Reverend Insanity

: Section 176: Swords

Chu degree smiled.

In his mind, there is no trace of snow that can be recruited into his Chumen, so he has always taken care of him.

However, Fang Yuan is his partner. In the future, he will harvest the savage and true intentions in Fang Yuan’s body and enhance his power.

The weight is very light and the Chu is very clear.

"Liu Guanyi is in the letter, but please let me promote this." Chu Duo chanted in the heart, and the other side secretly heard the sound in the snow. "Snow brother, you want to get the resources of Liu Qingxian, I am afraid It is best to work with the elders of Liu."

"Why is this?" Snow asked without doubt.

"Because the elders of the willows have an upper eagle. This eagle is able to pierce the fairy land, it is better to take the resources of the fairy, leave the fairy to the elders, and let him make up some of your resources. So, Isn't it a win-win situation?" Chu Du advised.

The snow did not trace the words, and the eyes lit up.

"On the pole eagle?! I also heard about this eagle, I can't think of Liu Guanyi's elders even with such rare rare birds."

Speaking of this, I paused, and the snow continued to convey the voice: "So, I am willing to trade with the elders of Liu!"

Seeing the plan of Fangyuan, we must reach it, but then it has changed.

From the Golden Temple, walk out of a fairy.

"It is the Liu family's Zhu Xian Liu turned!" Wang Daxian immediately recognized this person's identity.

"Is he going to play the game at the end?" Chu degree, his eyes are projected.

However, Liu turned around but did not go straight to the scene, but stopped in front of the hall of Jin Xiao Hall: "Bai Xian adults, we are willing to use the body of Yin Po, in exchange for the head and soul of Liu gray elders."

The corpse of Liu Gray. Fall into the hands of the enemy, as Liu Jiaxuan. Naturally, I don't want to see such a scene.

The corpse is gone, the key is the soul.

The soul of Liu Gray was not killed.

So Liu Jiaxuan will do everything possible. I want to return the corpse and soul of Liu Gray.

However, Liu turned to suffer from the lack of chips in his hands, and he was afraid that the other lion would open his mouth and ask for it. I am afraid that it will be very embarrassing and will not come to Taiwan.

Therefore, Liu turned to wait for Liu Jiaxuan, and he was anxious in his heart, but did not take action.

After Yu Erping killed the Yin Po, he let Liu Jiaxuan see the hope of the matter.

So Liu turned around. Immediately after the exchanges with the two families, after the transfer of many benefits, the body of the Yin Po was exchanged.

Fairy is on the body of Yin Po, and it is worry-free in a short time.

It’s just the soul of the Yin Po, which has been annihilated by Yu Erping. Yu Erping’s victory was very hard and he could not keep his hand.

The soul of the Yin Po is completely destroyed by the killing of the fairy tales.

However, for Liu Jiaxuan, the Yin Po is seven turns, but Liu Gray is only six turns. This is a great thing.

The Chudu side heard the words, and the celestial beings suddenly had some commotion, and they began to whisper and talked.

Chu degree secretly said: "Great. This Liu turned around is a capable person, giving me a problem."

Although Chudu did not look back, he could feel the incitement of the people behind him.

Yin Po is alone. There is not much relationship with other Zhu Xian, even if there is a relationship, it is mostly hatred. Yin Po can come. It is entirely in the face and reward of Chudu.

However, Chudu understands that these celestial beings behind him are very hopeful. Both sides are able to exchange corpses.

The reason is that the **** battles have just begun to kick off. In the next battle, the celestial beings may be left behind.

If this is the case, then it will be a hundred.

But what if it is a loss of life, but it leaves behind the soul and is held by the enemy?

In this case, you only rely on your own celestial beings to help and save your soul.

"I promised that Liu turned to this request in order to stabilize the hearts of the people and let other celestials lose their concerns. Otherwise, I am afraid that the morale will be weak and the people will be scattered, which will be very unfavorable in the next battle."

Chu said clearly that this matter is of great importance.

On the side of Truman and Baizu, most of the members were formerly scattered and magical. Originally, people were distracted. They looked at the faces of Baxian and Baizuojun, and they were rewarded.

If Chu Du refused, I am afraid that these people will be self-defense and guard against each other.

Chu degree indulged a bit, and he said sorry to Liu Guanyi in his heart, and immediately opened his mouth and agreed to the matter.

Liu turned around and the two sides exchanged the corpse.

The snow has lost a six-turned earth road, the fairy tales and the sacred souls, but got a seven-turned soul. Chu Du also made up some of his snowy killings in private.

Therefore, he is willing to accept this result.

Anyway, even if I tortured Liu Shishen, I got the dirt road to kill, and there is no trace of snow.

After the two sides exchanged the corpse, Gong Yuting also saw that the matter was of great importance, and took the initiative to talk with Chu.

Double convenience is the reason, and the trend has added a rule in the **** battle, about the corpse and the captive exchange.

After a half-day delay, the two sides began another battle.

