Reverend Insanity

: Section 237: Swordsmanship

Taibaiyunsheng majored in the Tao, but as the people, the two immortals, such as Jiangshan, fell into the hands of Fangyuan. In the East China Sea, they chose the Yundao. He originally had the foundation of Yundao, and the collection of shadows was rich. There was no shortage of Yundao true biography. At this time, the means of defense was also very good.

It was just that Baiyunsheng gave the present to the immortal body, and after adding a cloud ring, his face became less beautiful.

The use of the sacred killings in the boundary wall will trigger the shock of the fairy scorpion every time.

After using the Xiandao killing trick five times in a row, five earthquakes occurred in his fairy, and the loss was not small.

"A little bit of meaning." Fang Yuan snorted, and the dragon body swam away and easily flew to the sky.

The five immortals, such as the shadowless evil, saw this scene, and each face was gloomy.

In this boundary, they are struggling, and they resist the invisible rejection or attraction at all times.

On the other hand, Fang Yuan is free and easy to move.

Fang Yuan flew to the sky and immediately occupied the air power. He is condescending, wandering around, Zhang mouth constantly spouting dragon's breath, for a time Jianguang is raining, aiming at the top of the five cents head down.

"Be careful, do not separate, so as not to be broken by him alone!" Shadow innocent shouts, reminding everyone.

Seeing the Jianguang cover down, the shadows suddenly open and roar, giving a very sharp and harsh sound.

The fairy road kills the soul.

The power of the soul screams completely over the sky, and there is no smashing of the surrounding celestial beings, showing the incomprehensible manipulation.

The Fangyuan offensive was suddenly contained. Jianguang Long has an obvious pause. But it quickly recovered.

"Since I am looking for the troubles of the shadows, I will not be prepared to guard against the attack of the soul." Fang Yuan sneered.

He has already been psychologically prepared.

However, he did not have the restraint of the soul to protect the soul, so it was just hit and affected.

However, Fang Yuan’s own soul is very strong. The damage of Soul, for him. It is completely affordable. Even if the soul is injured, it doesn't matter, because Fang Yuan has the courage to look at it!

"Damn." Shadow without a curse, while defending against the Jianguang Dragon.

He also knows that Fang Yuan has the courage to know.

Although the courage is only a singularity, it is derived from the Wandering Mountain, and it is naturally different.

Like the heaven and earth mysterious world. The traces of the road are extremely large. According to the total amount, it will exceed the number of nine cents. However, in the secrets of heaven and earth, they have always been scattered track marks, which may be the same kind, densely arranged together. The nine-turn fairy scorpion is the avenue fragment, which can be manipulated by the celestial beings to exert the mysterious power.

Nine turns between Xian and the secrets of heaven and earth. Can't really compare the high and low.


The sword is as light as rain, and the five cents are almost unable to lift their heads.

There are sword marks everywhere on the ground.

The five immortals were pressed like this, and naturally felt very uncomfortable.

The best way to cope with this kind of intensive attack is to spread it out and avoid it. But in this way, Fangyuan has the opportunity to break through!

However, the Five Immortals were not blindly beaten, and the stone slaves were finally brewed, and they showed their talents.


In the midst of the muffled sound, the ground shook. A large hand formed entirely of mud and stones, extending from the ground.

The big hand and the five fingers open, slowly covering the top of the five cents, and will be in the palm of your hand. The thick palm back is subjected to the fierce attack of Jianguanglong.

Despite the fact that the dirt road was quickly beaten and unsustainable, it took advantage of this opportunity. Hei Loulan is also brewing.

She stretched out her right hand, and the five fingers came together, and they met a little and slammed into the sky.

call out!

Suddenly a red hot glowing light burst out from her fingers, and it was able to penetrate the entire palm and come to Fangyuan with lightning speed.

The speed of this immortal killing is so amazing. During the period, there are also big roads to cover the screen. If you are not careful, you will definitely be shot.

However, this line of fire did not hit the Chinese source, and he flew easily around the body of the dragon, directly dodging.

"There was no hit!" Hei Loulan sank in his heart.

After the three interest, it is now.

Hei Loulan does not know that Fangyuan still has such an esoteric investigation and killing trick.

"Strange, the black Loulan is the force of the immortal, the display of the way of the road, actually not subject to the slightest trace of the trace. Presumably should be the means of the shadows. After all, the supreme fetus is designed by the demon spirit." Loulan worked and was not working, but was seen some details.

Soon, the dirt road collapsed and the sword light continued to suppress.

However, the five immortals did not panic before, one by one to display the immortal killing tricks, to prevent the sword rain.

"So what about this trick? Let me see how you deal with it." Fang Yuan firmly took the initiative and easily displayed another killing trick.

The sacred year of the beast was called.


A tiger-shaped beast was summoned and appeared in the boundary wall to help Fangyuan fight.

Fang Yuan throws out a large number of ordinary grades, and the tiger-shaped beast has a great morale, and rushes to the five immortals such as the shadowless evil.

