Reverend Insanity

: Section 205: The rules of the game of the right way

On the bed, Fangyuan slowly opened his eyes.

He spit out a sigh of gas and found himself still lying on the bed, and some of the means around him were intact.

Here is the defensive array of the South Xinjiang righteous forces, which is very safe. But the cautious temperament is integrated into the bone marrow of Fang Yuan, so that he will think twice every moment.

Since he was born again, he has been practicing hard and doing his best. He has not put any moments in other aspects that are not necessary.

This time, sleep, naturally.

Fang Yuan is actively sinking into his dreams, taking materials from his dreams and gaining a lot of dreams.

"If you refine it, you can harvest five or six dreams." Fang Yuan secretly estimated it.

His progress in dreams is also quite obvious.

In the past, a dream can only harvest a small amount of coffins, and at most one or two dreams. But now it is different, and the gains have been greatly improved, which has led to a multiplication of the efficiency of his refining dreams.

Of course, there is another extremely important factor, that is, the soul.

Exploring dreams will make the soul weak.

Therefore, the more powerful the soul, the longer it takes to explore the dream, and the greater the ability to withstand the damage of the dream.

It is worth noting that even if the soul is strong, it only provides very basic conditions. A powerful soul does not allow Zhu Xian to shuttle freely in a dream.

Between the soul and the dream, if you play an inappropriate metaphor.

The dream is like a desert, and the soul enters and explores it, as if it were a lost traveler in the desert. The stronger the soul, the better the physical quality of the lost traveler, the more able to endure hunger and thirst, can be tormented in the desert for a longer time.

But this does not mean that lost travelers can get out of this desert. He can't define his own direction, he can't make water and food himself in the desert, he can't narrow the desert, he can't get out of the desert himself...

And the clear direction, the production of water and food, the transformation of the desert and other means, at this stage, only dreams can be achieved.

Why should we emphasize the "current stage"?

This is because, after the realm of each major genre reaches a certain depth, it can be bypassed and achieve the effect of other genres.

In time, the sects of Yan Dao, Tu Dao, etc. can also construct a unique and ingenious killing trick to simulate the effect of dreams.


There is a big premise here.

That is, the dreams must be perfect, and the immortals who simulate the effects of dreams must also be familiar with the dreams, and even have good dreams.

Now, the dream is just just researched. The major forces, countless immortals have tasted the hardships, and there are not many achievements.

Although there are already many locusts in the dreams, there are even wild dreams. But the genre of Dream Road, from the official establishment, has a long way to go.

Nothing has been created, let alone perfection.

It's not that easy to create a new genre.

There are many aphids in the waterway. There are countless wild waterway locusts in the ancient times, ancient times, and ancient times. Some people even refine new waterway locusts. However, it was only in the Middle Ages that the founder of the spiritual ancestor, the ancestor of the ancestors, was successful, and the watercourse was officially created.

Therefore, the entire five-field 蛊仙, are helpless to the dream, know that this is a huge fat, but can not afford.

Many of the celestial beings are in the dream.

This situation is common in all domains. In the previous period, the immortals in southern Xinjiang suffered heavy casualties.

This is exactly the case, so that the righteous sects of southern Xinjiang have realized the facts and have to slow down the pace of exploring dreams, steadily and steadily, step by step, and be careful.

Many of the immortals are very jealous of dreams, and they have started to think about it. It is in this situation that the fairy tales business came into being.

If the right way, the immortal has the ability to explore dreams, how can it be such a huge benefit to the outsiders of the two demons?

Reminiscent of Xianyuan business, Fangyuan sat up from the bed.

The fairy tales business must exist for him, but at the same time he can't participate too deeply.

Xianyuan business has many advantages.

On the one hand, it can bring considerable benefits to Zhu Xian. On the other hand, it can greatly alleviate the contradiction between the right path, the magic road and the dispersal.

If the right way, the immortal death and death to protect the super dream, this will make the southern Xinjiang's magic and scattered fairy how to think?

"The right way is definitely a huge benefit, but it is not given to us. In the long run, the stronger the right path, the weaker we are, what other life roads do we have? This is about the spiritual resources of the big dream fairy, who does not want to be a big dream Xianzun? With what the right way can occupy possession, without our share?"

It is nothing more than this kind of thinking.

This kind of thinking is of course very dangerous.

Although the righteous forces in southern Xinjiang are powerful, if they are in a hurry, the two demons unite together. If it is not good, it is a battle of the Yitianshan, or a **** battle of the North Plains.

Once the fairy tales business is done, these sorcerers will understand this: Oh, the dream is very dangerous, but it is not. At this stage, the right way, the immortals are powerless, or how can they do this kind of business? Let us take the initiative to try our dreams?

Imagine the dream business, it is the seven turns of the martial arts where the Wu family is stationed here. It is a pity that Fangyuan is more powerful and has a **** relationship.

