Chapter 138

“What are you doing now?”

He was angry, but he did not raise his voice.


The florist put his index finger to his mouth and pointed to his side with a squint.

There was her mother, who had slept after eating.

Reluctantly, she sat in front of her quietly in front of her.

There was a mug of hot water on the table, and the florist’s boss fondle a seed into the glass.

When the seed met the hot water, it produced colorful flowers and a strong scent.

Is it because of the scent?

I feel like my body, which had been aching a little while ago, is slowly being released.

“It is a good flower tea for stress.”

It seemed that she had become a sorceress who could not stop anyone when it came to plants.

After all, why is she?

If it is the influence of the magical forest, everyone in this world is receiving it.

She couldn’t figure out why she was only able to cast magic on her.

Of course, she runs a florist and it has a lot to do with the fact that magical forests exist as nature.

Maybe I overlooked something?

“Did you test it?”

“Yes, that is correct. I felt the energy from Annam. Very strong energy even in the laundry. When I first started working in a flower shop, I didn’t feel that way. But lately, I feel like I’m getting stronger.”

“… … .”

“I just want to know. I thought it was my talent to grow flowers well, but as you may have seen before, that talent is beyond my common sense. At first, I had a lot of trouble. Have you ever had a disease… … I can’t go to the hospital and show this in front of the doctor. How would people view me if I knew I had superpowers?”

I understand how confused the florist must have been.

“But I thought that Annam would be no different from me. That’s why I did that today without any excuses. I was surprised that it came out faster than I expected. If you don’t use magic like me, you can’t get out of it. At this point, I think I need an explanation.”

As she turned on her car, her gaze was on mine all the time.

She hid some impatience.

I immediately felt the urge to tell her everything and answer her questions, but then I stopped.

She couldn’t divulge everything, not knowing what she thought of her magic and how she would use her in the future.

However, if you start using magic that harms people like before, the situation will get out of control.

Is she a good person or a bad person?

Up until now, she has shown an aspect that is close to a good man, but there is no way that she should not change in the future.

There was a lot of tension.

“I don’t know why either. It’s a skill that I developed after I ran a laundromat. I am also looking for a reason.”

At my words, the flower shop owner sighed and put down the teacup.

“… … I know it’s a lie. Look at that hyacinth over there.”

When she looked where she was pointing, the flowers in full bloom, like clusters of grapes, were trembling violently.

“That hyacinth stalk trembles like that when someone tells a lie. I knew that each plant had hidden abilities. You can use it now.”

It was similar to the plants planted in the magical forest, each of which was given a characteristic and exerted its abilities.

She took her hand off the teacup and flicked her finger into her air, just right! made a sound

At that moment, I felt a subtle movement behind my back.

Without even looking back, a cold, sharp blade touched my neck.

Dracaena Draco.

A leaf of a tropical plant with thin and long leaves is elongated and its tip is turning into a blade, aiming at my neck.

When I looked outside, there were hardly any people passing by because it was late.

The flowers inside were blocking the show window, so no one looked at this strangely unless they looked inside carefully.

‘A shy blade.’

After I cast the summoning spell, cherry blossoms began to fall around me, and in an instant, it turned into a sharp blade and tore the leaves of Dracaena Draco in pieces.

The florist’s boss, surprised by the first time he saw it, jumped up from his seat.


Dracaena draco’s bladed blades falling under my feet.

The smile on her face, which had turned into surprise, spreads again.

“It’s amazing. I can barely move the plants here, but to summon them.”

her eyes twinkle

I see a desire to take away my abilities.

It may be a desire as light as a candle now, but there is a possibility that it will become a huge flame.

“I want the jokes to stop at this point. I hope they return to the way they used to sell flowers for the future. And I don’t want them to use their abilities in strange places.”

“Fufu. I’ll try. I don’t know if it will work out.”

I got up from my seat and left the store as if being chased.

That way, I went up to the second floor of the laundry, summoned a portal and entered the magic forest.

[Why are you empty-handed today?]

I wonder if Ariel was waiting for me, as soon as she entered the woods she jumped up, she asked.

Cosmo, Kami, Aides, and the whirlwind who were playing next to me also surround me.

“Oh, nothing.”

[Isn’t it nothing?]

Ariel spins around, sweeping my body with a body covered in white fur.

It’s a gesture of trying to figure out something in my body’s changes.

[Is it because of what happened in that warehouse earlier? I was a little worried.]

Without saying a word, she buried her face in Ariel’s soft fur.

As the warm energy envelopes my body, it feels like all my worries are gone.

Ariel also curled up and embraced me, and I lay down looking at the sky.

A sky that is not different from the world-dong sky.

The other thing is that I can move many things with my will.

As I stretched out my hand and waved it back and forth, a small rain cloud followed the gesture.

“How big is the forest? Have all the fungal forests gone now?”

[No, not yet.]

It’s kind of a confident conversation.

“How do you know that?”

[because… … .]

“… … ?”

She turned her head slightly and looked into Ariel’s eyes.

