Reverend Insanity

: Section 135: Fairy Road

After a while, Fangyuan controlled Zhangjiao and became its new owner.


He patted the cheeks of the young Zhu Xian: "Kid, you know."

The youthful immortal look is stiff and does not dare to move. His eyes are full of shame and hatred.

Fang Yuan did not see it.

Later, he jumped on the Tibetan-style, sitting in the position of the young Zhu Xian, and went away.

Before leaving, I still left a sentence: "The name of this adult is Chu, that is, I have robbed you of your possession, remember to go back and tell your grandfather."

Looking at the Tibetan and sturdy shells, I put them into the giant stream and disappeared. The young Zhu Xian squeezed a sentence from the teeth: "Well, what is Chu? Are you assured that your appearance has already passed? Locust, tell me grandpa!"

"Young master, what do we do next?" The two beautiful women were so eager to cry, clutching the sleeves of the young Zhu Xian.

The youthful immortal look is stiff, looking at the surrounding space is becoming more and more narrow, several streams have begun to turn to change, his face is once again gloomy.

Depending on his strength, you can't get here, relying on the Tibetans.

"Reassured, although the Tibetan Jiaojiao lost, but I have my grandfather to give me a wanderer, you can go back to the mother-in-law, that is, Grandpa." Young Yan Xian bite his teeth.

"That's great, we have saved!" The two women were overjoyed.


Two muffled sounds suddenly occurred, two beautiful women staring at the horrified eyes, one looking at the blood hole in the chest, and the other looking at the young man: "The son, you..."

The young man’s face is gloomy: “Who told you to witness the whole process, hehe!”

Immediately, there was a look of pity on his face.

He reached out and touched the delicate face of the two beautiful women: "It's a pity that this pair of faces is pretty. If you blame it, you will blame the Chu."

After that, he pushed the two bodies into the huge stream.

There is no means of protection for the celestial beings. When the mortal body is in an instant, it is washed by the giant stream into slag.

Seeing that this space has already faced a collapse, the young Zhu Xian only bite his teeth and spurred the scorpion fairy.

This turbulent sea area, all kinds of road traces are messy, so is the Yudao. You can't use Yudao Xianyu at will. The most safe way is to hike.

However, the immortality used by the young immortal at this moment is not a yudao, but a sentiment.

This genre of love is born out of wisdom. The wisdom of the three yuan is the read, the intention, the love.

The wandering son and the mother-in-law are the famous set of immortals in the sentiment.

At the time of the formation of the turbulent waters, the sentimental genre has not yet been officially created, so at this moment, the young Zhu Xian can use the wanderings all over the country without any danger.

The young sage is dragging himself with the power of the scorpion.

He seems to have entered a long river, and the whole person is confused and confused. After about half a column of incense, he woke up and found that he had returned to Ren Xiuping's blessed land.

"Grandpa, I..." The young 蛊 面 面 面 惶 惶 惶 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

"Hey, look at my grandfather, I am in the fairy, absorb the heavens and the earth, and stabilize the land, you dare to sneak out and play. As I know so, I will not give you a Tibetan baby." Ren Xiuping Road.

"Grandpa, Zang Jiaoyu was taken away." The young man was wronged. "I met a demon head. He robbed me of my possession and killed my two maids!"

"Oh?" Ren Xiuping raised his brow. "You talk in detail."

The young immortal will add oil and vinegar and say a pass.

"Chu Yu..." Ren Xiuping chewed the name and frowned.

This name, he is still the first time to hear. The two mortal women in the district can’t count anything. The seven-turned celestial beings took the initiative to make themselves difficult and robbed the Tibetans, which is indeed a magic path. But why, he wants to leave his name deliberately?

Isn't he a Chu, but someone else, deliberately planted?

Is there any other plot?

In short, Ren Xiuping will be the name of Chu Yu, secretly remembered in his heart.

He squinted and continued to teach his grandson: "Now you know the cruelty of the fairyland. You have been with me all the time, and you have seen the good friends who have made friends with me. They are tolerant of you, even Because of me, I will tie you up. This time, you must firmly absorb the lesson and punish you for retreating for ten years. Within ten years, you must stay in my fairy, and you must not go out."

"What?" The young man was shocked.

"Roll." Ren Xiuping waved his sleeve, and the youngster’s vision changed dramatically, and he was already caught in a cave.

"Jade can't be a weapon, grandson. You can't let you go any further. Otherwise, even if there is my shelter, this East China Sea has a lot of people who don't buy your grandfather's account. As for this Chu, Grandpa will pack him sooner or later! "Looking at this, Ren Xiuping's eyes flashed a touch of coziness."


"Since you have to pay a good temple, you may offend Ren Xiuping."

"Speaking of it, this Tibetan cockroach is quite easy to use, you can carry it with you. As long as it is not a particularly powerful turbulent flow, you can rest in it and wait for it."