Fangyuan needs to be stable.

The more stable the better!

He needs a stable environment to explore the dreams here.

Therefore, to avoid the two attacks of the devil here, the Xianyuan business has the need to carry on.

However, Fangyuan cannot participate.

Because of this business, not all righteous families are involved.

This is a very crucial point!

In simple terms, it is uneven.

The Wu family and other six or seven families are doing the right thing, but the other half of the family did not participate.

This situation is also very reasonable.

The immortals are all motivated by the interests. Of course, the fewer the number of participants, the more they will get.

Therefore, it leads to a result - once this kind of fairy business is disclosed, but none of the involved ones can't run. Must be punished, because this is the rule of the game!

This is a pit, of course, the source cannot be trapped.

Wu An and others want to pull him into the gang, but Fang Yuan knows that once the scandal is exposed in the future, he is the master of two immortals, and Wu Yong’s younger brother, who wants to stay here, is also very hung.

Fangyuan certainly does not take this risk.

He tried every possible way to get here, what is it for? Not a dream!

In particular, Wu Yong is not a man who favors his "brother". What is his attitude, but also depends on the specific situation.

But as long as Fang Yuan does not make mistakes and is the master of Xianyu here, the possibility that Wu Yong will transfer him is quite small.

Fang Yuan sees all this as quite transparent.

This is thanks to him five hundred years ago.

Although his cultivation is not very high, but he is mixed with the right way, the magic road, and the scattered, he has a rich and unparalleled life experience.

This makes him in the right path, without the ambiguity and limitations of his own identity. He is fascinated by the political situation here, knowing how to play this life game if he is a good man.

Therefore, he recruited a white rabbit girl.

At the crucial moment, she abandoned her and shirked herself from knowing about it.

Regarding the business of Xianyuan, the money distributed to himself, Fangyuan also handed over to the white rabbit girl.

This kind of interest, he must not touch.

Unlike the magic road, scattered repair, see some treasures of heaven and earth, you must call and kill. The right way can't be played like this, some benefits can be eaten, and some benefits can't be touched.

But what if it is rejected? Will the white rabbit girl and Wu’an refuse to go outside?

That is even more inappropriate.

If Fang Yuan did this, although there was no crisis after the incident, it was the evil of the six or seven. These people are vested interests, the source does not do, no one takes the lead, they do not dare to do. The sense of the source of these people is naturally very poor.

When Fang Yuan arrived at the Super Array, he would offend the political allies who were close to the Wu family.

And other families that have never participated in the Xianyuan business, such as the Pakistani family, the iron family, the merchants, etc., are even more eye-catching.

If Fang Yuan does this, it is undoubtedly self-damaging the city wall, stupid enough to be stupid, stupid enough to be stupid.

The result is very good now.

The Xianyuan business continues to do, and political allies are happy. Bajia and others looked around, but they couldn’t help but be full of party feathers.

In the future, if things are exposed, Fang Yuan will introduce the white rabbit girl, sacrifice it, and only say that he is fond of this woman. I did not expect this woman to be extremely daring, and actually carried it out with her own. He was blinded and completely ignorant.

All in all, Fangyuan is moving forward and backward.

As for those profits, the source is only abandoned.

What he lacks now is not a resource. In the Supreme Immortal, the resources of cultivation are now more than enough to call the vast majority of the seven-turned immortals!

"Next, we will begin to formally try and enter the dream here!" Fang Yuan is ready to act At the same time, in Beiyuan.

The **** battle conference has come to an end.

Hundreds of Heavenly Kings and Medicine Kings did not appear at all, but their influence was throughout.

Chudu’s face is quite ugly.

The situation is obviously unfavorable to him.

Yan Zhen defeated the end, his right hand grabbed his left shoulder. His injury is very serious, the entire left arm is broken, the wound is filled with heterogeneous traces, and it is quite difficult to treat.

"The North Plains Road is really the foundation." Chu degree sighed, and he once again fell into the embarrassing situation of nowhere to be sent.

Qu Zhen was full of hatred and was unwilling to say: "Chudu adults, I have a friend, the strength is stronger than me, but I have been submerging, and my reputation is not obvious."

Chudu is happy and suspicious: "Oh? Why don't you recommend it early?"

Yan Zhen’s embarrassed expression, carefully conveyed: “There is only a little bad, this person is practicing blood.”

Chu Duo suddenly looked calm and did not hesitate to veto: "Absolutely not! Any **** celestial beings are all sorrowful sorrows. The **** battles at the moment are the infighting of our righteousness. How can we involve the bloodstains? Head in?"

Once involved, the other party can easily smear the party, but it is a magical person.

Everything that Chudu did before has been turned into nothing.

This is the rules of the game! 〖Unfinished to be continued〗

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