“Finger gun!”

On the deck of the frigate, he saw Saquifans’ huge body leaping towards him.

Iggy took the lead and pointed at the opponent’s head, firing a white gas bomb.

“Pieces of iron!”

In mid-air, Saquifans’ head suddenly bulged, and the edges of his face protruded like metal.

When he screamed, the air bomb hit his eye and emitted a circle of smoke, but the other party blinked and was unharmed.

The falling shadow covered Iggy, only to hear a bang, and the two disappeared, leaving a large hole in the deck.


“It’s not a loss to be a captain.”

“Go and die, abominable little devil.”

The remaining dozen or so cheered, and Draco also showed a satisfied smile.

But what happened next made them quiet in an instant.

Two figures flew out of the cave, one left and one right to the deck.

“A ten-year-old kid can even be iron, what kind of monster are you”

Saquivans looked at Iggy in amazement, himself in the navy, through twenty years of training.

Only then did he become famous with the iron block, won the title of “Iron Wall”, and was honored to become the captain of the Draco’s escort.

The child in front of him was so young, and his defensive skills had the same hardness as himself, which was unbelievable.

“You all have to be buried today, and there is no point in knowing.”

Iggy gritted his teeth and said, not wanting to entangle with the other party’s words.

“Funeral? You mean children on fishing boats? ”

Saquivans seemed to have an answer to this sudden killing.

But Iggy no longer spoke, like a wild bull with wild hair, the runners rushed towards each other.

“Pieces of iron!”

When he hit Saquivans, it was like hitting a stone, and there was a sound of bones shattering in his hand.

But as if he had lost his pain, Iggy still swung his left punch after punch at the enemy, clanging endlessly.

In this battle, the pain in the body is far less than the hatred in the heart.

“It’s useless for you to do this, give up!”

Saquivans watched as Iggy’s hands cracked and his fists were deformed, but he didn’t mean to stop at all.

I can’t help but secretly wonder, what kind of grudge makes this child cling to this point!

Just thinking about a cold chest, I saw that Iggy actually punched through his chest, and his chest was cracked like broken glass.

“How… How could it be…”

Everything was too sudden, and the bulging body suddenly contracted back to its original state under this blow.

Revealing one of Iggy’s forearms, the part that pierced the iron was like a black shell, and Saquivans suddenly realized.

“You… Unexpectedly… Armed colors…”


Unexpectedly, even so, Iggy still refused to let himself go, and roared and pushed his body straight into the guardrail.

With a bang and a bang, Iggy stopped at the bow of the boat, and the body of Saquivans hung in the air, like a flag.

“I… No… Stopped… Days…”

The captain of the escort in mid-air tilted his head weakly, vomiting blood from his mouth, and did not finish speaking

“It’s not important anymore!”

Iggy kicked the corpse hanging on his arm into the sea and looked back at Draco who killed Saab.

“Are you crazy… Don’t come over, I’m a world aristocrat. Untouchables… If you hurt me, the Navy will not spare you! ”

Watching Igy covered in blood and walking towards him step by step, he was like a hungry ghost crawling out of hell to ask for his life.

Draco stepped back with a trepidation as he dragged several navies in front of him.

“How about the world aristocracy, and how about the world government, let’s all go down and apologize.”

Iggy clenched his fists and stopped in place, stepped on the ground and flew into the air, his body rotated 180 degrees longitudinally, and raised his right leg high.

“Arashi. White Thunder! ”

In mid-air, Iggy slashed from top to bottom, with one foot full arc, and a white bright light ran towards the Draco and the navy like a rolling thunder.


Everyone looked at this doomsday scene with horror on their faces, and the Draco in the middle didn’t even have a chance to regret it, and was flooded by white light in an instant.

The rumbling sound was like thunder hitting the ground, setting off a fan-shaped wave on the sea.

The people were annihilated by one blow, even the corpses were wiped out, and the frigate was cut in half with a click.

Iggy fell halfway down the hull, looked around at the mutilation around him, and jumped into the sea.

On the coast, people lined up for a kilometer horizontally, watching a silent incident in the distance.

Watching the wreckage on the sea slowly sink and return to a calm appearance again, people looked at each other.

The grand welcome ceremony, in just over ten minutes, turned into a funeral that shocked the world….

On the coastline, on a sea cliff a few kilometers from the port.

Iggy hugged Saab’s soft collapsed corpse in one hand and grasped the torn hat and goggles in the other.

After a killing, Igg, who absorbed dozens of lives, was in full state, but at this time, the feeling of collapse still filled his body.

Iger walked step by step to the top of the cliff, as slowly as if walking in a muddy swamp, like a powerless old man.

“God, why do you give me hope again and again, and make me fall into despair.”

Thinking of his mother, thinking of Saab, Iggy gritted his teeth angrily, hating fate for being so unfair to him.

Iggy felt the feeling of loneliness and misery, haunted him like a curse, and could not shake it off.

Finally reaching the top of the sea cliff, Iggy held Saab’s soaked body and knelt on the ground.

“Mother… Saab…”

The hat and goggles fell to the side, tears finally slipped uncontrollably, and Iggy sobbed silently at the corpse.

At this moment, Iggy is no longer a murderous demon, just a fragile and helpless child.

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