On the side of Chudu, the ancestors of the hundred-footed family were sent to fight, which was the elders of the original black family. The true blood is still taken care of.

Before the trip, Chudu got the secret of the hundred-footed Tianjun, allowing him to protect the blood of the hundred families.

Because of this twist, Fang Yuan’s plot was squandered.

Soon after, he received a letter from Chudu, which detailed all the reasons. Chu Duqi is very polite, even apologizing to Fang Yuan, saying that he has a negative responsibility.

Fang Yuan understands the difficulty of Chu.

He stood in a refining room and said to himself: "The soul of the fairy is useless to me. It seems that I still have to do it myself to win the fairy that I want, and promote it to seven turns. ”

However, in the **** battles conference, there are many people, and although Fang Yuan has met and met, it still needs some new methods of attack.

After all, he is propagating himself to the outside world.

"Flying bears can't change their power, although I have the power of flying bears."

"Fortunately, I have been thinking about it before, and now I have a lot of eyebrows!"

Fang Yuan turned his gaze to the head of the dragon.

This is a wild animal.

It is full of silver, the dragon's horn is sharp as a gun, the dragon's eye is pure white, the dragon's claws are horrible, and the dragon scales are stacked, emitting a metallic halo.

This is a silver dragon.

The whole dragon body is only two feet long, and the body is slender and the lines are very smooth and beautiful. Like a piece of art, it exudes a true sense of coldness, as if it is close to it, it can pierce the skin by the air around it.

This is of course not an illusion, but this two-legged silver scorpion, this is a pure kendo wild beast - sword.

Today, it is dead, and a kendo track is slowly receding and blending into the surrounding environment.

This is exactly the source of Fang Yuan, ready to major changes - swords!

"If you kill a sword, you need a scorpion scorpion, a scorpion scorpion, a scorpion scorpion, a scorpion scorpion, etc. If one of the locusts is a scorpion, then it is the sacred slaying."

"However, I have a deformed fairy, which is one of the essences of the change. At this moment, there is no need to refine the fairy scales, the horns, the claws, the eyes, and so on. When you come out and use the metamorphosis of the fairy scorpion as the core, you can form a sacred killing sword."

It’s very easy to change the way.

It is simple and rude.

This is one of the spiritual advantages of change.

It is not easy to calculate the immortal killings of other genres. The change is unique in this respect.

Adding the source above is the realm of Zhidao Master. Not only has it successfully calculated the content of the swordsmanship, but also improved many parts, making the changes faster and faster.

Of course, there are also credits from Zhu Xian and Han Dong.

He is a change of Taoism, specializing in the spirit of snakes.

The snake dragons are similar in form and have the same fighting style. Although Han Dong died, the soul disappeared, but there was a spiritual spirit, and some of the experience of Han Dong’s practice before his death was retained.

Next, it was to spur the refining squad here and began to refine this savage beast.

The beast of the beast is a kendo trace, this is a fairy, can be refined into a fairy.

However, the Fangyuan refining road is not high, and it is not enough to refine the fairy tales of the genus by a single sword. Therefore, Fang Yuan’s refining is all shackles.

Specially used to assist in the transformation of Xian.

The process of refining is quite smooth.

Fangyuan itself is the identity of Zhuxian. It uses the celestial celestial material to refine some five-turn mortal scorpions. Naturally, the success rate is extremely high, and it is called hand-to-hand.

A few days later.

Fangyuan stood and took a deep breath, and there was a blank in his mind. Suddenly, the thoughts are like the wind, and all kinds of locusts are urging.

Just a time of breathing, Fang Yuan burst into a glaring silver awn.

After the silver light dissipated, an elegant and exquisite, but brilliant silver sword was produced.

The swordsman's eyes are pale, but the light of wisdom and wisdom is shining.

It is the source of Fangyuan!

"The immortal killing sword is changing, it is already refining. Next..."

Fang Yuan began to be proficient in his body, or he was flying his claws or flying.

The practice is very different, because Fangyuan has already begun to practice change. Not only is the flying bear changed, but in many cases, he uses the metamorphosis of the fairy to practice various changes. Although he does not reach the level of proficiency, he is also very skilled.

After thoroughly familiar with this form, Fang Yuan began to test the power of this immortal killing The first is the consumption of Xianyuan.

Very few.

It is not much consumed to maintain the swords that have changed. After all, there is only one six-turn deformed fairy.

Then there is the fighting power of its own.

Fang Yuan came to the front of the fairy wood already arranged.

The first is a hundred years of mysterious ice, the dragon claws swept away, Fangyuan feels like sweeping a tofu block, and it is easy to sweep the black ice into pieces of debris.

Then Fang Yuan moved to the side of the undercurrent Jin Gang, and the dragon claws caught it!

On the hardest undercurrent gold steel in the six-turn fairy, clear claw marks appeared immediately. In the middle, it is as deep as inch.

Fang Yuan suddenly understood the limit of the ability of the dragon claws. Next to the third seven-turn fairy, he did not try again. (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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