Reverend Insanity

: Section 165: Hail Fairy

Although Hei Loulan got a lot of resources this time, it greatly supplemented her biggest weakness, but the benefits of track marks are few and far between.

About a measure, it is less than 30% of the entire scar.

The disaster directly jumped forward a dozen times.

This is an incalculable loss for Hei Loulan!

Because according to her ten body, when the robbery, the power will be very strong. The misfortunes depend on each other. As a result, after every successful robbery, she will gain a lot of traces.

More than a dozen disasters have been caused not only by the disaster, but also by the catastrophe!

Before and after, she lost a lot.

Although the crisis of the robbery is heavy, but for the black man and the like, this is not afraid of difficulties, and is afraid of mediocrity.

"But even if I don't want to, how can I do it? I am in a deep trap and I can't help myself..." He Loulan sighed in his heart.

The shadows were invisible, and I saw the darkness of the black Loulan. I smiled and said: "Okay, let's move on."

A group of people followed the frosty road and went deeper into the interior of the mountain.

Finally, they came to an ice wall.

Through the white ice wall, the group of immortals saw that there was a heart inside.

These hearts are blue, dense, and no less than a thousand.

Bai Ningbing understands.

Too Baiyunsheng exclaimed: "Scorpio, this is Bing Xin, all are Bing Xin."

Hei Loulan also moved: "It's not just the ice heart, but also the ice heart. The latter is seven turns of fairy wood, and the number is so much."

Even the steady and ruthless stone slaves were amazed: "It is hard to imagine that there are so many treasures in the jade pot mountain. If you are known by the outside of the southern Xinjiang, you will certainly be surging, fighting for these ice hearts, fighting each other. Breaking blood!"

Yuhu Mountain is not uninhabited, there is a stockade on the mountain, mainly based on jade.

Yuhu Mountain is rich in jade and jade, and the Yujiazhaizi relies on mountains to eat mountains, so as to survive.

Among the mundane forces, Yujiazhai, which has many five-turn sects, is very powerful. But for Zhu Xian, it is not worth mentioning.

Who can think of a jade pot mountain controlled by the vulgar forces, there are piles of rare fairy wood!

The shadow of the innocence sighed: "Jade pot mountain is an inner show, it is easy to be ignored. My shadow is also a coincidence, only to discover the mountains and rivers. But the natural ice heart here is not so much. It’s my shadow, I’m secretly secretly, and I’m secretly setting it up, making it a natural place to be pregnant.”

"I used to produce ice heart, but it has already been taken away. There is also a hailstone fairy. It was a little bit worse before, but now it is completely gestating success. Bai Ningbing, come forward, you teach me according to me. The way to charge this wild fairy."

"Good!" Bai Ningbing is quite crisp.

She walked straight and went forward.

Then follow the shadow of the innocent, hands stretched out and placed directly on the ice wall.

Without using any protective measures, Bai Ningbing's hands were directly frozen to death, and the cold rushed up, quickly condensing into a thick layer of ice on her arms.

Hei Loulan stunned the scene and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Too Baiyun’s words are open and his expression is somewhat unbearable.

The shadow is innocent, but the stone slave is still expressionless and silent.

Bai Ningbing endured severe pain, and her cold body attacked her body through her arms. Soon she felt paralyzed all over her body, and her mind seemed to be frozen.

A strong death crisis enveloped her entire body and mind.

But she did not waver.

In her blue scorpion, the firm expression revealed is colder and stubborn than the ice wall in front of her.


"Even if you die, there is no big deal."

"Oh, it’s freezing to death, it’s a bit exciting, isn’t it...”

"And! The shadows have been hit hard, and they need people. If you don't try to recruit me, how can you make me die like this?"

Suddenly, as Bai Ningbing expected, the change occurred in front of her eyes.

In the ice wall, the blue ice heart suddenly trembled, and the amplitude of the trembling was very small at first, but the shaking was more intense.

After a dozen breaths, the ice wall made a sizzling sound, and the cracks in the road appeared in front of the group. Soon, the cracks covered like a spider web, and one of them became deeper and deeper until it broke open into the ice wall.

The scent of Xian Yu is overflowing.

Too Baiyun’s life almost couldn’t help but start.

This is a wild fairy, it is difficult to catch, no longer, it is late!

But there is no movement in the shadows, just watching it quietly.

He does not move, and the stone slaves and the black Loulan will not move.

White condensed ice can't move.

Because she has been completely frozen, the cold has completely invaded the limbs, and the whole person is not far from death.

However, it is such a dying person, but it is the wild fairy that attracts the ice.

This wild fairy, flying out, took the initiative to send a white chest to send a hug.

As a group of phoenixes, I saw the size of the baby's fist. The whole locust is shaped like a spider. It is milky white and has eight claws. The back has a blue pattern, which depicts a sorrowful look.

Six turns of ice 魄 蛊!

Bai Ningbing strengthens the spirit and opens the virtual portal.

Hail 魄 蛊 蛊 directly into it.

Waiting for the vain portal to close, the film was innocent, and immediately took the shot to treat the injury for Bai Ningbing, pulling her back from the edge of death.

