Reverend Insanity

: Section 140: Trial of the road

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This fairy head is round and round, with a black body and many sections. Once it is motivated by Fangyuan, it begins to shine with a slight star.

The blue starlight reflects the whole body of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan is holding his breath and watching carefully, and he is guarded by God to prevent any accidents.

It is not safe for the teacher to use it. Many aphids have sequelae or drawbacks.

The same is true for Xian Yu, even because it is extremely powerful, the aftereffects and drawbacks are even greater.

This is the first time that Fangyuan has used Tao Dao Xian Xian. Although it has been calculated by means of wisdom, it is not an exaggeration to be careful.

At first, the starlight only covered the whole body. But after a few breaths, the starlight accumulates, like a thin layer of running water, covering the body of Fangyuan.

The streamer condensed into a star, accumulates thicker and accumulates on the face, limbs and torso of Fangyuan.

Then, as time goes by, the streamer gradually decreases, and after a dozen breaths, it gradually slows down to none.

The Taoist priests of the Taoist dynasty disappeared without a trace and became dark and dull.

However, in Fang Yuan’s mind, there was a message that allowed him to know how many traces he had.

The number of traces of snow and ice roads is the highest, and there are more than 16,000!

Fang Yuan suddenly learned that his heart is also a slight jump.

A hundred traces can increase the corresponding effect of the fairy, as much as 10%. A thousand traces can double the effect of the original. Then 16,000 snow and ice road marks, naturally it is more than 16 times the increase effect!

This means that Fangyuan uses a fairy tales of ice and snow genre, and the effect will be very strong. Suppose a celestial being, there is no trace in the body, simply urging an ice snow fairy, then the power that Fangyuan urges is seventeen times that of the celestial being!

The most important point is that the power is 17 times simpler than the original one, but the Qingxian Xianyuan consumed by Fangyuan is still exactly the same as other Zhuxian.

Not like a market. Although the power of the immortal killings has expanded by dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, the Qingxianxianyuan consumed by Fangyuan has also risen, and the consumption has skyrocketed to dozens of times and hundreds of times!

This is very scary.

Why is Zhu Xian repaired higher? The greater the gap between combat effectiveness, it is precisely because of this.

Under the snow and ice trails, the most traces of the roads turned out to be the track marks of the road, up to 15,000!

"My path is traced. It is basically the accumulation of Feng Jun's body. This person's foundation is strong, it is the success of the success of Xianshan, and directly obtained a large number of roads and traces from the inheritance."

"Oh, yes, there was a disaster, and a huge disaster occurred. After the crossing, it also added a road mark for me."

Under the road markings, there are airway traces and soundtracks.

Both have more than 13,000.

"The airway traces are mainly from the disaster relief. He is a seven-turn sacred sacred man. He majored in the airway, and almost all of the airway traces fell on me and I was taken."

"The sound path is from the soup, this person is also a seven-turn sacred fairy, and is the elders of the East China Sea super power soup family."

Fangyuan thought for a moment and found that the next track marks, the tens of thousands of people are from the body of the seven-turned immortals.

Among them, the legal road traces have a pattern of one and two thousand, from the black road in the middle of the law, the sacred sacred.

The waterway track marks around 11,000, and Fangyuan absorbed the water channel of the scattered fairy Zhou Li.

Then below. It is the road mark that changes the way and the strength. The sum is more than nine thousand, close to ten thousand.

Traces of the rest of the genre. Miscellaneous.

Many, such as wind tunnels, wooden roads, and esophagus.

"In the disasters I have spent, there are disasters and springs, and the number of road tracks in the wind and wood roads has increased. The esophagus is actually more than the two. It seems that Xuanbai flies. It is the esophagus track."

Less, there are dirt roads, earth roads, and channels.

"Before joining the major alien alliances, the means they used were the means of soil roads to achieve the channel effect. So the road track has added a lot."

"As for the Tao, it should be a good match between me and Chudu. The situation is similar to the alliance of aliens."

"And these channel traces should be caused by joining the covenant."

The least, such as the virtual road, or the number of one hundred. This is the basis of the traces that the Supreme Immortal comes with.

Based on these data, Fangyuan thought about it and took advantage of the nature of some disasters.

He summed it up.

The most is the ice and snow track marks, followed by the transport path, airway, sound path, law road, water channel, all have more than 10,000.

Below is the change and strength.

Below are the esophagus, wind tunnel, wooden road, dirt road, ecliptic road and so on.

"When I was fighting, I mainly used the means of strength, kendo, and ecstasy. It was only a supplement when I met each other and met with blood."

"The four masters of the realm are wisdom, strength, blood, and change."

Fang Yuan has a little bit of embarrassment by comparing his own specific situation.

The road marks are beyond 10,000 genres, and his main means and four realms are almost always opened.

According to Fangyuan's original practice plan, the focus is on the change path.

But now, because of joining the five major leagues, there are no small obstacles to the implementation of this plan. Unable to rob the northern ice sheet, Fangyuan could not extract the madness. Without affecting the disaster, the harvest of the change of track marks will be gone, not to mention the rise of the changing realm.

Fang Yuan’s thinking continues to diverge.

