Reverend Insanity

: Section 110: Old woman, you are too tender!

"The worms..." Fang Yuankou whispered softly and walked to the central counter.

As long as he has this worm, he can make up the four kinds of wines, which are sour, sweet and bitter. Of course, this kind of refinement naturally has the possibility of failure.

But if there is no second worm in the hands of Fang Yuan, he has no chance to try it.

Life is like this. Efforts don't necessarily have good results, not necessarily success. But if you don't work hard, it must be a failure.

The same is true of the Magic Road. Most of the people in the Magic Road are good at thorns and brave. This is extreme and risky in the eyes of most people.

"I was still worried about how to find a second worm. I can't think of it, fate will send this worm to me. The opportunity is in front of me, how can I give up? Get this worm!" There was a strong radiance in the eyes.

"If I am repaired to achieve five turns and four turns, and the power is strong, then naturally I will not talk about it, and I will take it away. God will stop the killing of the Buddha and stop the Buddha! If it is three turns and four turns, the means are rich, you can steal and steal. God doesn't know what to do. Unfortunately, I only have two changes to it now, but it is only the first step..."

Fang Yuan sighed in his heart: "So you can only buy it honestly."

He glanced at the price on the counter.

"The wine bug - five hundred yuan stone."

The normal market price of wine worms is 580 yuan. The price here is even cheaper than the market price of 80 yuan.

However, if Fang Yuan really felt that he could buy this wine worm by spending five hundred yuan stone, then he had lived for five hundred years.

The reason why the price is so low. It’s just that Jia Fu wants to attract people’s attention and inspire people’s psychological purchases.

This tree house is obviously the industry of his Jia Fu.

"Grandma, this worm has only bought five hundred yuan stones!" A girl came here, a small exclamation.

The girl's eyes were bright and swaying around her mother's arm: "Grandma, tomorrow is the opening ceremony. You didn't promise me, would you give me a present? Why don't you buy this worm?" Me."

The girl's grandmother is wearing a white belt, and the front of the belt is set with square silver. The big "three" is engraved on it.

Once the sergeant is practicing three rounds, he will automatically be promoted to the position of the old family.

There is a difference between the old and the old. Some are in power. The bit weight is high. Some are not, managing the departments with scarce oil and water.

But this three-turn old man is obviously not the kind of lame old family.

"Gu Yue Ji Ji..." Fang Yuan recognized her. This person is the old pharmacy, the pharmacy is the center of the entire family logistics, it can be said that there is a department of oil and water. The ancient moon medicine Ji qualification is very old, even if it is facing the patriarch, you can also sit down and answer. She is the first in the family to treat the sorcerer. She has saved many old lives and has strong connections among the people.

"Good. Grandma wants, Grandma will buy it for you." The old man wrinkled his face, outlined his back, and with a cane in his hand, he sighed helplessly. Smiled kindly.

"Grandma is good, I know that my grandmother hurts me." The girl was happy to hold the ancient moon medicine Ji on the spot, happily picked up the small mouth and kissed her on the cheek.

"That grandma, let's call this clerk and buy this worm!"

The ancient moon medicine Ji shook his head: "My granddaughter. The locusts here are not bought this way. Grandma is here to teach you, do you see the stack of paper and pen on the counter?"

The girl nodded ignorantly: "I saw it."

Gu Yue Ji Ji: "You take a piece of paper and write the price of the worm that you bought. Then you put it in the hole on the side of the counter. If you want to buy it, your price is high. Then, this worm is owned by you."

"It turned out to be quite interesting." The girl picked up a piece of bamboo paper and clung to the pen, but hesitated when she wrote it.

She wrinkled her lovely brows, pondered for a while, and finally whispered, and asked, "Grandma, how high should I write at a reasonable price? I am afraid that the price is low, and the worms are bought. The price If you are too much, you will lose yourself."

The ancient moon medicine Ji Haha smiled and deliberately teased: "Which is so easy to buy a worm? Just look at your granddaughter, you..."

"Grandma!" The girl spoiled, holding the arm of the ancient moon medicine Ji to shake.

"Okay, okay, don't sway. * The body bones will be smashed by you." The old man sighed. "Grandma will fill it for you."

The little girl suddenly screamed and shouted: "I know that my grandmother is good to me!"

Gu Yue Yao wrote a price and attached his own name. The girl looked straight at the side.

After the old man finished writing, he folded the paper and squeezed his eyes to the girl: "Go, put this paper in."

The girl picked it up cleverly and found a square mouth on the side of the counter and stuffed the paper into it.

She returned to the side of Gu Yue Yao Ji, and some did not worry to ask: "Grandma, is that okay?"

The old man nodded: "It should be almost the same. But the world is unpredictable, maybe someone is bidding higher than *. But the price is too high. It really is higher than *, then buy this worm People are really big-headed. Rest assured, this matter has been tenfold."

"Oh." The girl nodded and looked cute.

"Let's go. Go with the grandmother and go to the upper floor to see."

"Okay, Grandma."


Looking at the back of the two grandchildren, Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed a dignified weight.

