Reverend Insanity

: Section 102: Winter Wind Blows Spring

When Fang Yuan went to the Foreign Affairs Office, he paid the golden honey.

The middle-aged male teacher who was receiving the reception was very surprised. He wrote: "Are you fulfilling the property obligation?"

"What do you say?" Fang Yuan asked.

The middle-aged male sergeant frowned at the time, and this obligation was chosen by him specifically for the sake of the source. I can't think of Fangyuan to be finished so soon!

He looked at Fang Yuan, his eyes flickered, and he said seriously: "Youth Lang, I ask you what you have to answer. If you don't know the words, but you are dragging your evaluation. I will ask you, your obligation is you. Do you do it alone? If you want to tell lies, we will investigate."

"Of course it is done alone." Fang Yuan replied.

"Okay, then I remembered it." The middle-aged male sergeant recorded, while sneer in the heart: How can he fulfill such an obligation alone with his newcomer? If you lie like this, the family will find someone to investigate. It will be a big time to get things done.

I know that Fang Yuan went on to say: "But this situation is a bit special. I was only investigating that day. I didn't expect to encounter a wild bear cell. I took the opportunity to take this honey."

"What?" The middle-aged male sergeant wrote the next meal and looked down at Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan shrugged and smiled: "Would you think that I am alone, can fulfill this obligation? Speaking, it is thanks to you, and I have chosen this obligation."

The middle-aged male sergeant is there when he arrives, and the complex feelings in his heart are difficult to express in words!

For a while, he only laughed twice and continued to write down the record.

Fang Yuan stared at the man with a quiet gaze, and he knew it well - the responsibility of this family property that I received was so difficult, apparently the "credit" of this male teacher. Unfortunately, I have fulfilled this obligation, even if the family is suspicious to verify. Fangyuan also has a corresponding arrangement. Even if this person wants to stop again, it will stop it. Even if this matter was handled by him personally.

This is the sorrow of entering the system. Identity has become a trick of defamation.

"Okay, your obligations have been completed, and you can inherit the family. Only these legacy of your parents are currently in charge of your uncle's aunt. The Foreign Affairs Office will ask for you, and you will come back in three days." Middle-aged male teacher.

Fang Yuan nodded, he knew this rule, but he stared at the papers recorded by the middle-aged male sergeant, saying: "According to the family rules. The obligations of the Foreign Affairs Office. The demand is confirmed on the spot to the completion. Please record this to Let me take a look."

The middle-aged male sergeant looked slightly different, and did not expect Fangyuan to be familiar with this process. He snorted and handed the record to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan took a look at it, and there is nothing wrong with this record. There are hundreds of words in the ocean, and the end is the evaluation - good.

He saw the intimacy of the teacher and the ancient moon and frozen soil on time.

This evaluation is very pertinent. It can be seen that the middle-aged sergeant did not give up the professional standards because of the ancient moon and frozen soil. The reason why he assisted the ancient moon and frozen soil should be to see a deal in the form of friendship.

It belongs to the kind of people who use money to replace people.

After returning this record in his hand to the middle-aged teacher, Fang Yuan separated the Foreign Affairs Office.

Out of the door, the ancient moon and frozen soil has disappeared.

Fang Yuan could not help but sneer, the influence of the ancient moon and frozen soil has not been so large that it can affect the degree of operation of the Foreign Affairs Office. Even if the patriarch Gu Yuebo wants to do this, he has to withstand the huge pressure of the old family. Paying a huge price for political interests.

There is a saying on earth that is "people are in the rivers and lakes, and they are involuntarily."

There are rules in the rivers and lakes, in fact, it is a system. Once in the system, no matter who is a pawn, they are mutually restrained. Involuntarily.

Unless the individual's strength can reach the point of contending with the whole organization, if you participate in the organization and want to be free and comfortable, it is a delusion!

With the strength of the family system, Fang Yuan’s home production was once the ideal of a nail. Do not say that the ancient moon and frozen soil, that is, the patriarch will not pay a political price for the major events in this area.


living room.

"Frozen brother, this thing I really can't help." The middle-aged male teacher sighed and stood in front of the ancient moon.

The ancient moon and frozen soil sinks into the water and sits on the main seat, silent.

"Is there really no way?" On the side, the aunt asked in amazement, the tone was full of urgency and unwillingness.

The middle-aged male sergeant gradually shook his head: "This was once a fortune, and it was stepped into the process of the Foreign Affairs Office. Unless it is the two people who are in power, perhaps the patriarch has this energy to obstruct. Goose brother, The list of the Foreign Affairs Office records the details of the estate. Please lend it all out. Don't make it difficult for me to do it."

Say, just hand over a list.

The list is densely recorded, ranging from real estate to small tables and chairs, in addition to the locusts left by Fangyuan's parents.

After the death of the sergeant, if their locusts are recycled, they will be used as inheritance and left to the successor of the priest. This is also a policy of the family.

