Reverend Insanity

: Section 10: The weather is unpredictable, and the refining is hard.


The raindrops of the beans are densely populated. Hit the green bamboo floor and make a crisp sound.

In the pond in front of the building, the surface of the water was hit by raindrops, and the fish shuttled happily in the water, and the grass swayed at the bottom of the pool.

The clouds were densely covered and the entire field of vision was blocked by a thick, heavy rain curtain.

In some dimly lit rooms, the windows were open, and Fang Yuan quietly watched the heavy rain, and my heart sighed: "It has been three days and three nights."

The night before three days ago, he took advantage of the two altar wines, went out of the cottage, and continued to explore in the surrounding area.

But by the middle of the night, it was pouring rain.

Being drenched into a chicken and not talking about him, the key is that under such circumstances, you can no longer explore it.

Rain can quickly wash away the alcohol, and if you forcibly explore with the rain, I am afraid that it will cause suspicion.

It was previously disguised as a frustrated alcoholism to cover up the real motives. But don't underestimate the wisdom of others, often only fools will think that others are stupid.

Therefore, in desperation, Fangyuan can only terminate the exploration.

And this rain has continued, and it has been long or small, or it is rare or dense, but it has not stopped.

"In this way, the worms can't be found within a short period of time. From the perspective of insurance, we can only start to refine the moonlight. In this process of refining, we can find the best worms, but we can't get it. It will be fine. But this is also very common. There are unpredictable things in the sky. Who can do things in this world that can always be smooth and perfect?" Fang Yuan’s state of mind is very stable. After 500 years of experience, he has washed away his temperament. There is less impetuousness in the middle.

He closed the window and the door and sat down on the bed. Slowly close your eyes, and after breathing thoroughly, your mind will sink.

In the next moment, my mind showed its own empty scene.

Although the emptiness is pinned in the body, the mystery is abnormal, infinite, and infinitely small.

The outer side of the open space is a layer of light film. The white light film gives a very slim feeling, but it really supports the air.

In the open air, it is a real ocean.

The sea is bronzed, the sea is as calm as a mirror, and the water level is almost half empty. The entire Yuanhai volume, occupying an empty four-fourth.

This is the bronze sea of ​​the priests. Every drop of sea water is a real yuan. It is the source of life of Fang Yuan, the condensation of the spirit of Fang Yuan.

Every true element is precious because it is the foundation of a teacher and the source of strength. It is by relying on the real yuan that the teacher can refine and motivate the locusts.

The mind retired from the Yuanhai, and Fang Yuan opened his eyes and took out the moonlight from his arms.

The moonlight lie quietly in the palm of Fangyuan, like a curved blue moon, small and exquisite, crystal clear.

Fang Yuan’s thoughts moved, and the Yuanhai in the air suddenly rolled up. A real water flow broke through the sea and was transferred to the outside world, pouring into the moonlight.

The moonlight suddenly burst into the glory of the blue, fluttering slightly in the palm of Fangyuan, resisting the influx of Fangyuan Zhenyuan.

蛊 is the essence of heaven and earth, the code of the avenue, the carrier of the law. It is also a living being, born to be free, and has its own will. Now Fangyuan wants to refine it, that is, to erase its will, to sense this crisis, and the moonlight will naturally resist.

The process of refining and chemical is very difficult.

The moonlight is like a crescent moon, and the bronze color is injected into the crescent. First, the two tips of the crescent are green.

Then this bronze greenery began to spread to the middle of the crescent.

In less than three minutes, Fang Yuan’s face showed a pale touch. A large number of real yuan rushed into the moonlight, causing a sense of weakness in the stocks of the stocks, and continued to attack him.

One point, two points, three points... eight squares, nine points, one percent.

Ten minutes later, Fang Yuan Yuanhai consumed a whole 10 yuan. But the blue-crystal moonlight-like surface is at the tip of the crescent's two-point bronze green, but only expands to a small area in the middle.

The resilience of the moonlight is very tenacious.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan had expected this and was not surprised. He insisted on instilling the real yuan into the moonlight.

10%, 30%, 30%.

After another twenty minutes, the Yuanhai in Fangyuan has only one-fourth of a minute left. The moonlight has a blue and green expansion. If the two pieces of greenery are superimposed, there will be about twelve points on the entire moonlight surface. one.

As for the rest, it is still the light blue color of the moonlight itself.

