Six o’clock in the evening.

The reception hall of Draco Manor is bustling, and hundreds of people gather in the hall to celebrate Wachel’s sixth birthday.

In addition to the Thorn family, the birthday party invited the in-laws Riplesser’s family.

Although only six Draco were present, a large number of guards and slaves were used.

“Welcome to my son Wachel’s birthday dinner, let the child meet you first!”

Thorn beckoned to the audience with a smile on his face, and Wachelman was reluctant to be pushed onto the podium by Riprest.

“Hmm… Thank you all, thank you grandpa… And my father and mother, let me be born in this great race…”

Seeing his son stuck in place, Thorn suddenly grabbed the conversation and said to everyone with a smile.

“I hope everyone can enjoy the food and have fun!”

Thorn pulled his son on the stage, facing his father and Riplesser’s parents, bowing deeply and thanking him.

Seeing the patriarch, father-in-law, and mother-in-law in the audience nodding slightly, he pulled his son off the stage to accompany his wife.

As soon as the master walked down, the slaves in charge of the dance immediately took to the stage and began to perform, and the band behind them also played together.

In the crowd, the patriarchs of the two families saw the child disappear into the crowd, their expressions changed from smiling to serious, and they began to talk.

“Did you know that CP4 was completely wiped out… Lately, there has been simply no one available. ”

Riplesser’s father was the first to ask the patriarch with concern, and the lack of tools to seize made the old man very insecure.

“Hmph! I know who did it… Do not worry. ”

Thorn’s father heard a hint of anger, and then said with a confident expression.

“I secretly talked with the five old stars, and a few days ago, I had already mobilized the most elite agents in the navy to fill the vacancy.”

Knowing that the in-laws were rigorous and ruthless, listening to the other party’s determined tone, Riplesser’s father breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s not you… That’s my peace of mind! ”

When the words fell, the two sophisticated Draco patriarchs clinked glasses with a smile and each took a sip of wine.

On the other side, the Thorn family was also surrounded by the joy of their son growing up, which diluted the sorrow of the previous days.

“Baby, do you like the new birthday gift that mom gave you~”

Riprest caressed her son’s hair and watched her growing son overflow with maternal love.

“Of course I like it, thank you mom, ‘fishman’ pets are much more fun than ‘humans’~”

Seeing Wachel genuinely happy, Thorn took the opportunity to change some of his son’s perceptions.

“Kid, daddy wants to tell you something… About your brother. ”

When he first said the word “brother”, Wardchel was already frowning and was about to lose his temper.

There were several crisp noises from the top of the hall, and several giant chandeliers in the ceiling broke in unison and crashed down.

“Ah! Yes! ”


“Quiet! Be quiet! ”

The huge chandelier fell into the crowd, shattered into countless crystal fragments, and the entire hall fell into darkness, and the audience screamed.

The moment the behemoth fell, dozens of people were smashed into meat mud, and the sputtering fragments cut everyone.

All kinds of sounds were noisy and harsh, and people trampled on each other in order to run for their lives, killing and injuring countless people.

“Take up arms! Protect the adults! ”

At the moment of sudden change, a large number of guards ran to the side of the Draco nobles and surrounded the master.

The guards loaded their guns, drew their long knives, and looked around, listening carefully to the movements around them.

But the sound in the darkness was so chaotic that nothing could be seen, and the guards couldn’t help but get nervous.


In the darkness, a guard felt a chill in his chest, penetrated by an unknown enemy, and instantly lost consciousness, leaving only an exclamation.

The guard next to him, as soon as he felt that his body was splashed with viscous liquid, he received a huge blow to his head, and his brain pulp burst and died.

The guards died one after another, snorting and screaming one after another, getting closer and closer to the Draco.

“Ah! Save me! Save me! Help…”

Riplesser’s father’s voice came out, his tone was obviously terrified to the extreme, and the cry for help was halfway through, and there was no more life.

The remaining guards around were so angry that they lost their minds and shot indiscriminately in the direction of the owner’s voice.

But he heard the sound of his own people being shot, and the roar continued to sound, and he had to shoot at each other from both sides, and the fire flickered.

“Husband! How are you, where are you!? ”

Hearing that her husband suddenly lost his life, Ripresser’s mother no longer had the calmness of an aristocrat, and shouted like a madwoman.

Unfortunately, her husband never responded to her again, and in response was a thump in the abdomen, bending down and vomiting.

The old woman couldn’t help but touch her stomach, and found that there was a big hole, and the intestines kept flowing out.

“Why… Other… Don’t kill me…”

The old woman has long lost the courage to maintain her dignity, crying like an anti-intellectual child, and stuffing her intestines back into her stomach while crying.

Stuffed consciousness began to blur, blood, saliva and vomiting flowed all over his chest, and the sour smell filled his mouth.

Finally unable to support herself and falling to the ground, the old woman rolled her eyes and died in a puddle of mixed liquid.

“Go this way, go this way!”

The moment darkness fell, Thorn saw that the situation was not good, held his wife and son, and hurried to the exit of the light.

Countless guards followed the master, escaped from the hall and came to the corridor, and everyone was relieved to see that the line of sight was cheerful.

Just after escaping, he saw that his wife and son were already crying in fear, and Thorn gently stroked their backs.

“Or will it only escape… You coward! ”

In the banquet hall where the screams were rising, a black shadow flashed out, blocking the way of the Thorn family.

Thorn looked up, and couldn’t help but feel cold fear spreading from his back to his whole body, looking at each other like a lost soul.

Iger was half covered in blood, with bits and pieces of meat hanging from his clothes, and looked at himself with a grin.

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