The aunt just glanced at the list and screamed in disappointment: "Damn, you can't do this! This is our thing, ours! Master, you don't talk, you think about it. No. With these properties, what is left in our family? I am afraid that even the slaves will be dismissed most of them, and they can’t afford it!”


The uncle's ancient moon and frozen soil stood up violently, slap a hand, and beat the aunt to fall from the seat to the ground.

"You are a fart!" The uncle was furious and angry. "There is nothing to see, the rules of the family are there. If you don't want it, don't you still? Ignorance, stupid!"

My aunt took a hand on her cheek and was beaten for a while. She fell to the ground and stared at her husband.

"Hey!" The ancient moon and frozen soil grabbed the list, biting his teeth and looking through it.

His eyes are full of bloodshot, panting like a cow, hate the voice: "Also! These things, I still have, there must be a lot!! Just..."

His forehead was violently violent, his face was twitching, and his face was awkward: "It’s just Fangyuan, I can’t stop the Foreign Affairs Office, but I can deal with you. Don’t think that you took this product, everything is fine, oh! ”


Three days later. Fang Yuan came out from the Foreign Affairs Office, holding a stack of deeds, title deeds, and selling deeds.

"I don't think so. This legacy is so rich." He quietly stunned.

Although Fang Yuan had a lot of expectations, but after the family got the hand, it still exceeded his expectations.

More than ten acres of farmland, eight slaves, three bamboo buildings, and a wine cellar!

"No wonder the uncle is so difficult, trying to stop me." Fang Yuan suddenly understood the practice of ancient moon frozen soil.

With this generous family property, even in such a world, it is enough to make food and clothing worry-free.

More than ten acres of farmland, eight slaves. This is not mentioned for the time being. The three bamboo buildings. It is the real estate, which is used for rent alone. The monthly rent can also support Fangyuan’s current practice.

In addition to this, there is also a wine cellar. To know the whole cottage, there are only four wine cellars.

Such a property. In exchange for the earth, it is a small villa with several villas, a hotel, and a servant.

It is worth mentioning that the world's living environment is harsh and difficult, it is related to life, and the cottage is the safest place, so the house price is more expensive than on the earth.

"I heard that I am a family member, above the three generations, I used to be a family member. I have left many families with ancestors. I have these properties, let alone seven locusts, even if this number doubles. , can also afford! But the most critical, not these home products, but this grass!"

at this time. In Fang Yuan’s arms, a grasshopper lay quietly.

It is small and compact, with green roots, such as ginseng. Some translucent rhizomes are like jade. Nine round leaves, green and green, nestled with each other, around the rhizome, forming a disc shape.

This is a nine-leaf machine, two turns of aphids, has a therapeutic effect.

But the assumption is just an ordinary therapeutic effect, then it is not much different from the living grass.

Its real value is that every leaf of it, if it is torn, is a living leaf.

The living machine leaf is also a kind of grasshopper. It is a consumption type and it disappears once. It also has a flaw, that is, after using a piece of living machine leaf healing, within another hour, other living leaves will have no therapeutic effect.

However, it is not easy to rectify, it is easy to refine, instant treatment, feeding cheap, is the most popular treatment wrist for the second turn.

The treatment of the sorcerer, each group, as long as one. But if a group member is injured at the same time, how can a treatment teacher take care of it? If the treatment of the sorcerer is the first sacrifice, perhaps with the treatment of the sorcerer, what should be?

Therefore, the sergeants often have their own treatment wrists, and the living leaves are the best and most fundamental ones. The basic teacher who walks inside will always have one or two pieces.

"After refining the leaves of Jiuye, I peeled off a leaf and it was a living leaf. I used it to pour into the grass and let it grow new leaves. It can be said that this nine leaves Life is a moving gold mine. It is the most important heritage, no one."

Mastering the nine leaves of raw grass, is to master a business.

This world living environment is very bad. If you go out to perform the duties of the sergeant, how can you not be injured? The demand for living leaves is constantly changing.

"It is no wonder that the ancient moon and frozen soil is called ‘hidden old.’ Although it has retired in the past few years, it still has influence on the outside world. The original roots are on this nine-leaf machine.”

The sergeants demanded the vitality of the leaf and the ancient moon and frozen soil sold the machine leaves, there is such a demand relationship, which makes the uncle's influence continue to maintain.

Fang Yuan suddenly became cheerful.

"That is the world, the values ​​of family affair have been raised to a new height, restricting the father and aunt. Otherwise, on earth, so profitable, I and Founder have been assassinated by them. Not good, it seems that It’s okay to go up. The uncle’s aunt will never be willing to stop.

"But I have grown up now, and I have to change to the second. They have to deal with me, and they have to take care of the family rules. They must be shackled. Hey, no matter what the wrist, let the horse pass. The soldiers will block the water, I will Go one by one."

Fangyuan walked on the street, and his eyes were so bright and faint.

A winter breeze blew, chilling.

There is still a long way to go in the spring, but Fang Yuan knows that I have ushered in the spring of life. (Your support is my biggest motivation.)


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