Reverend Insanity

: Section 154: Don't care

"Oh?" Fang Yuan was surprised to hear the answer from Fat Mountain. ? w.suimeng.lā

In the recent period, he himself has been searching for the method of dissolving the covenant, and he did not expect to appear in front of him in this case.

For a time, Fangyuan’s mood has become somewhat complicated.

He originally thought that Chu Du was asking him to come here to invite people to help. He did not expect the true intention of Chu Du, but it was to disarm the covenant.

"Chudu has such a backhand, but it has not been used until now. It is only now that it is enabled. It is obvious that there are costs for the madsters to sneak out." Fang Yuan tried to figure it out.

This place is very special, and there are often magic sounds, which make the road traces chaotic, and all the fairy materials are waste materials. Because of the special environment, the immortals here, even Bao Huangtian can't communicate.

The madness is in a state of isolation.

Because of the need to guard against the attack of Baizu Tianjun, it is also a lack of skill. He couldn't act on his own, and he would hand over the entire black-winged hole to the outsiders.

Therefore, although Chu Du and Fang Yuangang had just met each other, but because of the deep ally of each other, when things came to the fore, Chu Du had to let Fang Yuan come over and expose the secrets of the Mad Cave.

"No, the city of Chudu is quite deep. Maybe he was deliberately exposed to me, maybe it is."

Fang Yuan’s heart flashed another thought.

If his conjecture is established, then the intention of Chu Du, Fang Yuan is also somewhat unreasonable.

Fang Yuan is good at making calculations, and Chu Du is also like this. Can the super power Liu Jia be helpless, how can he be a simple coward?

Immediately, Fang Yuan held his breath and asked the fat mountain to test: "As far as I know, there are many covenants in the tyrants, and they belong to various types. They are not pure channel covenants, and other genres can reach the channel. Effect."

Fang Yuan said purely casually.

However, Chu Duo has been dealing with people for so long. If there is no covenant on the body, if it is less, the possibility is small.

It’s not a gentleman’s voice, and his face is slightly smiling.

The fat mountain is open, and the tone is still so low. However, it reveals ample self-confidence: "No matter what kind of covenant, those genres, my method can solve it. Because of my immortality, it is called "care"."

What do you care about?

Fang Yuan did not cover the surprise in his heart, all of which came out of his face.

I care about fairy tales. Almost no one knows, no one knows.

Because it is one of the top ten in the list.

In the past, it was as high as the third in qualifying.

However, after the Battle of Yitianshan, Fang Yuan’s identity was so clear that he was known to be the future person who was born again in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Therefore, Chunqiu’s ranking rose from the original seventh place to the third.

The third person in the original cares about Xianyu, and he fell to the fourth place.

The miracle list is also constantly changing.

Of course, the top ten are rarely changed.

The Spring and Autumn Period is related to the Red Lotus Demon, while the latter is mysterious. The information left to the world is the rarest among the Sayādaw. The rumors about the Spring and Autumn Period are also different. The example of Fangyuan proves the great value of the Spring and Autumn Period, which makes this Xianyu's position in the heart of Zhu Xian increase greatly, leading to a rise in ranking.

Most of the top ten wonderful ones are related to the nine-turner.

The fourth is concerned with the sorrow, that is, the Promise Devil is looking for a world secret in the "Ancestral Mystery", and it is refining there.

The fifth is the discouragement.

The sixth fight, from the land of the fairy.

The seventh heart of the heart, from the star fairy.

And the first one is wonderful. It is the refinement of Juyang Xianzun.

According to the fourth chapter of The Ancestors of the People, the record of the twenty-fourth section -

The ancestors wanted to save their children, but they encountered the orcs on the way and were affected by fear.

Fear 蛊 makes the ancestors afraid of everything. It made him cringe and could not continue to make progress.

The human race was tortured by fear, and when they were miserable, they asked for advice.

I sighed and said: "Let me eat it."

The ancestors waved their hands: "No, no. I can't get away from fear. If you eat it, your fear will accompany me all my life. You are too messy to do this."

The ancestors asked for advice.

