Reverend Insanity

: Section 195: Wall ambush

This dragon is sharp and sharp, and it has not yet been shot. Wu left sea feels like a needle.

He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t escape.


A crisp golden and iron hand-over, a small golden round shield at the moment of life and death, appeared in front of the Wuhaihai.

Jianguang Long shot on the Golden Shield, almost in the blink of an eye, the Golden Shield was broken, and then the remaining momentum still shot on the face of Wu Wuhai.

However, Wu Ruhai has the golden shield's resistance, and finally won the precious time of life.

He is also worthy of the seven-turn celestial being with a thin name in the East China Sea. At this time, he sipped a low voice and displayed a change.

Glittering, Wu left sea disappeared in place, but replaced by a giant turtle.

The limbs and head and tail of the giant tortoise were all shrunk in the shell.

The sword light dragon hit the shell of the giant tortoise and immediately imprinted a long trace.

"Awesome dragons! The horned turtle that I have changed is an ancient wild beast. The shell is hard and is among the top ten in the ancient wild animals of the East China Sea." Wu’s heart was shocked. The strength of the coming enemy is far beyond all the ambushes in front! Now I see Zhang Shu and the cold brother."

Wu Zuhai is a change of Taoist immortals, but the horned turtle that he changed out is huge, and the speed in the sea is not bad. When it arrived on land, it was many times slower.

The combat effectiveness has also dropped by many times, and the Wu Renhai uses only the strong defense of the horned turtle.

Anti-high attack and weak, although Wu Zuohai has saved his life, he completely lost the initiative of the battlefield.

Of course, he also has other means that can be changed into other forms. But don't forget, there is a major drawback to changing the Tao.

That is: you can't change. There must be a certain time interval between different forms of change. After all, Zhu Xian will remove the temporary trace marks on his body to continue to change.

Fang Yuan has the supreme fetus, which is a special case. He was also mistaken by the disaster, and he got the true biography of the madman, and he can change his form at will.

Therefore, when the Wuhaihai changed into a horned turtle, although he saved his life, but within a short time, he could not make any decent anti-attack.

However, Wu Renhai did not panic.

Because he knows that there are two seven-turners in his side.

One is Zhang Shu and the other is a cold brother. Although Wu’s name is still unclear, the two are known to have been sent by his mother to **** him to the southern Xinjiang!

On the previous road, the two Zhu Xian also showed a strong combat capability, which was very reliable and helped Wu Waihai to retire a few waves of ambush.

Wu Yaohai hopes that Zhang Shuhe and the cold brother, but Zhang Shu is vomiting blood in the mouth.

He had to vomit blood.

Because his golden shield was broken by the sword light dragon.

This is his uncle's defensive tactics. After being broken, Zhang Shu inevitably suffered a counterattack and immediately spit blood.

Like Wu Wuhai, Zhang Shu’s heart is also very shocked.

"In this suffocating wall, any sacred killings will be cut by suffocation. This sword light dragon penetrates the suffocating air, not only breaks my golden shield, but also leaves a mark on the horned turtle shell, that How strong is the dragon's interest itself!"

Zhang Shu is vomiting blood, and the cold brother flies up.

The cooperation between the two is quite tacit.

The young man named cold, knows that Zhang Shu’s defense is not broken, and needs to adjust his interest.

He rushed very hard and was very powerful.

In a twinkling of an eye, he changed from a human form to a giant wolf.

The giant wolf is an ancient wild animal, the fur is blue, and the tip of the wolf is transformed into a strange blue crystal, emitting a slight electric light.

As soon as the Raytheon giant wolf appeared, it illumined the dark purple suffocation.

It spurts along the dragon's breath, forming a passage that rushes forward.

Four claws, the mighty and majestic wolf body muscles burst, bringing the strong speed of the cold surname.

At the same time as the sprint, there are countless electric snakes on the body of the Le Mans.

The electric snake condenses into a strand that crosses the head of the Raymond wolf and flies away.

This is the cold surname, the immortal spurred the immortal killing.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Shu’s heart suddenly settled down.

After a few breaths, he forced the injury in his body and flashed a dazzling brilliance.

In the blink of an eye, he changed into a golden saber-toothed tiger, which was twice as big as the Le Mans wolf.

It turned out that he turned out to be a change.

This is of course a deliberate arrangement of Wu Duxiu.

Because of the boundaries of the five domains, the environment is quite special. To cross the boundary wall, the various genres are not divided into high and low. However, if you fight in it, you will often change your advantage.

In the boundary wall, every time you use the immortal killing, it will trigger the shock of the fairy. It can be said that the enemy has not hurt the enemy.

However, if the immortal changes into a beast, simply using the body to fight, but avoiding this drawback, has a more sustained fighting ability.

