Chapter 348 Ridicule

When they arrived at the educated youth point, they asked Huo Lang to park his bicycle at the door. Si Ningning was afraid that Jiang Yue and the others would pester her for questioning, so she waved her hand at Huo Lang and said:

“Just park the bike here, I’ll do the rest myself, go back first.”

Huo Lang parked the car as instructed and asked Si Ningning before withdrawing his hand: "Can you do that? This big guy weighs forty pounds. Otherwise, I will push it into the house for you."

“It’s okay, I can do it!” Si Ningning insisted.

Seeing her firm look, Huo Lang didn't say much. Before letting go of the bicycle and walking away, he said in a hoarse voice: "Then you have a good rest first, and you can tell me when you have time and want to learn to ride a bicycle."


Si Ningning nodded seriously. Listening to the vague voices and footsteps coming from the main room, she waved her hand towards Huo Lang and winked playfully, "Go quickly!"

Huo Lang chuckled, turned and left.

At the same time, a group of people came out of the educated youth hall. The leader was Mo Bei, who was carrying a box, followed by Li Lingyuan, Xu Shuhua and others.

Seeing Si Ningning standing outside the door, Mo Bei slowed down his steps and his cold eyes suddenly lit up: "Si Ningning."

Si Ningning looked back, and when she met Mo Bei's gaze, she smiled lightly.

Originally, he wanted to greet Mo Bei politely and ask him how he has been these past few days since he returned to Beijing, but what Huo Lang said not long ago came to his mind inexplicably. Si Ningning's smile suddenly paused and she couldn't help but take a closer look at Mo Bei.

Seeing Mo Bei's eyes bright and focused with concealed joy, the hairs on Si Ningning's back stood up inexplicably, and Huo Lang's words seemed to resound through his ears in an instant:

 “Perhaps you should keep your distance from him.”

“Just like you understand Sanae better than me, men also understand men’s thoughts better than women.”

Because they were not close to each other, Si Ningning never noticed anything, but at this moment, she seemed to be able to see something else in Mo Bei's eyes.

 Expectation and joy…

 The burning eyes, eyes, and expressions all carried out Huo Lang's words one by one.

Si Ningning was a little flustered for a moment, not knowing how to deal with it, so she subconsciously turned her eyes away to avoid Mo Bei's gaze.

Mo Bei's eyes dimmed in vain, while Si Ningning realized belatedly that her behavior was too abrupt, so she calmed down for a moment, then turned around and smiled pretending not to care, with a somewhat distant charm in her expression: "I'm so tired after riding all the way. Mo Zhiqing, you should go back and rest quickly!"

From the time the two people met their eyes to the time they finished speaking, only about thirty seconds passed. The people who came out with Mo Bei at the door saw Si Ningning and burst into cheers:

 “Wow! Si Ningning, you’re back too! I thought you’d have to wait until the day after tomorrow!”

Jiang Yue was even more exaggerated. She pushed aside several male educated youths and pushed Mo Bei aside. She jumped up to Si Ningning and gave him a bear hug:

 “I’ve been missing you these past few days, and we were just discussing it!”

Jiang Yue and Xu Shuhua were discussing when Si Ningning would come back. Apparently Mo Bei had not told them about meeting Si Ningning at the door of the production team leader's house just now.

Mo Bei talks little. Most of the time, others don't ask, and he doesn't say much.

Si Ningning had some guesses in her mind, and she left Mo Bei behind. She entered the house and put the rattan box in place first, and then she smiled and called up Jiang Yue who was following behind her:

“Oh, I’m really tired... Stop following me around and help me unload the things and bring them in!”


Jiang Yue responded and joined in to help. At the same time, Xu Shuhua also participated:

“Why are there so many things? How did you get them on the way?”

There are two pickle jars in the basket on the front of the bicycle, as well as several packages containing small parts. There are two larger packages hanging on the horizontal bar in the middle of the pedals. They are fabrics bought in the county. of.

Hearing Xu Shuhua ask about it, Si Ningning smiled and said: "Before getting on the bus, my family helped me get it into the car. Fortunately, I met the security captain of our team after getting off the bus. Otherwise, I really don't know how to get it."

Xu Shuhua said "Oh" and believed it, while Jiang Yue sighed a few words: "Then you are really lucky, otherwise it would be such a long journey without a car. How would you come back!"

Speaking of cars, Jiang Yue noticed the big guy parked at the door, and immediately stopped with the basket in his hand: "Hey Si Ningning, does this bike belong to the security captain? Someone else left? We have already taken down all these things. , you can let him push the car back."

