Reverend Insanity

: Section 113: Battle Stars

After the handover was completed, the black hole was officially changed.

Although Chudu tried his best to stay, Fangyuan still insisted on his words.

It’s been a long time since I stayed at the black hole, and Fang Yuan should be preparing for the fourth disaster.

Of course, before he left, he used the sacred road to kill a hundred years of good fortune, and set a covenant with Chu.

Fang Yuan hurriedly left, leaving Chudu, he looked at the desolate and extremely black hole, a headache.

Return all the way until you are happy.

"Oh, you see, Fangyuan is back." A Maomin sin in the blessed land, seeing the sky in the sky.

"He can't come back, what's the relationship?"

"Yeah, let's send him without him, it's no different."

"This person is a human being, it is not our own people."

"Don't worry about him. Let's plan again, how to encircle the falling star dog!"

Soon, these few people, Mao Xianxian, have bowed their heads and continued to explore tactics.

Fang Yuan overlooks the bottom, and his eyes are swept away by these Maomin. Although they are far apart, Fangyuan’s means of investigation is naturally to listen to the conversations of these Maomins and immortals.

For a time, Fang Yuan’s eyes were deep.

He spent a lot of time in the search for the black truth, and the fourth disaster was near.

This time the disaster, Fangyuan intends to go alone.

Although he was helped by Chu, it was more stable, but the madness is bound to be separated by him.

There are benefits, Fangyuan certainly wants to swallow! When a person can't swallow it, he will think of other ways.

And this time, he got the black pass, the strength rose, he was alone in dealing with the fourth disaster, he is very confident!

"But to be robbed, I still need the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. This requires the use of sacred and sacred."

"I am afraid that I can't borrow the cold relationship between me and the current spirit. Unless it is a big profit for the sale of the Wandering Mountain."

"It seems that there is still some time to complete the martial art mission of annihilating the falling star dog. Once, it can ease the relationship. Second, you can get a lot of money from the sect contribution."

Fangyuan did not return to his own cloud city, but flew all the way to the first cloud city.

There, he saw the earthly spirit.

"You are still willing to come back?" The source of the other side is unceremonious, and the attitude is very cold.

Fang Yuan sighed and looked bitterly: "Taiwan’s great elders forgive me, and I have had a hard time. I was not indifferent, but had no energy and time. This time I went out and finally relieved my own crisis. Just after returning here, I heard the elders in the party and how to encircle the falling star dogs. I immediately rushed in, just want to take the task from the elders of the elders."

"Oh?" 琅琊 灵 闻 闻 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Fang Yuan smiled again: "In fact, I have been planning to shoot. After all, I am a member of the sect. But the situation is forced and helpless. Now I have spare energy and I want to do something for the martial art."

His acting skills were matched with his attitude, and the effect was immediate. He immediately felt that the spirits of Fang Ding seemed to be telling the truth, and they were sincere and apologetic.

The expression of the spirit of the earth has eased a few points. I just wanted to agree, but when I swallowed it, I turned to the following: "You want to pick up this task now, I am afraid there is some trouble. Before Mao Twelve, I have already partnered. They agreed to take the shot together. The last time they failed, but they also gained a lot, almost lost both. This time I am afraid it will succeed. Fang Yuan, you are going to take this task now, not to say whether you can succeed, first and they There is a conflict."

Fang Yuan is just an outsider, and Mao Twelve, they are the roots of the red-haired Mao Minxian, who is their own.

In the words of the earthly words, they are still partial to their hair.

Fang Yuan nodded: "It turns out that it is better. Let them pick up this task first. If they can't finish it this time, how can I get it?"

He thought about it and nodded. "Yes."

Fang Yuan said again: "Please also ask the elders to tell the story."

The spirit of the earth is indispensable.

Once the matter was announced, there was a whirlwind in the sect.

"Where does Fangyuan want to shoot?"

"Oh, it must be that he saw that we are going to succeed, so I want to shoot."


"Despicable or not, don't say it for the time being. I only know that the rewards for the encircling the falling star dog have already broken through thousands! Who can complete it and benefit greatly."

"Twelve, you must succeed this time, don't give Fangyuan a chance!"

The Maomin and the immortals are quite similar to the enemy.

Mao nodded twelve times, subconsciously pinching his fists, thinking: "This time must be successful, fully prepared, live up to everyone's expectations!"

The last record gave the great confidence of these Mao people.

After the hair was prepared for two days, he was shot again. But after this incident, he decided to be more secure and prepared to be more adequate.

Seven days later, Fang Yuan received the information, Mao 12 they must start.

He did not invite himself to join one of Mao Twelve and others.

"Fangyuan Elder." Mao Liu was the first to rush, yin and yang screamed.

He is really a sinister sin, but even if Fang Yuan reveals him on the spot, others will not believe it. Moreover, he also made a deal with Fang Yuan, and he had this handle on hand, which led him to fear.