"The refining is difficult." Seeing this scene, Fangyuan sighed and broke the supply of real yuan, no longer continuing to refine this moonlight.

At this moment, the smelting of the shovel for half an hour, the empty sea of ​​Yuan Hai has consumed more than half, leaving only one in four real yuan remains. The moonlight has just refining one-twelfth.

Moreover, it is even more unacceptable that the moonlight still emits a blue glow. Although Fangyuan stopped refining, it did not stop rebelling and was still expelling Fangyuan’s bronze real yuan.

Fang Yuan can clearly feel that the real element that has been imported into the moonlight is being expelled a little by the moonlight and escaped to the outside world. On the surface of the moonlight, the bronze green of the tip of the two crescents is slowly shrinking.

Estimated by this reduced speed, after about six hours, the moonlight can completely remove the real elements of the square source. At that time, there will be no difference between refining and refining this locust.

"Every refining is like fighting between the two armies, fighting in the ground, and consuming war. The locusts only sacrificed one-twelfth, and my real yuan consumed a full 30%. Supplementing Yuan Haizheng Yuan, while continuing to continually honour and consolidate the fruits of victory, the refining and squatting test is not only the skill of mobilizing the real yuan, but also the patience of a protracted war."

Fang Yuan thought about it while taking a piece of Yuanshi from the purse.

There are usually two ways for a teacher to supplement the consumed real element.

One is natural recovery. Every time, Yuanhai will automatically supplement the real yuan. Like Fang Yuan, such qualifications, he added four points to the real yuan in about an hour. In six hours, you can recover the total of 20% of the true yuan.

The second method is to take the natural forces in the Yuanshi.

Yuanshi is the treasure of nature, condensing the natural real yuan, which can be absorbed by the teacher.

Fang Yuan holds the Yuanshi, and continuously extracts the natural yuan from the inside and remits it into his empty sea.

The delicate brilliance of the surface of Yuanshi slowly dimmed, and the Yuanhai Sea level of Fangyuan continued to climb at a speed visible to the naked eye.

About half an hour later, Yuanhai returned to the volume of fourty-four. At this point, the trend of sea level increase will come to an abrupt end. Although there is still space in the open space, Fangyuan can no longer store more real elements. This is the limitation of his qualifications such as C.

Thus, it can reflect the important role of the qualifications of practice.

The higher the qualification, the more real elements are stored in the open space, and the faster the natural recovery is.

For Fangyuan, in order to refine the locusts and consolidate the results, it is necessary to absorb the Yuanshi, because the speed of his natural recovery is not as fast as that of the moonlight.

However, for the Founder of the A-level qualification, he can add eight points to the real yuan per hour. In six hours, you can restore the total amount of real yuan in 4:8, and the moonlight will be in the same six can only expel 30%.

He didn't even need the external help of Yuanshi. He has been refining and refining. He rested several times during the period. After a few days, he could successfully refine the moonlight.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Fang Yuan knew that in this refinery and moonlight assessment, he could not win the first place. This has nothing to do with strength, but qualification is the first factor in this.

The second factor is Yuan Shi.

If Yuan Shi is abundant, he will not hesitate to lose, and those who have qualifications such as B may also surpass A and win the first place.

"I only have six yuan stones in my hands, which is inferior to the ancient moon and desert north. There are people who support the elders behind the ancient moon and Chicheng. My qualifications are only C, and I can't compare with the qualifications of the ancient moon. This assessment was originally There is no chance of winning, but it is better to distract the energy to find the worm. If you can refine the cost of the worm, it is much better than the moonlight. Um? The rain outside the window is small, there seems to be signs of a break. The heavy rain has been going on for three days and three nights, and it should stop."

Fang Yuan put away the moonlight, and got out of bed, just about to open the window, but at this time there was a knocking sound.

Outside the door came the voice of Shen Cui: "Fang Yuan Shaoye, is a slave. These three days of rain are connected, the slaves will bring you some wine, the young master eats and drinks, can also solve some boring."

(ps: Thanks to fans 789, blue wave magic, decadent wudi, donut phenomenon, q62552217 several classmates' rewards. Thanks to fans 789, Blue Waves and other students for the full evaluation vote. Thanks to friends who have been casting recommended tickets We are returning, and there are more and more old friends. Our strength is slowly recovering. The new book is like a baby, a young grass, and needs irrigation by clicking, collecting and recommending tickets, so that we can thrive. Irrigation and support!)

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