Reverend Insanity

: Section 128: If the winter is not chilling, why do you see Yang Chun!

The mountain rock forest is still filled with a dark red light. The root stone column hangs from the top of the cave, such as the long towering giant wood, which is spectacular.

"It’s been more than a month since I entered here last time." Fang Yuan thought, some helpless.

Since the Mitsubishi League, the surrounding wolves have been continually smashed, so that there is always a sergeant in the vicinity of the secret hole. In this case, even if the source has hidden scales and stealth, there is a danger of exposure.

Fang Yuan is cautious, and he has had enough patience during his five-year career. He has been restrained during this time and has not come here.

Until the winter and spring, the wolf was swept clean, and the sergeant entered and left less. Fang Yuan then circled a large circle in the outer door, and then used the hidden scales, and came all the way to stealth.

More than a month has passed, and some stone monkeys have migrated on the passages that have been opened.

Fortunately, the number of monkeys is relatively rare.

Fangyuan spent a lot of effort to kill the monkeys all the way and finally resisted the most central part of Shilin.

Under the shadow of a huge stone pillar, a hole that is obviously artificially opened appears in front of his eyes.

In the hole, the rough stone steps lead to the dark underground.

Fang Yuan urged Bai Yuxi, and covered a layer of light jade light under his body, carefully picking up the steps.

His left hand held a torch, and the right palm of his hand lit up the moonlight of the moon - Moon Mang is already ready to go.

There is a darkness around, even if there is a torch, it can only illuminate the distance of five steps.

In this case, it would be much better if there was an illuminated locust. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan’s family is not so rich.

Step by step. After a long walk, he went to the end of the stone steps.

A rough stone door appeared in front of Fangyuan.

"The Golden Cave is killing the disaster, and you can use it to avoid the murder." Fang Yuan raised the torch and found some words on the stone door.

Listen to...

Kim Min...

Fang Yuan picked up his eyes, and the light flashed for a while, and he realized it.

"If I didn't expect it..." He crouched down and touched the ground with his hand. Soon I felt a wet land in front of the stone gate.

"Yes." He smiled in his heart and dug the soil with his hands. He found a hidden flower.

Carefully pry the petals away. He took a locust from the flower.

This cockroach is quite special.

It is like a human ear, just a little smaller, the whole body is earthy yellow. Dry and dumb

Pinch in the hand, some dry, like a pickled radish, with a little warmth.

On the periphery of the ear, the roots extend outward. These slender roots are dozens of roots, like ginseng.

This is a two-turn grasshopper, which people call it.

Looking at the ground in the hands of the earweed, Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed a few times.

This place can be used for reconnaissance in time for listening to the ear grass. It is suitable for him.

There is a big advantage in listening to the earweed, that is, the reconnaissance distance is as far as three hundred steps. This distance is quite outstanding in the two-turn reconnaissance locust.

Moreover, listening to the ear grass is easy to feed.

Its food is the ginseng's ginseng.

The southern part of the world is mostly deep forests. Ginseng is much more than on earth. The hunters go up the mountain to hunt and pick up some things from time to time.

In particular, ginseng is easy to store, as long as it is dry, it can be stored for a long time after sealing at room temperature.

The petals of the moon will wither within a few days, but the ginseng can be stored for a long time.

"The locusts are raised, used, and refined. These three aspects are profound and profound, and the mystery is extraordinary. Although it is easy to raise the ear grass, it is more troublesome to use." Fang Yuan is dark. He held the land and listened to the earweed, and the real element secretly reminded him, and he refining it in an instant.

It is very good to listen to the earweed, and it is comparable to many three-turn locusts in the distance of reconnaissance. But God is fair. To listen to the earweed, you can't refine it, you still have to pay some price.

It is like a zombie, a wood charm, and must be used together with some other mites. Otherwise, if you use it for a long time, your body will be eroded and become a real zombie or tree.

"A lot of locusts, but refining and chemical success, but they can not be used, still need some special conditions. This is the case with the earweed. If I have this, I can listen to the real and real, really do it in the wolf tide. You can use this wave of wolves to achieve some goals..."

Fangyuan thought about it and decided to use this land to listen to the earweed.

The gains are greater than the losses, so even if it is to pay the price, for the future, it is nothing.

"No matter which world, no pay, where to harvest?" Fang Yuan sneered in the heart, the earth will listen to the ear of the ear.

He looked at Shimen deeply and turned and left.

If it is not bad, the other side of Shimen will have a sinister danger. You need to listen to the ear grass to avoid it.

Fangyuan quit the secret hole, but he was not busy turning the cottage. Instead, he turned a few laps and hunted a few lonely wolves. He got a few pairs of wolf eyes, and then he went back.

On the list of the martial arts, he is still the last one. He walks on the street, and some of the sorcerers who know him have cast a faint, scornful look on him.

Fang Yuan does not care, he still does his own thing.

In the next few days, he used a meager battle to exchange the ginseng, and the good child fed the land to listen to the ear grass, and let it return to a full state of life.