The stone slaves were full of bitterness, and the swords and dragons had already made them tired to cope. At this time, another ancient animal was spoiled.

This year's beast is also moving forward and backward in the boundary wall.

The reason is similar to the original cloud beast. The cloud beast is a life in the daytime. It is not the native of the five domains, and it is not affected by the boundary wall.

The same is true of the Year of the Beast living in the long river.

"Let me come." The shadows came out without any evil, and showed a very similar means.

The Soul of the Soul is called!

At that time, the Ghost Respect created the soul path, and the shadow sect was the power to play the soul. Black can imagine the annual beast call, how can there be no similar means for the shadow?

The shadowless and unscrupulous shots are extraordinary, and they summoned three ancient soul beasts.

"My soul beasts are also unaffected by the boundary wall, because they are all from the door of life and death!"

The innocent pride did not last long, because he saw that the sword of Fang Yuan’s change had been culled.

The swordsman wandered, and it was so fast.

When the dragon claws are stretched out, the head of a soul beast is directly blasted.

As soon as the dragon tail smashed, one of the thighs of another soul beast was broken.

After opening the mouth again, Jianguang Long Cave wears the third head of the ancient soul beast.

The sword of the change of Fangyuan itself has a good fighting power. What is more crucial is that there is also a sacred killer in Fangyuan.

This makes it impossible for any one soul beast to sense his existence.

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s original combat power surpassed the ancient soul beast, and the soul beast could not sense the existence of Fangyuan. Fangyuan has an extremely huge advantage against the war soul beast!

These three soul beasts are ignorant and unresponsive, and they are hit hard by Fang Yuan.

Fortunately, there is no obvious weakness in the soul beast. Otherwise, it has long been solved by Fang Yuan.

Even so, the body of the Soul is obviously thin and becomes more and more transparent.

Although the shadow is not good-looking, but it is also sitting on the source of the three heads of the ancient soul beast, no more shots.

Innocent in the shadow: "It doesn't matter, even if you have killed these three ancient soul beasts, how can you? I will once again provoke the killing, you will be able to summon the three ancient souls again. What is the most in the life and death? Undoubtedly the soul and the soul beast!"

But at this time, Fang Yuan suddenly gave up the entanglement with the ancient soul beast, and suddenly spurred the immortal sword.

Sword 遁 蛊!

The speed of Fangyuan suddenly broke out, leaving a residual image directly in place.

Hurry up!

Taibaiyun did not react, and was hit by Fang Yuan.

The cloud ring of the body protects directly collapses. The white cloud is broken by the dragon claws, and the large intestine is smashed.

"I didn't kill it?" Fang Yuan was surprised.

He originally wanted to spurt the dragon's breath. After all, Jianguang Longxiong was the most powerful weapon of Jian Jian, but at the crucial moment, his dragon's mouth was inexplicably added a layer of ice.

Fang Yuan couldn't open his mouth and had to use dragon claws.

But the speed is too fast, too rushed, Fangyuan did not use all the power, but also the cloud protection ring of Taibaisheng offset most of the power, so it was too white clouds to survive.

"It's Bai Ningbing!" Fang Yuan tried hard to force open the dragon's mouth and directly break the ice layer that sealed the dragon's mouth.

Fang Yuan looked back, just as he was charging too fast, and it was a few miles away from the Five Immortals.

At this time, Bai Ningbing has been blocked in front of the Four Immortals, her ice blue scorpion reveals the cold light, and looks at Fangyuan without fear.

"Quick and fast!" Hei Loulan grabbed the legs of Baiyunsheng and pulled him to the end.

Then, she leaned down and applied treatment, but it was a shame that Baiyun was seriously injured and there was no sign of relief for the time.

Once Zhu Xian was injured, it was so difficult.

Road mark rejection!

The ancient swords of Fangyuan changed, and once wounds were created, a large number of kendo tracks were left. This makes the human body that is too fragile and too fragile.

"Oh, if I was someone, then it would not be so troublesome." With this said, too, Baiyunsheng was caught in a coma, and his life was on the line.

This is still the result of the efforts of Hei Loulan.

"The **** source, the real purpose is to kill too white clouds!"

He took the road of Fangyuan.

Fangyuan is entangled with the soul Actually, since the beginning of the war, I have been looking for fighters. He is afraid that he will aim at the body of Taibaisheng.

After all, too Baiyunsheng is the weakest member of the Five Immortals.

Persimmons should be softly pinched!

"Tai Baiyunsheng has not been able to count on it!" How long does it take to fight? There have been attritions on the side of the party. How do you deal with such a strong and sinister source?


At this moment, Fang Yuan’s heart snorted and felt something wrong.

He stretched the dragon's body and was surprised to find that the scales were covered with a thin layer of ice.

"The eyes of Bai Ningbing are strange!" Fang Yuan suddenly reacted.

"If you want to fight back the source, you must first curb his speed." In the eyes of Bai Ningbing, the coldness is overflowing. He also has clear thinking and judgment on the entire battle! (To be continued.)


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