As she spoke, Jiang Yue turned around and glanced at the people in the room: "I don't know how to ride a bicycle, or which of you can? Help me take the bike back?"

Everyone in the hall looked at each other in confusion. Li Lingyuan scratched the back of his head and was about to take a step forward. Si Ningning put away her things and came out of the room to take the basket from Jiang Yue's hand. "No, that bicycle doesn't belong to Comrade Huo Lang. I bought it myself when I came back." of."


 Several people in the main room were instantly shocked!

Li Lingyuan's eyes widened and he shouted: "Si Zhiqing, did you buy this bicycle?! You have already spent a lot of money on the trip home this time, right? This bicycle is not cheap!"

Jiang Yue was also surprised, but thinking of something, she rolled her eyes at Li Lingyuan, took Si Ningning's arm affectionately and sat down at the table in the main room, "How about it? Tell me? Is your father's conscience aware of it and specially giving it to him?" Did you buy it?”

Xu Shuhua thoughtfully placed the steaming bamboo cup in Si Ningning's hand, and joked with a smile: "Yes! How can any father not feel sorry for his children? Ning Ning went to the countryside and left home for so long, why not go back to specify I miss my father so much."

Si Ningning is fair and beautiful, has a good family background, and usually has the best food and clothing, so everyone in the educated youth area took it for granted about the situation when she went home this time.

 But only Si Ningning knew exactly what happened.

Si Ningning didn't want to explain. The more he explained, the more things he had to say. He simply smiled, stood up and said, "I'm really tired when I come back today. I have to do something else... As for other things, it will take a long time in the future. When the time comes, I’ll tell you more slowly!”

Jiang Yue and his party were indeed curious, but they just wanted to ask during a casual chat.

As soon as Si Ningning said he had other things to do, their attention was immediately diverted:

“I just came back and I have nothing to do, so let’s relax for a while…”

Si Ningning smiled and did not reply. She asked Li Lingyuan to help and asked him to help push the bicycle to the wall of the house. Si Ningning went into the house and opened the rattan box, took out a small book from inside, and took it from the edge of the bed. Si Ningning took out a large piece of white paper on the table and picked up a book. Si Ningning took everything and sat down at the table in the main room near the door.

  Reading bits and pieces, covering it with white paper, he opened the book and found what he had written when he was at Chen's house a few days ago. Si Ningning sat upright and started to copy slowly with his pen.

Jiang Yue didn’t understand it at first, but after seeing what Si Ningning wrote and realizing that Si Ningning was writing a new semester textbook, Jiang Yue suddenly felt ashamed:

"Oh, I really... I feel bad about not being positive around you." Si Ningning "hum hum" smiled and said, "Everything has two sides, you have to weigh it yourself~ If the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, please be troublesome. So why not?”

“Yes, yes, what you said makes the most sense~”

Jiang Yue held her chin up and responded lazily and feebly.

Si Ningning glanced at her helplessly, then concentrated on writing.

After writing all the content, Si Ningning put on the pen cap and folded up a large page full of writing. After twisting his neck, he realized that there was a kerosene lamp on the table beside him, and the flames flickered in the wind. Swaying slightly, the sky outside the door has also darkened.

 Time flies so fast.

With a sigh in his heart, Si Ningning put the folded paper in his notebook, quickly cleaned the table, and then went to the kitchen with a kerosene lamp in hand, "Is the meal ready? I'm here to help!"

"Okay, okay! You can eat it now! I saw you were seriously engaged in it just now, so I didn't bother you." Xu Shuhua said with a smile, "I steamed two more sweet potatoes, you can make do with it first, and you can export the food yourself tomorrow." "

Si Ningning nodded, knowing that Xu Shuhua had given her the rations from her share, so she said, "Okay, I will give you today's rations later."

"Don't be in a hurry, let's eat first! You can take a rest after eating!" Xu Shuhua waved her hands, really worried that Si Ningning would be tired.

After all, Mo Bei next door just came back today, and he hasn't left the house all afternoon!

From what Li Lingyuan said, Mo Bei fell asleep after returning to the house, and he slept very deeply. In contrast, Si Ningning sat there, but he sat upright all afternoon without taking a break.

Si Ningning could clearly feel Xu Shuhua's concern. After responding with a grateful smile, she took two sweet potatoes and followed the others to the main room for dinner.

"By the way, I returned to the city to visit three relatives this time. Mo Bei and Si Ningning have already returned, and Song Shuhan is the only one left."

"Yes, but today is the end of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. I guess he will be back tomorrow."

