many people long for.

As it happens, Si Ningning is one of these "many people".

 Feel the regional culture, customs and customs in a remote mountain village.

 Watch the sun, moon and stars change under the old eaves.

Under the shadow of the mottled trees, listen to the sound of the wind walking on the leaf tips...

 For Si Ningning, all this is a cleansing of the body and a sedimentation of the heart.

 She doesn’t hate this situation, on the contrary, sometimes she feels more relaxed.

Si Ningning took some water from the pool to rinse his arms. Si Ningning poured the lettuce in the basket into it. While peeling off the outer leaves and cleaning the soil from the roots, he looked at He Gu and Sanmiao with a gentle smile, "Then please two hardworking people. My little rabbit, help me wash the vegetables~"

Sanae was quick with her hands and feet, and before Si Ningning could finish speaking, she had already started to help.

He Gu rolled up his sleeves slowly, and while choosing which dish to wash, he pursed his lips and asked confusedly: "Why the little rabbit? Why can't it be the eagle sauce? How amazing the eagle sauce is! If it's the eagle sauce If you do, you don’t have to worry about being bullied by other animals.”

"Yingjiang is very powerful." Si Ningning kept busy, and at the same time broke Hegu's expectations without hesitation, "But we are just rabbits, and this cannot be changed."

 “I won’t be a rabbit!”

Hegu’s thin melon-shaped face had bulging cheeks. He was stubborn and reluctant, and the corners of his eyes were shining with water, as if he was about to cry.

"There are many things in this world that we can't do what we want. You want to be Yingjiang because Yingjiang is powerful, right? In other words, you think rabbits are weak and easily bullied by other animals." Si Ningning pointed out the problem and provided timely guidance and correction, "But in fact, we are rabbits. This is a fact that no one can change."

“If we don’t want to be bullied by others, we must first stand up on our own.” Si Ning looked steadily at Hegu.

As she spoke, she reached out her hand again and rubbed away the tears overflowing from He Gu's eyes with her thumb, "Just like now, you are a little man. You have to find a way to solve problems when you encounter them. You can't shed tears easily, let alone because things are not as good as yourself. Will shed tears.”


 A Yao muttered: I really want to update, but lately I always stay up late and it’s already the afternoon when I wake up! After dinner, the whole day has passed! (Crash and hit the wall)

ps: I've been targeted by the system, and the chapters haven't been released for the past two days!

 (End of this chapter)

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