The last time he was ordered, he represented the shadows and traded with Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan has the upper hand and let him eat a lot of jealousy.

Fang Yuan did not promptly release, and when he actively removed the falling star dog, Mao Liu jumped up and down, smashed the hearts of the people, manipulated public opinion, and caused the relationship between Fang Yuan and the Yi School to plummet.

"Elder Fang Yuan, I know your intentions, but this time, you are afraid to be disappointed." Mao 12 stepped forward, heads high and confidently opened his mouth.

His tone is normal, a bright light, unlike Mao's six hidden secrets.

Fang Yuan looked at Mao Twelve and immediately found that the Mao Minxian’s body had a significant change. Become more confident and more stable than before.

Fang Yuan’s secret self-assessment: “Mao 12 main cultivation road, minor repair slave. This time against the falling star dog, has always been the main force. Once also suffered heavy damage, bed rest for a while. These honing make him progress greatly The spirit of temperament has been greatly improved."

Thinking in this way, Fang Yuan smiled on the surface and responded to the past: "Then I will wait at the side and witness the success of the twelve brothers."

"Hey, fake and false."

"On the surface, the cloud gives up, but in fact, I am very anxious? Oh."

The rest of the Mao people are not familiar with the appearance of Fang Yuan and Qi, and they are stunned.

Fang Yuan listens in the ear, but it seems to be unseen.

A group of people stood in the mother's array.

The Mao people embraced the group, and Fang Yuan stood alone on the outside.

"Attention, I want to push the squad." Mao 12 reminded me faintly. He glanced at Fang Yuan and thought: If there is such a person, I am afraid that the transmission of Xianyuan will be more.

The Maomin and the immortals are self-conscious, and they have used it many times.

The squadron gradually spurred up, and the light and shadow escaped and smashed.

Fang Yuan quietly watched.

The transmission sub-array at Taiqiu was arranged by himself. When he returned to the blessed land, he used the transmission array.

When he used it alone, it was quite easy. Now it’s much harder to watch these Maomins’ immortals.

Mao 12 continued to consume Xianyuan, and after a while, the array finally rallied.

The dazzling color of the clouds almost obscures everyone's eyes. A huge power of mysterious power, bursting out!

Hey, when the group is watching again, it is already to Taiqiu.

Fang Yuan turned around, and sure enough behind it was the huge giant elephant corpse.

"The consumption of Xianyuan does not seem to be much more. It seems that this source of the source, the traces of the traces are not very deep. I am afraid that only the combat experience is more than us." Mao 12 once again sneaked at Fangyuan, There is a lot of disdain in my heart.

"This time only wins, can't be defeated! Depart!" Mao Twelve waved and shouted.

The Maomin and the immortals have whispered and the morale is very strong.

They started to leave, and Fangyuan followed. In order not to provoke contradictions, Fang Yuan deliberately fell behind, not close to these Maomin.

Without going far, Fangyuan found the target.

"A star-falling dog seems to have not yet reached adulthood?" Fang Yuan was slightly surprised, and then he saw Maomin’s immortals rushing.

"Big dog, this time we will definitely hit you down!" Mao 12 screamed high and his mind was boiling.

The falling star dog made a low sigh, slammed down, and the hill-like body suddenly burst into a surprising speed and launched a charge.

Mao Minmin’s immortals were suddenly rushed.

Mao Twelve wolves are Very powerful: "Good animals, actually dare to attack! Come, let me fight you for three hundred rounds."

Said, the hair of twelve pairs of palms, a blue radiance from his hands bloom, and immediately painted a blue lake in midair.

The blue lake was suspended, the lake spewed, and three wild animals were found from the bottom of the lake.

A cow beast, a tiger beast, and a bear beast.

The cow is still the chestnut yak, the tiger is the golden white tiger, and the bear is the bear.

The three-headed wild animal greeted the falling star dog and launched a fight in the giant grass.

Here is the depths of the Taiqiu, the giant grass is extremely towering, even the falling star dog, the flow of the bear, not the height of the giant grass.

Mao 12 controls three wild animals and restrains the falling star dogs in front. The rest of the Maomin 蛊仙, escaping from the giant grass, seeing the needles to attack the star dog.

Fang Yuan is watching from a distance.

He can clearly see that there are many traces of fighting in this battlefield.

The performance of Maomin’s immortals is a bit of a surprise. There is a good eye for the battle, and there has been a lot of progress than before. Although it is still not enough to see, progress cannot be erased.

The falling star dog does not have adulthood, although it does not match the group of Mao people.

Fang Yuan smiled and looked up at the sky.

He whispered in his heart: "I have come, God, how are you going to deal with me this time?"

Ps: Second tonight! 〖Unfinished to be continued〗

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