"In this way, the general seven-turn celestial celestial beings, the majors of the main body, almost all of them are more than 10,000."

"But I just robbed four games, but there were more than 16,000 traces of ice and snow. The change and the road track were close to 10,000. Together with the number of wooden roads, wind tunnels and esophagus roads, the overall benefits of the robbery, There are more than 30,000."

Obviously, this number is very abnormal.

In order to reach seven turns, Zhu Xian repaired an average of four or fifty disasters, four or five times, and the catastrophe between one and three times.

All the way down, the addition of major track marks, only more than 10,000.

Fang Yuan only crossed the four disasters of the land disaster, and the profit of the road track exceeded that of their three times!

The more powerful the catastrophe, the more traces the sacred harvest will be after the looting.

The ordinary Zhu Xian, all the way to robbery, is relatively smooth. After practicing seven turns, the main track mark is more than 10,000.

The qualifications are higher, with the best blessings, and even the ten best. Or there are a lot of resources in the blessed land, and the blessings are extremely strong, which has caused more disasters. After crossing, the road marks will be more.

The situation of Fangyuan. This is the only case in the world!

Even if there is no resource in the Supreme Immortal, it is a huge blessing in itself, and the power of the disaster caused by it will be upgraded in countless grades.

Coupled with the complete magic of the heavens, God wants to kill the source of the source, causing every disaster to rise to the limit of the operation of the heavens.

The first four disasters. No matter which time, Fang Yuandu used to be very thrilling, as if walking a tightrope on the cliff. But now it seems that the risk is big, but the harvest is definitely not small!

"Although it is not in line with my current roads and means, the road marks are real. If this continues, the disasters and the catastrophe will accumulate over and over again, and my heritage will be elevated to a terrible situation!"

With such a thought, Fang Yuan suddenly felt that the hardship he had tasted before and the blood and sweat he paid were completely worthwhile.

Even the attitude towards the disaster. Fangyuan's faintness has changed a bit.

Every disaster can be seen as a great opportunity for the growth of track marks!

"How many times can I grow up after a few disasters? How much can the bottom of the population rise?" Even Fang Yuan himself cannot estimate the future situation.

Supreme fairy, it is more than too much.

The potential and speed of growth is absolutely amazing!

The source of the road to the four disasters of Fangyuan has been harvested several times.

After exploring the traces on his body, Fang Yuan took out other fairy scorpions and used Dao Dao to investigate them separately.

But unfortunately, although there are starlight flowing water covering the surface of various fairy read reads; But Fangyuan did not get any results.

He knows in his heart: "Man is the spirit of all things, and it is the true essence of heaven and earth. Where there are traces of the earth, the fairy is the avenue of the avenue. And the Tao can only detect the track marks, and it is powerless for the avenue fragments."

really. Next, he used the Taoist Taoist priests to conduct investigations on some of the shackles.

This is far from over.

After Fang Yuan, he took out all kinds of fairy materials and used them to check them in turn.

He found that although the scars on the fairy wood. Can be detected by him, but the consumption of Xianyuan has increased with the grade of Xiancai.

"Dao Ke Dao Xian Xian is a channel fairy, investigating pure channel fairy material, Xianxian consumption is less. In addition, to look at any other fairy material, we must take into account the different constraints of the track. Therefore, Xianyuan only costs more."

"As for using it on me, why is there no more loss of Xianyuan? It is because of the traces on my body that I never consume each other."

With this in mind, Fang Yuan’s face flashed a dignified color.

The traces on the supreme body do not interfere with each other. This is both a good thing and a bad thing for Fang Yuan.

For the usual Zhu Xian, the genre of the different genre hits himself, first of all, it will be offset by many traces of power. However, if Fangyuan is in the middle, it is real, 100%, and even because some of its own traces are the same as the killing genre, it will also grow power!

Single point, Fang Yuan and melee basically have no chance.

He is suitable for long-distance warfare. After being far away, he can have enough time to think and dodge.

"Dao Kedao Xianyu, the investigation of Xianyu has no effect, the investigation of Zhuxian, Xiancai should consider the offset of the heterogeneous track. In general, it is a chicken rib." Fangyuan tried it out and made an assessment in his heart. .

For the time being, he can think of three places where he can make use of the Tao.

One is to identify the fairy material and prevent others from making fraud.

The second is to investigate the traces of the immortal to calculate his heritage and strength. However, it is not practical, it takes a long time, and the effect of starlight is too obvious and easy to be targeted by others.

The third is to refine the fairy.

Dao Dao's investigation effect can make Zhu Xian very effective in seeing the types of track marks in each step and the amount comparison in the refining process.

However, the road can not see the specific location of the track mark, and there is no direct impact on the track mark, so the help provided is actually very limited.

At most, let Zhu Xian change from "blind person" to "blinking voice".

Ps: These data have caused me a headache. I have counted it with the calculator many times, and finally have a more reasonable data. I hope that it will not become a bug anymore. Because I had a conflict with the previous settings, I spent at least half an hour counting this stuff. If there are still errors, I hope that everyone will correct the readings; This has written more than 3.7 million words, and bugs are inevitable, but I will try my best to minimize the bug! Thank you for your support! (To be continued.)


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