Reverend Insanity

: Section 230: Inside and outside the array

"Da Xueshan Fudi?!" Zhao Piyun exclaimed.

She looked up and saw a female fairy standing in front of her.

This person lies on the cloud bed, his face is ordinary, dressed in a silk long skirt, a long blue hair, extremely eye-catching, like a river, originating from the top of the female fairy, flowing around the cloud bed, almost covering the entire floor tile .

The female fairy sees the look of Zhao’s pity, not a fake, but also somewhat strange. He asks: “It seems that the five of you have broken into the snowy mountains and blessed land. Isn’t it intentional?”

"Five people?" Zhao Weiyun looked around, only to find himself in a large hall, and she is not alone, there are four companions around.

Four companions awakened one after another.

Although Zhao Liyun has just become a short immortal, she found that these four companions, she basically knows.

The most familiar one is the untrue child. He is the elder of the spiritual fast, and he turns to the celestial being, and is ordered to protect the safety of Zhao.

Yu Yiyezi, the beautiful fairy of this young boy, comes from the ancient soul gate. Although it is only six turns, it is widely recognized as a good performer.

Apply justice, this is also for the teenager, thick eyebrows. Just now, Zhao Weiyun was in the top floor of the wind-filled building. Although Zhao Liyun did not talk with Shi Zheng, he saw his father Shi Ge, because the black light was blazing and completely blind, so the impression was very deep.

The last one, Zhao Liyun did not know, was the first time to meet.

However, apparently knowing this person with justice, he immediately ran to this person and called: "Mu Lingying seniors, how can we suddenly come here?"

It turned out that this person is Mu Lingyu, the waterway Zhuxian, from Lingdie Valley, seven conversions.

"I am also very strange. The space suddenly broke down and threw out five of you." The female fairy opened her mouth and said indifferently. "I broke into the snowy mountain blessings without permission. I am still waiting for you to give me some trouble."

"Da Xueshan Fudi... Is this the snowy mountain blessed land?" Shi Zheng yelled, through the window of the hall, to see the outside world, it was really snowy, and more than a dozen snow peaks stood in the distance.

At the same time, Shi Zhizheng discovered that he was now in the main hall on the top of a snow peak.

Zhongzhou Yuxian quickly reacted.

I really ran to the side of Zhao Liyun, and stared at the female immortal in front of me: "If I don't expect it, you are the ninth peak of the snowy mountain blessings!"

"Da Xueshan Fudi... Fortune is here!" Zhao pity cloud eyes.

The female fairy straightens up the upper body, her face is solemn and nervous: "It turns out that you really came for Ma Hongyun!"

"Yes, hand over Ma Hongyun!" Zhao Liyun drank.

The female fairy hair looked deeply at Zhao Weiyun: "Ma Hongyun is not here. If you want to find it, I am afraid I will go all the way to the first main peak. But there are Wanshou Niangzi and Xuehu ancestors. Stationed, these five of you are probably not enough."

"Things are man-made!" Shi Zhizhi pinched his fist and shouted.

"Even if I die here, I have to save my luck!" Zhao Liyun is extremely determined.

Mu Ling took a few steps before the step: "Our five of us are of course only the vanguard team. There are still eight turns of the sacred squadron. Although your Da Xueshan blessed land is well-placed, there is only one eight-turn singer."

Mu Ling is bluffing.

In fact, the Middle Ages immortals who stayed in the infernal, I am afraid that they are fierce.

If you are truly saved, there are only five people who are Zhao Weiyun.

With the power of love, under the obsession of Zhao Piyun, the five immortals fell directly into the snowy mountain blessings.

The hair color of the hair is slightly changed. She has only turned six times, and the five immortals in front of her are not only crowded, but also two of them.

There are fifteen snow peaks in the Daxueshan Fudi.

Faji was located in the ninth snow peak, and did not expect that the calm was suddenly broken, and the five immortals appeared in front of her without warning.

"I will attack the main attack, you will retreat." Mu Lingying secretly communicated, he refused to let him decide to come forward.

Faji sees it badly, and is busy reaching out: "And slowly, we are friends and non-enemy."

"What do you mean?" It’s not really stopping Mu Ling’s eagerness to move.

I said: "Do you think that I will be willing to sell my life for Xuehu's ancestors? Xuehu's ancestors for the sake of self-interest, forcing me to search for fairy materials, we are miserable, but stunned by Xuehu's ancestors, helpless ""

"To be honest, I have long wanted to vote for honesty. I just thought about the right path of the North Plains. I never expected that you would come from Zhongzhou."

"I don't mean to do it with you. You want to find the troubles of Xuehu's ancestors. I welcome it too late."

"Oh? It's like this..." The unbelievers and Mu Lingyi looked at each other and hesitated.

Faji continued: "Since you have to attack the Da Xueshan, you must have collected relevant information. It is not the opposite. The interior of the Daxue Mountain has already been centrifuged. The Xuehu ancestors have already fallen into madness in order to refine the Qiyun Xianyu. Among them, we completely ignore the feelings of our peaks. Unfortunately, we are subject to him, can not resist, only wait for external help."

