Reverend Insanity

: Section 13: Bamboo forest under the moon, 1 point of snow

About a hundred years ago, a genius appeared in the ancient moon family.

He is a talented, young man, and he has already cultivated to the point of five-shift masters, and there is a further possibility. The famous Qingmao Mountain has unlimited scenery and is entrusted with hope and responsibility by the people.

He is the four generations of patriarchs in the history of the ancient moon.

It is a pity that the four generations of patriarchs are protecting the tribes, and the battle is also the devil's head of the five-turn sorcerer. Although after a big fierce battle, he defeated the wine drinker and let the devil plead for mercy.

But in the end, the four generations of patriarchs were not careful, and they were sneaked in by the flowers and drinkers.

Four generations of roaring flowers and winewalkers, but they are also seriously injured, and they died young.

This tragic story has been passed down to the present and is widely known for the ancient Yue people.

However, Fang Yuan understands that this story cannot be trusted. Because it has a huge loophole in itself.

One month after the previous life, a sorcerer who was drunk because of his love affair, drunk and lying outside the cottage, the result of the overflowing wine fragrance, accidentally attracted a worm.

The sergeant chased the worm, found the remains of the flower stalker in a underground cave, and also had the legacy of the flower lover.

The sergeant rushed back to the family and slammed the matter, causing a huge sensation.

After the storm gradually subsided, he also benefited from it. He got the worm, improved it, and abandoned his girlfriend instead of chasing him. This made him a man of the moment.

The story has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is normal to leave. However, in Fang Yuan’s memory, the saying that the sergeant found the remains is extremely authentic, but he also suspects that other truths may be hidden.

"I didn't notice it before, but these days I explored and analyzed and found that this incident is not awkward." The night is getting thicker, Fangyuan is walking in the bamboo forest around the cottage, and my heart is reviewing and integrating all the known clues. .

"Let's think about it, suppose that I am the teacher, and found the remains of the wine drinkers. Why don't you alone swallow the family? Instead of mentioning the family's sense of honor, people are greedy. What prompted the sergeant to violate the desires in the vest and willingly abandon all the interests and tell the story to the top of the family?"

The truth is always hidden in the fog of history, and Fangyuan is thinking hard and has no results.

After all, there are too few clues. The only two clues are true and false, and they cannot be fully believed.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but think of himself: "No matter what, after I bought this algae, I have only two yuan stones left. If I can't find the remains, I can be in trouble. Today's move is a desperate attempt. !"

However, he refining the locusts, Yuanshi is not enough. Instead of investing in this wine, increase the success rate of this trip.

If you change to someone else, most of them will go to the Yuanshi.

But the other side of the source, the efficiency is too low. He would rather take the risk and fight.

People in the Magic Road always like to take risks.

At the moment.

The night is getting thicker and the spring is like a bow.

The clouds obscured the moonlight as if it were a layer of muslin on the crescent.

Because of the heavy rain that lasted for three days and three nights, the turbidity in the mountains was washed clean, leaving only the purest freshness.

This kind of fresh air is pure like a piece of white paper, which is more conducive to the spread of wine. This is one of the reasons why Fangyuan is full of confidence tonight.

"There is no exploration in this area." He went to a bamboo forest and stopped.

The first seven days of exploration are not without gain. At least it proved that the wine drinkers did not die in those places.

This is the second reason for Fangyuan’s confidence.

In the bamboo forest, the grass is fragrant, the white flowers are long, and the green spears are quite straight, such as roots and jade.

Fang Yuan opened the mud seal of the small jar, and suddenly a burst of rich wine scented.

Green bamboo wine can be said to be the first good wine in the ancient moon cottage. This is the third reason why Fangyuan is full of confidence tonight.

"There are three reasons for this. If you want to succeed, you must be tonight!" Fang Yuan secretly sighed in his heart, while slowly tilting the jar, pouring a small amount of green bamboo wine and dripping on the stone.

If the few hunters see this scene, they must be distressed. This wine can be worth two yuan stone...