This ancient moon medicine Ji, for him, is indeed a strong competitor, can not be ignored.

However, this situation has already been anticipated and prepared by Fang Yuan.

The worms are precious, although they can only play a role in the transformation of the scorpion, but the worms can refine the real yuan, which is really excellent. The refining of the real yuan and the promotion of a small realm mean that the increase in the reserve of the real yuan has a strong driving effect on the progress of the practice of the teacher.

The only drawback is that the development of wine worms is not promising.

According to the spread of the secret recipe. The worm is only used as a kind of smelting material, and the locusts that are produced together no longer have the ability to refine the true elements.

This is really a pity, and even some are not worth the candle.

Therefore, many families have worms, which will not be promoted, but used in schools, which are specially used for students.

If Fangyuan will promote his secret recipe. When exposed, the market price of the worms will surely skyrocket.

"It's not easy to get this worm. This is just one of the opponents of the grandparents. I don't know how many other competitors have already thrown paper in this counter?"

Wine worms are a good thing, and good things are natural for everyone.

Only among these competitors. Some people are sincerely wanting to buy, and some just want to crash into luck. Some people have rich financial resources, such as Gu Yue Ji Ji. Some people have weak financial resources, such as Fangyuan.

"Fortunately, I have regained my family's property. These days, I have sold a few leaves, and there are wine cellars and bamboo houses for rent. I have accumulated some Yuanshi. Otherwise, I have no qualification for competition."

However, his accumulation time is too short. On the other hand, there are also many locusts that need to be fed. On the wealth, it will be the old rival of Gu Yue Ji Ji.

"Hey, let's go. The drug Ji Daren just took a piece of paper in public."

"I saw it too. It seems that this worm is destined to miss me."


The sergeants around the counter were all left in a downcast manner.

Only Fangyuan still stands.

His eyes are like a secluded spring, shining with cold light.

The sorcerer who left, was intimidated by the momentum of Gu Yue Yao Ji. Proactively quit. But how can Fangyuan be scared?

"Sometimes the opportunity is in front of you, but people give up on their own initiative. I still have a chance!" Fang Yuan’s thoughts in his mind turned and he was lost in thought.

To compete for wealth, Fangyuan is definitely not the opponent of Gu Yue Yao Ji.


This does not mean that the price of Gu Yue Yao Ji must be higher than Fang Yuan!

The worm is precious. But it is only a turn of locusts. The price of any commodity will fluctuate, but it will never rise or fall indefinitely. All price fluctuations are in a range.

So the key now is what price is the ancient moon medicine Ji!

She is not short of money. How much can she give to her beloved granddaughter?

As long as Fangyuan’s bid, even if it’s higher than the price of Yao Ji’s bid, Fangyuan wins.

This is a unique battle! A strong person is not necessarily a winner, and a weak person may not fail. Guessing and gambling make the battle show something different.

"If it is someone else, it may not be able to guess. Gu Yue Yao Ji, you just deliberately said something, is to want to scare off some competitors? But in front of me, you are too tender!" Fang Yuan The corner of the mouth tilted slightly in a curve, revealing a confident smile.

The trade in this world is actually very interesting.

If placed on the earth, sellers should sell rare mites such as worms, usually in the form of auctions.

But in this world, auctions are not popular.

An important reason is the value of family ties, the cohesiveness of the family.

If an auction is held, members of the family, in the face of such an outsider as Jia Fu, will raise a feeling of enmity in the subconscious.

Once the price of the auctioned goods is high, many competitors will automatically withdraw. Even on the spot, negotiate and do some compromises, exchanges and compensation for benefits.

Almost everyone in this world has a point of view - losing to a family is nothing, but letting outsiders make money, it is a shame to the whole family.

Unless it is, several families participate in an auction at the same time. In this way, there is competition and it is full of gunpowder.

But this kind of auction is hard to hold.

Because the traffic is not convenient.

Transportation is the foundation of commerce, transportation is underdeveloped, and business is dying. Because business is fundamentally the circulation of goods.

Each cottage occupies a mountain and is far away from each other. The middle road is difficult to walk, there are beasts, cliffs, bad weather, dangerous wild locusts, full of difficulties and obstacles.

With such inconvenient transportation, it is difficult to organize all parties to participate in an auction.

Even in Qingmao Mountain, there are three cottages adjacent to each other. Jia Fu did not dare to organize an auction.

Where is the auction first held? In the wild, it is not safe held in the ancient moon cottage, the other two parties are not at ease.

He only changed from four to three. The patriarchs of the three cottages were also four-turners, and it was difficult for him to keep the scene.

Compared to the earth, the world's business is not developed and has unique rules.

Fang Yuan’s past life relied on the business philosophy of the edification on the earth, earning money and losing money. After many lessons of blood and tears, I learned from practice.

Combining the sound and rich business theory of the earth with the experience of hands-on practice, it is no exaggeration to say that Fangyuan’s knowledge of this world business is absolutely world-class.

Just relying on the district to live in the cottage, never had the old woman of Qingmao Mountain, and also want to stop me from getting worms?

Old woman, you are too tender!

@! !

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