Thirteen years ago, a man named Fisher was born on the sea. Tiger’s fish-man adventurer, the first to climb the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands.

After seeing the madness of the Draco and the slaves of various races under the destruction of the system, he brazenly led the slaves to launch an uprising.

Burned the Holy Land of Mary Joa, freed thousands of slaves, and proclaimed the free idea of equality for all races.

Created the sea legend of the Fishman Pirates and changed Boya. Hancock’s life made him a member of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai.

But since then, the Draco have instead plundered and purchased more slaves, and the torture of slaves has intensified.

For more than a decade, people have been looking forward to the emergence of a second Fisher. Tiger, led tens of thousands of slaves out of the sea of suffering.

Will this person be Iggy?

“Save…’You guys?’ Is it your parents. ”

The Avenger looked at the boy’s sincere expression, and the sparkle in his eyes was clear without a trace of impurities.

Accompanying the slave children all the way from the entrance through the corridor to the so-called “home”, the cruel environment is regrettable.

Every object and scene reminds Ig of the princess of the Neifit royal family, her mother Yuni, who was treated inhumanely.

Immersively feeling the life of a slave, similar experiences inevitably make people feel empathetic and sympathetic.

“I don’t have a ‘baby’ like my parents, everyone is my family.”

It seems that for him, in the hellish slave farm, tens of thousands of laborers were his parents, brothers, and sisters.

This naïve remark reminded Ig of the strongest man in the world who had just fallen, Whitebeard.

The sea is his home, and the fallen orphans on the sea are his sons, and this idea of brothers from all over the world is enviable.

If the Avengers had grown up in this environment when he was ten years old, would the story be different today?

“Go wake everyone up and bring people here.”

Rescuing the little boy from the manor and coming here through the secret door, Iggy was full of thoughts and moods along the way.

The picture of memories shocks the brain over and over again, but the method of disposal of the slaves has long been calculated in the mind.

This is not a choice question that changes depending on the mood, but one of the tasks that needs to be completed on the road to revenge.


The innocent boy, who had thought about the deep meaning in the words of the Avenger, just took Ig’s words as an answer.

Born in the shadows of Mary Joa, he worked never-ending in the slave workshop.

Even if there is no father or mother, with slave companions of various races, they fill the place of the family and are no longer timid.

But the overseer’s lashing and slavery kept the boy locked in this underground cell where day and night could not be seen.

On the one hand, I mustered up the courage to petition, on the one hand, so that I could break through this prison and enjoy the wonderful “outside world” of freedom.

On the one hand, it is to let the family see the hometown and the sea that they look forward to every day.

“Uncle, wake up!”

“Sister, come with me!”

“Get up, little crying bag, I’ll take you out of here!”

The slave boy ran wildly in the zigzag workshop within a radius of several kilometers, giving birth to more physical strength than he had ever had.

Tirelessly waking up one family member after another, pulling relatives one after another to run to Iggy, running to hope that has never been felt before.

Before you know it, the assembled slave team is getting bigger and bigger, and the sensational flow of people is like a river, spreading throughout the corridor.

“Whew… Call… Everyone has arrived, brother! ”

Bent over and panting, beads of sweat kept dripping to the ground, but the look in the boy’s eyes could simply illuminate the dim dungeon.

“Can you really save us!?”

“Haha, thank goodness I can finally get rid of this life!”

“Benefactor, you are our great benefactor!”

The slaves celebrated the arrival of the Savior with joy, and the older even took Iggy as the second Fisher. Tiger.

“Gentlemen, my mother, was also a slave.”

Igg’s loud voice cut through the noisy human voice at once, and reached everyone’s ears with great clarity.

An indispensable part of the emancipation movement was a speech that brought tears to people’s eyes and anger.

The Avenger’s words trembled a little, and he seemed to have the excitement that everyone felt, and the scene instantly quieted down.

“I came to the Holy Land to avenge my mother and break slavery!”

Igg’s declaration was recounted word by word, but it was unusually loud, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

Everyone patiently listened to the last word, seamlessly connected, and burst into applause and cheers.

When the applause subsided until it was quiet again, the Avenger looked around and uttered the second half of the strange sentence.

“All of you here should die with the system.”

As soon as the last sentence came out, tens of thousands of people in the corridor fell silent, falling into death-like silence.

He looked around to see the expressions of the others, but could not get the answer he wanted to know, so he could only look at the Avenger again.

Those who see people elected as saviors shine brightly in their hands, as pure as the light of heaven.

“This is the real relief!”

The milky white halo grew bigger and bigger, and he didn’t know what the Great Benefactor was going to do, so he could only whisper to his neighboring slave friends.

They didn’t know that from the time they saw the boy to the full picture of the darkness underground, Iggy thought about his mother’s suffering all the time.

The bits and pieces left behind, the slave faces of the same experience, make the avengers miss their mother Yuni more and more.

The more I miss, the more sad, the more sad and resentful, and there is only one way to make my heart comfortable.

That is, to erase all traces related to Yuni and purge this world of constant tragedy.

It doesn’t matter to let everyone know the secrets of the Avengers, because they will soon become speechless underground revenants.

Ige said no more, and under the attention of the boy and everyone, he raised his white fist and hit the ground with one blow.

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