Reverend Insanity

: Section 117: The war

"This, what is this?"

"A big chicken!"

Seeing that the ancient Chinese beasts suddenly entered the battlefield, the Maomin sinisters were all shocked.

"According to the content of the black rumor, there are twelve forms of the beast of the year. This time, it is a good luck to summon the Year of the Rooster." Fang Yuan looked at the beast and evaluated it in his heart.

This year's beast is like a hill.

The wings open and cast huge shadows on the ground.

It is arrogant and arrogant. The feathers are bright and bright, and the claws are sharp as a knife.

It quickly scanned the battlefield and then stared at Fangyuan.

No one is more attracted to it than Fangyuan, because it smells the taste of the young from the source.


This is the food of the beast of the year. The higher the number of years, the more the year beasts like.

The immortal killing of the sacred beasts is based on this principle. The creator is He Fan, and he has already created this killing before he refines the water.

"This is yours." Fang Yuan smiled and suddenly waved his hand and sprinkled a large number of ordinary grades.

The Year of the Rooster is overjoyed, raising his neck and opening his mouth.

Suddenly, the huge airflow formed, as if the dragon was absorbing water. In the blink of an eye, it inhaled all the average ages in the air.

"If you kill it, you can get more." Fang Yuan extended his right index finger and pointed to the key ancient eagle dog.

The Year of the Rooster suddenly sharpened his eyes and turned his head in a lightning bolt, looking directly at the target.

The ancient eagle dog suddenly picked up the fur and exposed the sharp fangs. It felt a strong threat from the body of the Year of the Rooster.

Compared with the Year of the Rooster, the ancient eagle dog looks smaller, even if the person stands up, it can not meet half the height of the Year of the Rooster.


The Year of the Rooster has a wing and rushes to the target. It broke out faster than the ancient eagle.


The two slammed together, and the Year of the Rooster was only a distance of seventy or eighty steps, while the ancient eagle dog flew out.

The Year of the Rooster screamed and screamed at the ancient eagle.

The ancient eagle dog is indeed deceitful. After eating a little loss, it will not collide with the rooster, but will swim around and fight the rooster.

Fang Yuan looked at it for a while and let go of his heart.

There is no fairy in this year of the rooster, but its quality is much higher than that of the ancient eagle.

The beast of the year, even in the long river of time, is also a rare rare beast!

Of course, if the ancient eagle dog urges the fairy, the year of the rooster will fall into the wind. It doesn't matter if it is twice, the number is too much, and the Year of the Rooster will be defeated.

The party with the fairy scorpion can naturally greatly improve its combat effectiveness.

"Black Fans warned in the true biography that the beasts that are summoned are not slavery, and they are not strong enough. If they encounter too strong enemies, they will not fight. Even if they fight, sometimes they will be removed midway, and they will be summoned to the summoned More years."

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan knows that there is not much time left for himself.

He did not choose to slap the old eagle dog with the Year of the Rooster.

Because the Year of the Rooster is not under his control, it can only be communicated through the methods left by Black. It is difficult for the two sides to cooperate.

Fang Yuanzhen is hidden in the army of the people, quietly approaching a wild animal eagle.

The hawks are still in the air, entangled with the army of the people.

From time to time, there are hawk dogs, which are played by Fang Yuan’s force. But immediately, these hawks flew high again and continued to fight.

Although there are a lot of power shadows, in the face of wild animals and ancient wild animals, the attack ability is relatively weak. It can only play a role in harassment and consumption.

Strong handprints!

Suddenly, Fang Yuan started, and the great handprint was born out of thin air, and the head of an eagle dog was photographed.

Fangyuan’s position was excellent, and the eagle dog couldn’t catch it. He was shot in the palm of his hand and stunned on the spot.

The eagle dog began to fall, but Fangyuan ignited a big handprint and waited for it.

The second big handprint, grabbed the falconed eagle dog and carefully placed it on the ground.

And Fang Yuan’s true body is once again hidden in the world and disappears.

But very soon, he appeared in another place on the battlefield, and he tried to stun the big hand prints and stunned a hawk.

Then, he did the same, and the second eagle dog continued to be placed on the ground, and the first head was put together.

Mao Minxian are looking silly.

"Fangyuan Changzhao seems to be..."

"Yes, he is planning to catch the old eagle dog!"

"It’s really a daring person."

Mao Minxian can't help but feel uncomfortable. These hawks and beasts, which they regard as life killers, are a kind of wealth that is actively invested in Fang Yuan’s view.

One after another, the eagle dogs were calculated by Fang Yuan, and they were fainted and stacked together.

Soon, these faint eagle dogs piled up into a mountain, and the scene was quite spectacular.

The ancient eagle dog saw this scene and made a wrath. But it was kept by the Year of the Rooster and could not be rescued.

The Year of the Rooster is also a bit miserable. It is full of scars and seems to be retreating.

After all, the black is the celestial celestial being, and it is very remarkable to be able to create a sacred killing that resembles the effect of slavery.

"It seems that the Year of the Beast calls for such killings, and it is ideal to fight the wind. If you fight against the wind, the effect will be poor." Fang Yuan secretly wrote down. The immortal killing is still in use, and the experience gained is deeper.