“Last time he left in a hurry and I couldn’t dig out the dialect they had there. This time when he comes back, I have to let him speak a few words!”

"Hahaha, don't embarrass him. Besides, even if Song Shuhan said it, can you understand it? The song Ning Ning sang last time, I just thought it sounded good, but the specific song I sang was a sentence I didn’t even understand it!”

The educated youth spot was noisy, everyone was chattering to each other, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

At the same time, surrounded by bamboo forests, the night was getting darker, and kerosene lamps were lit in the Chen family courtyard, but the atmosphere was deserted.

After driving the two children back to the room, Huo Lang tidied up the kitchen and put the cleaned dishes back into the cupboard. He looked sideways at the back door and let out a soft breath.

The entire kitchen was empty. Occasionally, he could hear the crackling sound of the residual fire in the stove. He suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It’s too quiet and deserted.

 Two days ago, there was still a small table inside the back door, and Si Ningning was lying on the table, busying around, calling his name, and chatting with him.

That girl is serious when she says it is serious, and she is not serious when she says she is not. When chatting, she has a serious topic in her mouth, but she always has endless things to say with her small mouth.

 It is always lively when she is around.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it at this time. In the past few days, Huo Lang had become accustomed to Si Ningning hanging around. If Si Ningning returned to the educated youth center and was no longer in front of him, he would instantly feel that time would become difficult. .

Moving the wooden bench at the entrance of the stove to the door, Huo Lang put his hands in front of his knees and sat quietly for a while where Si Ningning usually sat.

Looking up at the gray sky, the moon rarely peeks out from the clouds, and the twinkling stars in the sky indicate that the weather will be good tomorrow.

The more I miss Si Ningning, the harder time feels.

And I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but the stars in the sky are also mocking him. The only two brightest stars are twinkling against each other, as if they are mocking him for being alone at this time.

Huo Lang looked up for a while, then suddenly looked away irritably, stood up and kicked the wooden block back to the inside of the stove. He filled a basin of water, went back to the room, took out the towel, and prepared to wash himself and go to bed. But when others lay down in bed, he closed his eyes. In less than three breaths, he suddenly opened his deep eyes again.

During the few days that Si Ningning lived in Chen's house, she had always slept on Huo Lang's bed and Huo Lang's bedding, which had long been tainted with her unique smell.

Huo Lang pulled the quilt with his big hand and hugged him into his arms. He slowly closed his eyes and imagined that Si Ningning was still beside him, but the faint fragrance made him feel peaceful and inexplicably restless.

Finally, after tossing and turning several times, Huo Lang quickly opened the quilt and put on his shoes, lifted up his clothes, threw them over his shoulders and opened the door. Before others could pull the door shut, the room next door suddenly opened a crack.

 “Brother, it’s so late, where are you going?”

Two heads were stacked up and down, like a stack of Arhats, and suddenly poked out.

Huo Lang paused and said, "I have something to go to the captain's house for."

After saying that, he scolded in a low voice: "Hurry up and go to bed. If you get cold later, I won't let you two have a swollen butt!"

Sanae Hegu all stuck out their tongues, smiling and not knowing what they were enjoying, and closed the door with a bang.

Huo Lang said a few more words at the door to cover himself with quilt and so on. Then he closed the door and went to Zhao Hongbing's house under the cover of night.

It was already getting late, and Zhao Hongbing and his wife took off their clothes to get ready for bed. Hearing the knock on the door, Zhao Hongbing quickly put on his old Chinese tunic suits that were tattered and white, and hurriedly put on his shoes to open the door:

“Come on, come on! Who is it? It’s late at night, please stop knocking!”

There were no lights in the courtyard. Zhao Hongbing opened the door and was startled when he vaguely saw a tall man standing outside. Later, he heard Huo Lang call "Uncle", and then he calmed down his beating heart and softened his tone. Turn around and let Huo Lang go into the house first. If you have anything to say, go inside to talk.

"Alang, it's so late. What's going on?" Zhao Hongbing closed the courtyard door. A small breeze blew in the courtyard, making him jump from the cold: "Come on, go inside first. You sit down for a while. I'll go over there." A piece of clothing.”

"Sure, uncle." Huo Lang just responded, and Zhao Hongbing turned around. He called out to Zhao Hongbing again and said, "Wait a minute, uncle, I'm not here to see you this time, but to see my aunt for something."

"What?" Zhao Hongbing slowed down his stomping, turned around and looked at Huo Lang in surprise, "Looking for your aunt?"

 (End of this chapter)

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