"Well, the ice 魄 魄 蛊 has been entered into the 窍, then it has become the shackles of the shackles, refining it as simple as a book."

Black Loulan blinked and suddenly said: "I understand. This ice 魄 蛊 蛊 and white condensed ice have a great relationship. Because Bai Ningbing is the North Ming ice body!"

"Not bad. The atmosphere of the North Ming Bing body, the attraction and temptation to the ice 魄 蛊 相当 is quite strong. Therefore, I let Bai Ningbing use any means of protection, grab it by hand. It is to breathe the atmosphere of its northern ice. In the slightest cover, completely released!" Shadow no evil nod, explain.

"But if Bai Ningbing is too popular and too prosperous, it will make the wild ice scorpion hesitate. Therefore, only when the white condensed ice is in the stage of sudden death, the ice 魄 魄 蛊 will not feel any threat, take the initiative to cast white condensed ice. ""

"It turns out that." Taibaisheng suddenly realized.

"Shadows are innocent and wise!" The loyal stone slaves also spoke.

"Ha ha ha." Shadow innocently laughed, "My shadow sect is big, follow me, I have your own benefits. Just like this ice wall, it is my shadow used for thousands of years to simulate the natural environment. , formed the secret land of refining."

"The means of practice that I have mastered is not something you will ever imagine. If the qualification is low, then improve the qualification. If there are fewer traces, then increase the track. Everything is possible."

Black Loulan couldn’t help but feel a shock.

The last sentence of the innocence is obviously aimed at her.

"This guy has already won the rumors of the leader, and the progress is really fast." Not to wait for Black Loulan to continue to express his emotions in the dark, and wave the innocent, "Let's go! Next, it is to resurrect the white hole!"


"The disaster has been skipped too little." Fang Yuan sighed, and he was somewhat dissatisfied with it.

Almost at the same time, Hei Loulan suspected that he had lost too much and was in a bad mood. He hated that the less the disaster was skipped, the better.

However, Fang Yuan felt that the magnitude of the catastrophe in the past was not as much as his estimate.

If possible, he even hopes that the next moment, he will become a seven-turn fairy!

The fierce battle in the middle of the black-and-yellow hole made Fang Yuan deeply feel his big drawback. That is to repair too low, the Qingxian Xianyuan is not expensive.

As the identity of Fangyuan becomes more and more complex, he is facing more and more dangers.

The former Fangyuan was very good at controlling the future because he was alone. Now that he has many covenants, he is somewhat involuntarily.

Coupled with the trip to the East China Sea, there is no annihilation of the growth of the shadows of the ancestors, the shadowless and other people, let Fangyuan feel the pressure.

Therefore, he would rather sacrifice the potential of development and quickly increase his combat power.

“No, now, where is the future?”

“The potential is good, but it also requires time and space for development.”

"The true attitude of practice is pragmatic, and everything starts from reality."

Fang Yuan’s loss was even greater than that of Hei Loulan, but he did not regret or regret it. His eyes were still decisive and firm.

"Just, Han Dong has spent two days of robbery and more than 20 disasters. I annexed his immortality, but only crossed the four disasters."

“Is it because my Supreme Immortal is too big, and it has become so inconspicuous that it has swallowed the effect of the smashing of the scorpion?”

Fang Yuan left and thought, thinking that this is the reason for the supreme fairy.

Every six years after the turn of the Six Immortals, it is necessary to rob. A decade of disaster, a hundred years of robbery. After three hundred years, after three days of robbery, six turns of Zhu Xian will achieve seven turns of cultivation.

The whole process, if divided into three parts, then the source has almost passed one-third.

"This speed is still not enough as soon as possible to upgrade to seven turns, will make me continue to increase the strength of the battle! There will be a rapid increase in the economy."

"A Han Dongfu is not enough, and it will engulf more Xianfu blessed land."

“Although the benefits of road markings are far less than their own catastrophe, they have saved a lot of time, so that I can face all aspects of challenges and crises more calmly.”

"And, the annexation of the blessed land, I am fully harvested in the track mark. Even if there is some loss at present, in the future to kill some of the immortals, make up for it!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed a brutal light.

Excavating another advantage of Supreme Xianyu, Fangyuan discovered another method of practice.

The previous practice methods were to follow the work step by step, and to work hard again and again to obtain high returns in terms of road marks and true intentions. However, this method is too slow, and the combat power is slow to increase. The biggest and fastest growth is the fairy tales. Not suitable for the source, it will make the situation of Fangyuan more dangerous.

The practice method adopted by Fangyuan is to annex the Xianyu, cross the disaster, and quickly improve. After being repaired, the combat power soared. Fang Yuan then used this kind of combat power to kill others, swallow the fairy scorpion, try to avoid self-robbery, and also improve the foundation of the fairy tales and increase the track marks.

This method, the fastest growing is the fighting power of Fangyuan, the improvement of Xianyu's heritage is not that big. However, it is very suitable for Fangyuan's current situation, which makes him more likely to survive!

Both methods of practice can constitute a virtuous circle, and their respective advantages and disadvantages are different. (To be continued. "This text is provided by the breaking update group @碗儿")

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