Most of the family's attention has been involved in the wolf tide, no one is concerned about Fangyuan. If it was before, there would be some entanglement in the father and aunt, but since Fangyuan resold the property, there was no movement there.

It’s hard to make things clear, and the dark things are good.

Soon, Fangyuan completed some preparatory work in a low-key and smooth manner.

This night, the moon star is thin.

The moon hangs like a jade plate, and the soft night is like a gauze, covering the Qingmao Mountain.

From time to time, there was a wolf screaming from afar.

Fangyuan closed the doors and windows and stood naked on the floor of the renter. On the small table in front of him. There is a basin filled with warm water, a white towel on the side of the basin, and a sharp dagger on the white cotton cloth.

Even the floor on which he stood was covered with a thick layer of cloth.

A glimpse of the moonlight, through the gaps in the window, reflected on the table.

Fang Yuan was indifferent and reached for the dagger. The blade is bright. Through the cold, you can use it as a mirror.

In the low light, the teenager's eyebrows are reflected on the dagger. There is a coldness.

At this moment, Fang Yuan could not help but think of a martial arts secret book "Sunflower Collection" on the earth.

The first sentence on the first page of "The Sunflower Collection" is "to practice this work. Swing the knife from the palace."

To gain the power of quick success, you must give up and pay!

How about the palace?

Without such a near-cruel decision and cut-off, how can you achieve wild vision and achieve hegemony?

If you want to pay without it, you will get it. It is a fairy tale that deceives children.

Change to the current situation of Fangyuan, in order to use this place to listen to the earweed, pay a little price to calculate what! ?

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan suddenly sneered.

He pointed his finger at the abdomen and gently stroked the cold blade. Slamming out loud -

If the moon is full of frost, the knife is especially cold.

If the winter is not chilling, why do you see Yang Chun!

The voice just fell, he shot lightning.

The hand fell and the blood was shining.

A piece of meat fell on the table -

The entire right ear of Fangyuan was cut off. The blood spewed out.

At the time, he first felt his ears cool, and then a strong pain hit.

He gritted his teeth and took a sigh of cold air, forcibly resisting the pain and calling the ear grass from the open air.

This land listened to the ear grass and was raised by him. It is not the same as the one just taken out.

When it was just taken out of the tibetan flowers, it was dull and dry, but now it is warm and mellow, fat and big, rising to the size of an adult's palm.

Touched in the hand, it is elastic, like the hanging ears of Buddha statues on the earth.

Fang Yuan will listen to the earweed to the wound on the head side, and a red iron real element will follow the perfusion.

The roots of the earweeds had a kinetic power, and began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, rooted in the wounds of Fangyuan.

This is another pain!

Fang Yuan seems to feel that there are dozens of cockroaches coming into the head from the wound.

This feeling is not only painful, but also a kind of disgusting.

In general, this process, the sergeant will use some other mites to paralyze their own nerves. However, Fang Yuan has no such conditions, and can only rely on his own steel-like willpower to pick up.

In the end, it was the body of a teenager. Fang Yuan suffered such a severe pain, and the body could not help but start shaking.

More and more roots are extending into the wound. Slowly, the earthworms and the **** wounds were glued together and became the new right ear of Fangyuan.

In the end, the wound no longer bleeds, even the scars.

However, Fang Yuan’s face was pale, and the pain was only slightly reduced, still afflicting him.

He has a blue vein in his head and his heart beats rapidly.

At this point, it has been successful, but Fang Yuan’s body still needs time to adapt to the music.

He took the mirror first and took a photo with a slight moonlight.

I saw the mirror, my face was pale, my brow was slightly wrinkled. The ear on the left is small, but the ear on the right is twice as big as fat, and some are deformed.

Fang Yuan was not surprised. Instead, after a few moments, he found no problems and felt a satisfaction.

He put down the mirror, took the cloth towel, and stained the warm water in the basin to start wiping the blood.

He didn't wear clothes, and the blood was cleaned up very conveniently. Some blood flowed to the feet and was absorbed by the cotton cloth that was previously laid on the floor.

Fang Yuan cleared the Finally picked up his original right ear on the table.

He snorted, and the palm of his hand was reminded of the moon. Just twist your right ear into a minced meat and kill the dead.

The remaining blood of the basin was taken from the source to the bottom of the bed, and another piece of coal was thrown in.

After doing all this, Fang Yuan was lying on the bed.

The pain has weakened most of the time, but it still afflicts him.

Fang Yuan felt his first burst of pain, and suddenly jumped with his heartbeat.

I don't know how long it took, he finally fell asleep.

(ps: I have revisited the previous article these days. It may be focused on expressing the anger of the heart, leading to a feeling of similar preaching, and a slow pace. I have made some thoughts, I will make some adjustments in the future, and I will pay attention to the plot advancement. Write a novel, more purely tell the story, make the text more smooth.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, monthly pass, your support, is my greatest motivation.)


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