Fangyuan firmly took the initiative on the basis of the field.

He always pays attention to the battle between the Rooster and the ancient eagle.

Before the Year of the Rooster retreats, Fang Yuan will solve the rest of the hawks.

There were eight eagle-dogs in the big handprint, and the rest were shot dead. After all, the big handprint is not a special means of picking up. It is not easy for Fangyuan to use such a degree.


Fang Yuan flew into the sky and rushed forward to attack the ancient eagle dog with the Year of the Rooster.

After a few rounds of fighting, the effect is not good.

Fang Yuan called the Year of the Rooster to retreat and guard the stunned hawks.

The Year of the Rooster has long been attenuated, but after receiving the instructions from Fang Yuan, it did not act immediately. Instead, it took a little distance and looked at Fangyuan and kept opening its mouth.

Fang Yuan knew it and sprinkled a lot of years with it.

The Year of the Rooster is full of meal, this is obedient, turned down, fell to the ground, and started the guardian work.

Fang Yuan and the ancient eagle dog once again played against each other.

But at this time, the situation is different from before.

The ancient eagle eager to rescue those comatose companions, left and right.

"Sigh. Dear, I fell into such a situation! Actually I thought I was a hawk." Fang Yuan was fighting at this time, and it was much easier than before.

The ancient eagle dog is fast and has a fairy body. At the crucial moment, it can also stimulate the remaining fighting instinct and provoke the once-in-a-lifetime killing.

Fang Yuan changed the tactics.

Before, he rushed to use the big handprint, too adventurous. The protective effect of the blood-stained robes is not enough to look at in front of the ancient eagle dog.

Fang Yuan has repeatedly used the Kendo killing move to attack the ancient eagle dog.

However, the protection measures of the ancient eagle dogs are good, but I don’t know what it is. It is estimated that this change is in front of the singer, it is the feeling that the hawk dog itself has low protection ability, so it has specifically strengthened this aspect.

Fang Yuan can't attack for a long time, and the ancient eagle dogs can't help, and the Year of the Rooster fights to defend, but it is still in place.

The injuries on the ancient eagle dogs slowly accumulated.

"It's really difficult. The big hand print is slow and can't hit. The Kendo killer can hit, but the effect is not good. The poisonous gas is a waste of Xianyuan. The ancient eagle dog itself is extremely poisonous!"

Fangyuan is helpless.

It seems that the change of the Taoist priest has turned into an ancient eagle dog, with a beastly intuition, coupled with residual fighting instinct, becomes more difficult to deal with.

In the face of it, Fangyuan found that he had nothing to do.

The strength of the change is that after the change is successful, the physical quality is extremely high. At this moment, the ancient eagle dog, the speed of its own flight, can be compared to the sword in a short distance. Not to mention the use of Xianyu.

Right now, Fangyuan has to choose a war of attrition.

Waiting for the celestial element of the ancient eagle dog, it was consumed, and the fairy scent could not be mobilized. That was his victory.

Or, wait until its injury accumulates to a certain extent, and there is a flaw, let Fangyuan seize!

Fang Yuan feels helpless, but the rest of the spectators are not feeling like this.

The Maomin and the immortals all saw their eyes straight.


In the cruel competition of the immortal world, the most important thing is the strength of Zhu Xian.

The strength of Fang Yuan’s display made the Mao people shocked.

Even Mao 6 is no exception.

"This guy, in a short period of time, how can the combat power grow so much?! He can actually summon the young beast. How does he master this method? It’s just that it’s been out for so long..."

Mao Liu felt heavy in his heart.

The speed of Fang Yuan’s progress made him very depressed, and he was almost out of breath.

After another battle, the ancient eagle dog suddenly got out of the air.

"Well? I want to escape!" Fang Yuan sneaked in his heart and quickly caught up.

The injury of the ancient eagle dog has accumulated to a certain extent, whether it is the attack power or the flight speed, there is a significant decline.

Whether it is the battle talent before the birth of the immortal ~ ~ or the instinct of the beast to avoid the evil, let it choose to retreat.

As for the "companions" who were unconscious, they had to give up.

Fang Yuan’s heart is awkward. This situation has long been expected, but the timing of the occurrence is a bit earlier than Fangyuan’s expectations.

Fangyuan urged the sword to fight, but the distance was slow.

The ancient eagle dog was desperately flying, and the speed was amazing.

Immortal killing tricks - moving in the past!

Fangyuan could not, but had to mobilize this killing.


The ancient eagle dog returned directly to the previous position, Fangyuan caught up, and the two sides fought again.

After a few rounds, the ancient eagle dog ran again.

Fangyuan had to chase again.

Moving in the past!

Success again.

The two sides fought again and made a group.

But very soon, the ancient eagle dog abandoned the source, the wings of the crazy fanning, the third retreat, the attitude is more determined than before.

Fang Yuan was helpless, he could not break the other side of the eagle wing.

Moving in the past.

Unfortunately, the third time he failed, he immediately spit a small mouthful of blood.

A few breaths of effort, the ancient eagle dog has already flown to the horizon.

Fangyuan can only close.

God's will always pay attention to it, the danger of Taiqiu, and the looming form of the animal tide. (To be continued. "This text is provided by Dawning Update @碗儿组")

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