Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 322: Did your partner teach you these words?

Chapter 322: Did your partner teach you these words?

Si Zhennan slapped the table with a big slap, which made the pickle plate rattle and tremble slightly:


The voices of the three women in the room stopped. Si Ningning turned her head and looked at Si Zhennan calmly. She was ready to accept Si Zhennan's reprimand and interrogation.

Si Zhennan wanted to ask, but in front of such a pair of cold eyes, he felt flustered.

 The questions and scolds that came to my lips could not be uttered.

 The reason why we are in this situation today is because of his initial indulgence. The child will do this and he has no right to reprimand him.

 Girls are not retained in college, and their children will have to be transferred to other bureaus sooner or later when they grow up. It is only a matter of time...

Si Zhennan comforted himself in his heart, and after a while, he felt that his heavy heart was a little relieved.

He suppressed his emotions, tapped the table, and said with a normal expression: "What problem can't you talk about? Do you have to use force? Your sister has been away from home for so long. Can you be more relaxed during the Chinese New Year? "

Si Qi glared at Si Ningning unconvinced.

 Everything is fine at home, but this happens when she comes back!

 She has no discernment at all. If she had been the one going to the countryside, she would have had the good sense to hide far away. Why would she come back?

Wu Fenfang forced the angry Si Qi to sit down, adjusted her expression and said with a smile: "Okay, sisters fighting and quarreling before will only make their relationship better, how can they really generate resentment? You all sit down, Tang will be quick Okay, I’ll put the cabbage in and blanch it, and it’ll be ready to eat in a while.”

As he spoke, Wu Fenfang took the basin of cabbage in front of Si Ningning and praised her kindly and happily: "Ning Ning's craftsmanship is so good, the cabbage is so neatly torn."

Si Ningning laughed at Wu Fenfang's ability to put on a show. Even her biological daughter was insulted by her like this, but she could still remain calm, so she could be considered calm.

However, she can do more than tear apart cabbage gangs.

Her ability to tear other people's faces off is even better than this.

Si Ningning curled her lips. Wu Fenfang told them to wait to eat, and she really "obediently" sat at the table without moving.

Si Qi was extremely angry at Si Ningning. After all, she was her own mother. Although she didn't want to do it, she couldn't bear to watch her mother busy serving a large family alone.

Si Qi snorted with a downcast face, got up and went to the kitchen.

Si Ningning had nothing to do with himself. He stroked his soft hair on his forehead without changing his expression. Sitting upright and elegant, he looked at Si Zhennan and asked, "Don't you have anything to ask me?"

 “If you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

Si Ningning had tried to figure out the weight of the original body in Si Zhennan's heart countless times. When she came back this time, she thought she understood that the original body did have some weight in the heart of Si Zhennan's father.

 But now, she suddenly felt that there was a slight mistake in her guess.

 At the age of six or seven, his perspective was just higher than the tabletop, and he stood helpless by the bed, looking up helplessly at his mother, who was pale and had lost a lot of hair.

  My mother passed away when I was nine years old. I could only hide behind the door and cry secretly, watching strangers enter the house and carry my mother away...

Afterwards, her mother was buried and her father left home to work. The thin and skinny girl stood at the door holding the door and watching, but the moment her father turned around, she couldn't help crying anymore.

 The original happiness only existed before the age of six. After the age of six, most of the memories Si Ningning received were lonely and gloomy.

 Such a young child witnessed the withering away of his mother's life. He had learned to take care of himself almost from the age of six. He struggled to survive alone in a small courtyard at the age of nine. At the age of twelve, his father established a new family, and then he was abused by his stepmother...

Life and everything seemed to be hopeless, and she was isolated and helpless. No one cared about her thoughts or understood her despair. Think about it too.

 Yuan Shen and Si Zhennan spent less time together and more separation. Even if she always looked up to and respected her father in her heart, what was the use?

  In the few times we spent together, in my father’s heart, he actually didn’t have much affection for her.

 That's why he condoned his step-wife's abuse, so after knowing that his daughter was secretly having **** with someone, he still chose to ignore it.

Si Ningning chuckled, suddenly feeling that his initiative was ridiculous.

 In fact, she should have guessed it a long time ago, but because of luck and some of her personal emotional expectations, she still chose to come back.

It’s not too late to wake up now.

The pull between the mother and the daughter is meaningless. She wants to get back what belongs to her original body.


“I never said it, but I actually want to discuss something with you when I come back this time.”

Si Zhennan thought for a moment before speaking, but was interrupted by Si Ningning as soon as he uttered a word.

Si Zhennan paused for a moment, lowered his voice and glanced in the direction of the kitchen, "Are you talking here? Are you talking about going to the study room?"

“You can do it here. Aunt Wu and Si Qi will know it sooner or later. It’s okay if they hear it.”

Si Zhennan said "hmm" and didn't speak again, obviously waiting for Si Ningning's next words.

“I remember that my mother had a pair of gold rings, earrings, and silver bracelets. When I was little, you kept them for me. Now that I’ve grown up, you can give those things to me.”

Si Zhennan’s brows lowered and his expression suddenly became serious, but that was not the end yet. Si Ningning continued:

"Li Shuo's matter is Li Shuo's own choice. I don't blame Si Qi, but one thing must be made clear. The job in the department store that Si Qi is currently doing is my mother's way out for me. I ask Si Qi to Qi handed over the employment certificate, and I will handle the follow-up matters of this job myself.”

After Si Ningning finished speaking, the way Si Zhennan looked at her changed.

Si Zhennan felt that the Si Ningning in front of him felt very strange to him, as if she was no longer the quiet and sensible daughter in his memory.

 Looking back, Si Zhennan just thought that Si Ningning had broken up with him, so he didn't go into details.

"Your mother's things should be handed over to you, but as for work, your sister has already established herself there, so it's not appropriate for you to go there..." Si Zhennan communicated to Si Ningning in a gentle tone, "You need it Just tell your family where to spend the money, and dad will give it to you. When you start working in the new year, dad will look for another job for you. It will definitely not be worse than the one in the department store. Do you think this will work? "

"I just want to get back my mother's things and the things my mother gave me. As for work, you can look for Si Qi later and I won't interfere." Si Ningning shook his head, "Other than that, I won’t ask you for any money either, but I have one more request.”

Si Zhennan frowned and said nothing, staring at Si Ningning solemnly and deeply.

Si Ningning was fearless. She smiled slightly and said something that made Si Zhennan's eyes darken:

“I hope you can cooperate with me and move out of your household registration and open an independent account.”

Si Zhennan was so shocked by Si Ningning's words that his serious expression instantly cracked. He slapped the table and yelled: "Who taught you these words?! Who are you with?"

 (End of this chapter)

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