Fang Yuan hides in the Tibetan scorpion, letting the latter go along the turbulent flow.

In this way, getting closer and closer to the destination.

But in the turbulent sea, the distance does not represent the itinerary.

After taking away the Tibetans, Fang Yuan began to have a bad luck, and he encountered several turbulences in a row, and the direction was disordered. He has to go a lot of roads.

After a long lap, he arrived in the center of the turbulent waters one day later.

The turbulent flow here is even more huge, and Fangyuan enters it, just like the ants fall into the river.

Ordinary turbulence, may change the direction of flow, or location, at regular intervals.

However, the turbulent flow in the central area of ​​the turbulent waters, because the rules are too large, but it is not easy to move, although it changes every moment, but the degree is very small, so it is relatively stable.

In these turbulent streams, there are many bubbles.

The bubbles are large and small, small as a human head, and large like a mountain.

These bubbles are also formed in the war, I don’t know which powerful sect.

Among the bubbles, there are often many wrecks or ruins. There are many more bubbles inside, including sea water and small islands.

"Found it, this is it!" Fang Yuan looked for the target, approached hard, and then squeezed in.

The bubble film was squeezed by him, but it healed immediately, but it leaked into some water, which was insignificant.

The horizon of Fangyuan has changed greatly.

A calm green sea is not shocking.

The sky is the color of protein, pure and pure.

It’s just another world!

In the middle of the sea, there is a small island with weeds on the island and many tall stone pillars in the grass.

Some people say that the world in the bubble is actually the corner of the turbulent waters. It was only after the war that the space was torn into pieces.

It has also been said that this is a powerful world of fairy shards, because of a mysterious immortal killing, eventually produced these bubbles.

The cause of the bubble, Fangyuan is not interested in attention.

He came to the stone pillar and took out the flying sword fairy in his hand.

It seems that the channel marks on Feijian Xianyu were perceived. These pillars began to emit red radiance, and soon they began to move slowly.

As they slowly stopped, the size of a tank was suddenly opened, dropping a skeleton.

Fangyuan is careful and looks closer.

This sacral bone is engraved with a rich bone track mark, which can be regarded as a pair of quasi-eight-turn fairy.

In the right hand of the cheekbones, hold a dark green air mass.

Fang Yuan took out the dark green air mass. After seeing it, gently pinch the air mass to reveal a few mites that were sleeping inside.

There are two cents in total, and five in them.

But unfortunately, the vast majority are dead, just a body. The wind blows and turns into fly ash.

I don't know how many years have passed, and the way to keep locusts is not particularly good, and it is difficult to scour the time.

In the end, there is only one six-turn fairy.

Fang Yuan quickly saved, barely hang a trace of vitality.

"What is this locust?" Fang Yuan wondered, he did not know.

Looking at the cheekbones again, there is no similar air mass.

"It seems that this is the so-called channel inheritance." Fang Yuan sighed.

It’s a joy to change to a common fairy. However, I just got the source of the black truth, but I feel bad.

After carefully examining the humerus, Fang Yuan found that there were many thoughts in the skull of the skeleton.

The thoughts are already incomplete. Fortunately, Fang Yuan is a master of wisdom, and he has reluctantly excavated a lot of information.

The immortality of this inheritance, the name can not be verified. Fang Yuan only knew that he was in a fierce battle, barely sighed and entered the bubble, laying down the inheritance.

Regarding inheritance, it is indeed channel inheritance, but most of the content is lost.

However, Fangyuan is not without He knows the name of the fairy that he saved - Dao Dao.

Dao Daodao Xian, the channel of the investigation of Xian. The effect seems to be very tasteless, which is to help the number of traces and types of the target on the target.

As for the origin of this skeleton, it is not the arranging of the inheritance, but the enemy who was killed by the channel.

In the thought, the channel that passed down the inheritance tells the successor that the sacrum can be used directly as a fairy. Because the traces of this enemy are concentrated on this skeleton.

This point made Fang Yuan feel a little surprised.

Because after the death of Zhu Xian, the traces are often concentrated in the fairy. Unless it is a fairy, the fairy is gone, and the track marks remain in the body.

"This channel is very different. It obviously has different means. It can concentrate the traces of Zhu Xian on the bones and save it. Unfortunately, the inheritance content is missing too much and cannot be restored."

Fang Yuan feels very sorry.

He also entrusted hope that he could use this channel to inherit and let himself have the ability to disarm the covenant.

It is a pity that the things in the world are unsatisfactory.

What he finally got was just a Taoist priest.

Fang Xian is ready to leave.

"The murderer, where to go!" At this moment, a **** figure rushed into this huge bubble.

Red eyes, staring at Fangyuan! (To be continued. "This text is provided by the breaking update group @碗儿")

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