Return To the Era with Space Supplies

Chapter 324: Belated affection is worthless than grass.

Chapter 324: Belated affection is worthless than grass.

Although he was angry, Si Zhennan said these words very sincerely.

 He ​​is a man who can make money and support his family. He will try his best to provide for his wife and children whatever other people have or don't have. He doesn't want to get entangled in this kind of thing.

Si Zhennan’s idea was very simple, but he underestimated Wu Fenfang’s greed. How could she be willing to take out the things that went into her pocket?

"Don't even think about it!" Wu Fenfang stood up suddenly and pushed Si Zhennan towards the door of the room. "Let me tell you directly, I have sold those things you gave me on the black market. Do you think you went home to eat them?" Where do all those pork rice noodles come from?”

"Is that what I asked you to keep for safekeeping and you bought it? Did I not leave any money for you or remit it to my family? Take the things out, now, immediately!"

 “If you sell it, you’ll sell it. Even if you kill me today, you won’t do it!”

Wu Fenfang held her neck and screamed. Her hysterical face like a bad woman completely shattered the past image in Si Zhennan's heart. She received more provocations on this day than in the past year. Si Zhennan was stunned for a while. Breathing rapidly, his hands shaking with anger, he couldn't bear it any longer. He pushed Wu Fenfang away violently and began to rummage around the room.

Wu Fenfang bumped her forehead against the bedside table, and a purple bulge immediately appeared. She covered her forehead and said "Ouch, ouch, ouch" and felt dizzy for a while. After she recovered, she quickly chased after Si Zhennan and pulled hard to stop her, "That's mine. Oh my! Why are you moving! Si Zhennan, you are nothing! I want to divorce you!"

Clothes and old sheets were piled on the floor in the room. After rummaging through several large boxes but unable to find anything, Si Zhennan's forehead veins bulged. He turned around and pushed Wu Fenfang away, "Leave! Then leave!"

Wu Fenfang fell heavily to the ground. Before she could recover from the pain, she was stopped by Si Zhennan's words. She didn't even bother to wipe the snot and tears from her face. She looked at Si Zhennan blankly and murmured. Said: "W-what? What did you say?"

Just for a moment, Wu Fenfang stood up again and rushed towards Si Zhennan hysterically, "You can leave if you want? Don't even think about it! Si Zhennan, you will never be able to get rid of me in this life!"


The main room was occupied for a short while, and the commotion continued until about eleven o'clock at night. Si Zhennan, with a few blood marks on his face, knocked on the study door with a small bag in hand.

At that time, the light in the study room was still on. Si Ningning heated up hot water in the space and was crossing her feet under the lamp, drinking steaming malted milk and reading a book leisurely. She was not distracted by the main room at all. affected by the noise.

There was a knock on the study door, and she was stunned for a moment before getting up and opening the door.

Seeing Si Zhennan coming, Si Ningning was not curious at all, so she turned back to the room and sat down to read.

 “Ning Ning.”

The cold wind was blowing outside, so Si Zhennan closed the door and sat next to Si Ningning.

He didn't talk nonsense. After a moment of silence, he opened the small elastic bag and took out a thick roll of money bills and several pairs of gold and silver objects.

 There are earrings, rings and bracelets.

With the peripheral vision, Si Ningning paused slightly, put the book aside, reached out and took the few small items first, "Is this what my mother left for me?"



 After receiving the exact answer, Si Ningning responded calmly.

Putting the things in her hands, she looked at Si Zhennan calmly. Since he sat down and did not leave, it meant that he still had something to say.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Si Zhennan spoke up, "There are twenty big ones here, and there are more than thirty pieces of odd ones..." He handed the roll of money notes along the table to Si Ningning , "You can sell that job quota for about 120 yuan. Now I will exchange the money with you for that job quota."

A large unity card is worth ten yuan, twenty is worth two hundred yuan, and the odd ones are more than two hundred. What this means is that if he uses this money to exchange for a job quota with Si Ningning, Si Ningning will not lose money, and he will also get more money. Take advantage of it.

 But Si Ningning was not short of money, and she didn’t even bother to take advantage of him.

“I said, I just want to get my mother’s and my things back. Apart from those, I won’t ask for anything, let alone take it.”

“If you don’t plan to stay in Beijing, you’re selling this job. Instead of selling it to others, why not give the place to Qiqi and I’ll give you more money? Aren’t they the same thing?”

 What exactly does "the same" mean?

Not bothering to talk, Si Ningning looked cold and said without any warmth in her tone, "I don't want to."

This amount of money may be considered a large amount in this era, but Si Ningning knows that with Si Zhennan's ability, if he can come up with two hundred yuan for one, he can also come up with the second and third in a short time. , the mother and daughter's lives will get back on track.

Si Ningning disdained the few hundred yuan. Instead of letting the mother and daughter accept it so quickly and calmly, she would rather give it at a low price or even give it to others for free, even if she was disgusted, she would disgust them.

 It’s best to be able to keep up with them so that they can’t even eat the New Year’s Eve dinner.

Thinking silently, Si Ningning looked lazily at Si Zhennan and added without any room for change:

“As for the house, please don’t talk too much, just let it be as it should be. If we can’t explain it ourselves, let’s ask professionals to judge it.”

 Even in the 1970s, there were courts and notaries.

Si Ningning did not act with a chaotic temper just because she was a junior. On the contrary, she was clear-cut and more rational than most elders. Probably because of this, Si Zhennan acquiesced to her proposal.

 If they can’t tell clearly, then let the country and impartial people do the talking.

Si Zhennan still had the same idea, it belongs to whomever belongs to him. His daughter’s things and what he gave to her were two different things.

Even though he compromised on the house matter, Si Zhennan never dared to look at Si Ningning's red and swollen face.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally spoke seriously before Si Ningning issued the eviction order: "Dad will do his best to deal with work and house matters, but the matter of changing household registration will definitely not work. You are still young, and you don't understand many things, and men don't have you." So reliable as expected..."

"Dad was not around when you were talking about your partner and couldn't control you. But now that dad knows about it, he can't let it go. The marriage must be approved by me, and before the marriage..."

Si Zhennan took a breath and said in a somewhat unnatural tone, "You are a girl, you must know how to respect yourself...your mother should have said these things to you, but your mother left early, and your Aunt Wu doesn't care about you. Anyway, Remember dad’s words and don’t let others look down upon you.”

Si Zhennan spoke with sincerity and sincerity, and his heartfelt words made him look a little more humane.

 But even so, Si Ningning still looked at him calmly, even coldly.

Whether you have an uneasy conscience, you suddenly realize your mistakes, or you realize you shouldn’t have done it in the past, in short, it doesn’t matter, but there is one saying that is good.

 Belated affection is worthless than grass.

 (End of this chapter)

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