Just when the major European clubs sharpen their knives and are ready to take Yuqin, the best rookie of the World Cup, one step ahead.

The interview content from Yuqin after the World Cup was disclosed one step in advance, and the news was instantly detonated on the whole network after the 'wonderful processing' of these uncrowned kings.

"Football genius Yuqin, debut is the peak, chasing the world's most expensive !!"

"Yuqin said bluntly: Muttoise the Ninja Turtle Mba is not afraid, and the demon Haaland is an opponent!"

"Shock! Yuqin has been passed down by Ronaldo, and the master and apprentice swear to win the Hercules Cup! For

a while, news like this went viral on the Internet.

Let the popularity of Yuqin directly become popular in China and European football portals.

Just after the celebration, Yuqin saw these news that made him cry and laugh.

He swore that he had never said anything similar to the content of the report, so why did the interview title surprise the interviewee?

He clearly remembers that when asked by a reporter about his pursuit of annual salary, his original words were obvious:

"A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier, of course I hope that the higher my worth, the better."

Later, when he mentioned how he thought of the horror of Mbappai and Haaland, he just mentioned it:

"Their outstanding performance has earned such a price."

Reporter: "So how do you feel about your performance?" Yu

Qin was also straightforward at that time, and did not think that his meaning would be misinterpreted and processed.

"For now, it should be considered excellent."

In Yuqin's slightly shy smile, the beautiful reporter wrote down her record directly in her small book.

'Yuqin: I want to be a football general!! '

'Mba and Haaland are not as good as themselves!!

As for saying that Ronaldo is Yuqin's master, it comes from Yuqin's first answer in an interview.

It was Yuqin's sentence that Ronaldo took good care of him in the team, and asked Ronaldo about a lot of training.

Once the content of the interview was announced, after a short fermentation, the most authoritative TM football website for estimating the value of players could not sit still.

Quickly launched a task post on his home page about Yuqin's worth estimation.

And the top news of the website is:

"Yuqin, chasing the highest value in world football!!"

Just the title, enough for all fans to pay attention to.

They wondered what kind of talented player could make such a bold statement?

And after the TM website deliberately drained traffic, this report made countless people can't help but click in to find out.

Therefore, the topic of Yuqin instantly swept the attention of fans around the world, and the relevant click browsing data directly exceeded 100 million.

In fact, compared with superstars such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Neymar and Mba Match, Yuqin's popularity at this time is far from comparable.

But after the exaggerated reports of the media, the name Yuqin appeared in the field of vision of fans around the world for the first time.

The station also thoughtfully edited Yuqin's shooting highlights in the World Cup.

Although it was only two short games, Yuqin's number of shots on goal was as high as 13.

And all shots, without exception, all on target!

Even the shot successfully defended by the goalkeeper in the edited video made all fans watch and be addicted.

In the video, Yu Qin's strong control over his body and the strength of his feet make his shooting interpret the ultimate violent aesthetic.

Looking at his goal count, he is at the top of the World Cup top scorer.

In just two games, Yuqin's number of goals has reached five!

In the last World Cup, Harry Kane, who won the World Cup Golden Boot by scoring goals, his total number of goals to the end was only 6.

So after reading this article that shocked the eyes of countless fans, fans felt that this article was more real.

In particular, the report also mentioned that after the World Cup, Yuqin intends to join European football.

It has greatly increased the interest of European fans in Yuqin, and near the end of the article, the author also gave Yuqin's original words in an interview.

It's just their carefully arranged 'original words' to make the whole story more authentic and credible.

Yuqin: "The outstanding performances of Mba and Haaland have earned their own worth. "

My performance was just as good."

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and my worth will be more expensive!"

At the end of the report, the editor also raised soul torture questions to countless fans.

"Will Yuqin be the next Mba match, or Haaland?"

This question is enough to drive fans in China and around the world crazy.

In the last World Cup, Mbappe emerged there and once played the most expensive position in world football.

And now Yuqin has challenged this goal!

Mbappe, who also participated in this World Cup, is currently worth 160 million euros.

That is to say, Yuqin at this time has set his own small goal in the eyes of fans, 160 million euros.

Fans around the world are amazed, Chinese fans are almost crazy, this figure is converted into RMB, but nearly 1.6 billion yuan!

For a while, the question of whether Yuqin could become the most expensive player became a hot topic, and the FTB server, a global football website that supported a multi-Chinese system, even became overloaded.

The comment section of this report is also a gathering of storms, full of fans around the world.

Of course, most Chinese fans are on Yuqin's side, they are too eager for a superstar like Ronaldo and Messi to appear in their homeland.

Now in Yuqin's body, they undoubtedly see hope.

They believe that Yuqin can definitely play this value in the World Cup with his own ability.

Even if it is accidentally broken in this World Cup, the future of Yuqin can definitely be expected.

There is approval and there is opposition, and many European fans scoff.

'A genius in Chinese football? Pursuing the most expensive value in world football? I seem to have heard a funny joke, hahaha. '

'Look at Sun Xinmin, the most expensive Asian in the World Cup, is his performance worth 70 million euros? '

'Asian players are not reliable, and China is a well-known football desert, which will only be more unreliable.'' Chinese

fans who are not accustomed to such remarks will certainly not be knocked down by such remarks.

After all, Hua Guo has never lacked the best fans, nor does it lack exciting football commentaries.

'Hello netizens upstairs, Son Shin-min is Korean, although his country makes me shameful, but his matches in the World Cup and Tottenham Hotspur are commendable, Woo Qin's performance does not need us to evaluate, he has proven his worth in the Portuguese team. ''

Huh, aren't they all black hair and yellow skin?'' Worth 160 million euros, Asian races want to fart and eat, hahaha

'' upstairs you burst your address, see if I can't cut you over. '

'Forget it, the old lady is afraid that the ticket is too expensive and you can't afford it, then I will put it here, if Yuqin can kick such a value, I will dance naked and apologize to him in person.'' At

this point, netizens knew that this fan was still a girl.

In the unknown small Internet café in China, the hacker boss wearing glasses and hood saw this, and immediately opened the network coordinates of this girl fan....

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