Zhu Xian Zhang Shu looked back and looked at him. He knew the defensive ability of the horned turtle. After a sentence of martial arts, he followed the route of the Leo Giant Wolf and rushed over.

Soon, Zhang Shu saw the Le Mans wolf is smashing back and running!

Behind the Le Mans giant wolf, the swords of the dragons, the jets, and in the thick dark purple suffocating, the sound of the roaring of the dragon beast.

"What happened?" Zhang Shu was very surprised. He knew that the young people of cold surnames were eager to fight, and they would never evade after no reason. Now that he is doing this, there must be a reason!

"Don't fight, retreat." Cold surnamed Xian Xian saw the golden giant tiger, and immediately spit out people.

Zhang Shu is even more surprised, why the cold surnamed Zhu Xian wants to fight hard.

He is about to ask, at this time he finally saw the culprit attacking them.

A sword smashed through the dark purple suffocation and appeared in his field of vision.

Silver-white dragon scales, dense layers. The dragons are pale, the dragon's horns are thorny, the four dragon claws are horrible, and the dragon teeth are flickering. And the body is full of scent!

"Is it a wild sword of the ancients!?" Zhang Shuzhen's big eyes, unbelievable.

But the iron-clad facts are in front of his eyes, and he has to believe.

In an instant, he finally understood why the cold surname, who was not frowning, was usually unrelenting.

Because he met a wild ancient sword, and this sword is not from the source of five domains, but lives in the day or in the dark.

Why is Zhang Shu judged like this?

Because this ancient sword is in the wall of the suffocating, moving forward and retreating freely, the movement is smooth and smooth, and there is no tension or repulsion at all.

For Zhu Xian, there must always be geographical points. Therefore, entering the boundary wall must be greatly affected.

Only in the ancient days or in the dark days, the native life will advance and retreat in the five domain boundaries.

Zhang Shu did not hesitate, but also turned around and ran away.

Without the influence of the boundary wall, this advantage alone is enormous. In the boundary of the wall, the strength that can be exerted is definitely only five or six percent.

Even if it is placed in the outside world, facing the ancient swordsman alone, or the ancient swordsman who has the wild fairy, Zhang Shu is not sure. What's more, today, is it in the special environment of the boundary wall?

"How can we be so unlucky? Coincidentally, I actually encountered a wild ancient sword, wandering in the boundary wall?"

"I guess, it is very likely that this ancient sword was attracted by some of the immortals and blocked us!"

In the runaway, Zhang Shu and the cold surnamed Xian Xian quickly exchanged.

Soon, they merged with the ruins of the horned turtle.

Wu Yaohai also knew the situation ahead of time. He quickly said: "Try not to entangle with this ancient sword. Maybe it was deliberately led, that is, let us fight it, consume our sage and Fighting power!"

"So how are we going to be?"

"Retract, stay away from the ancient swords. Try not to irritate it, but also show our strength. The beasts are not smart enough, but when they know that this prey is too threatening, they will give up."

The three immortals quickly discussed the countermeasures.

Attacking and preventing more, let the ancient swords hang behind the three of them, constantly squirting the sword and the dragon.

The three immortals slowly retreat, and they were beaten by the Jianguanglong, and they basically couldn’t lift their heads.

"What to do, this ancient sword seems to be eyeing us!"

"Maybe I used to use the thunderbolt to provoke him."

"I have a sacred killing trick that can eliminate the anger of these beasts. It just needs to change the killings."

Sanxian quickly negotiated and decided to defend by the cold surnames Zhu Xian and Zhang Shu, and the change of Wu to heal the anger of the ancient swordsman.

Wu Renhai was carefully turned into a human form.

He hid behind the rest of the two immortals, urging means to quickly eliminate the trace marks on his body and prepare for the next change.

In the end, the ancient swordsman was a wild beast, with low intelligence and attacking the giant wolf and the golden tiger.

Zhang Shuhe and his surname, Zhu Xian, have suffered from the fierce attack of the ancient swordsman, and the defense has been quite difficult. There have been more injuries on the body, but in order to drive away the ancient swords as soon as possible, they did not use what to attack the immortal killings to prevent the situation from worsening and fall into the calculation of others.

"Almost, I remember the killing of the immortal road... but hey!" The tone of Wu’s rejoicing, suddenly turned into exclamation.

Because he saw that the golden giant tiger that Zhang Shu had turned into, was smothered by a fairy stalk and passed through the head.

Kendo killing tricks - dark murder!

Everything came so suddenly, without any hint of it.

Then, the ancient sword smashed out in an instant, and it was like a silver lightning. It left a gorgeous light and shadow in the sacred sacred sacred, and disappeared in place.

The cold surname is immortal!

"It’s counted! Oops!!"

He turned and looked back, only to see the fragments of the skull that had been shattered in the Wuhai Sea, and the white brain. And his headless body was captured by the ancient sword and then inserted into the fairy. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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