Big, sharp, deep wolf eyes.

“Why do you stop talking?”

[Because when the earth is free of mold and completely covered by forests, our role is lost.]

“What does it mean to lose a role?”

[The magic forest is no longer needed. The portal you passed through.]

Hearing that, I jumped up from my seat.

Without realizing it, I beat Ariel.

“No, why are you saying that now?”

[I do not know. I think so. I was originally a dandelion spore, and I shared the fate of the forest. Except for you and Kami, we are all like that.]

Cosmos, whirlwind, Aides, and Ariel looking at Undine by the river.

“Are you going to disappear?”

Ariel nodded.

“Then there is no need to expand the forest further. I never thought of that!”

[Then the fungus will take over this place again. you said Being stagnant is like failure.]

“Then what are you going to say to me?”

[Just do what you do.]

“Can you say something so irresponsible?”

As the voices grow higher and higher, Cosmos and Cammy look at us with worried eyes.

Aides pulls gold from the ground and puts it in my hand.

Was it because I was taught that receiving gold makes me feel better?

“Let’s talk later.”


I couldn’t continue the story anymore because I could see the eyes of the children.

Feeling like it was going to be okay, I laid back on Ariel’s fluffy fur as a pillow.

As I was doing that, I remembered what happened in the flower shop owner’s shop earlier.

‘I don’t think it should be left as it is… … ’

The thought bit its tail.

Cartoon room kid Yeo-guk looking at our laundry through a telescope.

Go Gun-soo, who exercised but showed his physical abilities beyond that.

It seems that you haven’t noticed it yet, but the owner of the cafe ‘Sop’ Yoo Deok-pil, who showed unusual movements with his hands brushing the beans.

He thought he wasn’t a big deal at the moment and passed it on, but now he’s worried.

“Side Effect.”

[Huh? what?]

“Is it a side effect? Is it a good thing?”


“It was the florist’s boss earlier.”

[Because there is no magic in the human world. would be a side effect. Perhaps when the portal was opened, the energy passed to that dimension.]

“Is that so? So, the world east became luxuriant with plants.”

[That would be a good thing.]

“right. If the florist’s boss can’t control himself and reveals his existence, how can he stop it?”

[Worst case… … .]

“… … .”

Neither of us was able to finish the conversation.

In the worst case, the portal must be closed.

However, the forest has not yet completely taken over the fungus, and if you close the primary gate, you will have to part with this forest as well as Ariel and her children.


I let out a deep sigh without realizing it.

As if not to worry, Ariel licks my face.

“Do you remember when we first met?”


“At that time, you were a dandelion scepter.”

[There was a time like that.]

“It was really cute back then.”

[not now?]

“Now is… … Do you feel like you’ve become an adult because you don’t play well, your actions are more modest?”

[Are you kidding me?]


In an instant, Ariel’s hair was pulled out, and in the air she turned into a dandelion spore and rushed into her face.

Scepters that tickle their eyes, nose and mouth.

“Apu! Oops! Stop itching!”

The scepters that have been tormented and retreated are flying like snow in the air.

[Did you see it?]

“It’s not cute though.”

The Halls are poised to attack again.

“Ah Okay. cute. cute.”(Read more @

[…] … Isn’t becoming an adult to be able to withstand a breakup well?]

“… … .”

Cami comes to the side, buries her face inside her armpits and closes her eyes.

“Let’s sleep or sigh.”

She hugged Ariel’s fur as a blanket and closed her eyes.

Aides and Whirlwind Cosmos also take their place.

We heard Undine playing in the distance, and we fell asleep as if we were fainting.

* * *

What always wakes me up is Ariel’s licking tongue and sticky saliva.

He opened his eyes and turned on his stretch.

“I slept well, shall we go to the city now? I leave the work here to my alter ego.”

[Why is there no one in the city?]

“You said it last time. The first laundry in the world will be built here.”

[No one will come to do the laundry.]

“Will it come someday? I think so.”

He got up from his seat and shouted a summoning spell.

“Camellia’s alter ego!”

『I summon the clone of Camellia』

『You can clone yourself as many as the number of camellia petals.』

As soon as the letters in front of me disappeared, a camellia flower bloomed on my palm, and the petals fell and flew away, revealing clones just like me.

“Thank you!”

After hearing my words, the clones go to their respective positions and start work.

[How do you set up a laundry?]

“Everything is ready! Infinite space-time!”

After casting the spell, a door appears in the forest.

“Wait a minute here.”

Opening the door reveals our living room.

“The vine’s obsession!”

A vine grows from the palm of the hand at the summoning spell and extends into the house.

When I thought I was done, I pulled the vines and the things that came with them seemed to be woven into a net.

Washing machine, iron, laundry signboard, etc.

Everything needed to open the laundromat is dragged into the portal.

[What is all this?]

“Did you see it? I’m going to set up a laundromat with this.”

Ariel and the children making facial expressions like, ‘Oh, Dooya.’

[Oh Sarah, she would have yelled.]

Ariel shakes her head.

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