But Fangyuan is indifferent.

The mellow wine quickly spreads out. In the night, the breeze is gentle, the fragrance is floating, and the bamboo forest is soaked.

Fangyuan stood in the same place, smelling the wine and waiting for a moment, but did not see any movement.

I only heard a nightingale bird, screaming not far away, and the sound was like a silver bell.

His eyes were quiet and not unexpected. He moved away and turned to the next one a few hundred meters away.

Here, he did the same, and poured out a bottle of wine, standing in the same place waiting for a moment.

So many times and five times, I turned a few directions and poured a few times of wine. There is not much leftover in the jar.

"The last time." Fang Yuan sighed in his heart and turned the jar of wine in his hands. The bottom of the altar was turned to the sky, and only the remaining one was dumped.

The wine was sprinkled in the grass, the grass swayed, the wild flowers wet the wine, and the head fell slightly.

Fang Yuan stood in the same place, staring at the surroundings with the last hope.

The night is deep.

A rich cloud cape obscures the moonlight here.

The shadow darkness is like a curtain covering the bamboo forest.

Surrounded by silence, a green spear was standing alone, leaving a straight line of straight down in Fang Yuan’s eyes.

He stood still in silence, listening to his extremely clear breathing, and then feeling the remaining hope in his chest, constantly passing, empty.

"Is it still a failure?" he muttered. "The three major advantages of the night are accumulated together, and there is no success. I can't find the shadow of the worm. This means that the success rate will be lower in the future. I have only one body left. The next two yuan stones, but also refining the moonlight. Can not take risks any more."

The result of the adventure is often not ideal. But once it is the ideal result, the benefits must be considerable.

Fang Yuan likes to take risks, but he doesn't gamble. He is not the kind of gambler who wants to turn the book.

He has his own bottom line and he knows his own money.

Now, five hundred years of life experience, tell him that it is time to stop.

Sometimes, life is like this, often there is such a goal, it is so beautiful, full of temptation. It seems to be close at hand, but it takes a lot of trouble, but it never reaches it. Let people turn to the forwarding side, think and convince.

"This is the helplessness of life, and the charm of life." Fang Yuan shook his head with a smile, turned and left.

Just at this time.

A gust of wind blew, like a gentle arm, gently swaying the clouds in the night sky.

The clouds floated past, revealing the shaded crescent.

The crescent bends and hangs in the sky, like a white jade, pouring down the clear moonlight.

The moonlight is poured over the bamboo forest, and it is poured over the rocks poured into the stream and spread over the square.

Fang Yuan wore a plain dress, and the young face was whiter under the soft touch of the moonlight.

The darkness seemed to have faded in an instant, and it was replaced by the snowy frost of the land.

It seems that it was infected by the moonlight, and the nightingale of the sound began to re-tweet. This time there was more than one, but there were only a few, scattered in the bamboo forest, and responded one after another.

At the same time, a dragon who lives in the mountains and activities under the moonlight also sings the song of life.

They came out at night, and the red-colored insects on their bodies jumped out in groups, and each of them flashed red agate.

Fang Yuanzhen glanced at it at a glance. This group of dragon pill is like a red water that can jump, stepping on the grass and wildflowers, and leap forward in the bamboo forest under the moon.

In the bamboo forest, if the water is empty, the green spear bamboo of the jasper shines in the moonlight, flashing the brilliance of the jade.

In the moment, nature reveals her beautiful beauty to Fang Yuan.

Fangyuan unconsciously stopped and felt like being in a fairyland.

He had already turned and left, but at the moment he subconsciously turned around again.

The wildflowers that dumped the green bamboo wine trembled in the wind, still empty.

The party originated from a mocking smile and regained sight.


I didn't want to see a little white snow shadow in the process of raising my eyes.

This snow shadow is attached to a green spear bamboo pole not far away, in the moonlight, like a round pearl hanging.

Fang Yuan's eyes were violently expanded, his body trembled a little, his heart suddenly moved, and he jumped faster and faster.

It is a worm!

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