Nine continents of the five continents do not speak, they did not expect that there will be such development.

After Mu Ling’s indulgence, he said: “If you want to vote for honesty, you can’t go far enough. If you join our crusade team, you can see you.”

I smiled bitterly: "If I can do it, I will resist. I don't have to temper. If I really join you, can you trust me? There are more than one way to help you. I am willing to arrange the defense inside the Snowy Mountains. , you are told. "

"Oh? You said." Mu Lan Ling nodded.

Ji glance hair in front of five cents, slowly opening:. "Snow Hu ancestors for refining Fortune Qi angel insanity, wantonly transformation Snowy Mountains blessed, but long ago, invited Sun shot list, here we arranged a super insanity array"

"This array of super poison, extremely powerful, with peaks of each peak is the main front eye, through counter-current river. Whenever Chuang front of people, then one can only be a Xuefeng Xuefeng ran past while guarding the main peak Xuefeng, by insanity matrix increase, the six turn was able to show the repair fought seven force. in contrast Chuang array of insanity cents, combat power has been greatly suppressed. under the shift, each one is a storm peaks. even It’s a turn of the Eight Immortals, as long as you don’t destroy this battle, you have to spend some time here.”

"How do we know if your information is true or not?" Mu Ling asked.

Ji hair once again smile: "I said every word is true, you will not believe, can be hands-on verification."

"Good!" Mu Ling's big sleeves turned over, and a wave of water came out of nowhere, and went to the jinjuan.

The singer was not in a hurry, but with a slight line of hair, a long hair suddenly bounced and cast a dam, intercepting the water waves.

Mu Ling suddenly frowned, and after a hit, he had already seen the problem and stopped shooting.

The rest of the Zhongzhou Four Immortals face each other.

Sure enough, as the acquaintance said, the singer here can show seven turns of combat power, while Mu Ling 澜 is a seven-turn 蛊仙, but his offensive has been weakened a lot. The original aggressive method of attacking was actually easily intercepted by the acquaintance.

"This squad is too much too great." Justice was amazed.

The truth did not ask directly: "So, where is the flaw in this battle?"

Faji shook his head: "I am not familiar with this squad, but after these days of exploration, I have some experience and can tell you."

"First of all, the inside and outside of the squad, even if it is a communication, Huang Tiantian can not be formed. At present, only Xuehu ancestors can contact our peaks. The peaks and the lords cannot communicate with each other."

"Secondly, the main peaks are all in a rush, and it seems that they can only stay in the main halls of the peaks and cannot leave the snow peaks. This is my guess, but it should not be separated from the ten."

"Finally, when you are killed!"

The singer suddenly changed his face, and the blue silk on the floor tiles suddenly violently swelled, and the five celestial celestial beings were entangled.

Mu Ling was alert and flew back to the temple.

Zhao Liyun also managed to escape with the help of the untrue child.

In the main hall, the blue silk was heavy, and soon the justice and Yu Yiye were wrapped into two thick blue-haired silkworm cocoons.

"The enchantress is treacherous! Let's do it together!!" Mu Lingyu was furious.

Do not let him speak, not true, Zhao Piyun has already shot.


There was a thunder burst in the ninth snow peak.

The fierce battle broke out instantly.

East China Sea.

A white sword-like dragon's breath, shot in the squad, hit the entire squad constantly shaking.

"Fangyuan is too cautious, has not broken into the squad, what should I do?" Bai Ningbing asked about the shadow.

The film sighed without a sigh, and the answer replied: "I was originally prepared to use this super squad, and compared with the head of the eagle in the hands of Fang Yuan, I tried to find out his bottom. I didn't expect Fangyuan to be outside. Attack, there is no chance at all."

The sword hidden in the dark is even more taboo.

Fang Yuan can of course rely on the upper pole eagle, penetrate the space, and directly into the interior of the array. But in this way, it reveals the fact that his upper pole eagle has only six turns.

How can Fangyuan expose himself to short?

"Although we have a guardianship solid gold soup, but Fang Yuan is active. He is a change of the road, and we are indeed a super-sounding array, Xianyuan consumption, we lose a lot." White condensed ice again.

Stone slaves please fight: "It is better to let me go out to fight and bring him in."

Bai Ningbing sneered with disdain: "How can Fang Yuan’s tyrannical giants be attacked by you, and rush into the battlefield?"

Shinu glared at Bai Ningbing: "What do you say?"

"Nothing." Shadows are innocent, "When I am a little laid out, I will leave my nephew to confuse him. We will secretly use the ancient battles in all directions, leave here and take him off. As long as we win the time, we have arrived in Beiyuan. Converging with the eight-turn 蛊仙, is the time to turn to deal with Fangyuan."

White condensed ice sinks into the water: "You let me arrange this squad, just to abandon it? The cockroaches here are gone, and the celestial beings will be abandoned?!"

Ps: Everyone goes to bed early and it will be updated tomorrow. (~^~)

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