Thoughts will tell him: "People, you have to have the courage to overcome your fears."

The ancestors were distressed: "I had the courage to be a companion. It was a friend of faith, but then because I met Maomin, because of the failure, let it leave me."

The thought said: "I teach you a way, you hide your fear in your heart. Then go on, you will be able to cast your arms in your courage. The brave man is not without fear, he just hides his fear in his heart. ""

The ancestors are even more distressed: "Hey, what do you think? I just can't move forward because I am afraid, so I want to get courage. You tell me, to get courage, let me advance first."

Just as they talked, a locust flew over.

"Is it courageous?" The ancestors rejoiced and were disappointed.

Because this fairy is not a courage, but a love.

Sometimes, love will find it on its own initiative.

Love said: "People, I have heard hope and fear from you. The food of my love is them."

Zuzu said: "Fear you can take it, but hope is mine, can not give you."

Love refuses: "Only when hope and fear nourish me, I can survive. Man, then I have to stay with you."

People do not have much affection for love, not very willing, but love is awkward: "Don't be busy with me, if you are, you can call courage."

Sure enough, the people called for a few voices, and for a while, the courage to fly back to him.

"Ah, this is the breath of love. Oh, there is fear." Courage fell to the heart of the people.

It is a good friend and fear, and the two crickets circling in the hearts of the people.

Fear and courage are often close at hand.

The ancestors had the courage, and finally the fear was greatly reduced and they were able to return to the road.

"Man, I want to thank you, because you have freed me from fear." Before the ancestors set out, the orcs came to him.

"I have two skeletons here, one is loyal and the other is betrayal. You choose one, as I thank you." The orc said, and took out two locusts, one on each hand.

People do not know which one to choose.

Love said: "Go to loyalty. You already have fear."

Thoughts say: "Go to betray. You have courage."

The ancestors are dilemma, and they say to the orcs: "Can I have a look first?"

The orc said: "It's okay."

The ancestors took over the loyalty and the betrayal. I did not expect that once in his hands, the original loyalty became a betrayal, and the original betrayal became loyalty.

People are very strange.

The orc explained: "The loyalty of others is a betrayal of oneself, and betraying others is a loyalty to oneself."

I am open at this time: "People, choose to betray. If you want to go your own way, you need to betray others, and even need to betray yourself."

The ancestors decided to come down and chose to betray.

The orcs put away their loyalty, and when they were different, he warned the ancestors: "Man, you have a betrayal, you can't go to a place called 'love'. In the place of 'love', betrayal can hurt you. 'If you are betrayed, you will not be able to hurt you.'

The ancestors nodded: "Thank you, the orc, your warning, I remembered it."


In the crazy cave.

The fat mountain thoughts moved, and the fairy sorrowed from his fairy.

He said to the immortal: "I care about Xianyu, but it is not enough."

It’s not that the fairy must laugh: “I understand!”

He also took out a fairy.

"This is the fairy ‘no’.”

The two immortals are oddly shaped and slowly float to the front of Fangyuan.

The fat mountain, not the fairy, has their own will, and their own bunch of red dates.

"There are Lao Xiaoyou, who will bring these to the Paxian. At that time, he will let him worry and be free from the covenant."

Fangyuan is a bit Two seven-turned fairy tales said that they borrowed, and they were very unusual. Is it that they are closely related to Chudu, or are they themselves affected by the crazy cave?

The two regiments were wrapped in Xian and Xianyuan, and they did not enter the two cuffs of Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan took a ritual and asked before leaving: "Dare to ask the two predecessors, if you want to borrow these two immortals in the future, what should you do?"

The fat mountain did not speak, and the slits that opened were closed, and they seemed to be closed again.

It’s not a fairy who has to smile.

Fang Yuan sighed in his heart and turned away.

It’s not that the fairy is not sent.

However, fortunately, Fangyuan has already recorded the route, and the original way back, there is no danger.

Ps: So much today, and the lack of tomorrow will make up. Too tired, for this short person ancestral sorcerer, think of the head dizzy, it is simply exhausted. Let me rest and rest! (To be continued.)

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